/** * @license * Copyright 2019 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Flags, Args } from '@oclif/core'; import type { Interfaces } from '@oclif/core'; import type * as BalenaSdk from 'balena-sdk'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import Command from '../../command'; import { ExpectedError } from '../../errors'; import * as cf from '../../utils/common-flags'; import { getBalenaSdk, stripIndent, getCliForm } from '../../utils/lazy'; import { applicationIdInfo, devModeInfo, secureBootInfo, } from '../../utils/messages'; const CONNECTIONS_FOLDER = '/system-connections'; type FlagsDef = Interfaces.InferredFlags; interface Answers { appUpdatePollInterval: number; // in minutes developmentMode?: boolean; // balenaOS development variant secureBoot?: boolean; deviceType: string; // e.g. "raspberrypi3" network: 'ethernet' | 'wifi'; version: string; // e.g. "2.32.0+rev1" wifiSsid?: string; wifiKey?: string; provisioningKeyName?: string; provisioningKeyExpiryDate?: string; } export default class OsConfigureCmd extends Command { public static description = stripIndent` Configure a previously downloaded balenaOS image. Configure a previously downloaded balenaOS image for a specific device type or fleet. Configuration settings such as WiFi authentication will be taken from the following sources, in precedence order: 1. Command-line options like \`--config-wifi-ssid\` 2. A given \`config.json\` file specified with the \`--config\` option. 3. User input through interactive prompts (text menus). The --device-type option is used to override the fleet's default device type, in case of a fleet with mixed device types. ${devModeInfo.split('\n').join('\n\t\t')} ${secureBootInfo.split('\n').join('\n\t\t')} The --system-connection (-c) option is used to inject NetworkManager connection profiles for additional network interfaces, such as cellular/GSM or additional WiFi or ethernet connections. This option may be passed multiple times in case there are multiple files to inject. See connection profile examples and reference at: https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/OS/network/2.x/ https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/stable/ref-settings.html ${applicationIdInfo.split('\n').join('\n\t\t')} `; public static examples = [ '$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --device 7cf02a6', '$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --fleet myorg/myfleet', '$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --fleet MyFleet --version 2.12.7', '$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img -f MyFinFleet --device-type raspberrypi3', '$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img -f MyFinFleet --device-type raspberrypi3 --config myWifiConfig.json', ]; public static args = { image: Args.string({ required: true, description: 'path to a balenaOS image file, e.g. "rpi3.img"', }), }; public static usage = 'os configure '; public static flags = { advanced: Flags.boolean({ char: 'v', description: 'ask advanced configuration questions (when in interactive mode)', }), fleet: { ...cf.fleet, exclusive: ['device'] }, config: Flags.string({ description: 'path to a pre-generated config.json file to be injected in the OS image', exclusive: ['provisioning-key-name', 'provisioning-key-expiry-date'], }), 'config-app-update-poll-interval': Flags.integer({ description: 'supervisor cloud polling interval in minutes (e.g. for variable updates)', }), 'config-network': Flags.string({ description: 'device network type (non-interactive configuration)', options: ['ethernet', 'wifi'], }), 'config-wifi-key': Flags.string({ description: 'WiFi key (password) (non-interactive configuration)', }), 'config-wifi-ssid': Flags.string({ description: 'WiFi SSID (network name) (non-interactive configuration)', }), dev: cf.dev, secureBoot: cf.secureBoot, device: { ...cf.device, exclusive: [ 'fleet', 'provisioning-key-name', 'provisioning-key-expiry-date', ], }, 'device-type': Flags.string({ description: 'device type slug (e.g. "raspberrypi3") to override the fleet device type', }), 'initial-device-name': Flags.string({ description: 'This option will set the device name when the device provisions', }), version: Flags.string({ description: 'balenaOS version, for example "2.32.0" or "2.44.0+rev1"', }), 'system-connection': Flags.string({ multiple: true, char: 'c', required: false, description: "paths to local files to place into the 'system-connections' directory", }), 'provisioning-key-name': Flags.string({ description: 'custom key name assigned to