import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'; import * as chokidar from 'chokidar'; import * as Dockerode from 'dockerode'; import Livepush, { ContainerNotRunningError } from 'livepush'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as path from 'path'; import { Composition } from 'resin-compose-parse'; import { BuildTask } from 'resin-multibuild'; import Logger = require('../logger'); import DeviceAPI, { DeviceInfo, Status } from './api'; import { DeviceDeployOptions, generateTargetState, rebuildSingleTask, } from './deploy'; import { BuildError } from './errors'; import { getServiceColourFn } from './logs'; // How often do we want to check the device state // engine has settled (delay in ms) const DEVICE_STATUS_SETTLE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1000; const LIVEPUSH_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT = 2000; interface MonitoredContainer { context: string; livepush: Livepush; monitor: chokidar.FSWatcher; containerId: string; } type BuildLogs = Dictionary; type StageImageIDs = Dictionary; export interface LivepushOpts { buildContext: string; composition: Composition; buildTasks: BuildTask[]; docker: Dockerode; api: DeviceAPI; logger: Logger; buildLogs: BuildLogs; deployOpts: DeviceDeployOptions; } export class LivepushManager { private lastDeviceStatus: Status | null = null; private containers: Dictionary = {}; private dockerfilePaths: Dictionary = {}; private deviceInfo: DeviceInfo; private deployOpts: DeviceDeployOptions; private buildContext: string; private composition: Composition; private buildTasks: BuildTask[]; private docker: Dockerode; private api: DeviceAPI; private logger: Logger; private imageIds: StageImageIDs; // A map of service names to events waiting private updateEventsWaiting: Dictionary = {}; private deleteEventsWaiting: Dictionary = {}; private rebuildsRunning: Dictionary = {}; private rebuildRunningIds: Dictionary = {}; private rebuildsCancelled: Dictionary = {}; public constructor(opts: LivepushOpts) { this.buildContext = opts.buildContext; this.composition = opts.composition; this.buildTasks = opts.buildTasks; this.docker = opts.docker; this.api = opts.api; this.logger = opts.logger; this.deployOpts = opts.deployOpts; this.imageIds = LivepushManager.getMultistageImageIDs(opts.buildLogs); } public async init(): Promise { this.deviceInfo = await this.api.getDeviceInformation(); this.logger.logLivepush('Waiting for device state to settle...'); // The first thing we need to do is let the state 'settle', // so that all of the containers are running and ready to // be livepush'd into await this.awaitDeviceStateSettle(); // Split the composition into a load of differents paths // which we can this.logger.logLivepush('Device state settled'); // create livepush instances for for (const serviceName of _.keys( { const service =[serviceName]; const buildTask = _.find(this.buildTasks, { serviceName }); if (buildTask == null) { throw new Error( `Could not find a build task for service: ${serviceName}`, ); } // We only care about builds if ( != null) { const context = path.join(this.buildContext,; const dockerfile = buildTask.dockerfile; if (dockerfile == null) { throw new Error( `Could not detect dockerfile for service: ${serviceName}`, ); } if (buildTask.dockerfilePath == null) { // this is a bit of a hack as resin-bundle-resolve // does not always export the dockerfilePath, this // only happens when the dockerfile path is // specified differently - this should be patched // in resin-bundle-resolve this.dockerfilePaths[ buildTask.serviceName ] = this.getDockerfilePathFromTask(buildTask); } else { this.dockerfilePaths[buildTask.serviceName] = [ buildTask.dockerfilePath, ]; } // Find the containerId from the device state const container = _.find(this.lastDeviceStatus!.containers, { serviceName, }); if (container == null) { throw new Error( `Could not find a container on device for service: ${serviceName}`, ); } const livepush = await Livepush.init( dockerfile, context, container.containerId, this.imageIds[serviceName], this.docker, ); this.assignLivepushOutputHandlers(serviceName, livepush); this.updateEventsWaiting[serviceName] = []; this.deleteEventsWaiting[serviceName] = []; const