# Imported here because it's needed for the setup # of this action Promise = require('bluebird') dockerUtils = require('../utils/docker') compose = require('../utils/compose') ### Opts must be an object with the following keys: app: the application instance to deploy to image: the image to deploy; optional shouldPerformBuild shouldUploadLogs buildEmulated buildOpts: arguments to forward to docker build command ### deployProject = (docker, logger, composeOpts, opts) -> _ = require('lodash') doodles = require('resin-doodles') sdk = require('balena-sdk').fromSharedOptions() compose.loadProject( logger composeOpts.projectPath composeOpts.projectName opts.image ) .then (project) -> if project.descriptors.length > 1 and !opts.app.application_type?[0]?.supports_multicontainer throw new Error('Target application does not support multiple containers. Aborting!') # find which services use images that already exist locally Promise.map project.descriptors, (d) -> # unconditionally build (or pull) if explicitly requested return d if opts.shouldPerformBuild docker.getImage(d.image.tag ? d.image).inspect() .return(d.serviceName) .catchReturn() .filter (d) -> !!d .then (servicesToSkip) -> # multibuild takes in a composition and always attempts to # build or pull all services. we workaround that here by # passing a modified composition. compositionToBuild = _.cloneDeep(project.composition) compositionToBuild.services = _.omit(compositionToBuild.services, servicesToSkip) if _.size(compositionToBuild.services) is 0 logger.logInfo('Everything is up to date (use --build to force a rebuild)') return {} compose.buildProject( docker logger project.path project.name compositionToBuild opts.app.arch opts.app.device_type opts.buildEmulated opts.buildOpts composeOpts.inlineLogs ) .then (builtImages) -> _.keyBy(builtImages, 'serviceName') .then (builtImages) -> project.descriptors.map (d) -> builtImages[d.serviceName] ? { serviceName: d.serviceName, name: d.image.tag ? d.image logs: 'Build skipped; image for service already exists.' props: {} } .then (images) -> if opts.app.application_type?[0]?.is_legacy chalk = require('chalk') legacyDeploy = require('../utils/deploy-legacy') msg = chalk.yellow('Target application requires legacy deploy method.') logger.logWarn(msg) return Promise.join( docker logger sdk.auth.getToken() sdk.auth.whoami() sdk.settings.get('balenaUrl') { appName: opts.app.app_name imageName: images[0].name buildLogs: images[0].logs shouldUploadLogs: opts.shouldUploadLogs } legacyDeploy ) .then (releaseId) -> sdk.models.release.get(releaseId, $select: [ 'commit' ]) Promise.join( sdk.auth.getUserId() sdk.auth.getToken() sdk.settings.get('apiUrl') (userId, auth, apiEndpoint) -> compose.deployProject( docker logger project.composition images opts.app.id userId "Bearer #{auth}" apiEndpoint !opts.shouldUploadLogs ) ) .then (release) -> logger.logSuccess('Deploy succeeded!') logger.logSuccess("Release: #{release.commit}") console.log() console.log(doodles.getDoodle()) # Show charlie console.log() .tapCatch (e) -> logger.logError('Deploy failed') module.exports = signature: 'deploy [image]' description: 'Deploy a single image or a multicontainer project to a balena application' help: ''' Use this command to deploy an image or a complete multicontainer project to an application, optionally building it first. Usage: `deploy ([image] | --build [--source build-dir])` Unless an image is specified, this command will look into the current directory (or the one specified by --source) for a compose file. If one is found, this command will deploy each service defined in the compose file, building it first if an image for it doesn't exist. If a compose file isn't found, the command will look for a Dockerfile, and if yet that isn't found, it will try to generate one. To deploy to an app on which you're a collaborator, use `balena deploy /`. Note: If building with this command, all options supported by `balena build` are also supported with this command. Examples: $ balena deploy myApp $ balena deploy myApp --build --source myBuildDir/ $ balena deploy myApp myApp/myImage ''' permission: 'user' primary: true options: dockerUtils.appendOptions compose.appendOptions [ { signature: 'source' parameter: 'source' description: 'Specify an alternate source directory; default is the working directory' alias: 's' }, { signature: 'build' boolean: true description: 'Force a rebuild before deploy' alias: 'b' }, { signature: 'nologupload' description: "Don't upload build logs to the dashboard with image (if building)" boolean: true } ] action: (params, options, done) -> # compositions with many services trigger misleading warnings require('events').defaultMaxListeners = 1000 helpers = require('../utils/helpers') Logger = require('../utils/logger') logger = new Logger() logger.logDebug('Parsing input...') Promise.try -> { appName, image } = params # look into "balena build" options if appName isn't given appName = options.application if not appName? delete options.application if not appName? throw new Error('Please specify the name of the application to deploy') if image? and options.build throw new Error('Build option is not applicable when specifying an image') Promise.join( helpers.getApplication(appName) helpers.getArchAndDeviceType(appName) (app, { arch, device_type }) -> app.arch = arch app.device_type = device_type return app ) .then (app) -> [ app, image, !!options.build, !options.nologupload ] .then ([ app, image, shouldPerformBuild, shouldUploadLogs ]) -> Promise.join( dockerUtils.getDocker(options) dockerUtils.generateBuildOpts(options) compose.generateOpts(options) (docker, buildOpts, composeOpts) -> deployProject(docker, logger, composeOpts, { app image shouldPerformBuild shouldUploadLogs buildEmulated: !!options.emulated buildOpts }) ) .asCallback(done)