/** * @license * Copyright 2021 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as settings from 'balena-settings-client'; import { getStorage } from 'balena-settings-storage'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import mock = require('mock-require'); import * as semver from 'semver'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import * as packageJSON from '../package.json'; import { DeprecationChecker, ReleaseTimestampsByVersion, } from '../build/deprecation'; import { BalenaAPIMock } from './nock/balena-api-mock'; import { NpmMock } from './nock/npm-mock'; import { runCommand, TestOutput } from './helpers'; // "itSS" means "it() Skip Standalone" const itSS = process.env.BALENA_CLI_TEST_TYPE === 'standalone' ? it.skip : it; describe('DeprecationChecker', function () { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const now = new Date().getTime(); const anHourAgo = now - 3600000; const currentMajor = semver.major(packageJSON.version, { loose: true }); const nextMajorVersion = `${currentMajor + 1}.0.0`; const dataDirectory = settings.get('dataDirectory'); const storageModPath = 'balena-settings-storage'; const mockStorage = getStorage({ dataDirectory }); let api: BalenaAPIMock; let npm: NpmMock; let checker: DeprecationChecker; let getStub: sinon.SinonStub< Parameters, ReturnType >; let setStub: sinon.SinonStub< Parameters, ReturnType >; let originalUnsupported: string | undefined; this.beforeAll(() => { // Temporarily undo settings from `tests/config-tests.ts` originalUnsupported = process.env.BALENARC_UNSUPPORTED; delete process.env.BALENARC_UNSUPPORTED; }); this.afterAll(() => { process.env.BALENARC_UNSUPPORTED = originalUnsupported; }); this.beforeEach(() => { npm = new NpmMock(); api = new BalenaAPIMock(); api.expectGetWhoAmI({ optional: true, persist: true }); api.expectGetMixpanel({ optional: true }); checker = new DeprecationChecker(packageJSON.version); getStub = sandbox.stub(mockStorage, 'get').withArgs(checker.cacheFile); setStub = sandbox .stub(mockStorage, 'set') .withArgs(checker.cacheFile, sinon.match.any); mock(storageModPath, { getStorage: () => mockStorage }); }); this.afterEach(() => { // Check all expected api calls have been made and clean up. (mockStorage.get as sinon.SinonStub).restore(); (mockStorage.set as sinon.SinonStub).restore(); // originalStorage.set.restore(); api.done(); npm.done(); mock.stop(storageModPath); }); itSS( 'should warn if this version of the CLI is deprecated (isTTY is true)', async () => { const mockCache: ReleaseTimestampsByVersion = { lastFetched: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', }; // pretend the next major was released just over half a year ago mockCache[nextMajorVersion] = new Date( checker.now - (checker.deprecationDays + 1) * checker.msInDay, ).toISOString(); getStub.resolves(mockCache); // Force isTTY to be true. It happens to be false (undefined) when // the tests run on balenaCI on Windows. const originalIsTTY = process.stderr.isTTY; process.stderr.isTTY = true; let result: TestOutput; try { result = await runCommand('version'); } finally { process.stderr.isTTY = originalIsTTY; } const { out, err } = result; expect(setStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(getStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(getStub.firstCall.args).to.deep.equal([checker.cacheFile]); expect(out.join('')).to.equal(packageJSON.version + '\n'); expect(err.join('')).to.equal( checker.getDeprecationMsg(checker.deprecationDays + 1) + '\n', ); }, ); itSS( 'should NOT warn if this version of the CLI is deprecated (isTTY is false)', async () => { const mockCache: ReleaseTimestampsByVersion = { lastFetched: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', }; // pretend the next major was released just over half a year ago mockCache[nextMajorVersion] = new Date( checker.now - (checker.deprecationDays + 1) * checker.msInDay, ).toISOString(); getStub.resolves(mockCache); // Force isTTY to be false. It happens to be true when // the tests run on balenaCI on macOS and Linux. const originalIsTTY = process.stderr.isTTY; process.stderr.isTTY = false; let result: TestOutput; try { result = await runCommand('version'); } finally { process.stderr.isTTY = originalIsTTY; } const { out, err } = result; expect(setStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(getStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(getStub.firstCall.args).to.deep.equal([checker.cacheFile]); expect(out.join('')).to.equal(packageJSON.version + '\n'); expect(err.join('')).to.equal(''); }, ); itSS( 'should NOT warn with --unsupported (deprecated but not expired)', async () => { const mockCache: ReleaseTimestampsByVersion = { lastFetched: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', }; // pretend the next major was released just over half a year ago mockCache[nextMajorVersion] = new Date( checker.now - (checker.deprecationDays + 