/** * @license * Copyright 2017-2020 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as Promise from 'bluebird'; import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags'; import * as path from 'path'; import { getBalenaSdk, getChalk } from './lazy'; import { IgnoreFileType } from './ignore'; export const appendProjectOptions = opts => opts.concat([ { signature: 'projectName', parameter: 'projectName', description: 'Specify an alternate project name; default is the directory name', alias: 'n', }, ]); export function appendOptions(opts) { const Logger = require('./logger'); return appendProjectOptions(opts).concat([ { signature: 'emulated', description: 'Run an emulated build using Qemu', boolean: true, alias: 'e', }, { signature: 'dockerfile', parameter: 'Dockerfile', description: 'Alternative Dockerfile name/path, relative to the source folder', }, { signature: 'logs', description: 'Display full log output', boolean: true, }, { signature: 'nogitignore', description: stripIndent` Disregard all .gitignore files, and consider only the .dockerignore file (if any) at the source directory. This will be the default behavior in an upcoming major version release. For more information, see 'balena help ${Logger.command}'. `, boolean: true, alias: 'G', }, { signature: 'noparent-check', description: "Disable project validation check of 'docker-compose.yml' file in parent folder", boolean: true, }, { signature: 'registry-secrets', alias: 'R', parameter: 'secrets.yml|.json', description: 'Path to a YAML or JSON file with passwords for a private Docker registry', }, { signature: 'convert-eol', description: `\ On Windows only, convert line endings from CRLF (Windows format) to LF (Unix format). \ Source files are not modified.`, boolean: true, alias: 'l', }, ]); } /** * @returns Promise<{import('./compose-types').ComposeOpts}> */ export function generateOpts(options) { const fs = require('mz/fs'); return fs.realpath(options.source || '.').then(projectPath => ({ projectName: options.projectName, projectPath, inlineLogs: !!options.logs, dockerfilePath: options.dockerfile, nogitignore: !!options.nogitignore, noParentCheck: options['noparent-check'], })); } // Parse the given composition and return a structure with info. Input is: // - composePath: the *absolute* path to the directory containing the compose file // - composeStr: the contents of the compose file, as a string /** * @param {string} composePath * @param {string} composeStr * @param {string | null} projectName * @returns {import('./compose-types').ComposeProject} */ export function createProject(composePath, composeStr, projectName = null) { const yml = require('js-yaml'); const compose = require('resin-compose-parse'); // both methods below may throw. const rawComposition = yml.safeLoad(composeStr, { schema: yml.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA, }); const composition = compose.normalize(rawComposition); if (projectName == null) { projectName = path.basename(composePath); } const descriptors = compose.parse(composition).map(function(descr) { // generate an image name based on the project and service names // if one is not given and the service requires a build if ( typeof descr.image !== 'string' && descr.image.context != null && descr.image.tag == null ) { descr.image.tag = [projectName, descr.serviceName] .join('_') .toLowerCase(); } return descr; }); return { path: composePath, name: projectName, composition, descriptors, }; } /** * Create a tar stream out of the local filesystem at the given directory, * while optionally applying file filters such as '.dockerignore' and * optionally converting text file line endings (CRLF to LF). * @param {string} dir Source directory * @param {import('./compose-types').TarDirectoryOptions} param * @returns {Promise} */ export function tarDirectory(dir, param) { let { nogitignore = false } = param; if (nogitignore) { return