generated provisioning api key', exclusive: ['config', 'device'], }), 'provisioning-key-expiry-date': Flags.string({ description: 'expiry date assigned to generated provisioning api key (format: YYYY-MM-DD)', exclusive: ['config', 'device'], }), help: cf.help, }; public static authenticated = true; public async run() { const { args: params, flags: options } = await this.parse(OsConfigureCmd); await validateOptions(options); const devInit = await import('balena-device-init'); const { promises: fs } = await import('fs'); const { generateDeviceConfig, generateApplicationConfig } = await import( '../../utils/config' ); const helpers = await import('../../utils/helpers'); const { getApplication } = await import('../../utils/sdk'); let app: ApplicationWithDeviceTypeSlug | undefined; let device; let deviceTypeSlug: string; const balena = getBalenaSdk(); if (options.device) { device = (await balena.models.device.get(options.device, { $expand: { is_of__device_type: { $select: 'slug' }, }, })) as DeviceWithDeviceType & { belongs_to__application: BalenaSdk.PineDeferred; }; deviceTypeSlug = device.is_of__device_type[0].slug; } else { app = (await getApplication(balena, options.fleet!, { $expand: { is_for__device_type: { $select: 'slug' }, }, })) as ApplicationWithDeviceTypeSlug; await checkDeviceTypeCompatibility(options, app); deviceTypeSlug = options['device-type'] || app.is_for__device_type[0].slug; } const deviceTypeManifest = await helpers.getManifest( params.image, deviceTypeSlug, ); let configJson: import('../../utils/config').ImgConfig | undefined; if (options.config) { const rawConfig = await fs.readFile(options.config, 'utf8'); configJson = JSON.parse(rawConfig); } const { normalizeOsVersion } = await import('../../utils/normalization'); const osVersion = normalizeOsVersion( options.version || (await getOsVersionFromImage( params.image, deviceTypeManifest, devInit, )), ); const { validateDevOptionAndWarn } = await import('../../utils/config'); await validateDevOptionAndWarn(options.dev, osVersion); const { validateSecureBootOptionAndWarn } = await import( '../../utils/config' ); await validateSecureBootOptionAndWarn( options.secureBoot, deviceTypeSlug, osVersion, ); const answers: Answers = await askQuestionsForDeviceType( deviceTypeManifest, options, configJson, ); if (options.fleet) { answers.deviceType = deviceTypeSlug; } answers.version = osVersion; answers.developmentMode = options.dev; answers.secureBoot = options.secureBoot; answers.provisioningKeyName = options['provisioning-key-name']; answers.provisioningKeyExpiryDate = options['provisioning-key-expiry-date']; if (_.isEmpty(configJson)) { if (device) { configJson = await generateDeviceConfig(device, undefined, answers); } else { configJson = await generateApplicationConfig(app!, answers); } } if ( options['initial-device-name'] && options['initial-device-name'] !== '' ) { configJson!.initialDeviceName = options['initial-device-name']; } console.info('Configuring operating system image'); const image = params.image; await helpers.osProgressHandler( await devInit.configure( image, deviceTypeManifest, configJson || {}, answers, ), ); if (options['system-connection']) { const path = await import('path'); const files = await Promise.all( options['system-connection'].map(async (filePath) => { const content = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8'); const name = path.basename(filePath); return { name, content, }; }), ); const { getBootPartition } = await import('balena-config-json'); const bootPartition = await getBootPartition(params.image); const imagefs = await import('balena-image-fs'); for (const { name, content } of files) { await imagefs.interact(image, bootPartition, async (_fs) => { return await promisify(_fs.writeFile)( path.join(CONNECTIONS_FOLDER, name), content, ); }); console.info(`Copied system-connection file: ${name}`); } } } } async function validateOptions(options: FlagsDef) { // The 'device' and 'application' options are declared "exclusive" in the oclif // flag definitions above, so oclif will enforce that they are not both used together. if (!options.device && !options.fleet) { throw new ExpectedError( "Either the '--device' or the '--fleet' option must be provided", ); } if (!options.fleet && options['device-type']) { throw new ExpectedError( "The '--device-type' option can only be used in conjunction with the '--fleet' option", ); } await Command.checkLoggedIn(); } /** * Wrapper around balena-device-init.getImageOsVersion(). Throws ExpectedError * if the OS image could not be read or the OS version could not be extracted * from it. * @param imagePath Local filesystem path to a balenaOS image file * @param deviceTypeManifest Device type manifest object */ async function getOsVersionFromImage( imagePath: string, deviceTypeManifest: BalenaSdk.DeviceTypeJson.DeviceType, devInit: typeof import('balena-device-init'), ): Promise { const osVersion = await devInit.getImageOsVersion( imagePath, deviceTypeManifest, ); if (!osVersion) { throw new ExpectedError(stripIndent` Could not read OS version from the image. Please specify the balenaOS version manually with the --version command-line option.