# balena CLI Documentation The balena CLI is a Command Line Interface for [balenaCloud](https://www.balena.io/cloud/) or [openBalena](https://www.balena.io/open/). It is a software tool available for Windows, macOS and Linux, used through a command prompt / terminal window. It can be used interactively or invoked in scripts. The balena CLI builds on the [balena API](https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/api/overview/) and the [balena SDK](https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/sdk/node-sdk/), and can also be directly imported in Node.js applications. The balena CLI is an [open-source project on GitHub](https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/), and your contribution is also welcome! ## Installation Check the [balena CLI installation instructions on GitHub](https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/blob/master/INSTALL.md). ## Choosing a shell (command prompt/terminal) On **Windows,** the standard Command Prompt (`cmd.exe`) and [PowerShell](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/getting-started/getting-started-with-windows-powershell?view=powershell-6) are supported. Alternative shells include: * [MSYS2](https://www.msys2.org/): * Install additional packages with the command: `pacman -S git gcc make openssh p7zip` * [Set a Windows environment variable](https://www.onmsft.com/how-to/how-to-set-an-environment-variable-in-windows-10): `MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit` * Note that a bug in the MSYS2 launch script (`msys2_shell.cmd`) makes text-based interactive CLI menus to break. [Check this Github issue for a workaround](https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/issues/1633#issuecomment-240583890). * [MSYS](http://www.mingw.org/wiki/MSYS) * [Git for Windows](https://git-for-windows.github.io/) * During the installation, you will be prompted to choose between _"Use MinTTY"_ and _"Use Windows' default console window"._ Choose the latter, because of the same [MSYS2 bug](https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/issues/1633) mentioned above (Git for Windows actually uses MSYS2). For a screenshot, check this [comment](https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/issues/598#issuecomment-556513098). * Microsoft's [Windows Subsystem for Linux](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/about) (WSL). In this case, a Linux distribution like Ubuntu is installed via the Microsoft Store, and a balena CLI release **for Linux** should be selected. See [FAQ](https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/blob/master/TROUBLESHOOTING.md) for using the balena CLI with WSL and Docker Desktop for Windows. On **macOS** and **Linux,** the standard terminal window is supported. Optionally, `bash` command auto completion may be enabled by copying the [balena_comp](https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/blob/master/completion/balena-completion.bash) file to your system's `bash_completion` directory: check [Docker's command completion guide](https://docs.docker.com/compose/completion/) for system setup instructions. ## Logging in Several CLI commands require access to your balenaCloud account, for example in order to push a new release to your fleet. Those commands require creating a CLI login session by running: ```sh $ balena login ``` ## Proxy support HTTP(S) proxies can be configured through any of the following methods, in precedence order (from higher to lower): * The `BALENARC_PROXY` environment variable in URL format, with protocol (`http` or `https`), host, port and optionally basic auth. Examples: * `export BALENARC_PROXY='https://bob:secret@proxy.company.com:12345'` * `export BALENARC_PROXY='http://localhost:8000'` * The `proxy` setting in the [CLI config file](https://www.npmjs.com/package/balena-settings-client#documentation). It may be: * A string in URL format, e.g. `proxy: 'http://localhost:8000'` * An object in the format: ```yaml proxy: protocol: 'http' host: 'proxy.company.com' port: 12345 proxyAuth: 'bob:secret' ``` * The `HTTPS_PROXY` and/or `HTTP_PROXY` environment variables, in the same URL format as `BALENARC_PROXY`. ### Proxy setup for balena device ssh In order to work behind a proxy server, the `balena device ssh` command requires the [`proxytunnel`](http://proxytunnel.sourceforge.net/) package (command-line tool) to be installed. `proxytunnel` is available for Linux distributions like Ubuntu/Debian (`apt install proxytunnel`), and for macOS through [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/). Windows support is limited to the [Windows Subsystem for Linux](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/about) (e.g., by installing Ubuntu through the Microsoft App Store). Ensure that the proxy server is configured to allow proxy requests to ssh port 22, using SSL encryption. For example, in the case of the [Squid](http://www.squid-cache.org/) proxy server, it should be configured with the following rules in the `squid.conf` file: `acl SSL_ports port 22` `acl Safe_ports port 22` ### Proxy exclusion The `BALENARC_NO_PROXY` variable may be used to exclude specified destinations from proxying. > * This feature requires CLI version 11.30.8 or later. In the case of the npm [installation > option](https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/blob/master/INSTALL.md), it also requires > Node.js version 10.16.0 or later. > * To exclude a `balena device ssh` target from proxying (IP address or `.local` hostname), the > `--noproxy` option should be specified in addition to the `BALENARC_NO_PROXY` variable. By default (if `BALENARC_NO_PROXY` is not defined), all [private IPv4 addresses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network) and `'*.local'` hostnames are excluded from proxying. Other hostnames that resolve to private IPv4 addresses are **not** excluded by default, because matching takes place before name resolution. `localhost` and `` are always excluded from proxying, regardless of the value of BALENARC_NO_PROXY. The format of the `BALENARC_NO_PROXY` environment variable is a comma-separated list of patterns that are matched against hostnames or IP addresses. For example: ``` export BALENARC_NO_PROXY='*.local,dev*.mycompany.com,192.168.*' ``` Matched patterns are excluded from proxying. Wildcard expressions are documented at [matcher](https://www.npmjs.com/package/matcher#usage). Matching takes place _before_ name resolution, so a pattern like `'192.168.*'` will **not** match a hostname that resolves to an IP address like ``. ## Support, FAQ and troubleshooting To learn more, troubleshoot issues, or to contact us for support: * Check the [masterclass tutorials](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/more/masterclasses/overview/) * Check our [FAQ / troubleshooting document](https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/blob/master/TROUBLESHOOTING.md) * Ask us a question in the [balena forums](https://forums.balena.io/c/product-support) For CLI bug reports or feature requests, check the [CLI GitHub issues](https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/issues/). ## Deprecation policy The balena CLI uses [semver versioning](https://semver.org/), with the concepts of major, minor and patch version releases. The latest release of a major version of the balena CLI will remain compatible with the balenaCloud backend services for at least one year from the date when the following major version is released. For example, balena CLI v11.36.0, as the latest v11 release, would remain compatible with the balenaCloud backend for one year from the date when v12.0.0 was released. Half way through to that period (6 months after the release of the next major version), older major versions of the balena CLI will start printing a deprecation warning message when it is used interactively (when `stderr` is attached to a TTY device file). At the end of that period, older major versions will exit with an error message unless the `--unsupported` flag is used. This behavior was introduced in CLI version 12.47.0 and is also documented by `balena help`. To take advantage of the latest backend features and ensure compatibility, users are encouraged to regularly update the balena CLI to the latest version. # CLI Command Reference - API Keys - [api-key generate](#api-key-generate) - [api-key list](#api-key-list) - [api-key revoke](#api-key-revoke) - Apps - [app create](#app-create) - Authentication - [login](#login) - [logout](#logout) - [whoami](#whoami) - Blocks - [block create](#block-create) - Config - [config generate](#config-generate) - [config inject](#config-inject) - [config read](#config-read) - [config reconfigure](#config-reconfigure) - [config write](#config-write) - Deploy - [build](#build) - [deploy](#deploy) - Device-type - [device-type list](#device-type-list) - Devices - [device deactivate](#device-deactivate) - [device detect](#device-detect) - [device identify](#device-identify) - [device](#device) - [device init](#device-init) - [device list](#device-list) - [device local-mode](#device-local-mode) - [device logs](#device-logs) - [device move](#device-move) - [device note](#device-note) - [device os-update](#device-os-update) - [device pin](#device-pin) - [device public-url](#device-public-url) - [device purge](#device-purge) - [device reboot](#device-reboot) - [device register](#device-register) - [device rename](#device-rename) - [device restart](#device-restart) - [device rm](#device-rm) - [device shutdown](#device-shutdown) - [device ssh](#device-ssh) - [device start-service](#device-start-service) - [device stop-service](#device-stop-service) - [device track-fleet](#device-track-fleet) - [device tunnel](#device-tunnel) - Environment Variables - [env list](#env-list) - [env rename](#env-rename) - [env rm](#env-rm) - [env set](#env-set) - Fleets - [fleet create](#fleet-create) - [fleet](#fleet) - [fleet list](#fleet-list) - [fleet pin](#fleet-pin) - [fleet purge](#fleet-purge) - [fleet rename](#fleet-rename) - [fleet restart](#fleet-restart) - [fleet rm](#fleet-rm) - [fleet track-latest](#fleet-track-latest) - Local - [local configure](#local-configure) - [local flash](#local-flash) - Organizations - [organization list](#organization-list) - OS - [os build-config](#os-build-config) - [os configure](#os-configure) - [os download](#os-download) - [os initialize](#os-initialize) - [os versions](#os-versions) - Platform - [join](#join) - [leave](#leave) - Preload - [preload](#preload) - Push - [push](#push) - Releases - [release finalize](#release-finalize) - [release](#release) - [release invalidate](#release-invalidate) - [release list](#release-list) - [release validate](#release-validate) - Settings - [settings](#settings) - SSH Keys - [ssh-key add](#ssh-key-add) - [ssh-key](#ssh-key) - [ssh-key list](#ssh-key-list) - [ssh-key rm](#ssh-key-rm) - Support - [support](#support) - Tags - [tag list](#tag-list) - [tag rm](#tag-rm) - [tag set](#tag-set) - Utilities - [util available-drives](#util-available-drives) - Version - [version](#version) # API Keys ## api-key generate ### Description Generate a new balenaCloud API key for the current user, with the given name. The key will be logged to the console. This key can be used to log into the CLI using 'balena login --token ', or to authenticate requests to the API with an 'Authorization: Bearer ' header. Examples: $ balena api-key generate "Jenkins Key" ### Arguments #### NAME the API key name #### EXPIRYDATE the API key expiry date ## api-key list ### Aliases - `api-keys` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `api-key list` with the alias. ### Description Print a list of balenaCloud API keys. Print a list of balenaCloud API keys for the current user or for a specific fleet with the `--fleet` option. Examples: $ balena api-key list ### Options #### -u, --user show API keys for your user #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) ## api-key revoke ### Description Revoke balenaCloud API keys with the given comma-separated list of ids. The given balenaCloud API keys will no longer be usable. Examples: $ balena api-key revoke 123 $ balena api-key revoke 123,124,456 ### Arguments #### IDS the API key ids # Apps ## app create ### Description Create a new balena app. You can specify the organization the app should belong to using the `--organization` option. The organization's handle, not its name, should be provided. Organization handles can be listed with the `balena organization list` command. The app's default device type is specified with the `--type` option. The `balena device-type list` command can be used to list the available device types. Interactive dropdowns will be shown