mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 03:55:19 +00:00
Add emulated build option to resin build
This commit adds the ability to run a Docker build for an architecture which is not the host architecture, using qemu-linux-user. Currently this is only supported for linux. Added: * Installation of qemu which supports propagated execve flags * Copying of qemu binary into the build context * Transposing the given Dockerfile to use the qemu binary * Intercepting of the build stream, so the output looks *almost* exactly the same. Change-type: minor Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <cameron@resin.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
### Added
- `package-lock.json` for `npm5` users
- Added ability to run an emulated build silently with resin build
## [5.10.2] - 2017-05-31
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.6
var cacheHighlightStream, generateConnectOpts, parseBuildArgs, tarDirectory;
var QEMU_BIN_NAME, QEMU_VERSION, cacheHighlightStream, copyQemu, generateConnectOpts, getQemuPath, hasQemu, installQemu, parseBuildArgs, platformNeedsQemu, tarDirectory;
QEMU_VERSION = 'v2.5.50-resin-execve';
QEMU_BIN_NAME = 'qemu-execve';
exports.appendOptions = function(opts) {
return opts.concat([
@ -44,6 +48,11 @@ exports.appendOptions = function(opts) {
signature: 'nocache',
description: "Don't use docker layer caching when building",
boolean: true
}, {
signature: 'emulated',
description: 'Run an emulated build using Qemu',
boolean: true,
alias: 'e'
@ -94,7 +103,8 @@ exports.tarDirectory = tarDirectory = function(dir) {
return Promise.join(relPath, fs.stat(file), fs.readFile(file), function(filename, stats, data) {
return pack.entryAsync({
name: filename,
size: stats.size
size: stats.size,
mode: stats.mode
}, data);
}).then(function() {
@ -147,18 +157,37 @@ parseBuildArgs = function(args, onError) {
exports.runBuild = function(params, options, getBundleInfo, logStreams) {
var Promise, dockerBuild, doodles, es, logging, logs, resolver;
var Promise, dockerBuild, doodles, es, logging, logs, path, qemuPath, resolver, transpose;
Promise = require('bluebird');
dockerBuild = require('resin-docker-build');
resolver = require('resin-bundle-resolve');
es = require('event-stream');
doodles = require('resin-doodles');
transpose = require('docker-qemu-transpose');
path = require('path');
logging = require('../utils/logging');
if (params.source == null) {
params.source = '.';
logs = '';
return tarDirectory(params.source).then(function(tarStream) {
qemuPath = '';
return Promise["try"](function() {
if (!(options.emulated && platformNeedsQemu())) {
return hasQemu().then(function(present) {
if (!present) {
logging.logInfo(logStreams, 'Installing qemu for ARM emulation...');
return installQemu();
}).then(function() {
return copyQemu(params.source);
}).then(function(binPath) {
return qemuPath = binPath.split(path.sep).slice(1).join(path.sep);
}).then(function() {
return tarDirectory(params.source);
}).then(function(tarStream) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var builder, connectOpts, hooks, opts;
hooks = {
@ -178,26 +207,49 @@ exports.runBuild = function(params, options, getBundleInfo, logStreams) {
buildFailure: reject,
buildStream: function(stream) {
var throughStream;
var buildThroughStream, logThroughStream, newStream;
if (options.emulated) {
logging.logInfo(logStreams, 'Running emulated build');
getBundleInfo(options).then(function(info) {
var arch, bundle, deviceType;
if (info == null) {
logging.logWarn(logStreams, 'Warning: No architecture/device type or application information provided.\n Dockerfile/project pre-processing will not be performed.');
return tarStream.pipe(stream);
return tarStream;
} else {
arch = info[0], deviceType = info[1];
bundle = new resolver.Bundle(tarStream, deviceType, arch);
return resolver.resolveBundle(bundle, resolver.getDefaultResolvers()).then(function(resolved) {
logging.logInfo(logStreams, "Building " + resolved.projectType + " project");
return resolved.tarStream.pipe(stream);
return resolved.tarStream;
}).then(function(buildStream) {
if (options.emulated && platformNeedsQemu()) {
return transpose.transposeTarStream(buildStream, {
hostQemuPath: qemuPath,
containerQemuPath: "./" + QEMU_BIN_NAME
} else {
return buildStream;
}).then(function(buildStream) {
return buildStream.pipe(stream);