Promise.resolve(require('./compose_ts').tarDirectory(dir, param)); } else { return originalTarDirectory(dir, param); } } /** * @param {string} dir Source directory * @param {import('./compose-types').TarDirectoryOptions} param * @returns {Promise} */ function originalTarDirectory(dir, param) { let { preFinalizeCallback = null, convertEol = false, nogitignore = false, } = param; if (convertEol == null) { convertEol = false; } const tar = require('tar-stream'); const klaw = require('klaw'); const fs = require('mz/fs'); const streamToPromise = require('stream-to-promise'); const { printGitignoreWarn } = require('./compose_ts'); const { FileIgnorer } = require('./ignore'); const { toPosixPath } = require('resin-multibuild').PathUtils; let readFile; if (process.platform === 'win32') { const { readFileWithEolConversion } = require('./eol-conversion'); readFile = file => readFileWithEolConversion(file, convertEol); } else { ({ readFile } = fs); } const getFiles = () => // @ts-ignore `klaw` returns a `Walker` which is close enough to a stream to work but ts complains streamToPromise(klaw(dir)) .filter(item => !item.stats.isDirectory()) .map(item => item.path); const ignore = new FileIgnorer(dir); const pack = tar.pack(); const ignoreFiles = {}; return getFiles() .each(function(file) { const type = ignore.getIgnoreFileType(path.relative(dir, file)); if (type != null) { ignoreFiles[type] = ignoreFiles[type] || []; ignoreFiles[type].push(path.resolve(dir, file)); return ignore.addIgnoreFile(file, type); } }) .tap(() => { if (!nogitignore) { printGitignoreWarn( (ignoreFiles[IgnoreFileType.DockerIgnore] || [])[0] || '', ignoreFiles[IgnoreFileType.GitIgnore] || [], ); } }) .filter(ignore.filter) .map(function(file) { const relPath = path.relative(path.resolve(dir), file); return Promise.join( relPath, fs.stat(file), readFile(file), (filename, stats, data) => pack.entry( { name: toPosixPath(filename), size: stats.size, mode: stats.mode }, data, ), ); }) .then(() => preFinalizeCallback?.(pack)) .then(function() { pack.finalize(); return pack; }); } const truncateString = function(str, len) { if (str.length < len) { return str; } str = str.slice(0, len); // return everything up to the last line. this is a cheeky way to avoid // having to deal with splitting the string midway through some special // character sequence. return str.slice(0, str.lastIndexOf('\n')); }; const LOG_LENGTH_MAX = 512 * 1024; // 512KB export function buildProject( docker, logger, projectPath, projectName, composition, arch, deviceType, emulated, buildOpts, inlineLogs, convertEol, dockerfilePath, nogitignore, ) { const _ = require('lodash'); const humanize = require('humanize'); const compose = require('resin-compose-parse'); const builder = require('resin-multibuild'); const transpose = require('docker-qemu-transpose'); const { BALENA_ENGINE_TMP_PATH } = require('../config'); const { checkBuildSecretsRequirements, makeBuildTasks, } = require('./compose_ts'); const qemu = require('./qemu'); const { toPosixPath } = builder.PathUtils; logger.logInfo(`Building for ${arch}/${deviceType}`); const imageDescriptors = compose.parse(composition); const imageDescriptorsByServiceName = _.keyBy( imageDescriptors, 'serviceName', ); let renderer; if (inlineLogs) { renderer = new BuildProgressInline( logger.streams['build'], imageDescriptors, ); } else { const tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout); renderer = new BuildProgressUI(tty, imageDescriptors); } renderer.start(); return Promise.resolve(checkBuildSecretsRequirements(docker, projectPath)) .then(() => qemu.installQemuIfNeeded(emulated, logger, arch, docker)) .tap(function(needsQemu) { if (!needsQemu) { return; } logger.logInfo('Emulation is enabled'); // Copy qemu into all build contexts return Promise.map(imageDescriptors, function(d) { if (typeof d.image === 'string' || d.image.context == null) { return; } // external image return qemu.copyQemu(path.join(projectPath, d.image.context), arch); }); }) .then(( needsQemu, // Tar up the directory, ready for the build stream ) => tarDirectory(projectPath, { convertEol, nogitignore }) .then(tarStream => makeBuildTasks( composition, tarStream, { arch, deviceType }, logger, projectName, ), ) .map(function(/** @type {any} */ task) { const d = imageDescriptorsByServiceName[task.serviceName]; // multibuild parses the composition internally so any tags we've // set before are lost; re-assign them here if (task.tag == null) { task.tag = [projectName, task.serviceName].join('_').toLowerCase(); } if (typeof d.image !