for selection if no device type or organization is specified and there are multiple options to choose from. If there is a single option to choose from, it will be chosen automatically. This interactive behavior can be disabled by explicitly specifying a device type and organization. Examples: $ balena app create MyApp $ balena app create MyApp --organization mmyorg $ balena app create MyApp -o myorg --type raspberry-pi ### Arguments #### NAME app name ### Options #### -o, --organization ORGANIZATION handle of the organization the app should belong to #### -t, --type TYPE app device type (Check available types with `balena device-type list`) # Authentication ## login ### Description Login to your balena account. This command will prompt you to login using the following login types: - Web authorization: open your web browser and prompt to authorize the CLI from the dashboard. - Credentials: using email/password and 2FA. - Token: using a session token or API key from the preferences page. Examples: $ balena login $ balena login --web $ balena login --token "..." $ balena login --credentials $ balena login --credentials --email johndoe@gmail.com --password secret ### Arguments #### TOKEN ### Options #### -w, --web web-based login #### -t, --token session token or API key #### -c, --credentials credential-based login #### -e, --email EMAIL email #### -u, --user USER #### -p, --password PASSWORD password #### -P, --port PORT TCP port number of local HTTP login server (--web auth only) #### -H, --hideExperimentalWarning Hides warning for experimental features ## logout ### Description Logout from your balena account. Examples: $ balena logout ## whoami ### Description Get the username and email address of the currently logged in user. Examples: $ balena whoami # Blocks ## block create ### Description Create a new balena block. You can specify the organization the block should belong to using the `--organization` option. The organization's handle, not its name, should be provided. Organization handles can be listed with the `balena organization list` command. The block's default device type is specified with the `--type` option. The `balena device-type list` command can be used to list the available device types. Interactive dropdowns will be shown for selection if no device type or organization is specified and there are multiple options to choose from. If there is a single option to choose from, it will be chosen automatically. This interactive behavior can be disabled by explicitly specifying a device type and organization. Examples: $ balena block create MyBlock $ balena block create MyBlock --organization mmyorg $ balena block create MyBlock -o myorg --type raspberry-pi ### Arguments #### NAME block name ### Options #### -o, --organization ORGANIZATION handle of the organization the block should belong to #### -t, --type TYPE block device type (Check available types with `balena device-type list`) # Config ## config generate ### Description Generate a config.json file for a device or fleet. The target balenaOS version must be specified with the --version option. The '--dev' option is used to configure balenaOS to operate in development mode, allowing anauthenticated root ssh access and exposing network ports such as balenaEngine's 2375 (unencrypted). This option causes `"developmentMode": true` to be inserted in the 'config.json' file in the image's boot partion. Development mode (as a configurable option) is applicable to balenaOS releases from early 2022. Older releases have separate development and production balenaOS images that cannot be reconfigured through 'config.json' or the '--dev' option. Do not confuse the balenaOS "development mode" with a device's "local mode", the latter being a supervisor feature that allows the "balena push" command to push a user's application directly to a device in the local network. The '--secureBoot' option is used to configure a balenaOS installer image to opt-in secure boot and disk encryption. To configure an image for a fleet of mixed device types, use the --fleet option alongside the --deviceType option to specify the target device type. To avoid interactive questions, specify a command line option for each question that would otherwise be asked. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena config generate --device 7cf02a6 --version 2.12.7 $ balena config generate --device 7cf02a6 --version 2.12.7 --generate-device-api-key $ balena config generate --device 7cf02a6 --version 2.12.7 --deviceApiKey $ balena config generate --device 7cf02a6 --version 2.12.7 --output config.json $ balena config generate --fleet myorg/fleet --version 2.12.7 --dev $ balena config generate --fleet myorg/fleet --version 2.12.7 --secureBoot $ balena config generate --fleet myorg/fleet --version 2.12.7 --deviceType fincm3 $ balena config generate --fleet myorg/fleet --version 2.12.7 --output config.json $ balena config generate --fleet myorg/fleet --version 2.12.7 --network wifi --wifiSsid mySsid --wifiKey abcdefgh --appUpdatePollInterval 15 ### Options #### --version VERSION a balenaOS version #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### --dev Configure balenaOS to operate in development mode #### --secureBoot Configure balenaOS installer to opt-in secure boot and disk encryption #### -d, --device DEVICE device UUID #### -k, --deviceApiKey DEVICEAPIKEY custom device key - note that this is only supported on balenaOS 2.0.3+ #### --deviceType DEVICETYPE device type slug (run 'balena device-type list' for possible values) #### --generate-device-api-key generate a fresh device key for the device #### -o, --output OUTPUT path of output file #### --network NETWORK the network type to use: ethernet or wifi #### --wifiSsid WIFISSID the wifi ssid to use (used only if --network is set to wifi) #### --wifiKey WIFIKEY the wifi key to use (used only if --network is set to wifi) #### --appUpdatePollInterval APPUPDATEPOLLINTERVAL supervisor cloud polling interval in minutes (e.g. for device variables) #### --provisioning-key-name PROVISIONING-KEY-NAME custom key name assigned to generated provisioning api key #### --provisioning-key-expiry-date PROVISIONING-KEY-EXPIRY-DATE expiry date assigned to generated provisioning api key (format: YYYY-MM-DD) ## config inject ### Description Inject a 'config.json' file to a balenaOS image file or attached SD card or USB stick. Documentation for the balenaOS 'config.json' file can be found at: https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/OS/configuration/ Examples: $ balena config inject my/config.json $ balena config inject my/config.json --drive /dev/disk2 ### Arguments #### FILE the path to the config.json file to inject ### Options #### -d, --drive DRIVE path to OS image file (e.g. balena.img) or block device (e.g. /dev/disk2) ## config read ### Description Read the 'config.json' file of a balenaOS image file or attached SD card or USB stick. Documentation for the balenaOS 'config.json' file can be found at: https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/OS/configuration/ Examples: $ balena config read $ balena config read --drive /dev/disk2 $ balena config read --drive balena.img ### Options #### -d, --drive DRIVE path to OS image file (e.g. balena.img) or block device (e.g. /dev/disk2) #### -j, --json produce JSON output instead of tabular output ## config reconfigure ### Description Interactively reconfigure a balenaOS image file or attached media. This command extracts the device UUID from the 'config.json' file of the chosen balenaOS image file or attached media, and then passes the UUID as the '--device' argument to the 'balena os configure' command. For finer-grained or scripted control of the operation, use the 'balena config read' and 'balena os configure' commands separately. Examples: $ balena config reconfigure $ balena config reconfigure --drive /dev/disk3 $ balena config reconfigure --drive balena.img --advanced ### Options #### -d, --drive DRIVE path to OS image file (e.g. balena.img) or block device (e.g. /dev/disk2) #### -v, --advanced show advanced commands #### --version VERSION balenaOS version, for example "2.32.0" or "2.44.0+rev1" ## config write ### Description Write a key-value pair to the 'config.json' file of a balenaOS image file or attached SD card or USB stick. Documentation for the balenaOS 'config.json' file can be found at: https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/OS/configuration/ Examples: $ balena config write ntpServers "0.resinio.pool.ntp.org 1.resinio.pool.ntp.org" $ balena config write --drive /dev/disk2 hostname custom-hostname $ balena config write --drive balena.img os.network.connectivity.interval 300 ### Arguments #### KEY the key of the config parameter to write #### VALUE the value of the config parameter to write ### Options #### -d, --drive DRIVE path to OS image file (e.g. balena.img) or block device (e.g. /dev/disk2) # Deploy ## build ### Description Use this command to build an image or a complete multicontainer project with the provided docker daemon in your development machine or balena device. (See also the `balena push` command for the option of building images in the balenaCloud build servers.) You must specify either a fleet, or the device type and architecture. This command will look into the given source directory (or the current working directory if one isn't specified) for a docker-compose.yml file, and if found, each service defined in the compose file will be built. If a compose file isn't found, it will look for a Dockerfile[.template] file (or alternative Dockerfile specified with the `--dockerfile` option), and if no dockerfile is found, it will try to generate one. REGISTRY SECRETS The --registry-secrets option specifies a JSON or YAML file containing private Docker registry usernames and passwords to be used when pulling base images. Sample registry-secrets YAML file: ``` 'my-registry-server.com:25000': username: ann password: hunter2 '': # Use the empty string to refer to the Docker Hub username: mike password: cze14 'eu.gcr.io': # Google Container Registry username: '_json_key' password: '{escaped contents of the GCR keyfile.json file}' ``` For a sample project using registry secrets with the Google Container Registry, check: https://github.com/balena-io-examples/sample-gcr-registry-secrets If the --registry-secrets option is not specified, and a secrets.yml or secrets.json file exists in the balena directory (usually $HOME/.balena), this file will be used instead. DOCKERIGNORE AND GITIGNORE FILES By default, the balena CLI will use a single ".dockerignore" file (if any) at the project root (--source directory) in order to decide which source files to exclude from the "build context" (tar stream) sent to balenaCloud, Docker daemon or balenaEngine. In a microservices (multicontainer) fleet, the source directory is the directory that contains the "docker-compose.yml" file. The --multi-dockerignore (-m) option may be used with microservices (multicontainer) fleets that define a docker-compose.yml file. When this option is used, each service subdirectory (defined by the `build` or `build.context` service properties in the docker-compose.yml file) is filtered separately according to a .dockerignore file defined in the service subdirectory. If no .dockerignore file exists in a service subdirectory, then only the default .dockerignore patterns (see below) apply for that service subdirectory. When the --multi-dockerignore (-m) option is used, the .dockerignore file (if any) defined at the overall project root will be used to filter files and subdirectories other than service subdirectories. It will not have any effect on service subdirectories, whether or not a service subdirectory defines its own .dockerignore file. Multiple .dockerignore files are not merged or added together, and cannot override or extend other files. This behavior maximizes compatibility with the standard docker-compose tool, while still allowing a root .dockerignore file (at the overall project root) to filter files and folders that are outside service subdirectories. balena CLI v11 also took .gitignore files into account. This behavior was deprecated in CLI v12 and removed in CLI v13. Please use .dockerignore files instead. Default .dockerignore patterns A few default/hardcoded dockerignore patterns are "merged" (in memory) with the patterns found in the applicable .dockerignore files, in the following order: ``` **/.git < user's patterns from the applicable '.dockerignore' file, if any > !**/.balena !**/.resin !**/Dockerfile !**/Dockerfile.* !