resin sync/ssh: generate JS

This commit is contained in:
Kostas Lekkas 2016-07-19 19:12:36 +03:00
parent 16a1741374
commit b4edb7ed7f
3 changed files with 98 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ limitations under the License.
module.exports = {
signature: 'ssh [destination]',
signature: 'ssh [uuid]',
description: '(beta) get a shell into the running app container of a device',
help: 'WARNING: If you\'re running Windows, this command only supports `cmd.exe`.\n\nUse this command to get a shell into the running application container of\nyour device.\n\nThe `destination` argument can be either a device uuid or an application name.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin ssh MyApp\n $ resin ssh 7cf02a6\n $ resin ssh 7cf02a6 --port 8080\n $ resin ssh 7cf02a6 -v',
help: 'WARNING: If you\'re running Windows, this command only supports `cmd.exe`.\n\nUse this command to get a shell into the running application container of\nyour device.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin ssh MyApp\n $ resin ssh 7cf02a6\n $ resin ssh 7cf02a6 --port 8080\n $ resin ssh 7cf02a6 -v',
permission: 'user',
primary: true,
options: [
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ limitations under the License.
signature: 'port',
parameter: 'port',
description: 'ssh gateway port',
alias: 't'
alias: 'p'
}, {
signature: 'verbose',
boolean: true,
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ limitations under the License.
options.port = 22;
verbose = options.verbose ? '-vvv' : '';
return resin.models.device.has(params.destination).then(function(isValidUUID) {
return resin.models.device.has(params.uuid).then(function(isValidUUID) {
if (isValidUUID) {
return params.destination;
return params.uuid;
return patterns.inferOrSelectDevice(params.destination);
return patterns.inferOrSelectDevice();
}).then(function(uuid) {"Connecting with: " + uuid);
return resin.models.device.get(uuid);
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ limitations under the License.
return Promise["try"](function() {
var command, spawn, subShellCommand;
command = "ssh " + verbose + " -t -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p " + options.port + " " + username + "@ssh." + (settings.get('proxyUrl')) + " enter " + uuid + " " + containerId;
command = "ssh " + verbose + " -t -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ControlMaster=no -p " + options.port + " " + username + "@ssh." + (settings.get('proxyUrl')) + " enter " + uuid + " " + containerId;
subShellCommand = getSubShellCommand(command);
return spawn = child_process.spawn(subShellCommand.program, subShellCommand.args, {
stdio: 'inherit'