throughStream = es.through(function(data) {
logThroughStream = es.through(function(data) {
logs += data.toString();
return this.emit('data', data);
return stream.pipe(throughStream).pipe(cacheHighlightStream()).pipe(logStreams.build);
if (options.emulated && platformNeedsQemu()) {
buildThroughStream = transpose.getBuildThroughStream({
hostQemuPath: qemuPath,
containerQemuPath: "./" + QEMU_BIN_NAME
newStream = stream.pipe(buildThroughStream);
} else {
newStream = stream;
return newStream.pipe(logThroughStream).pipe(cacheHighlightStream()).pipe(logStreams.build);
connectOpts = generateConnectOpts(options);
@ -252,3 +304,70 @@ exports.getDocker = function(options) {
exports.getImageSize = function(docker, image) {
return docker.getImage(image).inspectAsync().get('Size');
hasQemu = function() {
var fs;
fs = require('mz/fs');
return getQemuPath().then(fs.stat)["return"](true).catchReturn(false);
getQemuPath = function() {
var fs, path, resin;
resin = require('resin-sdk-preconfigured');
path = require('path');
fs = require('mz/fs');
return resin.settings.get('binDirectory').then(function(binDir) {
return fs.access(binDir)["catch"]({
code: 'ENOENT'
}, function() {
return fs.mkdir(binDir);
}).then(function() {
return path.join(binDir, QEMU_BIN_NAME);
platformNeedsQemu = function() {
var os;
os = require('os');
return os.platform() === 'linux';
installQemu = function() {
var fs, request, zlib;
request = require('request');
fs = require('fs');
zlib = require('zlib');
return getQemuPath().then(function(qemuPath) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var installStream, qemuUrl;
installStream = fs.createWriteStream(qemuPath);
qemuUrl = "https://github.com/resin-io/qemu/releases/download/" + QEMU_VERSION + "/" + QEMU_BIN_NAME + ".gz";
return request(qemuUrl).pipe(zlib.createGunzip()).pipe(installStream).on('error', reject).on('finish', resolve);
copyQemu = function(context) {
var binDir, binPath, fs, path;
path = require('path');
fs = require('mz/fs');
binDir = path.join(context, '.resin');
binPath = path.join(binDir, QEMU_BIN_NAME);
return fs.access(binDir)["catch"]({
code: 'ENOENT'
}, function() {
return fs.mkdir(binDir);
}).then(function() {
return getQemuPath();
}).then(function(qemu) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var read, write;
read = fs.createReadStream(qemu);
write = fs.createWriteStream(binPath);
return read.pipe(write).on('error', reject).on('finish', resolve);
}).then(function() {
return fs.chmod(binPath, '755');
@ -1348,6 +1348,10 @@ Set a build-time variable (eg. "-B 'ARG=value'"). Can be specified multiple time
Don't use docker layer caching when building
#### --emulated, -e
Run an emulated build using Qemu
## deploy <appName> [image]
Use this command to deploy and optionally build an image to an application.
@ -1411,3 +1415,7 @@ Set a build-time variable (eg. "-B 'ARG=value'"). Can be specified multiple time
Don't use docker layer caching when building
#### --emulated, -e
Run an emulated build using Qemu
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Functions to help actions which rely on using docker
QEMU_VERSION = 'v2.5.50-resin-execve'
QEMU_BIN_NAME = 'qemu-execve'
# Use this function to seed an action's list of capitano options
# with the docker options. Using this interface means that
# all functions using docker will expose the same interface
@ -58,6 +61,12 @@ exports.appendOptions = (opts) ->
description: "Don't use docker layer caching when building"
boolean: true
signature: 'emulated'
description: 'Run an emulated build using Qemu'
boolean: true
alias: 'e'
exports.generateConnectOpts = generateConnectOpts = (opts) ->
@ -111,7 +120,7 @@ exports.tarDirectory = tarDirectory = (dir) ->
relPath = path.relative(path.resolve(dir), file)
Promise.join relPath, fs.stat(file), fs.readFile(file),
(filename, stats, data) ->
pack.entryAsync({ name: filename, size: stats.size }, data)
pack.entryAsync({ name: filename, size: stats.size, mode: stats.mode }, data)
.then ->
return pack
@ -156,15 +165,33 @@ exports.runBuild = (params, options, getBundleInfo, logStreams) ->
resolver = require('resin-bundle-resolve')
es = require('event-stream')
doodles = require('resin-doodles')
transpose = require('docker-qemu-transpose')
path = require('path')
logging = require('../utils/logging')
# The default build context is the current directory
params.source ?= '.'