**/docker-compose.yml ``` These patterns always apply, whether or not .dockerignore files exist in the project. If necessary, the effect of the `**/.git` pattern may be modified by adding exception patterns to the applicable .dockerignore file(s), for example `!mysubmodule/.git`. For documentation on pattern format, see: - https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#dockerignore-file - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@balena/dockerignore Examples: $ balena build --fleet myFleet $ balena build ./source/ --fleet myorg/myfleet $ balena build --deviceType raspberrypi3 --emulated $ balena build --deviceType raspberrypi3 --arch armv7hf --emulated $ balena build --docker /var/run/docker.sock --fleet myFleet # Linux, Mac $ balena build --docker //./pipe/docker_engine --fleet myFleet # Windows $ balena build --dockerHost my.docker.host --dockerPort 2376 --ca ca.pem --key key.pem --cert cert.pem -f myFleet ### Arguments #### SOURCE path of project source directory ### Options #### -A, --arch ARCH the architecture to build for #### -d, --deviceType DEVICETYPE the type of device this build is for #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### -e, --emulated Use QEMU for ARM architecture emulation during the image build #### --dockerfile DOCKERFILE Alternative Dockerfile name/path, relative to the source folder #### --nologs Hide the image build log output (produce less verbose output) #### -m, --multi-dockerignore Have each service use its own .dockerignore file. See "balena help build". #### --noparent-check Disable project validation check of 'docker-compose.yml' file in parent folder #### -R, --registry-secrets REGISTRY-SECRETS Path to a YAML or JSON file with passwords for a private Docker registry #### --noconvert-eol Don't convert line endings from CRLF (Windows format) to LF (Unix format). #### -n, --projectName PROJECTNAME Name prefix for locally built images. This is the 'projectName' portion in 'projectName_serviceName:tag'. The default is the directory name. #### -t, --tag TAG Tag locally built Docker images. This is the 'tag' portion in 'projectName_serviceName:tag'. The default is 'latest'. #### -B, --buildArg BUILDARG [Deprecated] Set a build-time variable (eg. "-B 'ARG=value'"). Can be specified multiple times. #### --cache-from CACHE-FROM Comma-separated list (no spaces) of image names for build cache resolution. Implements the same feature as the "docker build --cache-from" option. #### --nocache Don't use docker layer caching when building #### --pull Pull the base images again even if they exist locally #### --squash Squash newly built layers into a single new layer #### -P, --docker DOCKER Path to a local docker socket (e.g. /var/run/docker.sock) #### -h, --dockerHost DOCKERHOST Docker daemon hostname or IP address (dev machine or balena device) #### -p, --dockerPort DOCKERPORT Docker daemon TCP port number (hint: 2375 for balena devices) #### --ca CA Docker host TLS certificate authority file #### --cert CERT Docker host TLS certificate file #### --key KEY Docker host TLS key file ## deploy ### Description Usage: `deploy ([image] | --build [--source build-dir])` Use this command to deploy an image or a complete multicontainer project to a fleet, optionally building it first. The source images are searched for (and optionally built) using the docker daemon in your development machine or balena device. (See also the `balena push` command for the option of building the image in the balenaCloud build servers.) Unless an image is specified, this command will look into the current directory (or the one specified by --source) for a docker-compose.yml file. If one is found, this command will deploy each service defined in the compose file, building it first if an image for it doesn't exist. Image names will be looked up according to the scheme: `_`. If a compose file isn't found, the command will look for a Dockerfile[.template] file (or alternative Dockerfile specified with the `-f` option), and if yet that isn't found, it will try to generate one. To deploy to a fleet where you are a collaborator, use fleet slug including the organization: `balena deploy /`. REGISTRY SECRETS The --registry-secrets option specifies a JSON or YAML file containing private Docker registry usernames and passwords to be used when pulling base images. Sample registry-secrets YAML file: ``` 'my-registry-server.com:25000': username: ann password: hunter2 '': # Use the empty string to refer to the Docker Hub username: mike password: cze14 'eu.gcr.io': # Google Container Registry username: '_json_key' password: '{escaped contents of the GCR keyfile.json file}' ``` For a sample project using registry secrets with the Google Container Registry, check: https://github.com/balena-io-examples/sample-gcr-registry-secrets If the --registry-secrets option is not specified, and a secrets.yml or secrets.json file exists in the balena directory (usually $HOME/.balena), this file will be used instead. DOCKERIGNORE AND GITIGNORE FILES By default, the balena CLI will use a single ".dockerignore" file (if any) at the project root (--source directory) in order to decide which source files to exclude from the "build context" (tar stream) sent to balenaCloud, Docker daemon or balenaEngine. In a microservices (multicontainer) fleet, the source directory is the directory that contains the "docker-compose.yml" file. The --multi-dockerignore (-m) option may be used with microservices (multicontainer) fleets that define a docker-compose.yml file. When this option is used, each service subdirectory (defined by the `build` or `build.context` service properties in the docker-compose.yml file) is filtered separately according to a .dockerignore file defined in the service subdirectory. If no .dockerignore file exists in a service subdirectory, then only the default .dockerignore patterns (see below) apply for that service subdirectory. When the --multi-dockerignore (-m) option is used, the .dockerignore file (if any) defined at the overall project root will be used to filter files and subdirectories other than service subdirectories. It will not have any effect on service subdirectories, whether or not a service subdirectory defines its own .dockerignore file. Multiple .dockerignore files are not merged or added together, and cannot override or extend other files. This behavior maximizes compatibility with the standard docker-compose tool, while still allowing a root .dockerignore file (at the overall project root) to filter files and folders that are outside service subdirectories. balena CLI v11 also took .gitignore files into account. This behavior was deprecated in CLI v12 and removed in CLI v13. Please use .dockerignore files instead. Default .dockerignore patterns A few default/hardcoded dockerignore patterns are "merged" (in memory) with the patterns found in the applicable .dockerignore files, in the following order: ``` **/.git < user's patterns from the applicable '.dockerignore' file, if any > !**/.balena !**/.resin !**/Dockerfile !**/Dockerfile.* !**/docker-compose.yml ``` These patterns always apply, whether or not .dockerignore files exist in the project. If necessary, the effect of the `**/.git` pattern may be modified by adding exception patterns to the applicable .dockerignore file(s), for example `!mysubmodule/.git`. For documentation on pattern format, see: - https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#dockerignore-file - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@balena/dockerignore Examples: $ balena deploy myFleet $ balena deploy myorg/myfleet --build --source myBuildDir/ $ balena deploy myorg/myfleet --build --source myBuildDir/ --note "this is the note for this release" $ balena deploy myorg/myfleet myRepo/myImage $ balena deploy myFleet myRepo/myImage --release-tag key1 "" key2 "value2 with spaces" ### Arguments #### FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### IMAGE the image to deploy ### Options #### -s, --source SOURCE specify an alternate source directory; default is the working directory #### -b, --build force a rebuild before deploy #### --nologupload don't upload build logs to the dashboard with image (if building) #### --release-tag RELEASE-TAG Set release tags if the image deployment is successful. Multiple arguments may be provided, alternating tag keys and values (see examples). Hint: Empty values may be specified with "" (bash, cmd.exe) or '""' (PowerShell). #### --draft Deploy the release as a draft. Draft releases are ignored by the 'track latest' release policy but can be used through release pinning. Draft releases can be marked as final through the API. Releases are created as final by default unless this option is given. #### --note NOTE The notes for this release #### -e, --emulated Use QEMU for ARM architecture emulation during the image build #### --dockerfile DOCKERFILE Alternative Dockerfile name/path, relative to the source folder #### --nologs Hide the image build log output (produce less verbose output) #### -m, --multi-dockerignore Have each service use its own .dockerignore file. See "balena help build". #### --noparent-check Disable project validation check of 'docker-compose.yml' file in parent folder #### -R, --registry-secrets REGISTRY-SECRETS Path to a YAML or JSON file with passwords for a private Docker registry #### --noconvert-eol Don't convert line endings from CRLF (Windows format) to LF (Unix format). #### -n, --projectName PROJECTNAME Name prefix for locally built images. This is the 'projectName' portion in 'projectName_serviceName:tag'. The default is the directory name. #### -t, --tag TAG Tag locally built Docker images. This is the 'tag' portion in 'projectName_serviceName:tag'. The default is 'latest'. #### -B, --buildArg BUILDARG [Deprecated] Set a build-time variable (eg. "-B 'ARG=value'"). Can be specified multiple times. #### --cache-from CACHE-FROM Comma-separated list (no spaces) of image names for build cache resolution. Implements the same feature as the "docker build --cache-from" option. #### --nocache Don't use docker layer caching when building #### --pull Pull the base images again even if they exist locally #### --squash Squash newly built layers into a single new layer #### -P, --docker DOCKER Path to a local docker socket (e.g. /var/run/docker.sock) #### -h, --dockerHost DOCKERHOST Docker daemon hostname or IP address (dev machine or balena device) #### -p, --dockerPort DOCKERPORT Docker daemon TCP port number (hint: 2375 for balena devices) #### --ca CA Docker host TLS certificate authority file #### --cert CERT Docker host TLS certificate file #### --key KEY Docker host TLS key file # Device-type ## device-type list ### Aliases - `devices supported` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `device-type list` with the alias. ### Description List the device types supported by balena (like 'raspberrypi3' or 'intel-nuc'). By default, only actively supported device types are listed. The --all option can be used to list all device types, including those that are no longer supported by balena. The --json option is recommended when scripting the output of this command, because the JSON format is less likely to change and it better represents data types like lists and empty strings (for example, the ALIASES column contains a list of zero or more values). The 'jq' utility may be helpful in shell scripts (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/). Examples: $ balena device-type list $ balena device-type list --all $ balena device-type list --json ### Options #### -j, --json produce JSON output instead of tabular output #### --all include device types no longer supported by balena # Devices ## device deactivate ### Description Deactivate a device. Note this command asks for confirmation interactively. You can avoid this by passing the `--yes` option. Examples: $ balena device deactivate 7cf02a6 $ balena device deactivate 7cf02a6 --yes ### Arguments #### UUID the UUID of the device to be deactivated ### Options #### -y, --yes answer "yes" to all questions (non interactive use) ## device detect ### Aliases - `scan` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `device detect` with the alias. ### Description Scan for balenaOS devices on your local network. The output includes device information collected through balenaEngine for devices running a development image of balenaOS. Devices running a production image do not expose balenaEngine (on TCP port 2375), which is why less information is printed about them. Examples: $ balena device detect $ balena device detect --timeout 120 $ balena device detect --verbose ### Options #### -v, --verbose display full info #### -t, --timeout TIMEOUT scan timeout in seconds #### -j, --json produce JSON output instead of tabular output ## device identify ### Description Identify a device by making the ACT LED blink (Raspberry Pi). Examples: $ balena device identify 23c73a1 ### Arguments #### UUID the uuid of the device to identify ## device ### Description Show information about a single device. The --json option is recommended when scripting the output of this command, because field names are less likely to change in JSON format and because it better represents data types like arrays, empty strings and null values. The 'jq' utility may be helpful for querying JSON fields in shell scripts (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/). Examples: $ balena device 7cf02a6 $ balena device 7cf02a6 --view $ balena device 7cf02a6 --json ### Arguments #### UUID the device uuid ### Options #### -j, --json produce JSON output instead of tabular output #### --view open device dashboard page ## device init ### Description Register a new device in the selected fleet, download the OS image for the fleet's default device type, configure the image and write it to an SD card. This command effectively combines several other balena CLI commands in one, namely: 'balena device register' 'balena os download' 'balena os build-config' or 'balena config generate' 'balena os configure' 'balena os local flash' Possible arguments for the '--fleet', '--os-version' and '--drive' options can be listed respectively with the commands: 'balena fleet list' 'balena os versions' 'balena util available-drives' If the '--fleet' or '--drive' options are omitted, interactive menus will be presented with values to choose from. If the '--os-version' option is omitted, the latest released OS version for the fleet's default device type will be used. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Image configuration questions will be asked interactively unless a pre-configured 'config.json' file is provided with the '--config' option. The file can be generated with the 'balena config generate' or 'balena os build-config' commands. Examples: $ balena device init $ balena device init -f myorg/myfleet $ balena device init --fleet myFleet --os-version 2.101.7 --drive /dev/disk5 --config config.json --yes $ balena device init --fleet myFleet --os-version 2.83.21+rev1.prod --drive /dev/disk5 --config config.json --yes ### Options #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### -y, --yes answer "yes" to all questions (non interactive use) #### -v, --advanced show advanced configuration options #### --os-version OS-VERSION exact version number, or a valid semver range, or 'latest' (includes pre-releases), or 'default' (excludes pre-releases if at least one stable version is available), or 'recommended' (excludes pre-releases, will fail if only pre-release versions are available), or 'menu' (will show the interactive menu) #### -d, --drive DRIVE the drive to write the image to, eg. `/dev/sdb` or `/dev/mmcblk0`. Careful with this as you can erase your hard drive. Check `balena util available-drives` for available options. #### --config CONFIG path to the config JSON file, see `balena os build-config` #### --provisioning-key-name PROVISIONING-KEY-NAME custom key name assigned to generated provisioning api key #### --provisioning-key-expiry-date PROVISIONING-KEY-EXPIRY-DATE expiry date assigned to generated provisioning api key (format: YYYY-MM-DD) ## device list ### Aliases - `devices` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `device list` with the alias. ### Description List all of your devices. Devices can be filtered by fleet with the `--fleet` option. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). The --json option is recommended when scripting the output of this command, because field names are less likely to change in JSON format and because it better represents data types like arrays, empty strings and null values. The 'jq' utility may be helpful for querying JSON fields in shell scripts (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/). Examples: $ balena device list $ balena device list --fleet MyFleet $ balena device list -f myorg/myfleet ### Options #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### -j, --json produce JSON output instead of tabular output ## device local-mode ### Description Output current local mode status, or enable/disable local mode for specified device. Examples: $ balena device local-mode 23c73a1 $ balena device local-mode 23c73a1 --enable $ balena device local-mode 23c73a1 --disable $ balena device local-mode 23c73a1 --status ### Arguments #### UUID the uuid of the device to manage ### Options #### --enable enable local mode #### --disable disable local mode #### --status output boolean indicating local mode status ## device logs ### Aliases - `logs` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `device logs` with the alias. ### Description Show logs for a specific device. By default, the command prints all log messages and exits. To continuously stream output, and see new logs in real time, use the `--tail` option. If an IP or .local address is passed to this command, logs are displayed from a local mode device with that address. Note that --tail is implied when this command is provided a local mode device. Logs from a single service can be displayed with the --service flag. Just system logs can be shown with the --system flag. Note that these flags can be used together. Note: --service and --system flags must come after the device parameter, as per examples. Examples: $ balena device logs 23c73a1 $ balena device logs 23c73a1 --tail $ balena device logs $ balena device logs --service my-service $ balena device logs --service my-service-1 --service my-service-2 $ balena device logs 23c73a1.local --system $ balena device logs 23c73a1.local --system --service my-service ### Arguments #### DEVICE device UUID, IP, or .local address ### Options #### --max-retry MAX-RETRY Maximum number of reconnection attempts on "connection lost" errors (use 0 to disable auto reconnection). #### -t, --tail continuously stream output #### -s, --service SERVICE Reject logs not originating from this service. This can be used in combination with --system or other --service flags. #### -S, --system Only show system logs. This can be used in combination with --service. ## device move ### Description Move one or more devices to another fleet. If --fleet is omitted, the fleet will be prompted for interactively. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena device move 7cf02a6 $ balena device move 7cf02a6,dc39e52 $ balena device move 7cf02a6 --fleet MyNewFleet $ balena device move 7cf02a6 -f myorg/mynewfleet ### Arguments #### UUID comma-separated list (no blank spaces) of device UUIDs to be moved ### Options #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) ## device note ### Aliases - `notes` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `device note` with the alias. ### Description Set or update a device note. If the note argument is not provided, it will be read from stdin. To view device notes, use the `balena device ` command. Examples: $ balena device note "My useful note" --device 7cf02a6 $ cat note.txt | balena device note --device 7cf02a6 ### Arguments #### NOTE note content ### Options #### -d, --device DEVICE device UUID #### --dev DEV ## device os-update ### Description Start a Host OS update for a device. Note this command will ask for confirmation interactively. This can be avoided by passing the `--yes` option. Requires balenaCloud; will not work with openBalena or standalone balenaOS. Examples: $ balena device os-update 23c73a1 $ balena device os-update 23c73a1 --version 2.101.7 $ balena device os-update 23c73a1 --version 2.31.0+rev1.prod $ balena device os-update 23c73a1 --include-draft ### Arguments #### UUID the uuid of the device to update ### Options #### --version VERSION a balenaOS version #### --include-draft include pre-release balenaOS versions #### -y, --yes answer "yes" to all questions (non interactive use) ## device pin ### Description Pin a device to a release. Note, if the commit is omitted, the currently pinned release will be printed, with instructions for how to see a list of releases Examples: $ balena device pin 7cf02a6 $ balena device pin 7cf02a6 91165e5 ### Arguments #### UUID the uuid of the device to pin to a release #### RELEASETOPINTO the commit of the release for the device to get pinned to ## device public-url ### Description This command will output the current public URL for the specified device. It can also enable or disable the URL, or output the enabled status, using the respective options. Examples: $ balena device public-url 23c73a1 $ balena device public-url 23c73a1 --enable $ balena device public-url 23c73a1 --disable $ balena device public-url 23c73a1 --status ### Arguments #### UUID the uuid of the device to manage ### Options #### --enable enable the public URL #### --disable disable the public URL #### --status determine if public URL is enabled ## device purge ### Description Purge data from a device. This will clear the device's "/data" directory. Multiple devices may be specified with a comma-separated list of values (no spaces). Examples: $ balena device purge 23c73a1 $ balena device purge 55d43b3,23c73a1 ### Arguments #### UUID comma-separated list (no blank spaces) of device UUIDs ## device reboot ### Description Remotely reboot a device. Examples: $ balena device reboot 23c73a1 ### Arguments #### UUID the uuid of the device to reboot ### Options #### -f, --force force action if the update lock is set ## device register ### Description Register a new device with a balena fleet. If --uuid is not provided, a new UUID will be automatically assigned. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena device register MyFleet $ balena device register MyFleet --uuid $ balena device register myorg/myfleet --uuid $ balena device register myorg/myfleet --uuid --deviceType ### Arguments #### FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) ### Options #### -u, --uuid UUID custom uuid #### --deviceType DEVICETYPE device type slug (run 'balena device-type list' for possible values) ## device rename ### Description Rename a device. Note, if the name is omitted, it will be prompted for interactively. Examples: $ balena device rename 7cf02a6 $ balena device rename 7cf02a6 MyPi ### Arguments #### UUID the uuid of the device to rename #### NEWNAME the new name for the device ## device restart ### Description Restart containers on a device. If the --service flag is provided, then only those services' containers will be restarted, otherwise all containers on the device will be restarted. Multiple devices and services may be specified with a comma-separated list of values (no spaces). Note this does not reboot the device, to do so use instead `balena device reboot`. Examples: $ balena device restart 23c73a1 $ balena device restart 55d43b3,23c73a1 $ balena device restart 23c73a1 --service myService $ balena device restart 23c73a1 -s myService1,myService2 ### Arguments #### UUID comma-separated list (no blank spaces) of device UUIDs to restart ### Options #### -s, --service SERVICE comma-separated list (no blank spaces) of service names to restart ## device rm ### Description Remove one or more devices from balena. Note this command asks for confirmation interactively. You can avoid this by passing the `--yes` option. Examples: $ balena device rm 7cf02a6 $ balena device rm 7cf02a6,dc39e52 $ balena device rm 7cf02a6 --yes ### Arguments #### UUID comma-separated list (no blank spaces) of device UUIDs to be removed ### Options #### -y, --yes answer "yes" to all questions (non interactive use) ## device shutdown ### Description Remotely shutdown a device. Examples: $ balena device shutdown 23c73a1 ### Arguments #### UUID the uuid of the device to shutdown ### Options #### -f, --force force action if the update lock is set ## device ssh ### Aliases - `ssh` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `device ssh` with the alias. ### Description Start a shell on a local or remote device. If a service name is not provided, a shell will be opened on the host OS. If a fleet is provided, an interactive menu will be presented for the selection of an online device. A shell will then be opened for the host OS or service container of the chosen device. For local devices, the IP address and .local domain name are supported. If the device is referenced by IP or `.local` address, the connection is initiated directly to balenaOS on port `22222` via an openssh-compatible client. Otherwise, any connection initiated remotely traverses the balenaCloud VPN. Commands may be piped to the standard input for remote execution (see examples). Note however that remote command execution on service containers (as opposed to the host OS) is