Promise = require('bluebird') path = require('path') exports.appendProjectOptions = appendProjectOptions = (opts) -> opts.concat [ { signature: 'projectName' parameter: 'projectName' description: 'Specify an alternate project name; default is the directory name' alias: 'n' }, ] exports.appendOptions = (opts) -> appendProjectOptions(opts).concat [ { signature: 'emulated' description: 'Run an emulated build using Qemu' boolean: true alias: 'e' }, { signature: 'logs' description: 'Display full log output' boolean: true }, ] exports.generateOpts = (options) -> fs = require('mz/fs') fs.realpath(options.source || '.').then (projectPath) -> projectName: options.projectName projectPath: projectPath inlineLogs: !!options.logs compositionFileNames = [ 'resin-compose.yml' 'resin-compose.yaml' 'docker-compose.yml' 'docker-compose.yaml' ] # look into the given directory for valid compose files and return # the contents of the first one found. resolveProject = (rootDir) -> fs = require('mz/fs') Promise.any (filename) -> fs.readFile(path.join(rootDir, filename), 'utf-8') # Parse the given composition and return a structure with info. Input is: # - composePath: the *absolute* path to the directory containing the compose file # - composeStr: the contents of the compose file, as a string createProject = (composePath, composeStr, projectName = null) -> yml = require('js-yaml') compose = require('resin-compose-parse') # both methods below may throw. composition = yml.safeLoad(composeStr, schema: yml.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA) composition = compose.normalize(composition) projectName ?= path.basename(composePath) descriptors = compose.parse(composition).map (descr) -> # generate an image name based on the project and service names # if one is not given and the service requires a build if descr.image.context? and not descr.image.tag? descr.image.tag = [ projectName, descr.serviceName ].join('_') return descr return { path: composePath, name: projectName, composition, descriptors } # high-level function resolving a project and creating a composition out # of it in one go. if image is given, it'll create a default project for # that without looking for a project. falls back to creating a default # project if none is found at the given projectPath. exports.loadProject = (logger, projectPath, projectName, image) -> compose = require('resin-compose-parse') logger.logDebug('Loading project...') Promise.try -> if image? logger.logInfo("Creating default composition with image: #{image}") return compose.defaultComposition(image) logger.logDebug('Resolving project...') resolveProject(projectPath) .tap -> logger.logInfo('Compose file detected') .catch (e) -> logger.logDebug("Failed to resolve project: #{e}") logger.logInfo("Creating default composition with source: #{projectPath}") return compose.defaultComposition() .then (composeStr) -> logger.logDebug('Creating project...') createProject(projectPath, composeStr, projectName) toPosixPath = (systemPath) -> path = require('path') systemPath.replace(new RegExp('\\' + path.sep, 'g'), '/') tarDirectory = (dir) -> tar = require('tar-stream') klaw = require('klaw') path = require('path') fs = require('mz/fs') streamToPromise = require('stream-to-promise') getFiles = -> streamToPromise(klaw(dir)) .filter((item) -> not item.stats.isDirectory()) .map((item) -> item.path) pack = tar.pack() getFiles(dir) .map (file) -> relPath = path.relative(path.resolve(dir), file) Promise.join relPath, fs.stat(file), fs.readFile(file), (filename, stats, data) -> pack.entry({ name: toPosixPath(filename), size: stats.size, mode: stats.mode }, data) .then -> pack.finalize() return pack truncateString = (str, len) -> return str if str.length < len str = str.slice(0, len) # return everything up to the last line. this is a cheeky way to avoid # having to deal with splitting the string midway through some special # character sequence. return str.slice(0, str.lastIndexOf('\n')) LOG_LENGTH_MAX = 512 * 1024 # 512KB exports.buildProject = ( docker, logger, projectPath, projectName, composition, arch, deviceType, emulated, buildOpts, inlineLogs ) -> _ = require('lodash') humanize = require('humanize') compose = require('resin-compose-parse') builder = require('resin-multibuild') transpose = require('docker-qemu-transpose') qemu = require('./qemu') logger.logInfo("Building for #{arch}/#{deviceType}") imageDescriptors = compose.parse(composition) imageDescriptorsByServiceName = _.keyBy(imageDescriptors, 'serviceName') if inlineLogs renderer = new BuildProgressInline(logger.streams['build'], imageDescriptors) else tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout) renderer = new BuildProgressUI(tty, imageDescriptors) renderer.start() qemu.installQemuIfNeeded(emulated, logger) .tap (needsQemu) -> return if not needsQemu logger.logInfo('Emulation is enabled') # Copy qemu into all build contexts imageDescriptors, (d) -> return if not d.image.context? # external image return qemu.copyQemu(path.join(projectPath, d.image.context)) .then (needsQemu) -> # Tar up the directory, ready for the build stream tarDirectory(projectPath) .then (tarStream) -> builder.splitBuildStream(composition, tarStream) .tap (tasks) -> # Updates each task as a side-effect builder.performResolution(tasks, arch, deviceType) .map (task) -> if not task.external and not task.resolved throw new Error( "Project type for service '#{task.serviceName}' could not be determined. " + 'Please add a Dockerfile' ) .map (task) -> d = imageDescriptorsByServiceName[task.serviceName] # multibuild parses the composition internally so any tags we've # set before are lost; re-assign them here task.tag ?= [ projectName, task.serviceName ].join('_') if d.image.context? d.image.tag = task.tag # configure build opts appropriately task.dockerOpts ?= {} _.merge(task.dockerOpts, buildOpts, { t: task.tag }) if d.image.context?.args? task.dockerOpts.buildargs ?= {} _.merge(task.dockerOpts.buildargs, d.image.context.args) # Get the service-specific log stream # Caveat: `multibuild.BuildTask` defines no `logStream` property # but it's convenient to store it there; it's JS ultimately. task.logStream = renderer.streams[task.serviceName] task.logBuffer = [] # Setup emulation if needed return [ task, null ] if task.external or not needsQemu binPath = qemu.qemuPathInContext(path.join(projectPath, task.context)) transpose.transposeTarStream task.buildStream, hostQemuPath: toPosixPath(binPath) containerQemuPath: "/tmp/#{qemu.QEMU_BIN_NAME}" .then (stream) -> task.buildStream = stream .return([ task, binPath ]) .map ([ task, qemuPath ]) -> Promise.resolve(task).tap (task) -> captureStream = buildLogCapture(task.external, task.logBuffer) if task.external # External image -- there's no build to be performed, # just follow pull progress. captureStream.pipe(task.logStream) task.progressHook = pullProgressAdapter(captureStream) else task.streamHook = (stream) -> if qemuPath? buildThroughStream = transpose.getBuildThroughStream hostQemuPath: toPosixPath(qemuPath) containerQemuPath: "/tmp/#{qemu.QEMU_BIN_NAME}" rawStream = stream.pipe(buildThroughStream) else rawStream = stream # `stream` sends out raw strings in contrast to `task.progressHook` # where we're given objects. capture these strings as they come # before we parse them. rawStream .pipe(captureStream) .pipe(buildProgressAdapter(inlineLogs)) .pipe(task.logStream) .then (tasks) -> logger.logDebug 'Prepared tasks; building...' builder.performBuilds(tasks, docker) .map (builtImage) -> if not builtImage.successful builtImage.error.serviceName = builtImage.serviceName throw builtImage.error d = imageDescriptorsByServiceName[builtImage.serviceName] task = _.find(tasks, serviceName: builtImage.serviceName) image = serviceName: d.serviceName name: d.image.tag ? d.image logs: truncateString(task.logBuffer.join('\n'), LOG_LENGTH_MAX) props: dockerfile: builtImage.dockerfile projectType: builtImage.projectType # Times here are timestamps, so test whether they're null # before creating a date out of them, as `new Date(null)` # creates a date representing UNIX time 