mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 12:35:49 +00:00
Convert lib/utils/compose to typescript
Change-type: patch
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
* limitations under the License.
import type { ImageModel, ReleaseModel } from 'balena-release/build/models';
import type { Composition, ImageDescriptor } from 'resin-compose-parse';
import type { Pack } from 'tar-stream';
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ export interface ComposeOpts {
inlineLogs?: boolean;
multiDockerignore: boolean;
noParentCheck: boolean;
projectName: string;
projectName?: string;
projectPath: string;
isLocal?: boolean;
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ export interface ComposeProject {
export interface Release {
client: ReturnType<typeof import('balena-release').createClient>;
release: Pick<
| 'id'
| 'status'
| 'commit'
@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ export interface Release {
| 'start_timestamp'
| 'end_timestamp'
serviceImages: Partial<import('balena-release/build/models').ImageModel>;
serviceImages: Dictionary<
Omit<ImageModel, 'created_at' | 'is_a_build_of__service' | '__metadata'>
interface TarDirectoryOptions {
@ -15,14 +15,32 @@
* limitations under the License.
import type { Renderer } from './compose_ts';
import type * as SDK from 'balena-sdk';
import type Dockerode = require('dockerode');
import * as path from 'path';
import type { Composition, ImageDescriptor } from 'resin-compose-parse';
import type {
} from './compose-types';
import { getChalk } from './lazy';
import Logger = require('./logger');
import { ProgressCallback } from 'docker-progress';
* @returns Promise<{import('./compose-types').ComposeOpts}>
export function generateOpts(options) {
const { promises: fs } = require('fs');
export function generateOpts(options: {
source?: string;
projectName?: string;
nologs: boolean;
'noconvert-eol': boolean;
dockerfile?: string;
'multi-dockerignore': boolean;
'noparent-check': boolean;
}): Promise<ComposeOpts> {
const { promises: fs } = require('fs') as typeof import('fs');
return fs.realpath(options.source || '.').then((projectPath) => ({
projectName: options.projectName,
@ -34,24 +52,19 @@ export function generateOpts(options) {
// Parse the given composition and return a structure with info. Input is:
// - composePath: the *absolute* path to the directory containing the compose file
// - composeStr: the contents of the compose file, as a string
* @param {string} composePath
* @param {string} composeStr
* @param {string | undefined} projectName The --projectName flag (build, deploy)
* @param {string | undefined} imageTag The --tag flag (build, deploy)
* @returns {import('./compose-types').ComposeProject}
/** Parse the given composition and return a structure with info. Input is:
* - composePath: the *absolute* path to the directory containing the compose file
* - composeStr: the contents of the compose file, as a string
export function createProject(
composePath: string,
composeStr: string,
projectName = '',
imageTag = '',
) {
const yml = require('js-yaml');
const compose = require('resin-compose-parse');
): ComposeProject {
const yml = require('js-yaml') as typeof import('js-yaml');
const compose =
require('resin-compose-parse') as typeof import('resin-compose-parse');
// both methods below may throw.
const rawComposition = yml.load(composeStr);
@ -67,7 +80,8 @@ export function createProject(
descr.image.context != null &&
descr.image.tag == null
) {
const { makeImageName } = require('./compose_ts');
const { makeImageName } =
require('./compose_ts') as typeof import('./compose_ts');
descr.image.tag = makeImageName(projectName, descr.serviceName, imageTag);
return descr;
@ -80,30 +94,20 @@ export function createProject(
* @param {string} apiEndpoint
* @param {string} auth
* @param {number} userId
* @param {number} appId
* @param {import('resin-compose-parse').Composition} composition
* @param {boolean} draft
* @param {string|undefined} semver
* @param {string|undefined} contract
* @returns {Promise<import('./compose-types').Release>}
export const createRelease = async function (
) {
const _ = require('lodash');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const releaseMod = require('balena-release');
apiEndpoint: string,
auth: string,
userId: number,
appId: number,
composition: Composition,
draft: boolean,
semver?: string,
contract?: string,
): Promise<Release> {
const _ = require('lodash') as typeof import('lodash');
const crypto = require('crypto') as typeof import('crypto');
const releaseMod =
require('balena-release') as typeof import('balena-release');
const client = releaseMod.createClient({ apiEndpoint, auth });
@ -133,24 +137,26 @@ export const createRelease = async function (
serviceImages: _.mapValues(serviceImages, (serviceImage) =>
