### Copyright 2017 Resin.io Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ### BOOT_PARTITION = { primary: 1 } CONNECTIONS_FOLDER = '/system-connections' getConfigurationSchema = (connnectionFileName = 'resin-wifi') -> mapper: [ { template: persistentLogging: '{{persistentLogging}}' domain: [ [ 'config_json', 'persistentLogging' ] ] } { template: hostname: '{{hostname}}' domain: [ [ 'config_json', 'hostname' ] ] } { template: wifi: ssid: '{{networkSsid}}' 'wifi-security': psk: '{{networkKey}}' domain: [ [ 'system_connections', connnectionFileName, 'wifi' ] [ 'system_connections', connnectionFileName, 'wifi-security' ] ] } ] files: system_connections: fileset: true type: 'ini' location: path: CONNECTIONS_FOLDER.slice(1) partition: BOOT_PARTITION config_json: type: 'json' location: path: 'config.json' partition: BOOT_PARTITION inquirerOptions = (data) -> [ { message: 'Network SSID' type: 'input' name: 'networkSsid' default: data.networkSsid } { message: 'Network Key' type: 'input' name: 'networkKey' default: data.networkKey } { message: 'Do you want to set advanced settings?' type: 'confirm' name: 'advancedSettings' default: false } { message: 'Device Hostname' type: 'input' name: 'hostname' default: data.hostname, when: (answers) -> answers.advancedSettings } { message: 'Do you want to enable persistent logging?' type: 'confirm' name: 'persistentLogging' default: data.persistentLogging when: (answers) -> answers.advancedSettings } ] getConfiguration = (data) -> _ = require('lodash') inquirer = require('inquirer') # `persistentLogging` can be `undefined`, so we want # to make sure that case defaults to `false` data = _.assign data, persistentLogging: data.persistentLogging or false inquirer.prompt(inquirerOptions(data)) .then (answers) -> return _.merge(data, answers) # Taken from https://goo.gl/kr1kCt CONNECTION_FILE = ''' [connection] id=resin-wifi type=wifi [wifi] hidden=true mode=infrastructure ssid=My_Wifi_Ssid [wifi-security] auth-alg=open key-mgmt=wpa-psk psk=super_secret_wifi_password [ipv4] method=auto [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy method=auto ''' ### * if the `resin-wifi` file exists (previously configured image or downloaded from the UI) it's used and reconfigured * if the `resin-sample.ignore` exists it's copied to `resin-wifi` * if the `resin-sample` exists it's reconfigured (legacy mode, will be removed eventually) * otherwise, the new file is created ### prepareConnectionFile = (target) -> _ = require('lodash') imagefs = require('resin-image-fs') imagefs.listDirectory image: target partition: BOOT_PARTITION path: CONNECTIONS_FOLDER .then (files) -> # The required file already exists if _.includes(files, 'resin-wifi') return null # Fresh image, new mode, accoding to https://github.com/resin-os/meta-resin/pull/770/files if _.includes(files, 'resin-sample.ignore') return imagefs.copy image: target partition: BOOT_PARTITION path: "#{CONNECTIONS_FOLDER}/resin-sample.ignore" , image: target partition: BOOT_PARTITION path: "#{CONNECTIONS_FOLDER}/resin-wifi" .thenReturn(null) # Legacy mode, to be removed later # We return the file name override from this branch # When it is removed the following cleanup should be done: # * delete all the null returns from this method # * turn `getConfigurationSchema` back into the constant, with the connection filename always being `resin-wifi` # * drop the final `then` from this method # * adapt the code in the main listener to not receive the config from this method, and use that constant instead if _.includes(files, 'resin-sample') return 'resin-sample' # In case there's no file at all (shouldn't happen normally, but the file might have been removed) return imagefs.writeFile image: target partition: BOOT_PARTITION path: "#{CONNECTIONS_FOLDER}/resin-wifi" , CONNECTION_FILE .thenReturn(null) .then (connectionFileName) -> return getConfigurationSchema(connectionFileName) removeHostname = (schema) -> _ = require('lodash') schema.mapper = _.reject schema.mapper, (mapper) -> _.isEqual(Object.keys(mapper.template), ['hostname']) module.exports = signature: 'local configure ' description: '(Re)configure a resinOS drive or image' help: ''' Use this command to configure or reconfigure a resinOS drive or image. Examples: $ resin local configure /dev/sdc $ resin local configure path/to/image.img ''' root: true action: (params, options, done) -> Promise = require('bluebird') umount = require('umount') umountAsync = Promise.promisify(umount.umount) isMountedAsync = Promise.promisify(umount.isMounted) reconfix = require('reconfix') denymount = Promise.promisify(require('denymount')) prepareConnectionFile(params.target) .tap -> isMountedAsync(params.target).then (isMounted) -> return if not isMounted umountAsync(params.target) .then (configurationSchema) -> denymount params.target, (cb) -> reconfix.readConfiguration(configurationSchema, params.target) .then(getConfiguration) .then (answers) -> if not answers.hostname removeHostname(configurationSchema) reconfix.writeConfiguration(configurationSchema, answers, params.target) .asCallback(cb) .then -> console.log('Done!') .asCallback(done)