expect = require('chai').expect fs = require('fs') nock = require('nock') url = require('url') sinon = require('sinon') server = require('./server') settings = require('../settings') token = require('../token/token') data = require('../data/data') mock = require('../../../tests/utils/mock') johnDoeFixture = require('../../../tests/fixtures/johndoe.json') TEST_URI = settings.remoteUrl URI = ok: '/ok' nojson: '/nojson' error: '/error' RESPONSE = nojson: 'NO JSON RESPONSE' STATUS = ok: 'ok' error: 'error' METHODS = [ 'GET' 'HEAD' 'POST' 'PUT' 'DELETE' 'PATCH' ] describe 'Server:', -> before -> mock.connection.init() after -> mock.connection.restore() beforeEach (done) -> nock(TEST_URI).get(URI.nojson).reply(200, RESPONSE.nojson) nock(TEST_URI).get(URI.error).reply(400, status: STATUS.error) for method in METHODS lowercaseMethod = method.toLowerCase() nock(TEST_URI)[lowercaseMethod](URI.ok).reply(200, status: STATUS.ok) mock.fs.init() data.prefix.set(settings.dataPrefix, done) afterEach -> mock.fs.restore() describe '#request()', -> it 'should make a real HTTP request', (done) -> server.request { method: 'GET' url: URI.ok }, (error, response) -> return done(error) if error? expect(response.body.status).to.equal(STATUS.ok) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) done() it 'should make a GET request if method is omitted', (done) -> server.request { url: URI.ok }, (error, response) -> return done(error) if error? expect(response.request.method).to.equal('GET') done() checkRequestType = (type) -> return (done) -> server.request { method: type url: URI.ok }, (error, response) -> return done(error) if error? expect(response.request.method).to.equal(type) done() for method in METHODS it("should make a #{method} request if method is #{method}", checkRequestType(method)) it 'should get a raw response of response is not JSON', (done) -> server.request { method: 'GET' url: URI.nojson }, (error, response) -> return done(error) if error? expect(response.body).to.equal(RESPONSE.nojson) done() it 'should parse the body', (done) -> server.request { method: 'GET' url: URI.ok }, (error, response, body) -> expect(error).to.not.exist expect(body).to.be.an.object expect(body).not.to.be.a.string done() it 'should be able to send data in the body', (done) -> body = { hello: 'world' } server.request { method: 'POST' url: URI.ok json: body }, (error, response) -> return done(error) if error? expect(response.request.body.toString()).to.equal(JSON.stringify(body)) done() it 'should throw an error if method is unknown', (done) -> server.request { method: 'FOO' url: URI.ok }, (error, response) -> expect(error).to.exist expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error) done() it 'should throw an error if the status code is >= 400', (done) -> server.request { method: 'GET' url: URI.error }, (error, response) -> expect(error).to.exist expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error) done() it 'should accept a full url', (done) -> server.request { method: 'GET' url: url.resolve(settings.remoteUrl, URI.ok) }, (error, response) -> expect(error).to.not.exist expect(response.body.status).to.equal(STATUS.ok) done() it 'should allow piping files', (done) -> onProgressSpy = sinon.spy() outputFile = '/hello' server.request { method: 'GET' url: URI.nojson pipe: fs.createWriteStream(outputFile) }, (error) -> expect(error).to.not.exist expect(onProgressSpy).to.have.been.called fs.readFile outputFile, { encoding: 'utf8' }, (error, contents) -> expect(error).to.not.exist expect(contents).to.equal(RESPONSE.nojson) done() , onProgressSpy checkRequestTypeWithoutBody = (type) -> return (done) -> lowercaseType = type.toLowerCase() server[lowercaseType] URI.ok, (error, response) -> return done(error) if error? expect(response.request.method).to.equal(type) done() describe '#get()', -> it('should be a facade to request()', checkRequestTypeWithoutBody('GET')) describe '#head()', -> it('should be a facade to request()', checkRequestTypeWithoutBody('HEAD')) describe '#delete()', -> it('should be a facade to request()', checkRequestTypeWithoutBody('DELETE')) checkRequestTypeWithBody = (type, body) -> return (done) -> lowercaseType = type.toLowerCase() server[lowercaseType] URI.ok, body, (error, response) -> return done(error) if error? expect(response.request.method).to.equal(type) done() describe '#post()', -> it('should be a facade to request()', checkRequestTypeWithBody('POST', { hello: 'world' })) describe '#put()', -> it('should be a facade to request()', checkRequestTypeWithBody('PUT', { hello: 'world' })) describe '#patch()', -> it('should be a facade to request()', checkRequestTypeWithBody('PATCH', { hello: 'world' })) describe 'given there is a token', -> beforeEach (done) -> token.saveToken(johnDoeFixture.token, done) describe '#request()', -> it 'should send the Authorization header', (done) -> server.request { method: 'GET' url: URI.ok }, (error, response) -> authorizationHeader = response?.request.headers.Authorization expect(error).to.not.exist expect(authorizationHeader).to.exist expect(authorizationHeader).to.equal("Bearer #{johnDoeFixture.token}") done() describe 'given there is not a token', -> beforeEach (done) -> token.clearToken(done) describe '#request()', -> it 'should not send the Authorization header', (done) -> server.request { method: 'GET' url: URI.ok }, (error, response) -> expect(error).to.not.exist authorizationHeader = response?.request.headers.Authorization expect(authorizationHeader).to.not.exist done()