_.omit(serviceImage, [
serviceImages: _.mapValues(
(serviceImage) =>
_.omit(serviceImage, [
]) as Omit<
typeof serviceImage,
'created_at' | 'is_a_build_of__service' | '__metadata'
* @param {import('dockerode')} docker
* @param {Array<import('./compose-types').BuiltImage>} images
* @param {Partial<import('balena-release/build/models').ImageModel>} serviceImages
* @returns {Promise<Array<import('./compose-types').TaggedImage>>}
export const tagServiceImages = (docker, images, serviceImages) =>
export const tagServiceImages = (
docker: Dockerode,
images: BuiltImage[],
serviceImages: Release['serviceImages'],
): Promise<TaggedImage[]> =>
images.map(function (d) {
const serviceImage = serviceImages[d.serviceName];
@ -177,25 +183,24 @@ export const tagServiceImages = (docker, images, serviceImages) =>
* @param {*} sdk
* @param {import('./logger')} logger
* @param {number} appID
* @returns {Promise<string[]>}
export const getPreviousRepos = (sdk, logger, appID) =>
export const getPreviousRepos = (
sdk: SDK.BalenaSDK,
logger: Logger,
appID: number,
): Promise<string[]> =>
resource: 'release',
options: {
$select: 'id',
$filter: {
belongs_to__application: appID,
status: 'success',
$select: ['id'],
$expand: {
contains__image: {
$expand: 'image',
$select: 'image',
$expand: { image: { $select: 'is_stored_at__image_location' } },
$orderby: 'id desc',
@ -205,8 +210,11 @@ export const getPreviousRepos = (sdk, logger, appID) =>
.then(function (release) {
// grab all images from the latest release, return all image locations in the registry
if (release.length > 0) {
const images = release[0].contains__image;
const { getRegistryAndName } = require('resin-multibuild');
const images = release[0].contains__image as Array<{
image: [SDK.Image];
const { getRegistryAndName } =
require('resin-multibuild') as typeof import('resin-multibuild');
return Promise.all(
images.map(function (d) {
const imageName = d.image[0].is_stored_at__image_location || '';
@ -226,21 +234,13 @@ export const getPreviousRepos = (sdk, logger, appID) =>
return [];
* @param {*} sdk
* @param {string} tokenAuthEndpoint
* @param {string} registry
* @param {string[]} images
* @param {string[]} previousRepos
* @returns {Promise<string>}
export const authorizePush = function (
) {
sdk: SDK.BalenaSDK,
tokenAuthEndpoint: string,
registry: string,
images: string[],
previousRepos: string[],
): Promise<string> {
if (!Array.isArray(images)) {
images = [images];
@ -261,17 +261,20 @@ export const authorizePush = function (
// utilities
const renderProgressBar = function (percentage, stepCount) {
const _ = require('lodash');
const renderProgressBar = function (percentage: number, stepCount: number) {
const _ = require('lodash') as typeof import('lodash');
percentage = _.clamp(percentage, 0, 100);
const barCount = Math.floor((stepCount * percentage) / 100);
const spaceCount = stepCount - barCount;
const bar = `[${_.repeat('=', barCount)}>${_.repeat(' ', spaceCount)}]`;
return `${bar} ${_.padStart(percentage, 3)}%`;
return `${bar} ${_.padStart(`${percentage}`, 3)}%`;
export const pushProgressRenderer = function (tty, prefix) {
const fn = function (e) {
export const pushProgressRenderer = function (
tty: ReturnType<typeof import('./tty')>,
prefix: string,
): ProgressCallback & { end: () => void } {
const fn: ProgressCallback & { end: () => void } = function (e) {
const { error, percentage } = e;
if (error != null) {
throw new Error(error);
@ -285,14 +288,39 @@ export const pushProgressRenderer = function (tty, prefix) {
return fn;
export class BuildProgressUI {
constructor(tty, descriptors) {
export class BuildProgressUI implements Renderer {
public streams;
private _prefix;
private _prefixWidth;
private _tty;
private _services;
private _startTime: undefined | number;
private _ended;
private _serviceToDataMap: Dictionary<{
status?: string;
progress?: number;
error?: Error;
}> = {};
private _cancelled;
private _spinner;
private _runloop:
| undefined
| ReturnType<typeof import('./compose_ts').createRunLoop>;
// these are to handle window wrapping
private _maxLineWidth: undefined | number;
private _lineWidths: number[] = [];
tty: ReturnType<typeof import('./tty')>,
descriptors: ImageDescriptor[],
) {
this._handleEvent = this._handleEvent.bind(this);
this.start = this.start.bind(this);
this.end = this.end.bind(this);
this._display = this._display.bind(this);
const _ = require('lodash');
const through = require('through2');
const _ = require('lodash') as typeof import('lodash');
const through = require('through2') as typeof import('through2');
const eventHandler = this._handleEvent;
const services = _.map(descriptors, 'serviceName');
@ -310,7 +338,6 @@ export class BuildProgressUI {
this._tty = tty;
this._serviceToDataMap = {};
this._services = services;
