/** * @license * Copyright 2016-2020 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { flags } from '@oclif/command'; import Command from '../../command'; import * as cf from '../../utils/common-flags'; import { getBalenaSdk, stripIndent } from '../../utils/lazy'; import { runCommand } from '../../utils/helpers'; interface FlagsDef { application?: string; app?: string; yes: boolean; advanced: boolean; 'os-version'?: string; drive?: string; config?: string; help: void; } export default class DeviceInitCmd extends Command { public static description = stripIndent` Initialise a device with balenaOS. Initialise a device by downloading the OS image of a certain application and writing it to an SD Card. Note, if the application option is omitted it will be prompted for interactively. `; public static examples = [ '$ balena device init', '$ balena device init --application MyApp', ]; public static usage = 'device init'; public static flags: flags.Input = { application: cf.application, app: cf.app, yes: cf.yes, advanced: flags.boolean({ char: 'v', description: 'show advanced configuration options', }), 'os-version': flags.string({ description: stripIndent` exact version number, or a valid semver range, or 'latest' (includes pre-releases), or 'default' (excludes pre-releases if at least one stable version is available), or 'recommended' (excludes pre-releases, will fail if only pre-release versions are available), or 'menu' (will show the interactive menu) `, }), drive: flags.string({ char: 'd', description: stripIndent` the drive to write the image to, eg. \`/dev/sdb\` or \`/dev/mmcblk0\`. \ Careful with this as you can erase your hard drive. \ Check \`balena util available-drives\` for available options. `, }), config: flags.string({ description: 'path to the config JSON file, see `balena os build-config`', }), help: cf.help, }; public static authenticated = true; public async run() { const { flags: options } = this.parse(DeviceInitCmd); // Imports const { promisify } = await import('bluebird'); const rimraf = promisify(await import('rimraf')); const tmp = await import('tmp'); const tmpNameAsync = promisify(tmp.tmpName); tmp.setGracefulCleanup(); const balena = getBalenaSdk(); const patterns = await import('../../utils/patterns'); const Logger = await import('../../utils/logger'); const logger = Logger.getLogger(); // Consolidate application options options.application = options.application || options.app; delete options.app; // Get application and const application = await balena.models.application.get( options['application'] || (await patterns.selectApplication()), ); // Register new device const deviceUuid = balena.models.device.generateUniqueKey(); console.info(`Registering to ${application.app_name}: ${deviceUuid}`); await balena.models.device.register(application.id, deviceUuid); const device = await balena.models.device.get(deviceUuid); // Download OS, configure, and flash const tmpPath = (await tmpNameAsync()) as string; try { logger.logDebug(`Downloading OS image...`); await this.downloadOsImage(tmpPath, application.device_type, options); logger.logDebug(`Configuring OS image...`); await this.configureOsImage(tmpPath, device.uuid, options); logger.logDebug(`Writing OS image...`); await this.writeOsImage(tmpPath, application.device_type, options); } catch (e) { // Remove device in failed cases try { logger.logDebug(`Process failed, removing device ${device.uuid}`); await balena.models.device.remove(device.uuid); } catch (e) { // Ignore removal failures, and throw original error } throw e; } finally { // Remove temp download logger.logDebug(`Removing temporary OS image download...`); await rimraf(tmpPath); } console.log('Done'); return device.uuid; } async downloadOsImage(path: string, deviceType: string, options: FlagsDef) { const osVersion = options['os-version'] || 'default'; await runCommand( `os download ${deviceType} --output '${path}' --version ${osVersion}`, ); } async configureOsImage(path: string, uuid: string, options: FlagsDef) { let configureCommand = `os configure ${path} --device ${uuid}`; if (options.config) { configureCommand += ` --config ${options.config}`; } else if (options.advanced) { configureCommand += ' --advanced'; } await runCommand(configureCommand); } async writeOsImage(path: string, deviceType: string, options: FlagsDef) { let osInitCommand = `os initialize '${path}' --type ${deviceType}`; if (options.yes) { osInitCommand += ' --yes'; } if (options.drive) { osInitCommand += ` --drive ${options.drive}`; } await runCommand(osInitCommand); } }