== 'string' && d.image.context != null) { d.image.tag = task.tag; } // configure build opts appropriately if (task.dockerOpts == null) { task.dockerOpts = {}; } _.merge(task.dockerOpts, buildOpts, { t: task.tag }); if (typeof d.image !== 'string') { /** @type {any} */ const context = d.image.context; if (context?.args != null) { if (task.dockerOpts.buildargs == null) { task.dockerOpts.buildargs = {}; } _.merge(task.dockerOpts.buildargs, context.args); } } // Get the service-specific log stream // Caveat: `multibuild.BuildTask` defines no `logStream` property // but it's convenient to store it there; it's JS ultimately. task.logStream = renderer.streams[task.serviceName]; task.logBuffer = []; // Setup emulation if needed if (task.external || !needsQemu) { return [task, null]; } const binPath = qemu.qemuPathInContext( path.join(projectPath, task.context ?? ''), ); if (task.buildStream == null) { throw new Error(`No buildStream for task '${task.tag}'`); } return transpose .transposeTarStream( task.buildStream, { hostQemuPath: toPosixPath(binPath), containerQemuPath: `/tmp/${qemu.QEMU_BIN_NAME}`, qemuFileMode: 0o555, }, dockerfilePath || undefined, ) .then((/** @type {any} */ stream) => { task.buildStream = stream; }) .return([task, binPath]); }), ) .map(function([task, qemuPath]) { const captureStream = buildLogCapture(task.external, task.logBuffer); if (task.external) { // External image -- there's no build to be performed, // just follow pull progress. captureStream.pipe(task.logStream); task.progressHook = pullProgressAdapter(captureStream); } else { task.streamHook = function(stream) { let rawStream; stream = createLogStream(stream); if (qemuPath != null) { const buildThroughStream = transpose.getBuildThroughStream({ hostQemuPath: toPosixPath(qemuPath), containerQemuPath: `/tmp/${qemu.QEMU_BIN_NAME}`, }); rawStream = stream.pipe(buildThroughStream); } else { rawStream = stream; } // `stream` sends out raw strings in contrast to `task.progressHook` // where we're given objects. capture these strings as they come // before we parse them. return rawStream .pipe(dropEmptyLinesStream()) .pipe(captureStream) .pipe(buildProgressAdapter(inlineLogs)) .pipe(task.logStream); }; } return task; }) .then(function(tasks) { logger.logDebug('Prepared tasks; building...'); return Promise.map( builder.performBuilds(tasks, docker, BALENA_ENGINE_TMP_PATH), function(builtImage) { if (!builtImage.successful) { /** @type {Error & {serviceName?: string}} */ const error = builtImage.error ?? new Error(); error.serviceName = builtImage.serviceName; throw error; } const d = imageDescriptorsByServiceName[builtImage.serviceName]; const task = _.find(tasks, { serviceName: builtImage.serviceName }); const image = { serviceName: d.serviceName, name: typeof d.image === 'string' ? d.image : d.image.tag, logs: truncateString(task.logBuffer.join('\n'), LOG_LENGTH_MAX), props: { dockerfile: builtImage.dockerfile, projectType: builtImage.projectType, }, }; // Times here are timestamps, so test whether they're null // before creating a date out of them, as `new Date(null)` // creates a date representing UNIX time 0. if (builtImage.startTime) { image.props.startTime = new Date(builtImage.startTime); } if (builtImage.endTime) { image.props.endTime = new Date(builtImage.endTime); } return docker .getImage(image.name) .inspect() .get('Size') .then(size => { image.props.size = size; }) .return(image); }, ).tap(function(images) { const summary = _(images) .map(({ serviceName, props }) => [ serviceName, `Image size: ${humanize.filesize(props.size)}`, ]) .fromPairs() .value(); renderer.end(summary); }); }) .finally(renderer.end); } const createRelease = function(apiEndpoint, auth, userId, appId, composition) { const _ = require('lodash'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const releaseMod = require('balena-release'); const client = releaseMod.createClient({ apiEndpoint, auth }); return releaseMod .create({ client, user: userId, application: appId, composition, source: 'local', commit: crypto .pseudoRandomBytes(16) .toString('hex') .toLowerCase(), }) .then(function({ release, serviceImages }) { return { client, release: _.omit(release, [ 'created_at', 'belongs_to__application', 'is_created_by__user', '__metadata', ]), serviceImages: _.mapValues(serviceImages, serviceImage => _.omit(serviceImage, [ 'created_at', 'is_a_build_of__service', '__metadata', ]), ), }; }); }; const tagServiceImages = (docker, images, serviceImages) => Promise.map(images, function(d) { const serviceImage = serviceImages[d.serviceName]; const imageName = serviceImage.is_stored_at__image_location; const match = /(.*?)\/(.*?)(?::([^/]*))?$/.exec(imageName); if (match == null) { throw new Error(`Could not parse imageName: '${imageName}'`); } const [, registry, repo, tag = 'latest'] = match; const name = `${registry}/${repo}`; return docker .getImage(d.name) .tag({ repo: name, tag, force: true }) .then(() => docker.getImage(`${name}:${tag}`)) .then(localImage => ({ serviceName: d.serviceName, serviceImage, localImage, registry, repo, logs: d.logs, props: d.props, })); }); const getPreviousRepos = (sdk, docker, logger, appID) => sdk.pine .get({ resource: 'release', options: { $filter: { belongs_to__application: appID, status: 'success', }, $select: ['id'], $expand: { contains__image: { $expand: 'image', }, }, $orderby: 'id desc', $top: 1, }, }) .then(function(release) { // grab all images from the latest release, return all image locations in the registry if (release.length > 0) { const images = release[0].contains__image; return Promise.map(images, function(d) { const imageName = d.image[0].is_stored_at__image_location; return docker.getRegistryAndName(imageName).then(function(registry) { logger.logDebug( `Requesting access to previously pushed image repo (${registry.imageName})`, ); return registry.imageName; }); }); } else { return []; } }) .catch(e => { logger.logDebug(`Failed to access previously pushed image repo: ${e}`); return []; }); const authorizePush = function( sdk, tokenAuthEndpoint, registry, images, previousRepos, ) { if (!Array.isArray(images)) { images = [images]; } images.push(...previousRepos); return sdk.request .send({ baseUrl: tokenAuthEndpoint, url: '/auth/v1/token', qs: { service: registry, scope: images.map(repo => `repository:${repo}:pull,push`), }, }) .get('body') .get('token') .catchReturn({}); }; const pushAndUpdateServiceImages = function(docker, token, images, afterEach) { const { DockerProgress } = require('docker-progress'); const { retry } = require('./helpers'); const tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout); const opts = { authconfig: { registrytoken: token } }; const progress = new DockerProgress({ dockerToolbelt: docker }); const renderer = pushProgressRenderer( tty, getChalk().blue('[Push]') + ' ', ); const reporters = progress.aggregateProgress(images.length, renderer); return Promise.using(tty.cursorHidden(), () => Promise.map(images, ({ serviceImage, localImage, props, logs }, index) => Promise.join( localImage.inspect().get('Size'), retry( () => progress.push(localImage.name, reporters[index], opts), 3, // `times` - retry 3 times localImage.name, // `label` included in retry log messages 2000, // `delayMs` - wait 2 seconds before the 1st retry 1.4, // `backoffScaler` - wait multiplier