// Logger magically prefixes the log line with [Build] etc., but it doesn't
@ -320,22 +347,22 @@ export class BuildProgressUI {
const offset = 10; // account for escape sequences inserted for colouring
this._prefixWidth =
offset + prefix.length + _.max(_.map(services, 'length'));
offset + prefix.length + _.max(_.map(services, (s) => s.length))!;
this._prefix = prefix;
// these are to handle window wrapping
this._maxLineWidth = null;
this._lineWidths = [];
this._startTime = null;
this._ended = false;
this._cancelled = false;
this._spinner = require('./compose_ts').createSpinner();
this._spinner = (
require('./compose_ts') as typeof import('./compose_ts')
this.streams = streams;
_handleEvent(service, event) {
service: string,
event: { status?: string; progress?: number; error?: Error },
) {
this._serviceToDataMap[service] = event;
@ -344,20 +371,19 @@ export class BuildProgressUI {
this._services.forEach((service) => {
this.streams[service].write({ status: 'Preparing...' });
this._runloop = require('./compose_ts').createRunLoop(this._display);
this._runloop = (
require('./compose_ts') as typeof import('./compose_ts')
this._startTime = Date.now();
* @param {Dictionary<string> | undefined} summary
end(summary) {
end(summary?: Dictionary<string>) {
if (this._ended) {
this._ended = true;
this._runloop = null;
this._runloop = undefined;
@ -378,7 +404,7 @@ export class BuildProgressUI {
_getServiceSummary() {
const _ = require('lodash');
const _ = require('lodash') as typeof import('lodash');
const services = this._services;
const serviceToDataMap = this._serviceToDataMap;
@ -405,11 +431,11 @@ export class BuildProgressUI {
_renderStatus(end) {
end ??= false;
const moment = require('moment');
_renderStatus(end = false) {
const moment = require('moment') as typeof import('moment');
require('moment-duration-format') as typeof import('moment-duration-format')
@ -434,11 +460,11 @@ export class BuildProgressUI {
_renderSummary(serviceToStrMap) {
const _ = require('lodash');
_renderSummary(serviceToStrMap: Dictionary<string>) {
const _ = require('lodash') as typeof import('lodash');
const chalk = getChalk();
const truncate = require('cli-truncate');
const strlen = require('string-width');
const truncate = require('cli-truncate') as typeof import('cli-truncate');
const strlen = require('string-width') as typeof import('string-width');
this._services.forEach((service, index) => {
let str = _.padEnd(this._prefix + chalk.bold(service), this._prefixWidth);
@ -454,13 +480,23 @@ export class BuildProgressUI {
export class BuildProgressInline {
constructor(outStream, descriptors) {
export class BuildProgressInline implements Renderer {
public streams;
private _prefixWidth;
private _outStream;
private _services;
private _startTime: number | undefined;
private _ended;
outStream: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream,
descriptors: Array<{ serviceName: string }>,
) {
this.start = this.start.bind(this);
this.end = this.end.bind(this);
this._renderEvent = this._renderEvent.bind(this);
const _ = require('lodash');
const through = require('through2');
const _ = require('lodash') as typeof import('lodash');
const through = require('through2') as typeof import('through2');
const services = _.map(descriptors, 'serviceName');
const eventHandler = this._renderEvent;
@ -477,10 +513,9 @@ export class BuildProgressInline {
const offset = 10; // account for escape sequences inserted for colouring
this._prefixWidth = offset + _.max(_.map(services, 'length'));
this._prefixWidth = offset + _.max(_.map(services, (s) => s.length))!;
this._outStream = outStream;
this._services = services;
this._startTime = null;
this._ended = false;
this.streams = streams;
@ -494,12 +529,11 @@ export class BuildProgressInline {
this._startTime = Date.now();
* @param {Dictionary<string> | undefined} summary
end(summary) {
const moment = require('moment');
end(summary?: Dictionary<string>) {
const moment = require('moment') as typeof import('moment');
require('moment-duration-format') as typeof import('moment-duration-format')
if (this._ended) {
@ -527,8 +561,8 @@ export class BuildProgressInline {
this._outStream.write(`Built ${serviceStr} in ${durationStr}\n`);
_renderEvent(service, event) {
const _ = require('lodash');
_renderEvent(service: string, event: { status?: string; error?: Error }) {
const _ = require('lodash') as typeof import('lodash');
const str = (function () {
const { status, error } = event;
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ interface BuildTaskPlus extends MultiBuild.BuildTask {
logBuffer?: string[];
interface Renderer {
export interface Renderer {
start: () => void;
end: (buildSummaryByService?: Dictionary<string>) => void;
streams: Dictionary<NodeJS.ReadWriteStream>;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user