/** * @license * Copyright 2019 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { NodeJSSocketWithFileDescriptor } from 'net-keepalive'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as request from 'request'; import * as Stream from 'stream'; import Logger = require('../logger'); import * as ApiErrors from './errors'; export interface DeviceResponse { [key: string]: any; status: 'success' | 'failed'; message?: string; } export interface DeviceInfo { deviceType: string; arch: string; } export interface Status { appState: 'applied' | 'applying'; overallDownloadProgress: null | number; containers: Array<{ status: string; serviceName: string; appId: number; imageId: number; serviceId: number; containerId: string; createdAt: string; }>; images: Array<{ name: string; appId: number; serviceName: string; imageId: number; dockerImageId: string; status: string; downloadProgress: null | number; }>; } const deviceEndpoints = { setTargetState: 'v2/local/target-state', getTargetState: 'v2/local/target-state', getDeviceInformation: 'v2/local/device-info', logs: 'v2/local/logs', ping: 'ping', version: 'v2/version', status: 'v2/state/status', containerId: 'v2/containerId', }; export class DeviceAPI { private deviceAddress: string; public constructor( private logger: Logger, addr: string, port: number = 48484, ) { this.deviceAddress = `http://${addr}:${port}/`; } // Either return nothing, or throw an error with the info public async setTargetState(state: any): Promise { const url = this.getUrlForAction('setTargetState'); return DeviceAPI.promisifiedRequest( request.post, { url, json: true, body: state, }, this.logger, ); } public async getTargetState(): Promise { const url = this.getUrlForAction('getTargetState'); return DeviceAPI.promisifiedRequest( request.get, { url, json: true, }, this.logger, ).then(body => { return body.state; }); } public async getDeviceInformation(): Promise { const url = this.getUrlForAction('getDeviceInformation'); return DeviceAPI.promisifiedRequest( request.get, { url, json: true, }, this.logger, ).then(body => { return body.info; }); } public async getContainerId(serviceName: string): Promise { const url = this.getUrlForAction('containerId'); const body = await DeviceAPI.promisifiedRequest( request.get, { url, json: true, qs: { serviceName, }, }, this.logger, ); if (body.status !== 'success') { throw new ApiErrors.DeviceAPIError( 'Non-successful response from supervisor containerId endpoint', ); } return body.containerId; } public async ping(): Promise { const url = this.getUrlForAction('ping'); return DeviceAPI.promisifiedRequest( request.get, { url, }, this.logger, ); } public getVersion(): Promise { const url = this.getUrlForAction('version'); return DeviceAPI.promisifiedRequest(request.get, { url, json: true, }).then(body => { if (body.status !== 'success') { throw new ApiErrors.DeviceAPIError( 'Non-successful response from supervisor version endpoint', ); } return body.version; }); } public getStatus(): Promise { const url = this.getUrlForAction('status'); return DeviceAPI.promisifiedRequest(request.get, { url, json: true, }).then(body => { if (body.status !== 'success') { throw new ApiErrors.DeviceAPIError( 'Non-successful response from supervisor status endpoint', ); } return _.omit(body, 'status') as Status; }); } public getLogStream(): Bluebird { const url = this.getUrlForAction('logs'); // Don't use the promisified version here as we want to stream the output return new Bluebird((resolve, reject) => { const req = request.get(url); req.on('error', reject).on('response', async res => { if (res.statusCode !== 200) { reject( new ApiErrors.DeviceAPIError( 'Non-200 response from log streaming endpoint', ), ); return; } res.socket.setKeepAlive(true, 1000); if (os.platform() !== 'win32') { const NetKeepalive = await import('net-keepalive'); // Certain versions of typescript won't convert // this automatically const sock = (res.socket as any) as NodeJSSocketWithFileDescriptor; // We send a tcp keepalive probe once every 5 seconds NetKeepalive.setKeepAliveInterval(sock, 5000); // After 5 failed probes, the connection is marked as // closed NetKeepalive.setKeepAliveProbes(sock, 5); } resolve(res); }); }); } private getUrlForAction(action: keyof typeof deviceEndpoints): string { return `${this.deviceAddress}${deviceEndpoints[action]}`; } // A helper method for promisifying general (non-streaming) requests. Streaming // requests should use a seperate setup private static async promisifiedRequest( requestMethod: ( opts: T, cb: (err?: any, res?: any, body?: any) => void, ) => void, opts: T, logger?: Logger, ): Promise { interface ObjectWithUrl { url?: string; } if (logger != null) { let url: string | null = null; if (_.isObject(opts) && (opts as ObjectWithUrl).url != null) { // the `as string` shouldn't be necessary, but the type system // is getting a little confused url = (opts as ObjectWithUrl).url as string; } else if (typeof opts === 'string') { url = opts; } if (url != null) { logger.logDebug(`Sending request to ${url}`); } } return Bluebird.fromCallback<[request.Response, { message: string }]>( cb => { return requestMethod(opts, cb); }, { multiArgs: true }, ).then(([response, body]) => { switch (response.statusCode) { case 200: return body; case 400: throw new ApiErrors.BadRequestDeviceAPIError(body.message); case 503: throw new ApiErrors.ServiceUnavailableAPIError(body.message); default: throw new ApiErrors.DeviceAPIError(body.message); } }); } } export default DeviceAPI;