for each retry ).finally(renderer.end), function(size, digest) { serviceImage.image_size = size; serviceImage.content_hash = digest; serviceImage.build_log = logs; serviceImage.dockerfile = props.dockerfile; serviceImage.project_type = props.projectType; if (props.startTime) { serviceImage.start_timestamp = props.startTime; } if (props.endTime) { serviceImage.end_timestamp = props.endTime; } serviceImage.push_timestamp = new Date(); serviceImage.status = 'success'; }, ) .tapCatch(function(e) { serviceImage.error_message = '' + e; serviceImage.status = 'failed'; }) .finally(() => afterEach?.(serviceImage, props)), ), ); }; export function deployProject( docker, logger, composition, images, appId, userId, auth, apiEndpoint, skipLogUpload, ) { const _ = require('lodash'); const releaseMod = require('balena-release'); const tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout); const prefix = getChalk().cyan('[Info]') + ' '; const spinner = createSpinner(); let runloop = runSpinner(tty, spinner, `${prefix}Creating release...`); return createRelease(apiEndpoint, auth, userId, appId, composition) .finally(runloop.end) .then(function({ client, release, serviceImages }) { logger.logDebug('Tagging images...'); return tagServiceImages(docker, images, serviceImages) .tap(function(taggedImages) { logger.logDebug('Authorizing push...'); const sdk = getBalenaSdk(); return getPreviousRepos(sdk, docker, logger, appId) .then(previousRepos => authorizePush( sdk, apiEndpoint, taggedImages[0].registry, _.map(taggedImages, 'repo'), previousRepos, ), ) .then(function(token) { logger.logInfo('Pushing images to registry...'); return pushAndUpdateServiceImages( docker, token, taggedImages, function(serviceImage) { logger.logDebug( `Saving image ${serviceImage.is_stored_at__image_location}`, ); if (skipLogUpload) { delete serviceImage.build_log; } return releaseMod.updateImage( client, serviceImage.id, serviceImage, ); }, ); }) .finally(function() { logger.logDebug('Untagging images...'); return Promise.map(taggedImages, ({ localImage }) => localImage.remove(), ); }); }) .then(() => { release.status = 'success'; }) .tapCatch(() => { release.status = 'failed'; }) .finally(function() { runloop = runSpinner(tty, spinner, `${prefix}Saving release...`); release.end_timestamp = new Date(); if (release.id == null) { return; } return releaseMod .updateRelease(client, release.id, release) .finally(runloop.end); }) .return(release); }); } // utilities const renderProgressBar = function(percentage, stepCount) { const _ = require('lodash'); percentage = _.clamp(percentage, 0, 100); const barCount = Math.floor((stepCount * percentage) / 100); const spaceCount = stepCount - barCount; const bar = `[${_.repeat('=', barCount)}>${_.repeat(' ', spaceCount)}]`; return `${bar} ${_.padStart(percentage, 3)}%`; }; var pushProgressRenderer = function(tty, prefix) { const fn = function(e) { const { error, percentage } = e; if (error != null) { throw new Error(error); } const bar = renderProgressBar(percentage, 40); return tty.replaceLine(`${prefix}${bar}\r`); }; fn.end = () => { tty.clearLine(); }; return fn; }; var createLogStream = function(input) { const split = require('split'); const stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi-stream'); return input.pipe(stripAnsi()).pipe(split()); }; var dropEmptyLinesStream = function() { const through = require('through2'); return through(function(data, _enc, cb) { const str = data.toString('utf-8'); if (str.trim()) { this.push(str); } return cb(); }); }; var buildLogCapture = function(objectMode, buffer) { const through = require('through2'); return through({ objectMode }, function(data, _enc, cb) { // data from pull stream if (data.error) { buffer.push(`${data.error}`); } else if (data.progress && data.status) { buffer.push(`${data.progress}% ${data.status}`); } else if (data.status) { buffer.push(`${data.status}`); // data from build stream } else { buffer.push(data); } return cb(null, data); }); }; var buildProgressAdapter = function(inline) { const through = require('through2'); const stepRegex = /^\s*Step\s+(\d+)\/(\d+)\s*: (.