logs = ''
# Only used in emulated builds
qemuPath = ''
# Tar up the directory, ready for the build stream
Promise.try ->
return if not (options.emulated and platformNeedsQemu())
.then (present) ->
if !present
logging.logInfo(logStreams, 'Installing qemu for ARM emulation...')
.then ->
# Copy the qemu binary into the build context
.then (binPath) ->
qemuPath = binPath.split(path.sep)[1...].join(path.sep)
.then ->
# Tar up the directory, ready for the build stream
.then (tarStream) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
hooks =
@ -182,6 +209,9 @@ exports.runBuild = (params, options, getBundleInfo, logStreams) ->
buildFailure: reject
buildStream: (stream) ->
if options.emulated
logging.logInfo(logStreams, 'Running emulated build')
.then (info) ->
if !info?
@ -189,7 +219,7 @@ exports.runBuild = (params, options, getBundleInfo, logStreams) ->
Warning: No architecture/device type or application information provided.
Dockerfile/project pre-processing will not be performed.
return tarStream
[arch, deviceType] = info
# Perform type resolution on the project
@ -197,17 +227,37 @@ exports.runBuild = (params, options, getBundleInfo, logStreams) ->
resolver.resolveBundle(bundle, resolver.getDefaultResolvers())
.then (resolved) ->
logging.logInfo(logStreams, "Building #{resolved.projectType} project")
# Send the resolved tar stream to the docker daemon
return resolved.tarStream
.then (buildStream) ->
# if we need emulation
if options.emulated and platformNeedsQemu()
return transpose.transposeTarStream buildStream,
hostQemuPath: qemuPath
containerQemuPath: "./#{QEMU_BIN_NAME}"
return buildStream
.then (buildStream) ->
# Send the resolved tar stream to the docker daemon
# And print the output
throughStream = es.through (data) ->
logThroughStream = es.through (data) ->
logs += data.toString()
this.emit('data', data)
if options.emulated and platformNeedsQemu()
buildThroughStream = transpose.getBuildThroughStream
hostQemuPath: qemuPath
containerQemuPath: "./#{QEMU_BIN_NAME}"
newStream = stream.pipe(buildThroughStream)
newStream = stream
@ -266,3 +316,71 @@ exports.getDocker = (options) ->
exports.getImageSize = (docker, image) ->
hasQemu = ->
fs = require('mz/fs')
getQemuPath = ->
resin = require('resin-sdk-preconfigured')
path = require('path')
fs = require('mz/fs')
.then (binDir) ->
# The directory might not be created already,
# if not, create it
.catch code: 'ENOENT', ->
.then ->
path.join(binDir, QEMU_BIN_NAME)
platformNeedsQemu = ->
os = require('os')
os.platform() == 'linux'
installQemu = ->
request = require('request')
fs = require('fs')
zlib = require('zlib')
.then (qemuPath) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
installStream = fs.createWriteStream(qemuPath)
qemuUrl = "https://github.com/resin-io/qemu/releases/download/#{QEMU_VERSION}/#{QEMU_BIN_NAME}.gz"
.on('error', reject)
.on('finish', resolve)
copyQemu = (context) ->
path = require('path')
fs = require('mz/fs')
# Create a hidden directory in the build context, containing qemu
binDir = path.join(context, '.resin')
binPath = path.join(binDir, QEMU_BIN_NAME)
.catch code: 'ENOENT', ->
.then ->
.then (qemu) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
read = fs.createReadStream(qemu)
write = fs.createWriteStream(binPath)
.on('error', reject)
.on('finish', resolve)
.then ->
fs.chmod(binPath, '755')
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"coffee-script": "~1.12.6",
"columnify": "^1.5.2",
"denymount": "^2.2.0",
"docker-qemu-transpose": "^0.2.1",
"docker-toolbelt": "^1.3.3",
"dockerode": "^2.4.2",
"drivelist": "^5.0.21",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user