0. if (startTime = builtImage.startTime) image.props.startTime = new Date(startTime) if (endTime = builtImage.endTime) image.props.endTime = new Date(endTime) docker.getImage('Size').then (size) -> image.props.size = size .return(image) .tap (images) -> summary = _(images).map ({ serviceName, props }) -> [ serviceName, "Image size: #{humanize.filesize(props.size)}" ] .fromPairs() .value() renderer.end(summary) .finally(renderer.end) createRelease = (apiEndpoint, auth, userId, appId, composition) -> _ = require('lodash') crypto = require('crypto') releaseMod = require('resin-release') client = releaseMod.createClient({ apiEndpoint, auth }) releaseMod.create client: client user: userId application: appId composition: composition source: 'local' commit: crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(16).toString('hex').toLowerCase() .then ({ release, serviceImages }) -> release = _.omit(release, [ 'created_at' 'belongs_to__application' 'is_created_by__user' '__metadata' ]) _.keys serviceImages, (serviceName) -> serviceImages[serviceName] = _.omit(serviceImages[serviceName], [ 'created_at' 'is_a_build_of__service' '__metadata' ]) return { client, release, serviceImages } tagServiceImages = (docker, images, serviceImages) -> images, (d) -> serviceImage = serviceImages[d.serviceName] imageName = serviceImage.is_stored_at__image_location [ _match, registry, repo, tag = 'latest' ] = /(.*?)\/(.*?)(?::([^/]*))?$/.exec(imageName) name = "#{registry}/#{repo}" docker.getImage({ repo: name, tag, force: true }) .then -> docker.getImage("#{name}:#{tag}") .then (localImage) -> serviceName: d.serviceName serviceImage: serviceImage localImage: localImage registry: registry repo: repo logs: d.logs props: d.props authorizePush = (tokenAuthEndpoint, registry, images) -> _ = require('lodash') sdk = require('resin-sdk').fromSharedOptions() if not _.isArray(images) images = [ images ] sdk.request.send baseUrl: tokenAuthEndpoint url: '/auth/v1/token' qs: service: registry scope: (repo) -> "repository:#{repo}:pull,push" .get('body') .get('token') .catchReturn({}) pushAndUpdateServiceImages = (docker, token, images, afterEach) -> chalk = require('chalk') { DockerProgress } = require('docker-progress') tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout) opts = { authconfig: registrytoken: token } progress = new DockerProgress(dockerToolbelt: docker) renderer = pushProgressRenderer(tty,'[Push]') + ' ') reporters = progress.aggregateProgress(images.length, renderer) Promise.using tty.cursorHidden(), -> images, ({ serviceImage, localImage, props, logs }, index) -> Promise.join( localImage.inspect().get('Size') progress.push(, reporters[index], opts).finally(renderer.end) (size, digest) -> serviceImage.image_size = size serviceImage.content_hash = digest serviceImage.build_log = logs serviceImage.dockerfile = props.dockerfile serviceImage.project_type = props.projectType serviceImage.start_timestamp = props.startTime if props.startTime serviceImage.end_timestamp = props.endTime if props.endTime serviceImage.push_timestamp = new Date() serviceImage.status = 'success' ) .tapCatch (e) -> serviceImage.error_message = '' + e serviceImage.status = 'failed' .finally -> afterEach?(serviceImage, props) exports.deployProject = ( docker, logger, composition, images, appId, userId, auth, apiEndpoint, skipLogUpload ) -> _ = require('lodash') chalk = require('chalk') releaseMod = require('resin-release') tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout) prefix = chalk.cyan('[Info]') + ' ' spinner = createSpinner() runloop = runSpinner(tty, spinner, "#{prefix}Creating release...") createRelease(apiEndpoint, auth, userId, appId, composition) .finally(runloop.end) .then ({ client, release, serviceImages }) -> logger.logDebug('Tagging images...') tagServiceImages(docker, images, serviceImages) .tap (images) -> logger.logDebug('Authorizing push...') authorizePush(apiEndpoint, images[0].registry,, 'repo')) .then (token) -> logger.logInfo('Pushing images to registry...') pushAndUpdateServiceImages