+)$/; let step = null; let numSteps = null; let progress; return through({ objectMode: true }, function(str, _enc, cb) { if (str == null) { return cb(null, str); } if (inline) { return cb(null, { status: str }); } if (/^Successfully tagged /.test(str)) { progress = undefined; } else { const match = stepRegex.exec(str); if (match) { step = match[1]; if (numSteps == null) { numSteps = match[2]; } str = match[3]; } if (step != null) { str = `Step ${step}/${numSteps}: ${str}`; progress = Math.floor( (parseInt(step, 10) * 100) / parseInt(numSteps, 10), ); } } return cb(null, { status: str, progress }); }); }; var pullProgressAdapter = outStream => function({ status, id, percentage, error, errorDetail }) { if (status != null) { status = status.replace(/^Status: /, ''); } if (id != null) { status = `${id}: ${status}`; } if (percentage === 100) { percentage = undefined; } return outStream.write({ status, progress: percentage, error: errorDetail?.message ?? error, }); }; var createSpinner = function() { const chars = '|/-\\'; let index = 0; return () => chars[index++ % chars.length]; }; var runSpinner = function(tty, spinner, msg) { const runloop = createRunLoop(function() { tty.clearLine(); tty.writeLine(`${msg} ${spinner()}`); return tty.cursorUp(); }); runloop.onEnd = function() { tty.clearLine(); return tty.writeLine(msg); }; return runloop; }; var createRunLoop = function(tick) { const timerId = setInterval(tick, 1000 / 10); var runloop = { onEnd() { // noop }, end() { clearInterval(timerId); return runloop.onEnd(); }, }; return runloop; }; class BuildProgressUI { constructor(tty, descriptors) { this._handleEvent = this._handleEvent.bind(this); this._handleInterrupt = this._handleInterrupt.bind(this); this.start = this.start.bind(this); this.end = this.end.bind(this); this._display = this._display.bind(this); const _ = require('lodash'); const through = require('through2'); const eventHandler = this._handleEvent; const services = _.map(descriptors, 'serviceName'); const streams = _(services) .map(function(service) { const stream = through.obj(function(event, _enc, cb) { eventHandler(service, event); return cb(); }); stream.pipe(tty.stream, { end: false }); return [service, stream]; }) .fromPairs() .value(); this._tty = tty; this._serviceToDataMap = {}; this._services = services; // Logger magically prefixes the log line with [Build] etc., but it doesn't // work well with the spinner we're also showing. Manually build the prefix // here and bypass the logger. const prefix = getChalk().blue('[Build]') + ' '; const offset = 10; // account for escape sequences inserted for colouring this._prefixWidth = offset + prefix.length + _.max(_.map(services, 'length')); this._prefix = prefix; // these are to handle window wrapping this._maxLineWidth = null; this._lineWidths = []; this._startTime = null; this._ended = false; this._cancelled = false; this._spinner = createSpinner(); this.streams = streams; } _handleEvent(service, event) { this._serviceToDataMap[service] = event; } _handleInterrupt() { this._cancelled = true; this.end(); return process.exit(130); // 128 + SIGINT } start() { process.on('SIGINT', this._handleInterrupt); this._tty.hideCursor(); this._services.forEach(service => { this.streams[service].write({ status: 'Preparing...' }); }); this._runloop = createRunLoop(this._display); this._startTime = Date.now(); } end(summary = null) { if (this._ended) { return; } this._ended = true; process.removeListener('SIGINT', this._handleInterrupt); this._runloop?.end(); this._runloop = null; this._clear(); this._renderStatus(true); this._renderSummary(summary ?? this._getServiceSummary()); this._tty.showCursor(); } _display() { this._clear(); this._renderStatus(); this._renderSummary(this._getServiceSummary()); this._tty.cursorUp(this._services.length + 1); // for status line } _clear() { this._tty.deleteToEnd(); this._maxLineWidth = this._tty.currentWindowSize().width; } _getServiceSummary() { const _ = require('lodash'); const services = this._services; const serviceToDataMap = this._serviceToDataMap; return _(services) .map(function(service) { const { status, progress, error } = serviceToDataMap[service] ?? {}; if (error) { return `${error}`; } else if (progress) { const bar = renderProgressBar(progress, 20); if (status) { return `${bar} ${status}`; } return `${bar}`; } else if (status) { return `${status}`; } else { return 'Waiting...'; } }) .map((data, index) => [services[index], data]) .fromPairs() .value(); } _renderStatus(end) { if (end == null) { end = false; } const moment = require('moment'); require('moment-duration-format')(moment); this._tty.clearLine(); this._tty.write(this._prefix); if (end && this._cancelled) { this._tty.writeLine('Build cancelled'); } else if (end) { const serviceCount = this._services.length; const serviceStr = serviceCount === 1 ? '1 service' : `${serviceCount} services`; const durationStr = this._startTime == null ? 'unknown time' : moment .duration( Math.floor((Date.now() - this._startTime) / 1000), 'seconds', ) .format(); this._tty.writeLine(`Built ${serviceStr} in ${durationStr}`); } else { this._tty.writeLine(`Building services... ${this._spinner()}`); } } _renderSummary(serviceToStrMap) { const _ = require('lodash'); const chalk = getChalk(); const truncate = require('cli-truncate'); const strlen = require('string-width'); this._services.forEach((service, index) => { let str = _.padEnd(this._prefix + chalk.bold(service), this._prefixWidth); str += serviceToStrMap[service]; if (this._maxLineWidth != null) { str = truncate(str, this._maxLineWidth); } this._lineWidths[index] = strlen(str); this._tty.clearLine(); this._tty.writeLine(str); }); } } class BuildProgressInline { constructor(outStream, descriptors) { this.start = this.start.bind(this); this.end = this.end.bind(this); this._renderEvent = this._renderEvent.bind(this); const _ = require('lodash'); const through = require('through2'); const services = _.map(descriptors, 'serviceName'); const eventHandler = this._renderEvent; const streams = _(services) .map(function(service) { const stream = through.obj(function(event, _enc, cb) { eventHandler(service, event); return cb(); }); stream.pipe(outStream, { end: false }); return [service, stream]; }) .fromPairs() .value(); const offset = 10; // account for escape sequences inserted for colouring this._prefixWidth = offset + _.max(_.map(services, 'length')); this._outStream = outStream; this._services = services; this._startTime = null; this._ended = false; this.streams = streams; } start() { this._outStream.write('Building services...\n'); this._services.forEach(service => { this.streams[service].write({ status: 'Preparing...' }); }); this._startTime = Date.now(); } end(summary = null) { const moment = require('moment'); require('moment-duration-format')(moment); if (this._ended) { return; } this._ended = true; if (summary != null) { this._services.forEach(service => { this._renderEvent(service, summary[service]); }); } const serviceCount = this._services.length; const serviceStr = serviceCount === 1 ? '1 service' : `${serviceCount} services`; const durationStr = this._startTime == null ? 'unknown time' : moment .duration( Math.floor((Date.now() - this._startTime) / 1000), 'seconds', ) .format(); this._outStream.write(`Built ${serviceStr} in ${durationStr}\n`); } _renderEvent(service, event) { const _ = require('lodash'); const str = (function() { const { status, error } = event; if (error) { return `${error}`; } else if (status) { return `${status}`; } else { return 'Waiting...'; } })(); const prefix = _.padEnd(getChalk().bold(service), this._prefixWidth); this._outStream.write(prefix); this._outStream.write(str); this._outStream.write('\n'); } }