Currently, if `device init` was ran without an application argument, we
attempted to get the application name from the current directory, given
it was a git repository.
This approach led to confusions from time to time, so now we prompt the
user to select one of it's own applications from a dropdown instead of
checking the current directory in this edge case.
`update-notifier` persist its update check results in a file, which is
then read when running again the application.
If this file gets written when the application is being run as root, we
get ugly EPERM issues.
For this we use the `update-notifier` module with its default settings.
This module will print a nice banner prompting the user to run the
corresponding npm command to update.
- Add helpers.confirm() to abstract the process of asking for
- Add helpers.selectDeviceType() to abstract the form needed to ask for
device types.
The functions on this module are reused by app actions.