# balena CLI Installation Instructions for Windows These instructions are for the recommended installation option. Advanced users may also be interested in [advanced installation options](./INSTALL-ADVANCED.md). Selected operating system: **Windows** 1. Download the installer from the [latest release page](https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/releases/latest). Look for a file name that ends with "-installer.exe": `balena-cli-vX.Y.Z-windows-x64-installer.exe` 2. Double click the downloaded file to run the installer. After the installation completes, close and re-open any open [command terminal](https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/cli/#choosing-a-shell-command-promptterminal) windows (so that the changes made by the installer to the PATH environment variable can take effect). 3. Check that the installation was successful by running the following commands on a command terminal: * `balena version` - should print the CLI's version * `balena help` - should print a list of available commands No further steps are required to run most CLI commands. The `balena ssh`, `scan`, `build`, `deploy` and `preload` commands may require additional software to be installed, as described below. ## Additional Dependencies ### build and deploy These commands require [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/overview/) or [balenaEngine](https://www.balena.io/engine/) to be available on a local or remote machine. Most users will follow [Docker's installation instructions](https://docs.docker.com/install/overview/) to install Docker on the same workstation as the balena CLI. The [advanced installation options](./INSTALL-ADVANCED.md#additional-dependencies) document describes other possibilities. ### balena ssh The `balena ssh` command requires the `ssh` command-line tool to be available. Microsoft started distributing an SSH client with Windows 10, which is automatically installed through Windows Update. To check whether it is installed, run `ssh` on a Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell. It can also be [manually installed](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/openssh/openssh_install_firstuse) if needed. For older versions of Windows, there are several ssh/OpenSSH clients provided by 3rd parties. The `balena ssh` command also requires an SSH key to be added to your balena account: see [SSH Access documentation](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/manage/ssh-access/). The `balena key*` command set can also be used to list and manage SSH keys: see `balena help -v`. ### balena scan The `balena scan` command requires a multicast DNS (mDNS) service like Apple's Bonjour. Many Windows machines will already have this service installed, as it is bundled in popular applications such as Skype (Wikipedia lists [several others](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonjour_(software))). Otherwise, Bonjour for Windows can be downloaded and installed from: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL999 ### balena preload Like the `build` and `deploy` commands, the `preload` command requires Docker. Preloading balenaOS images for some older device types (like the Raspberry Pi 3, but not the Raspberry 4) requires Docker to support the [AUFS storage driver](https://docs.docker.com/storage/storagedriver/aufs-driver/). Unfortunately, Docker Desktop for Windows and macOS dropped support for the AUFS filesystem in Docker CE versions greater than 18.06.1. The present workarounds are to either: * Install the balena CLI on Linux (e.g. Ubuntu) with a virtual machine like VirtualBox. This works because Docker for Linux still supports AUFS. Hint: if using a virtual machine, copy the image file over, rather than accessing it through "file sharing", to avoid errors. * Downgrade Docker Desktop to version 18.06.1. Link: [Docker CE for Windows](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/release-notes/#docker-community-edition-18061-ce-win73-2018-08-29) We are working on replacing AUFS with overlay2 in balenaOS images of the affected device types.