addEvent = (eventQueue: string[], changedPath: string) => { this.logger.logDebug( `Got an add filesystem event for service: ${serviceName}. File: ${changedPath}`, ); eventQueue.push(changedPath); this.getDebouncedEventHandler(serviceName)(); }; // TODO: Memoize this for containers which share a context const monitor ='.', { cwd: context, ignoreInitial: true, ignored: '.git', }); monitor.on('add', (changedPath: string) => addEvent(this.updateEventsWaiting[serviceName], changedPath), ); monitor.on('change', (changedPath: string) => addEvent(this.updateEventsWaiting[serviceName], changedPath), ); monitor.on('unlink', (changedPath: string) => addEvent(this.deleteEventsWaiting[serviceName], changedPath), ); this.containers[serviceName] = { livepush, context, monitor, containerId: container.containerId, }; this.rebuildsRunning[serviceName] = false; this.rebuildsCancelled[serviceName] = false; } } // Setup cleanup handlers for the device // This is necessary because the `exit-hook` module is used by several // dependencies, and will exit without calling the following handler. // Once has been solved, // we are free to (and definitely should) remove the below line process.removeAllListeners('SIGINT'); process.on('SIGINT', async () => { this.logger.logLivepush('Cleaning up device...'); await Promise.all(, container => { container.livepush.cleanupIntermediateContainers(); }), ); process.exit(0); }); } private static getMultistageImageIDs(buildLogs: BuildLogs): StageImageIDs { const stageIds: StageImageIDs = {}; _.each(buildLogs, (log, serviceName) => { stageIds[serviceName] = []; const lines = log.split(/\r?\n/); let lastArrowMessage: string | undefined; for (const line of lines) { // If this was a from line, take the last found // image id and save it if ( /step \d+(?:\/\d+)?\s*:\s*FROM/i.test(line) && lastArrowMessage != null ) { stageIds[serviceName].push(lastArrowMessage); } else { const msg = LivepushManager.extractDockerArrowMessage(line); if (msg != null) { lastArrowMessage = msg; } } } }); return stageIds; } private async awaitDeviceStateSettle(): Promise { // Cache the state to avoid unnecessary cals this.lastDeviceStatus = await this.api.getStatus(); if (this.lastDeviceStatus.appState === 'applied') { return; } this.logger.logDebug( `Device state not settled, retrying in ${DEVICE_STATUS_SETTLE_CHECK_INTERVAL}ms`, ); await Bluebird.delay(DEVICE_STATUS_SETTLE_CHECK_INTERVAL); await this.awaitDeviceStateSettle(); } private async handleFSEvents(serviceName: string): Promise { const updated = this.updateEventsWaiting[serviceName]; const deleted = this.deleteEventsWaiting[serviceName]; this.updateEventsWaiting[serviceName] = []; this.deleteEventsWaiting[serviceName] = []; // First we detect if the file changed is the Dockerfile // used to build the service if ( _.some(this.dockerfilePaths[serviceName], name => _.some(updated, changed => name === changed), ) ) { this.logger.logLivepush( `Detected Dockerfile change, performing full rebuild of service ${serviceName}`, ); await this.handleServiceRebuild(serviceName); return; } // Work out if we need to perform any changes on this container const livepush = this.containers[serviceName].livepush; this.logger.logLivepush( `Detected changes for container ${serviceName}, updating...`, ); try { await livepush.performLivepush(updated, deleted); } catch (e) { this.logger.logError( `An error occured whilst trying to perform a livepush: `, ); if (e instanceof ContainerNotRunningError) { this.logger.logError(' Livepush container not running'); } else { this.logger.logError(` ${e.message}`); } this.logger.logDebug(e.stack); } } private async handleServiceRebuild(serviceName: string): Promise { if (this.rebuildsRunning[serviceName]) { this.logger.logLivepush( `Cancelling ongoing rebuild for service ${serviceName}`, ); await this.cancelRebuild(serviceName); while (this.rebuildsCancelled[serviceName]) { await Bluebird.delay(1000); } } this.rebuildsRunning[serviceName] = true; try { const buildTask = _.find(this.buildTasks, { serviceName }); if (buildTask == null) { throw new Error( `Could not find a build task for service ${serviceName}`, ); } let buildLog: string; try { buildLog = await rebuildSingleTask( serviceName, this.docker, this.logger, this.deviceInfo, this.composition, this.buildContext, this.deployOpts, id => { this.rebuildRunningIds[serviceName] = id; }, ); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof BuildError)) { throw e; } if (this.rebuildsCancelled[serviceName]) { return; } this.logger.logError( `Rebuild of service ${serviceName} failed!