`); } return osVersion; } /** * Check that options['device-type'], e.g. 'raspberrypi3', is compatible with * app.device_type, e.g. 'raspberry-pi2'. Throws ExpectedError if they are not * compatible. * @param sdk Balena Node SDK instance * @param options oclif command-line options object * @param app Balena SDK Application model object */ async function checkDeviceTypeCompatibility( options: FlagsDef, app: { is_for__device_type: [Pick]; }, ) { if (options['device-type']) { const helpers = await import('../../utils/helpers'); if ( !(await helpers.areDeviceTypesCompatible( app.is_for__device_type[0].slug, options['device-type'], )) ) { throw new ExpectedError( `Device type ${options['device-type']} is incompatible with fleet ${options.fleet}`, ); } } } /** * Check if the given options or configJson objects (in this order) contain * the answers to some configuration questions, and interactively ask the * user the questions for which answers are missing. Questions such as: * * ? Network Connection (Use arrow keys) * ethernet * ❯ wifi * ? Network Connection wifi * ? Wifi SSID i-ssid * ? Wifi Passphrase [input is hidden] * * The questions are extracted from the given deviceType "manifest". */ async function askQuestionsForDeviceType( deviceType: BalenaSdk.DeviceTypeJson.DeviceType, options: FlagsDef, configJson?: import('../../utils/config').ImgConfig, ): Promise { const answerSources: any[] = [ { ...camelifyConfigOptions(options), app: options.fleet, application: options.fleet, }, ]; const defaultAnswers: Partial = {}; const questions: any = deviceType.options; let extraOpts: { override: object } | undefined; if (!_.isEmpty(configJson)) { answerSources.push(configJson); } if (!options.advanced) { const advancedGroup: any = _.find(questions, { name: 'advanced', isGroup: true, }); if (!_.isEmpty(advancedGroup)) { const helpers = await import('../../utils/helpers'); answerSources.push(helpers.getGroupDefaults(advancedGroup)); } } for (const questionName of getQuestionNames(deviceType)) { for (const answerSource of answerSources) { if (answerSource[questionName] != null) { defaultAnswers[questionName] = answerSource[questionName]; break; } } } if ( !defaultAnswers.network && (defaultAnswers.wifiSsid || defaultAnswers.wifiKey) ) { defaultAnswers.network = 'wifi'; } if (!_.isEmpty(defaultAnswers)) { extraOpts = { override: defaultAnswers }; } return getCliForm().run(questions, extraOpts); } /** * Given a deviceType "manifest" containing "options" properties, return an * array of "question names" as in the following example. * * @param deviceType Device type "manifest", for example: * { "slug": "raspberrypi3", * "options": [{ * "options": [ { * "name": "network", * "choices": ["ethernet", "wifi"], * ... }, { * "name": "wifiSsid", * "type": "text", * ... }, { * "options": [ { * "name": "appUpdatePollInterval", * "default": 10, * ... * @return Array of question names, for example: * [ 'network', 'wifiSsid', 'wifiKey', 'appUpdatePollInterval' ] */ function getQuestionNames( deviceType: BalenaSdk.DeviceTypeJson.DeviceType, ): Array { const questionNames: string[] = _.chain(deviceType.options) .flatMap( (group: BalenaSdk.DeviceTypeJson.DeviceTypeOptions) => (group.isGroup && group.options) || [], ) .map( (groupOption: BalenaSdk.DeviceTypeJson.DeviceTypeOptionsGroup) => groupOption.name, ) .filter() .value(); return questionNames as Array; } /** * Create and return a new object with the key-value pairs from the input object, * renaming keys that start with the 'config-' prefix as follows: * Sample input: * { app: 'foo', 'config-wifi-key': 'mykey', 'config-wifi-ssid': 'myssid' } * Output: * { app: 'foo', wifiKey: 'mykey', wifiSsid: 'myssid' } */ function camelifyConfigOptions(options: FlagsDef): { [key: string]: any } { return _.mapKeys(options, (_value, key) => { if (key.startsWith('config-')) { return key .substring('config-'.length) .replace(/-[a-z]/g, (match) => match.substring(1).toUpperCase()); } return key; }); }