View File

@ -16,38 +16,79 @@ limitations under the License.
(function() {
var loadConfig;
loadConfig = function(source) {
var _, config, configPath, error, error1, fs, jsYaml, path, result;
fs = require('fs');
path = require('path');
_ = require('lodash');
jsYaml = require('js-yaml');
configPath = path.join(source, '.resin-sync.yml');
try {
config = fs.readFileSync(configPath, {
encoding: 'utf8'
result = jsYaml.safeLoad(config);
} catch (error1) {
error = error1;
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
return {};
throw error;
if (!_.isPlainObject(result)) {
throw new Error("Invalid configuration file: " + configPath);
return result;
module.exports = {
signature: 'sync [destination]',
description: '(beta) sync your changes with a device',
help: 'WARNING: If you\'re running Windows, this command only supports `cmd.exe`.\n\nUse this command to sync your local changes to a certain device on the fly.\n\nThe `destination` argument can be either a device uuid or an application name.\n\nYou can save all the options mentioned below in a `resin-sync.yml` file,\nby using the same option names as keys. For example:\n\n $ cat $PWD/resin-sync.yml\n source: src/\n before: \'echo Hello\'\n ignore:\n - .git\n - node_modules/\n progress: true\n verbose: false\n\nNotice that explicitly passed command options override the ones set in the configuration file.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin sync MyApp\n $ resin sync 7cf02a6\n $ resin sync 7cf02a6 --port 8080\n $ resin sync 7cf02a6 --ignore foo,bar\n $ resin sync 7cf02a6 -v',
signature: 'sync [uuid]',
description: '(beta) sync your changes to a device',
help: 'WARNING: If you\'re running Windows, this command only supports `cmd.exe`.\n\nUse this command to sync your local changes to a certain device on the fly.\n\nAfter every \'resin sync\' the updated settings will be saved in\n\'<source>/.resin-sync.yml\' and will be used in later invocations. You can\nalso change any option by editing \'.resin-sync.yml\' directly.\n\nHere is an example \'.resin-sync.yml\' :\n\n $ cat $PWD/.resin-sync.yml\n uuid: 7cf02a6\n destination: \'/usr/src/app\'\n before: \'echo Hello\'\n after: \'echo Done\'\n ignore:\n - .git\n - node_modules/\n\nCommand line options have precedence over the ones saved in \'.resin-sync.yml\'.\n\nIf \'.gitignore\' is found in the source directory then all explicitly listed files will be\nexcluded from the syncing process. You can choose to change this default behavior with the\n\'--skip-gitignore\' option.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin sync 7cf02a6 --source . --destination /usr/src/app\n $ resin sync 7cf02a6 -s /home/user/myResinProject -d /usr/src/app --before \'echo Hello\' --after \'echo Done\'\n $ resin sync --ignore lib/\n $ resin sync --verbose false\n $ resin sync',
permission: 'user',
primary: true,
options: [
signature: 'source',
parameter: 'path',
description: 'custom source path',
description: 'local directory path to synchronize to device',
alias: 's'
}, {
signature: 'destination',
parameter: 'path',
description: 'destination path on device',
alias: 'd'
}, {
signature: 'ignore',
parameter: 'paths',
description: 'comma delimited paths to ignore when syncing',
alias: 'i'
}, {
signature: 'skip-gitignore',
boolean: true,
description: 'do not parse excluded/included files from .gitignore'
}, {
signature: 'before',
parameter: 'command',
description: 'execute a command before syncing',
alias: 'b'
}, {
signature: 'progress',
boolean: true,
description: 'show progress',
alias: 'p'
signature: 'after',
parameter: 'command',
description: 'execute a command after syncing',
alias: 'a'
}, {
signature: 'port',
parameter: 'port',
description: 'ssh port',
alias: 't'
}, {
signature: 'progress',
boolean: true,
description: 'show progress',
alias: 'p'
}, {
signature: 'verbose',
boolean: true,
@ -56,20 +97,43 @@ limitations under the License.
action: function(params, options, done) {
var patterns, resin, resinSync;
var Promise, fs, path, patterns, resin, resinSync;
fs = require('fs');
path = require('path');
resin = require('resin-sdk');
Promise = require('bluebird');
resinSync = require('resin-sync');
patterns = require('../utils/patterns');
if (options.ignore != null) {
options.ignore = options.ignore.split(',');
return resin.models.device.has(params.destination).then(function(isValidUUID) {
if (isValidUUID) {
return params.destination;
return Promise["try"](function() {
var error1;
try {
fs.accessSync(path.join(process.cwd(), '.resin-sync.yml'));
} catch (error1) {
if (options.source == null) {
throw new Error('No --source option passed and no \'.resin-sync.yml\' file found in current directory.');
return patterns.inferOrSelectDevice(params.destination);
}).then(function(uuid) {
return resinSync.sync(uuid, options);
if (options.source == null) {
options.source = process.cwd();
if (options.ignore != null) {
options.ignore = options.ignore.split(',');
return Promise.resolve(params.uuid).then(function(uuid) {
var savedUuid;
if (uuid == null) {
savedUuid = loadConfig(options.source).uuid;
return patterns.inferOrSelectDevice(savedUuid);
return resin.models.device.has(uuid).then(function(hasDevice) {
if (!hasDevice) {
throw new Error("Device not found: " + uuid);
return uuid;
}).then(function(uuid) {
return resinSync.sync(uuid, options);

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ limitations under the License.
(function() {
var Promise, _, chalk, form, messages, resin, validation, visuals;
var Promise, _, chalk, form, messages, resin, validation, visuals,
indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
_ = require('lodash');
@ -191,25 +192,18 @@ limitations under the License.
exports.inferOrSelectDevice = function(applicationName) {
return Promise["try"](function() {
if (applicationName != null) {
return resin.models.device.getAllByApplication(applicationName);
return resin.models.device.getAll();
}).filter(function(device) {
exports.inferOrSelectDevice = function(preferredUuid) {
return resin.models.device.getAll().filter(function(device) {
return device.is_online;
}).then(function(devices) {
if (_.isEmpty(devices)) {
throw new Error('You don\'t have any devices');
if (devices.length === 1) {
return _.first(devices).uuid;
}).then(function(onlineDevices) {
if (_.isEmpty(onlineDevices)) {
throw new Error('You don\'t have any devices online');
return form.ask({
message: 'Select a device',
type: 'list',
choices:, function(device) {
"default":, 'uuid'), preferredUuid) >= 0 ? preferredUuid : onlineDevices[0].uuid,
choices:, function(device) {
return {
name: ( || 'Untitled') + " (" + (device.uuid.slice(0, 7)) + ")",
value: device.uuid