(function() { var Promise, _, chalk, form, resin, validation, visuals; _ = require('lodash'); Promise = require('bluebird'); form = require('resin-cli-form'); visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals'); resin = require('resin-sdk'); chalk = require('chalk'); validation = require('./validation'); exports.selectDeviceType = function() { return resin.models.device.getSupportedDeviceTypes().then(function(deviceTypes) { return form.ask({ message: 'Device Type', type: 'list', choices: deviceTypes }); }); }; exports.confirm = function(yesOption, message) { return Promise["try"](function() { if (yesOption) { return true; } return form.ask({ message: message, type: 'confirm', "default": false }); }).then(function(confirmed) { if (!confirmed) { throw new Error('Aborted'); } }); }; exports.selectApplication = function(filter) { return resin.models.application.hasAny().then(function(hasAnyApplications) { if (!hasAnyApplications) { throw new Error('You don\'t have any applications'); } return resin.models.application.getAll(); }).filter(filter || _.constant(true)).then(function(applications) { return form.ask({ message: 'Select an application', type: 'list', choices: _.map(applications, function(application) { return { name: application.app_name + " (" + application.device_type + ")", value: application.app_name }; }) }); }); }; exports.selectOrCreateApplication = function() { return resin.models.application.hasAny().then(function(hasAnyApplications) { if (!hasAnyApplications) { return; } return resin.models.application.getAll().then(function(applications) { applications = _.map(applications, function(application) { return { name: application.app_name + " (" + application.device_type + ")", value: application.app_name }; }); applications.unshift({ name: 'Create a new application', value: null }); return form.ask({ message: 'Select an application', type: 'list', choices: applications }); }); }).then(function(application) { if (application != null) { return application; } return form.ask({ message: 'Choose a Name for your new application', type: 'input', validate: validation.validateApplicationName }); }); }; exports.awaitDevice = function(uuid) { return resin.models.device.getName(uuid).then(function(deviceName) { var poll, spinner; spinner = new visuals.Spinner("Waiting for " + deviceName + " to come online"); poll = function() { return resin.models.device.isOnline(uuid).then(function(isOnline) { if (isOnline) { spinner.stop(); console.info("Device became online: " + deviceName); } else { spinner.start(); return Promise.delay(3000).then(poll); } }); }; console.info("Waiting for " + deviceName + " to connect to resin..."); return poll()["return"](uuid); }); }; exports.printErrorMessage = function(message) { return console.error(chalk.red(message)); }; }).call(this);