\n Error: ${e.getServiceError( serviceName, )}`, ); return; } finally { delete this.rebuildRunningIds[serviceName]; } // If the build has been cancelled, exit early if (this.rebuildsCancelled[serviceName]) { return; } // Let's first delete the container from the device const containerId = await this.api.getContainerId(serviceName); await this.docker.getContainer(containerId).remove({ force: true }); const currentState = await this.api.getTargetState(); // If we re-apply the target state, the supervisor // should recreate the container await this.api.setTargetState( generateTargetState(currentState, this.composition, {}), ); await this.awaitDeviceStateSettle(); const instance = this.containers[serviceName]; // Get the new container const container = _.find(this.lastDeviceStatus!.containers, { serviceName, }); if (container == null) { throw new Error( `Could not find new container for service ${serviceName}`, ); } const buildLogs: Dictionary = {}; buildLogs[serviceName] = buildLog; const stageImages = LivepushManager.getMultistageImageIDs(buildLogs); instance.livepush = await Livepush.init( buildTask.dockerfile!, buildTask.context!, container.containerId, stageImages[serviceName], this.docker, ); this.assignLivepushOutputHandlers(serviceName, instance.livepush); } catch (e) { this.logger.logError(`There was an error rebuilding the service: ${e}`); } finally { this.rebuildsRunning[serviceName] = false; this.rebuildsCancelled[serviceName] = false; } } private async cancelRebuild(serviceName: string) { this.rebuildsCancelled[serviceName] = true; // If we have a container id of the current build, // attempt to kill it if (this.rebuildRunningIds[serviceName] != null) { try { await this.docker .getContainer(this.rebuildRunningIds[serviceName]) .remove({ force: true }); await this.containers[serviceName].livepush.cancel(); } catch { // No need to do anything here } } } private assignLivepushOutputHandlers( serviceName: string, livepush: Livepush, ) { const msgString = (msg: string) => `[${getServiceColourFn(serviceName)(serviceName)}] ${msg}`; const log = (msg: string) => this.logger.logLivepush(msgString(msg)); const error = (msg: string) => this.logger.logError(msgString(msg)); const debugLog = (msg: string) => this.logger.logDebug(msgString(msg)); livepush.on('commandExecute', command => log(`Executing command: \`${command.command}\``), ); livepush.on('commandOutput', output => log(` ${}`), ); livepush.on('commandReturn', ({ returnCode, command }) => { if (returnCode !== 0) { error(` Command ${command} failed with exit code: ${returnCode}`); } else { debugLog(`Command ${command} exited successfully`); } }); livepush.on('containerRestart', () => { log('Restarting service...'); }); livepush.on('cancel', () => { log('Cancelling current livepush...'); }); } private static extractDockerArrowMessage( outputLine: string, ): string | undefined { const arrowTest = /^.*\s*-+>\s*(.+)/i; const match = arrowTest.exec(outputLine); if (match != null) { return match[1]; } } private getDockerfilePathFromTask(task: BuildTask): string[] { switch (task.projectType) { case 'Standard Dockerfile': return ['Dockerfile']; case 'Dockerfile.template': return ['Dockerfile.template']; case 'Architecture-specific Dockerfile': return [ `Dockerfile.${this.deviceInfo.arch}`, `Dockerfile.${this.deviceInfo.deviceType}`, ]; default: return []; } } // For each service, get a debounced function private getDebouncedEventHandler = _.memoize((serviceName: string) => { return _.debounce( () => this.handleFSEvents(serviceName), LIVEPUSH_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, ); }); } export default LivepushManager;