1) * checker.msInDay, ).toISOString(); getStub.resolves(mockCache); const { out, err } = await runCommand('version --unsupported'); expect(setStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(getStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(out.join('')).to.equal(packageJSON.version + '\n'); expect(err.join('')).to.be.empty; }, ); itSS('should exit if this version of the CLI has expired', async () => { const mockCache: ReleaseTimestampsByVersion = { lastFetched: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', }; // pretend the next major was released just over a year ago mockCache[nextMajorVersion] = new Date( checker.now - (checker.expiryDays + 1) * checker.msInDay, ).toISOString(); getStub.resolves(mockCache); const { out, err } = await runCommand('version'); expect(setStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(getStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(getStub.firstCall.args).to.deep.equal([checker.cacheFile]); expect(out.join('')).to.equal(''); expect(err.join('')).to.include( checker.getExpiryMsg(checker.expiryDays + 1) + '\n\n', ); }); itSS('should NOT exit with --unsupported (expired version)', async () => { const mockCache: ReleaseTimestampsByVersion = { lastFetched: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', }; // pretend the next major was released just over a year ago mockCache[nextMajorVersion] = new Date( checker.now - (checker.expiryDays + 1) * checker.msInDay, ).toISOString(); getStub.resolves(mockCache); const { out, err } = await runCommand('--unsupported version'); expect(setStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(getStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(out.join('')).to.equal(packageJSON.version + '\n'); expect(err.join('')).to.be.empty; }); it('should query the npm registry (empty cache file)', async () => { npm.expectGetBalenaCli({ version: nextMajorVersion, publishedAt: new Date().toISOString(), }); getStub.resolves(undefined); const { out, err } = await runCommand('version'); expect(setStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(setStub.firstCall.args.length).to.equal(2); const [name, obj] = setStub.firstCall.args; expect(name).to.equal(checker.cacheFile); expect(obj).to.have.property(nextMajorVersion); const lastFetched = new Date(obj[nextMajorVersion]).getTime(); expect(lastFetched).to.be.greaterThan(anHourAgo); expect(getStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(getStub.firstCall.args).to.deep.equal([checker.cacheFile]); expect(out.join('')).to.equal(packageJSON.version + '\n'); expect(err.join('')).to.equal(''); }); it('should query the npm registry (not recently fetched)', async () => { npm.expectGetBalenaCli({ version: nextMajorVersion, publishedAt: new Date().toISOString(), }); const mockCache: ReleaseTimestampsByVersion = { lastFetched: new Date( checker.now - (checker.majorVersionFetchIntervalDays + 1) * checker.msInDay, ).toISOString(), }; getStub.resolves(mockCache); const { out, err } = await runCommand('version'); expect(setStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(setStub.firstCall.args.length).to.equal(2); const [name, obj] = setStub.firstCall.args; expect(name).to.equal(checker.cacheFile); expect(obj).to.have.property(nextMajorVersion); const lastFetched = new Date(obj[nextMajorVersion]).getTime(); expect(lastFetched).to.be.greaterThan(anHourAgo); expect(getStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(getStub.firstCall.args).to.deep.equal([checker.cacheFile]); expect(out.join('')).to.equal(packageJSON.version + '\n'); expect(err.join('')).to.equal(''); }); itSS('should NOT query the npm registry (recently fetched)', async () => { const mockCache: ReleaseTimestampsByVersion = { lastFetched: new Date( checker.now - (checker.majorVersionFetchIntervalDays - 1) * checker.msInDay, ).toISOString(), }; getStub.resolves(mockCache); const { out, err } = await runCommand('version'); expect(setStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(getStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(getStub.firstCall.args).to.deep.equal([checker.cacheFile]); expect(out.join('')).to.equal(packageJSON.version + '\n'); expect(err.join('')).to.equal(''); }); itSS('should NOT query the npm registry (cached value)', async () => { const mockCache: ReleaseTimestampsByVersion = { lastFetched: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', }; // pretend the next major was released just under half a year ago mockCache[nextMajorVersion] = new Date( checker.now - (checker.deprecationDays - 1) * checker.msInDay, ).toISOString(); getStub.resolves(mockCache); const { out, err } = await runCommand('version'); expect(setStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(getStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(getStub.firstCall.args).to.deep.equal([checker.cacheFile]); expect(out.join('')).to.equal(packageJSON.version + '\n'); expect(err.join('')).to.equal(''); }); });