docker, token, images, (serviceImage) -> logger.logDebug("Saving image #{serviceImage.is_stored_at__image_location}") if skipLogUpload delete serviceImage.build_log releaseMod.updateImage(client,, serviceImage) .finally -> logger.logDebug('Untagging images...') images, ({ localImage }) -> localImage.remove() .then -> release.status = 'success' .tapCatch (e) -> release.status = 'failed' .finally -> runloop = runSpinner(tty, spinner, "#{prefix}Saving release...") release.end_timestamp = new Date() releaseMod.updateRelease(client,, release) .finally(runloop.end) .return(release) # utilities renderProgressBar = (percentage, stepCount) -> _ = require('lodash') percentage = _.clamp(percentage, 0, 100) barCount = stepCount * percentage // 100 spaceCount = stepCount - barCount bar = "[#{_.repeat('=', barCount)}>#{_.repeat(' ', spaceCount)}]" return "#{bar} #{_.padStart(percentage, 3)}%" pushProgressRenderer = (tty, prefix) -> fn = (e) -> { error, percentage } = e throw new Error(error) if error? bar = renderProgressBar(percentage, 40) tty.replaceLine("#{prefix}#{bar}\r") fn.end = -> tty.clearLine() return fn buildLogCapture = (objectMode, buffer) -> _ = require('lodash') through = require('through2') through { objectMode }, (data, enc, cb) -> return cb(null, data) if not data? # data from pull stream if data.error buffer.push("#{data.error}") else if data.progress and data.status buffer.push("#{data.progress}% #{data.status}") else if data.status buffer.push("#{data.status}") # data from build stream else # normalise build log output here. it is somewhat ugly # that this supposedly "passthrough" stream mutates the # values before forwarding them, but it's convenient # as it allows to both forward and save normalised logs # convert to string, split to lines, trim each one and # filter out empty ones. lines = _(data.toString('utf-8').split(/\r?\n$/)) .map(_.trimEnd) .reject(_.isEmpty) # forward each line separately lines.forEach (line) => buffer.push(line) @push(line) return cb() cb(null, data) buildProgressAdapter = (inline) -> through = require('through2') stepRegex = /^\s*Step\s+(\d+)\/(\d+)\s*:\s+(.+)$/ [ step, numSteps, progress ] = [ null, null, undefined ] through { objectMode: true }, (str, enc, cb) -> return cb(null, str) if not str? if inline return cb(null, { status: str }) if /^Successfully tagged /.test(str) progress = undefined else if (match = stepRegex.exec(str)) step = match[1] numSteps = match[2] str = match[3] if step? str = "Step #{step}/#{numSteps}: #{str}" progress = parseInt(step, 10) * 100 // parseInt(numSteps, 10) cb(null, { status: str, progress }) pullProgressAdapter = (outStream) -> return ({ status, id, percentage, error, errorDetail }) -> if status? status = status.replace(/^Status: /, '') if id? status = "#{id}: #{status}" if percentage is 100 percentage = undefined outStream.write status: status progress: percentage error: errorDetail?.message ? error createSpinner = -> chars = '|/-\\' index = 0 -> chars[(index++) % chars.length] runSpinner = (tty, spinner, msg) -> runloop = createRunLoop -> tty.clearLine() tty.writeLine("#{msg} #{spinner()}") tty.cursorUp() runloop.onEnd = -> tty.clearLine() tty.writeLine(msg) return runloop createRunLoop = (tick) -> timerId = setInterval(tick, 1000 / 10) runloop = { onEnd: -> end: -> clearInterval(timerId) runloop.onEnd() } return runloop class BuildProgressUI constructor: (tty, descriptors) -> _ = require('lodash') chalk = require('chalk') through = require('through2') eventHandler = @_handleEvent services =, 'serviceName') streams = _(services).map (service) -> stream = through.obj (event, _enc, cb) -> eventHandler(service, event) cb() stream.pipe( [ service, stream ] .fromPairs() .value() @_tty = tty @_serviceToDataMap = {} @_services = services # Logger magically prefixes the log line with [Build] etc., but it doesn't # work well with the spinner we're also showing. Manually build the prefix # here and bypass the logger. prefix ='[Build]') + ' ' offset = 10 # account for escape sequences inserted for colouring @_prefixWidth = offset + prefix.length + _.max(, 'length')) @_prefix = prefix # these are to handle window wrapping @_maxLineWidth = null @_lineWidths = [] @_startTime = null @_ended = false @_cancelled = false @_spinner = createSpinner() @streams = streams _handleEvent: (service, event) => @_serviceToDataMap[service] = event _handleInterrupt: => @_cancelled = true @end() process.exit(130) # 128 + SIGINT start: => process.on('SIGINT', @_handleInterrupt) @_tty.hideCursor() @_services.forEach (service) => @streams[service].write({ status: 'Preparing...' }) @_runloop = createRunLoop(@_display) @_startTime = end: (summary = null) => return if @_ended @_ended = true process.removeListener('SIGINT', @_handleInterrupt) @_runloop.end() @_runloop = null @_clear() @_renderStatus(true) @_renderSummary(summary ? @_getServiceSummary()) @_tty.showCursor() _display: => @_clear() @_renderStatus() @_renderSummary(@_getServiceSummary()) @_tty.cursorUp(@_services.length + 1) # for status line _clear: -> @_tty.deleteToEnd() @_maxLineWidth = @_tty.currentWindowSize().width _getServiceSummary: -> _ = require('lodash') services = @_services serviceToDataMap = @_serviceToDataMap _(services).map (service) -> { status, progress, error } = serviceToDataMap[service] ? {} if error return "#{error}" else if progress bar = renderProgressBar(progress, 20) return "#{bar} #{status}" if status return "#{bar}" else if status return "#{status}" else return 'Waiting...' .map (data, index) -> [ services[index], data ] .fromPairs() .value() _renderStatus: (end = false) -> moment = require('moment') require('moment-duration-format')(moment) @_tty.clearLine() @_tty.write(@_prefix) if end and @_cancelled @_tty.writeLine('Build cancelled') else if end serviceCount = @_services.length serviceStr = if serviceCount is 1 then '1 service' else "#{serviceCount} services" runTime = - @_startTime durationStr = moment.duration(runTime // 1000, 'seconds').format() @_tty.writeLine("Built #{serviceStr} in #{durationStr}") else @_tty.writeLine("Building services... #{@_spinner()}") _renderSummary: (serviceToStrMap) -> _ = require('lodash') chalk = require('chalk') truncate = require('cli-truncate') strlen = require('string-width') @_services.forEach (service, index) => str = _.padEnd(@_prefix + chalk.bold(service), @_prefixWidth) str += serviceToStrMap[service] if @_maxLineWidth? str = truncate(str, @_maxLineWidth) @_lineWidths[index] = strlen(str) @_tty.clearLine() @_tty.writeLine(str) class BuildProgressInline constructor: (outStream, descriptors) -> _ = require('lodash') through = require('through2') services =, 'serviceName') eventHandler = @_renderEvent streams = _(services).map (service) -> stream = through.obj (event, _enc, cb) -> eventHandler(service, event) cb() stream.pipe(outStream) [ service, stream ] .fromPairs() .value() offset = 10 # account for escape sequences inserted for colouring @_prefixWidth = offset + _.max(, 'length')) @_outStream = outStream @_services = services @_startTime = null @_ended = false @streams = streams start: => @_outStream.write('Building services...\n') @_services.forEach (service) => @streams[service].write({ status: 'Preparing...' }) @_startTime = end: (summary = null) => moment = require('moment') require('moment-duration-format')(moment) return if @_ended @_ended = true if summary? @_services.forEach (service) => @_renderEvent(service, summary[service]) if @_cancelled @_outStream.write('Build cancelled\n') else serviceCount = @_services.length serviceStr = if serviceCount is 1 then '1 service' else "#{serviceCount} services" runTime = - @_startTime durationStr = moment.duration(runTime // 1000, 'seconds').format() @_outStream.write("Built #{serviceStr} in #{durationStr}\n") _renderEvent: (service, event) => _ = require('lodash') chalk = require('chalk') str = do -> { status, error } = event if error return "#{error}" else if status return "#{status}" else return 'Waiting...' prefix = _.padEnd(chalk.bold(service), @_prefixWidth) @_outStream.write(prefix) @_outStream.write(str) @_outStream.write('\n')