not currently possible when a device UUID is used (instead of an IP address) because of a balenaCloud backend limitation. Note: `balena ssh` requires an openssh-compatible client to be correctly installed in your shell environment. For more information (including Windows support) please check: https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/blob/master/INSTALL.md#additional-dependencies, Examples: $ balena device ssh MyFleet $ balena device ssh f49cefd $ balena device ssh f49cefd my-service $ balena device ssh f49cefd --port $ balena device ssh --verbose $ balena device ssh f49cefd.local my-service $ echo "uptime; exit;" | balena device ssh f49cefd $ echo "uptime; exit;" | balena device ssh myService ### Arguments #### FLEETORDEVICE fleet name/slug, device uuid, or address of local device #### SERVICE service name, if connecting to a container ### Options #### -p, --port PORT SSH server port number (default 22222) if the target is an IP address or .local hostname. Otherwise, port number for the balenaCloud gateway (default 22). #### -t, --tty force pseudo-terminal allocation (bypass TTY autodetection for stdin) #### -v, --verbose increase verbosity #### --noproxy bypass global proxy configuration for the ssh connection ## device start-service ### Description Start containers on a device. Multiple devices and services may be specified with a comma-separated list of values (no spaces). Examples: $ balena device start-service 23c73a1 myService $ balena device start-service 23c73a1 myService1,myService2 ### Arguments #### UUID comma-separated list (no blank spaces) of device UUIDs #### SERVICE comma-separated list (no blank spaces) of service names ## device stop-service ### Description Stop containers on a device. Multiple devices and services may be specified with a comma-separated list of values (no spaces). Examples: $ balena device stop-service 23c73a1 myService $ balena device stop-service 23c73a1 myService1,myService2 ### Arguments #### UUID comma-separated list (no blank spaces) of device UUIDs #### SERVICE comma-separated list (no blank spaces) of service names ## device track-fleet ### Description Make a device track the fleet's pinned release. Examples: $ balena device track-fleet 7cf02a6 ### Arguments #### UUID the uuid of the device to make track the fleet's release ## device tunnel ### Aliases - `tunnel` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `device tunnel` with the alias. ### Description Use this command to open local TCP ports that tunnel to listening sockets in a balenaOS device. For example, this command could be used to expose the ssh server of a balenaOS device (port number 22222) on the local machine, or to expose a web server running on the device. The port numbers do not have be the same between the device and the local machine, and multiple ports may be tunneled in a single command line. Port mappings are specified in the format: [:[localIP:]localPort] localIP defaults to 'localhost', and localPort defaults to the specified remotePort value. Note: the -p (--port) flag must be provided at the end of the command line, as per examples. In the case of openBalena, the tunnel command in CLI v12.38.5 or later requires openBalena v3.1.2 or later. Older CLI versions work with older openBalena versions. Examples: # map remote port 22222 to localhost:22222 $ balena device tunnel myFleet -p 22222 # map remote port 22222 to localhost:222 $ balena device tunnel 2ead211 -p 22222:222 # map remote port 22222 to any address on your host machine, port 22222 $ balena device tunnel 1546690 -p 22222: # map remote port 22222 to any address on your host machine, port 222 $ balena device tunnel myFleet -p 22222: # multiple port tunnels can be specified at any one time $ balena device tunnel myFleet -p 8080:3000 -p 8081:9000 ### Arguments #### DEVICEORFLEET device UUID or fleet name/slug ### Options #### -p, --port PORT port mapping in the format [:[localIP:]localPort] # Environment Variables ## env list ### Aliases - `envs` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `env list` with the alias. ### Description List the environment or configuration variables of a fleet, device or service, as selected by the respective command-line options. (A service corresponds to a Docker image/container in a microservices fleet.) The results include fleet-wide (multiple devices), device-specific (multiple services on a specific device) and service-specific variables that apply to the selected fleet, device or service. It can be thought of as including inherited variables; for example, a service inherits device-wide variables, and a device inherits fleet-wide variables. The printed output may include DEVICE and/or SERVICE columns to distinguish between fleet-wide, device-specific and service-specific variables. An asterisk in these columns indicates that the variable applies to "all devices" or "all services". The --config option is used to list "configuration variables" that control balena platform features, as opposed to custom environment variables defined by the user. The --config and the --service options are mutually exclusive because configuration variables cannot be set for specific services. The --json option is recommended when scripting the output of this command, because the JSON format is less likely to change and it better represents data types like lists and empty strings. The 'jq' utility may be helpful in shell scripts (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/). When --json is used, an empty JSON array ([]) is printed instead of an error message when no variables exist for the given query. When querying variables for a device, note that the fleet name may be null in JSON output (or 'N/A' in tabular output) if the fleet that the device belonged to is no longer accessible by the current user (for example, in case the current user was removed from the fleet by the fleet's owner). Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena env list --fleet myorg/myfleet $ balena env list --fleet MyFleet --json $ balena env list --fleet MyFleet --service MyService $ balena env list --fleet MyFleet --config $ balena env list --device 7cf02a6 $ balena env list --device 7cf02a6 --json $ balena env list --device 7cf02a6 --config --json $ balena env list --device 7cf02a6 --service MyService ### Options #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### -c, --config show configuration variables only #### -d, --device DEVICE device UUID #### -j, --json produce JSON output instead of tabular output #### -s, --service SERVICE service name ## env rename ### Description Change the value of a configuration or environment variable for a fleet, device or service, as selected by command-line options. Variables are selected by their database ID (as reported by the 'balena env list' command) and one of six database "resource types": - fleet environment variable - fleet configuration variable (--config) - fleet service variable (--service) - device environment variable (--device) - device configuration variable (--device --config) - device service variable (--device --service) The --device option selects a device-specific variable instead of a fleet variable. The --config option selects a configuration variable. Configuration variable names typically start with the 'BALENA_' or 'RESIN_' prefixes and are used to configure balena platform features. The --service option selects a service variable, which is an environment variable that applies to a specifc service (container) in a microservices (multicontainer) fleet. The --service and --config options cannot be used together, but they can be used alongside the --device option to select a device-specific service or configuration variable. Examples: $ balena env rename 123123 emacs $ balena env rename 234234 emacs --service $ balena env rename 345345 emacs --device $ balena env rename 456456 emacs --device --service $ balena env rename 567567 1 --config $ balena env rename 678678 1 --device --config ### Arguments #### ID variable's numeric database ID #### VALUE variable value; if omitted, use value from this process' environment ### Options #### -c, --config select a configuration variable (may be used together with the --device option) #### -d, --device select a device-specific variable instead of a fleet variable #### -s, --service select a service variable (may be used together with the --device option) ## env rm ### Description Remove a configuration or environment variable from a fleet, device or service, as selected by command-line options. Variables are selected by their database ID (as reported by the 'balena env list' command) and one of six database "resource types": - fleet environment variable - fleet configuration variable (--config) - fleet service variable (--service) - device environment variable (--device) - device configuration variable (--device --config) - device service variable (--device --service) The --device option selects a device-specific variable instead of a fleet variable. The --config option selects a configuration variable. Configuration variable names typically start with the 'BALENA_' or 'RESIN_' prefixes and are used to configure balena platform features. The --service option selects a service variable, which is an environment variable that applies to a specifc service (container) in a microservices (multicontainer) fleet. The --service and --config options cannot be used together, but they can be used alongside the --device option to select a device-specific service or configuration variable. Interactive confirmation is normally asked before the variable is deleted. The --yes option disables this behavior. Examples: $ balena env rm 123123 $ balena env rm 234234 --yes $ balena env rm 345345 --config $ balena env rm 456456 --service $ balena env rm 567567 --device $ balena env rm 678678 --device --config $ balena env rm 789789 --device --service --yes ### Arguments #### ID variable's numeric database ID ### Options #### -c, --config select a configuration variable (may be used together with the --device option) #### -d, --device select a device-specific variable instead of a fleet variable #### -s, --service select a service variable (may be used together with the --device option) #### -y, --yes do not prompt for confirmation before deleting the variable ## env set ### Aliases - `env add` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `env set` with the alias. ### Description Add or update an environment or config variable to one or more fleets, devices or services, as selected by the respective command-line options. Either the --fleet or the --device option must be provided, and either may be be used alongside the --service option to define a service-specific variable. (A service corresponds to a Docker image/container in a microservices fleet.) When the --service option is used in conjunction with the --device option, the service variable applies to the selected device only. Otherwise, it applies to all devices of the selected fleet. If the --service option is omitted, the variable applies to all services. If VALUE is omitted, the CLI will attempt to use the value of the environment variable of same name in the CLI process' environment. In this case, a warning message will be printed. Use `--quiet` to suppress it. 'BALENA_' or 'RESIN_' are reserved variable name prefixes used to identify "configuration variables". Configuration variables control balena platform features and are treated specially by balenaOS and the balena supervisor running on devices. They are also stored differently in the balenaCloud API database. Configuration variables cannot be set for specific services, therefore the --service option cannot be used when the variable name starts with a reserved prefix. When defining custom fleet variables, please avoid these reserved prefixes. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena env set TERM --fleet MyFleet $ balena env set EDITOR vim -f myorg/myfleet $ balena env set EDITOR vim --fleet MyFleet,MyFleet2 $ balena env set EDITOR vim --fleet MyFleet --service MyService $ balena env set EDITOR vim --fleet MyFleet,MyFleet2 --service MyService,MyService2 $ balena env set EDITOR vim --device 7cf02a6 $ balena env set EDITOR vim --device 7cf02a6,d6f1433 $ balena env set EDITOR vim --device 7cf02a6 --service MyService $ balena env set EDITOR vim --device 7cf02a6,d6f1433 --service MyService,MyService2 ### Arguments #### NAME environment or config variable name #### VALUE variable value; if omitted, use value from this process' environment ### Options #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### -d, --device DEVICE device UUID #### -q, --quiet suppress warning messages #### -s, --service SERVICE service name # Fleets ## fleet create ### Description Create a new balena fleet. You can specify the organization the fleet should belong to using the `--organization` option. The organization's handle, not its name, should be provided. Organization handles can be listed with the `balena organization list` command. The fleet's default device type is specified with the `--type` option. The `balena device-type list` command can be used to list the available device types. Interactive dropdowns will be shown for selection if no device type or organization is specified and there are multiple options to choose from. If there is a single option to choose from, it will be chosen automatically. This interactive behavior can be disabled by explicitly specifying a device type and organization. Examples: $ balena fleet create MyFleet $ balena fleet create MyFleet --organization mmyorg $ balena fleet create MyFleet -o myorg --type raspberry-pi ### Arguments #### NAME fleet name ### Options #### -o, --organization ORGANIZATION handle of the organization the fleet should belong to #### -t, --type TYPE fleet device type (Check available types with `balena device-type list`) ## fleet ### Description Display detailed information about a single fleet. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena fleet MyFleet $ balena fleet myorg/myfleet $ balena fleet myorg/myfleet --view ### Arguments #### FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) ### Options #### --view open fleet dashboard page #### -j, --json produce JSON output instead of tabular output ## fleet list ### Aliases - `fleets` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `fleet list` with the alias. ### Description List all your balena fleets. For detailed information on a particular fleet, use `balena fleet ` Examples: $ balena fleet list ### Options #### -j, --json produce JSON output instead of tabular output ## fleet pin ### Description Pin a fleet to a release. Note, if the commit is omitted, the currently pinned release will be printed, with instructions for how to see a list of releases Examples: $ balena fleet pin myfleet $ balena fleet pin myorg/myfleet 91165e5 ### Arguments #### SLUG the slug of the fleet to pin to a release #### RELEASETOPINTO the commit of the release for the fleet to get pinned to ## fleet purge ### Description Purge data from all devices belonging to a fleet. This will clear the fleet's '/data' directory. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena fleet purge MyFleet $ balena fleet purge myorg/myfleet ### Arguments #### FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) ## fleet rename ### Description Rename a fleet. Note, if the `newName` parameter is omitted, it will be prompted for interactively. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena fleet rename OldName $ balena fleet rename OldName NewName $ balena fleet rename myorg/oldname NewName ### Arguments #### FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### NEWNAME the new name for the fleet ## fleet restart ### Description Restart all devices belonging to a fleet. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena fleet restart MyFleet $ balena fleet restart myorg/myfleet ### Arguments #### FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) ## fleet rm ### Description Permanently remove a fleet. The --yes option may be used to avoid interactive confirmation. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena fleet rm MyFleet $ balena fleet rm MyFleet --yes $ balena fleet rm myorg/myfleet ### Arguments #### FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) ### Options #### -y, --yes answer "yes" to all questions (non interactive use) ## fleet track-latest ### Description Make this fleet track the latest release. Examples: $ balena fleet track-latest myorg/myfleet $ balena fleet track-latest myfleet ### Arguments #### SLUG the slug of the fleet to make track the latest release # Local ## local configure ### Description Configure or reconfigure a balenaOS drive or image. Examples: $ balena local configure /dev/sdc $ balena local configure path/to/image.img ### Arguments #### TARGET path of drive or image to configure ## local flash ### Description Flash a balenaOS image to a drive. Image file may be one of: .img|.zip|.gz|.bz2|.xz If --drive is not specified, then it will interactively show a list of available drives for selection. Examples: $ balena local flash path/to/balenaos.img $ balena local flash path/to/balenaos.img --drive /dev/disk2 $ balena local flash path/to/balenaos.img --drive /dev/disk2 --yes ### Arguments #### IMAGE path to OS image ### Options #### -d, --drive DRIVE the drive to write the image to, eg. `/dev/sdb` or `/dev/mmcblk0`. Careful with this as you can erase your hard drive. Check `balena util available-drives` for available options. #### -y, --yes answer "yes" to all questions (non interactive use) # Organizations ## organization list ### Aliases - `orgs` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `organization list` with the alias. ### Description list all the organizations that you are a member of. Examples: $ balena organization list # OS ## os build-config ### Description Interactively generate a configuration file that can then be used as non-interactive input by the 'balena os configure' command. Examples: $ balena os build-config ../path/rpi3.img raspberrypi3 --output rpi3-config.json $ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --device 7cf02a6 --config rpi3-config.json ### Arguments #### IMAGE os image #### DEVICE-TYPE device type ### Options #### -v, --advanced show advanced configuration options #### -o, --output OUTPUT path to output JSON file ## os configure ### Description Configure a previously downloaded balenaOS image for a specific device type or fleet. Configuration settings such as WiFi authentication will be taken from the following sources, in precedence order: 1. Command-line options like `--config-wifi-ssid` 2. A given `config.json` file specified with the `--config` option. 3. User input through interactive prompts (text menus). The --device-type option is used to override the fleet's default device type, in case of a fleet with mixed device types. The '--dev' option is used to configure balenaOS to operate in development mode, allowing anauthenticated root ssh access and exposing network ports such as balenaEngine's 2375 (unencrypted). This option causes `"developmentMode": true` to be inserted in the 'config.json' file in the image's boot partion. Development mode (as a configurable option) is applicable to balenaOS releases from early 2022. Older releases have separate development and production balenaOS images that cannot be reconfigured through 'config.json' or the '--dev' option. Do not confuse the balenaOS "development mode" with a device's "local mode", the latter being a supervisor feature that allows the "balena push" command to push a user's application directly to a device in the local network. The '--secureBoot' option is used to configure a balenaOS installer image to opt-in secure boot and disk encryption. The --system-connection (-c) option is used to inject NetworkManager connection profiles for additional network interfaces, such as cellular/GSM or additional WiFi or ethernet connections. This option may be passed multiple times in case there are multiple files to inject. See connection profile examples and reference at: https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/OS/network/2.x/ https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/stable/ref-settings.html Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --device 7cf02a6 $ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --fleet myorg/myfleet $ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --fleet MyFleet --version 2.12.7 $ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img -f MyFinFleet --device-type raspberrypi3 $ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img -f MyFinFleet --device-type raspberrypi3 --config myWifiConfig.json ### Arguments #### IMAGE path to a balenaOS image file, e.g. "rpi3.img" ### Options #### -v, --advanced ask advanced configuration questions (when in interactive mode) #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### --config CONFIG path to a pre-generated config.json file to be injected in the OS image #### --config-app-update-poll-interval CONFIG-APP-UPDATE-POLL-INTERVAL supervisor cloud polling interval in minutes (e.g. for variable updates) #### --config-network CONFIG-NETWORK device network type (non-interactive configuration) #### --config-wifi-key CONFIG-WIFI-KEY WiFi key (password) (non-interactive configuration) #### --config-wifi-ssid CONFIG-WIFI-SSID WiFi SSID (network name) (non-interactive configuration) #### --dev Configure balenaOS to operate in development mode #### --secureBoot Configure balenaOS installer to opt-in secure boot and disk encryption #### -d, --device DEVICE device UUID #### --device-type DEVICE-TYPE device type slug (e.g. "raspberrypi3") to override the fleet device type #### --initial-device-name INITIAL-DEVICE-NAME This option will set the device name when the device provisions #### --version VERSION balenaOS version, for example "2.32.0" or "2.44.0+rev1" #### -c, --system-connection SYSTEM-CONNECTION paths to local files to place into the 'system-connections' directory #### --provisioning-key-name PROVISIONING-KEY-NAME custom key name assigned to generated provisioning api key #### --provisioning-key-expiry-date PROVISIONING-KEY-EXPIRY-DATE expiry date assigned to generated provisioning api key (format: YYYY-MM-DD) ## os download ### Description Download an unconfigured OS image for the specified device type. Check available device types with 'balena device-type list'. Note: Currently this command only works with balenaCloud, not openBalena. If using openBalena, please download the OS from: https://www.balena.io/os/ The '--version' option is used to select the balenaOS version. If omitted, the latest released version is downloaded (and if only pre-release versions exist, the latest pre-release version is downloaded). Use '--version menu' or '--version menu-esr' to interactively select the OS version. The latter lists ESR versions which are only available for download on Production and Enterprise plans. See also: https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/OS/extended-support-release/ Development images can be selected by appending `.dev` to the version. Examples: $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version 2.101.7 $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version 2022.7.0 $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version ^2.90.0 $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version 2.60.1+rev1 $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version 2.60.1+rev1.dev $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version 2021.10.2.prod $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version latest $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version default $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version menu $ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version menu-esr ### Arguments #### TYPE the device type ### Options #### -o, --output OUTPUT output path #### --version VERSION version number (ESR or non-ESR versions), or semver range (non-ESR versions only), or 'latest' (includes pre-releases), or 'default' (excludes pre-releases if at least one released version is available), or 'recommended' (excludes pre-releases, will fail if only pre-release versions are available), or 'menu' (interactive menu, non-ESR versions), or 'menu-esr' (interactive menu, ESR versions) ## os initialize ### Description Initialize an os image for a device with a previously configured operating system image and flash the an external storage drive or the device's storage medium depending on the device type. Note: Initializing the device may ask for administrative permissions because we need to access the raw devices directly. Examples: $ balena os initialize ../path/rpi.img --type raspberry-pi ### Arguments #### IMAGE path to OS image ### Options #### -t, --type TYPE device type (Check available types with `balena device-type list`) #### -d, --drive DRIVE the drive to write the image to, eg. `/dev/sdb` or `/dev/mmcblk0`. Careful with this as you can erase your hard drive. Check `balena util available-drives` for available options. #### -y, --yes answer "yes" to all questions (non interactive use) ## os versions ### Description Show the available balenaOS versions for the given device type. Check available types with `balena device-type list`. balenaOS ESR versions can be listed with the '--esr' option. See also: https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/OS/extended-support-release/ Examples: $ balena os versions raspberrypi3 ### Arguments #### TYPE device type ### Options #### --esr select balenaOS ESR versions #### --include-draft include pre-release balenaOS versions # Platform ## join ### Description Move a local device to a fleet on another balena server, causing the device to "join" the new server. The device must be running balenaOS. For example, you could provision a device against an openBalena installation where you perform end-to-end tests and then move it to balenaCloud when it's ready for production. To move a device between fleets on the same server, use the `balena device move` command instead of `balena join`. If you don't specify a device hostname or IP, this command will automatically scan the local network for balenaOS devices and prompt you to select one from an interactive picker. This may require administrator/root privileges. Likewise, if the fleet option is not provided then a picker will be shown. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena join $ balena join balena.local $ balena join balena.local --fleet MyFleet $ balena join balena.local -f myorg/myfleet $ balena join $ balena join --fleet MyFleet ### Arguments #### DEVICEIPORHOSTNAME the IP or hostname of device ### Options #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### -i, --pollInterval POLLINTERVAL the interval in minutes to check for updates ## leave ### Description Remove a local device from its balena fleet, causing the device to "leave" the server it is provisioned on. This effectively makes the device "unmanaged". The device must be running balenaOS. The device entry on the server is preserved after running this command, so the device can subsequently re-join the server if needed. If you don't specify a device hostname or IP, this command will automatically scan the local network for balenaOS devices and prompt you to select one from an interactive picker. This may require administrator/root privileges. Examples: $ balena leave $ balena leave balena.local $ balena leave ### Arguments #### DEVICEIPORHOSTNAME the device IP or hostname # Preload ## preload ### Description Preload a release (service images/containers) from a balena fleet, and optionally a balenaOS splash screen, in a previously downloaded '.img' balenaOS image file in the local disk (a zip file is only accepted for the Intel Edison device type). After preloading, the balenaOS image file can be flashed to a device's SD card. When the device boots, it will not need to download the release, as it was preloaded. This is usually combined with release pinning (https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/deploy/release-strategy/release-policy/) to avoid the device downloading a newer release straight away, if available. Check also the Preloading and Preregistering section of the balena CLI's advanced masterclass document: https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/more/masterclasses/advanced-cli/#5-preloading-and-preregistering Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Note that the this command requires Docker to be installed, as further detailed in the balena CLI's installation instructions: https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/blob/master/INSTALL.md The `--dockerHost` and `--dockerPort` flags allow a remote Docker engine to be used, however the image file must be accessible to the remote Docker engine on the same path given on the command line. This is because Docker's bind mount feature is used to "share" the image with a container that performs the preload. Examples: $ balena preload balena.img --fleet MyFleet --commit e1f2592fc6ee949e68756d4f4a48e49bff8d72a0 $ balena preload balena.img --fleet myorg/myfleet --splash-image image.png $ balena preload balena.img ### Arguments #### IMAGE the image file path ### Options #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### -c, --commit COMMIT The commit hash of the release to preload. Use "current" to specify the current release (ignored if no appId is given). The current release is usually also the latest, but can be pinned to a specific release. See: https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/deploy/release-strategy/release-policy/ https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/more/masterclasses/fleet-management/#63-pin-using-the-api https://github.com/balena-io-examples/staged-releases #### -s, --splash-image SPLASH-IMAGE path to a png image to replace the splash screen #### --dont-check-arch disable architecture compatibility check between image and fleet #### -p, --pin-device-to-release pin the preloaded device to the preloaded release on provision #### --additional-space ADDITIONAL-SPACE expand the image by this amount of bytes instead of automatically estimating the required amount #### --add-certificate ADD-CERTIFICATE Add the given certificate (in PEM format) to /etc/ssl/certs in the preloading container. The file name must end with '.crt' and must not be already contained in the preloader's /etc/ssl/certs folder. Can be repeated to add multiple certificates. #### -P, --docker DOCKER Path to a local docker socket (e.g. /var/run/docker.sock) #### -h, --dockerHost DOCKERHOST Docker daemon hostname or IP address (dev machine or balena device) #### --dockerPort DOCKERPORT Docker daemon TCP port number (hint: 2375 for balena devices) #### --ca CA Docker host TLS certificate authority file #### --cert CERT Docker host TLS certificate file #### --key KEY Docker host TLS key file # Push ## push ### Description Build release images on balenaCloud servers or on a local mode device. When building on the balenaCloud servers, the given source directory will be sent to the remote server. This can be used as a drop-in replacement for the "git push" deployment method. When building on a local mode device, the given source directory will be built on the device, and the resulting containers will be run on the device. Logs will be streamed back from the device as part of the same invocation. The web dashboard can be used to switch a device to local mode: https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/develop/local-mode/ Note that local mode requires a supervisor version of at least v7.21.0. The logs from only a single service can be shown with the --service flag, and showing only the system logs can be achieved with --system. Note that these flags can be used together. When pushing to a local device a live session will be started. The project source folder is watched for filesystem events, and changes to files and folders are automatically synchronized to the running containers. The synchronization is only in one direction, from this machine to the device, and changes made on the device itself may be overwritten. This feature requires a device running supervisor version v9.7.0 or greater. REGISTRY SECRETS The --registry-secrets option specifies a JSON or YAML file containing private Docker registry usernames and passwords to be used when pulling base images. Sample registry-secrets YAML file: ``` 'my-registry-server.com:25000': username: ann password: hunter2 '': # Use the empty string to refer to the Docker Hub username: mike password: cze14 'eu.gcr.io': # Google Container Registry username: '_json_key' password: '{escaped contents of the GCR keyfile.json file}' ``` For a sample project using registry secrets with the Google Container Registry, check: https://github.com/balena-io-examples/sample-gcr-registry-secrets If the --registry-secrets option is not specified, and a secrets.yml or secrets.json file exists in the balena directory (usually $HOME/.balena), this file will be used instead. DOCKERIGNORE AND GITIGNORE FILES By default, the balena CLI will use a single ".dockerignore" file (if any) at the project root (--source directory) in order to decide which source files to exclude from the "build context" (tar stream) sent to balenaCloud, Docker daemon or balenaEngine. In a microservices (multicontainer) fleet, the source directory is the directory that contains the "docker-compose.yml" file. The --multi-dockerignore (-m) option may be used with microservices (multicontainer) fleets that define a docker-compose.yml file. When this option is used, each service subdirectory (defined by the `build` or `build.context` service properties in the docker-compose.yml file) is filtered separately according to a .dockerignore file defined in the service subdirectory. If no .dockerignore file exists in a service subdirectory, then only the default .dockerignore patterns (see below) apply for that service subdirectory. When the --multi-dockerignore (-m) option is used, the .dockerignore file (if any) defined at the overall project root will be used to filter files and subdirectories other than service subdirectories. It will not have any effect on service subdirectories, whether or not a service subdirectory defines its own .dockerignore file. Multiple .dockerignore files are not merged or added together, and cannot override or extend other files. This behavior maximizes compatibility with the standard docker-compose tool, while still allowing a root .dockerignore file (at the overall project root) to filter files and folders that are outside service subdirectories. balena CLI v11 also took .gitignore files into account. This behavior was deprecated in CLI v12 and removed in CLI v13. Please use .dockerignore files instead. Default .dockerignore patterns A few default/hardcoded dockerignore patterns are "merged" (in memory) with the patterns found in the applicable .dockerignore files, in the following order: ``` **/.git < user's patterns from the applicable '.dockerignore' file, if any > !**/.balena !**/.resin !**/Dockerfile !**/Dockerfile.* !**/docker-compose.yml ``` These patterns always apply, whether or not .dockerignore files exist in the project. If necessary, the effect of the `**/.git` pattern may be modified by adding exception patterns to the applicable .dockerignore file(s), for example `!mysubmodule/.git`. For documentation on pattern format, see: - https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#dockerignore-file - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@balena/dockerignore Note: the --service and --env flags must come after the fleetOrDevice parameter, as per examples. Examples: $ balena push myFleet $ balena push myFleet --source $ balena push myFleet -s $ balena push myFleet --source --note "this is the note for this release" $ balena push myFleet --release-tag key1 "" key2 "value2 with spaces" $ balena push myorg/myfleet $ balena push $ balena push --source $ balena push --service my-service $ balena push --env MY_ENV_VAR=value --env my-service:SERVICE_VAR=value $ balena push --nolive $ balena push 23c73a1.local --system $ balena push 23c73a1.local --system --service my-service ### Arguments #### FLEETORDEVICE fleet name or slug, or local device IP address or ".local" hostname ### Options #### -s, --source SOURCE Source directory to be sent to balenaCloud or balenaOS device (default: current working dir) #### -e, --emulated Don't use the faster, native balenaCloud ARM builders; force slower QEMU ARM emulation on Intel x86-64 builders. This flag is sometimes used to investigate suspected issues with the balenaCloud backend. #### --dockerfile DOCKERFILE Alternative Dockerfile name/path, relative to the source folder #### -c, --nocache Don't use cached layers of previously built images for this project. This ensures that the latest base image and packages are pulled. Note that build logs may still display the message _"Pulling previous images for caching purposes" (as the cloud builder needs previous images to compute delta updates), but the logs will not display the "Using cache" lines for each build step of a Dockerfile. #### --pull When pushing to a local device, force the base images to be pulled again. Currently this option is ignored when pushing to the balenaCloud builders. #### --noparent-check Disable project validation check of 'docker-compose.yml' file in parent folder #### -R, --registry-secrets REGISTRY-SECRETS Path to a local YAML or JSON file containing Docker registry passwords used to pull base images. Note that if registry-secrets are not provided on the command line, a secrets configuration file from the balena directory will be used (usually $HOME/.balena/secrets.yml|.json) #### --nolive Don't run a live session on this push. The filesystem will not be monitored, and changes will not be synchronized to any running containers. Note that both this flag and --detached are required to cause the process to end once the initial build has completed. #### -d, --detached When pushing to the cloud, this option will cause the build to start, then return execution back to the shell, with the status and release ID (if applicable). When pushing to a local mode device, this option will cause the command to not tail logs when the build has completed. #### --service SERVICE Reject logs not originating from this service. This can be used in combination with --system and other --service flags. Only valid when pushing to a local mode device. #### --system Only show system logs. This can be used in combination with --service. Only valid when pushing to a local mode device. #### --env ENV When performing a push to device, run the built containers with environment variables provided with this argument. Environment variables can be applied to individual services by adding their service name before the argument, separated by a colon, e.g: --env main:MY_ENV=value Note that if the service name cannot be found in the composition, the entire left hand side of the = character will be treated as the variable name. #### --noconvert-eol Don't convert line endings from CRLF (Windows format) to LF (Unix format). #### -m, --multi-dockerignore Have each service use its own .dockerignore file. See "balena help push". #### --release-tag RELEASE-TAG Set release tags if the image build is successful (balenaCloud only). Multiple arguments may be provided, alternating tag keys and values (see examples). Hint: Empty values may be specified with "" (bash, cmd.exe) or '""' (PowerShell). #### --draft Instruct the builder to create the release as a draft. Draft releases are ignored by the 'track latest' release policy but can be used through release pinning. Draft releases can be marked as final through the API. Releases are created as final by default unless this option is given. #### --note NOTE The notes for this release # Releases ## release finalize ### Description Finalize a release. Releases can be "draft" or "final", and this command changes a draft release into a final release. Draft releases can be created with the `--draft` option of the `balena build` or `balena deploy` commands. Draft releases are not automatically deployed to devices tracking the latest release. For a draft release to be deployed to a device, the device should be explicity pinned to that release. Conversely, final releases may trigger immediate deployment to unpinned devices (subject to a device's polling period) and, for this reason, final releases cannot be changed back to draft status. Examples: $ balena release finalize a777f7345fe3d655c1c981aa642e5555 $ balena release finalize 1234567 ### Arguments #### COMMITORID the commit or ID of the release to finalize ## release ### Description The --json option is recommended when scripting the output of this command, because field names are less likely to change in JSON format and because it better represents data types like arrays, empty strings and null values. The 'jq' utility may be helpful for querying JSON fields in shell scripts (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/). Examples: $ balena release a777f7345fe3d655c1c981aa642e5555 $ balena release 1234567 $ balena release d3f3151f5ad25ca6b070aa4d08296aca --json ### Arguments #### COMMITORID the commit or ID of the release to get information ### Options #### -j, --json produce JSON output instead of tabular output #### -c, --composition Return the release composition ## release invalidate ### Description Invalidate a release. Invalid releases are not automatically deployed to devices tracking the latest release. For an invalid release to be deployed to a device, the device should be explicity pinned to that release. Examples: $ balena release invalidate a777f7345fe3d655c1c981aa642e5555 $ balena release invalidate 1234567 ### Arguments #### COMMITORID the commit or ID of the release to invalidate ## release list ### Aliases - `releases` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `release list` with the alias. ### Description List all releases of the given fleet. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Slugs are recommended because they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if "it used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public/open fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). The --json option is recommended when scripting the output of this command, because field names are less likely to change in JSON format and because it better represents data types like arrays, empty strings and null values. The 'jq' utility may be helpful for querying JSON fields in shell scripts (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/). Examples: $ balena release list myorg/myfleet $ balena release list myorg/myfleet --json ### Arguments #### FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) ### Options #### -j, --json produce JSON output instead of tabular output ## release validate ### Description Validate a release. Valid releases are automatically deployed to devices tracking the latest release if they are finalized. Examples: $ balena release validate a777f7345fe3d655c1c981aa642e5555 $ balena release validate 1234567 ### Arguments #### COMMITORID the commit or ID of the release to validate # Settings ## settings ### Description Use this command to display the current balena CLI settings. Examples: $ balena settings # SSH Keys ## ssh-key add ### Aliases - `key add` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `ssh-key add` with the alias. ### Description Add an SSH key to the balenaCloud account of the logged in user. If `path` is omitted, the command will attempt to read the SSH key from stdin. About SSH keys An "SSH key" actually consists of a public/private key pair. A typical name for the private key file is "id_rsa", and a typical name for the public key file is "id_rsa.pub". Both key files are saved to your computer (with the private key optionally protected by a password), but only the public key is saved to your balena account. This means that if you change computers or otherwise lose the private key, you cannot recover the private key through your balena account. You can however add new keys, and delete the old ones. To generate a new SSH key pair, a nice guide can be found in GitHub's docs: https://help.github.com/en/articles/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent Skip the step about adding the key to a GitHub account, and instead add it to your balena account. Examples: $ balena ssh-key add Main ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | balena ssh-key add Main # Windows 10 (cmd.exe prompt) example $ balena ssh-key add Main %userprofile%.sshid_rsa.pub ### Arguments #### NAME the SSH key name #### PATH the path to the public key file ## ssh-key ### Aliases - `key` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `ssh-key` with the alias. ### Description Display a single SSH key registered in balenaCloud for the logged in user. Examples: $ balena ssh-key 17 ### Arguments #### ID balenaCloud ID for the SSH key ## ssh-key list ### Aliases - `keys` *(deprecated)* - `key list` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `ssh-key list` with the alias. ### Description List all SSH keys registered in balenaCloud for the logged in user. Examples: $ balena ssh-key list ## ssh-key rm ### Aliases - `key rm` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `ssh-key rm` with the alias. ### Description Remove a single SSH key registered in balenaCloud for the logged in user. The --yes option may be used to avoid interactive confirmation. Examples: $ balena ssh-key rm 17 $ balena ssh-key rm 17 --yes ### Arguments #### ID balenaCloud ID for the SSH key ### Options #### -y, --yes answer "yes" to all questions (non interactive use) # Support ## support ### Description Grant or revoke balena support agent access to devices or fleets on balenaCloud. (This command does not apply to openBalena.) Access will be automatically revoked once the specified duration has elapsed. Duration defaults to 24h, but can be specified using --duration flag in days or hours, e.g. '12h', '2d'. Both --device and --fleet flags accept multiple values, specified as a comma-separated list (with no spaces). Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: balena support enable --device ab346f,cd457a --duration 3d balena support enable --fleet myFleet --duration 12h balena support disable -f myorg/myfleet ### Arguments #### ACTION enable|disable support access ### Options #### -d, --device DEVICE comma-separated list (no spaces) of device UUIDs #### -f, --fleet FLEET comma-separated list (no spaces) of fleet names or slugs (preferred) #### -t, --duration DURATION length of time to enable support for, in (h)ours or (d)ays, e.g. 12h, 2d # Tags ## tag list ### Aliases - `tags` *(deprecated)* To use one of the aliases, replace `tag list` with the alias. ### Description List all tags and their values for the specified fleet, device or release. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena tag list --fleet MyFleet $ balena tag list -f myorg/myfleet $ balena tag list --device 7cf02a6 $ balena tag list --release 1234 $ balena tag list --release b376b0e544e9429483b656490e5b9443b4349bd6 ### Options #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### -d, --device DEVICE device UUID #### -r, --release RELEASE release id ## tag rm ### Description Remove a tag from a fleet, device or release. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena tag rm myTagKey --fleet MyFleet $ balena tag rm myTagKey -f myorg/myfleet $ balena tag rm myTagKey --device 7cf02a6 $ balena tag rm myTagKey --release 1234 $ balena tag rm myTagKey --release b376b0e544e9429483b656490e5b9443b4349bd6 ### Arguments #### TAGKEY the key string of the tag ### Options #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### -d, --device DEVICE device UUID #### -r, --release RELEASE release id ## tag set ### Description Set a tag on a fleet, device or release. You can optionally provide a value to be associated with the created tag, as an extra argument after the tag key. If a value isn't provided, a tag with an empty value is created. Fleets may be specified by fleet name or slug. Fleet slugs are the recommended option, as they are unique and unambiguous. Slugs can be listed with the `balena fleet list` command. Note that slugs may change if the fleet is renamed. Fleet names are not unique and may result in "Fleet is ambiguous" errors at any time (even if it "used to work in the past"), for example if the name clashes with a newly created public fleet, or with fleets from other balena accounts that you may be invited to join under any role. For this reason, fleet names are especially discouraged in scripts (e.g. CI environments). Examples: $ balena tag set mySimpleTag --fleet MyFleet $ balena tag set mySimpleTag -f myorg/myfleet $ balena tag set myCompositeTag myTagValue --fleet MyFleet $ balena tag set myCompositeTag myTagValue --device 7cf02a6 $ balena tag set myCompositeTag "my tag value with whitespaces" --device 7cf02a6 $ balena tag set myCompositeTag myTagValue --release 1234 $ balena tag set myCompositeTag --release 1234 $ balena tag set myCompositeTag --release b376b0e544e9429483b656490e5b9443b4349bd6 ### Arguments #### TAGKEY the key string of the tag #### VALUE the optional value associated with the tag ### Options #### -f, --fleet FLEET fleet name or slug (preferred) #### -d, --device DEVICE device UUID #### -r, --release RELEASE release id # Utilities ## util available-drives ### Description List available drives which are usable for writing an OS image to. Does not list system drives. # Version ## version ### Description Display version information for the balena CLI and/or Node.js. Note that the balena CLI executable installers for Windows and macOS, and the standalone zip packages, ship with a built-in copy of Node.js. In this case, the reported version of Node.js regards this built-in copy, rather than any other `node` engine that may also be available on the command prompt. The --json option is recommended when scripting the output of this command, because the JSON format is less likely to change and it better represents data types like lists and empty strings. The 'jq' utility may be helpful in shell scripts (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/). This command can also be invoked with 'balena --version' or 'balena -v'. Examples: $ balena version $ balena version -a $ balena version -j $ balena --version $ balena -v ### Options #### -a, --all include version information for additional components (Node.js) #### -j, --json output version information in JSON format for programmatic use