diff --git a/lib/app.coffee b/lib/app.coffee
index 0ac22f0e..ce7c1033 100644
--- a/lib/app.coffee
+++ b/lib/app.coffee
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ _ = require('lodash')
 resin = require('./resin')
 packageJSON = require('../package.json')
 actions = require('./actions')
-pluginLoader = require('./plugin-loader/plugin-loader')
 cli = require('./cli/cli')
diff --git a/lib/plugin-loader/plugin-loader.coffee b/lib/plugin-loader/plugin-loader.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index 23999a5a..00000000
--- a/lib/plugin-loader/plugin-loader.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-_ = require('lodash')
-async = require('async')
-path = require('path')
-fs = require('fs')
-fsPlus = require('fs-plus')
-resin = require('../resin')
-exports.use = (plugin) ->
-	if not _.isFunction(plugin)
-		throw new Error('Plugin should be a function')
-	plugin.call(null, resin)
-exports.loadPlugin = (pluginPath, callback) ->
-	pluginPackageJSON = path.join(pluginPath, 'package.json')
-	async.waterfall([
-		(callback) ->
-			fs.exists pluginPackageJSON, (exists) ->
-				error = new Error("#{pluginPackageJSON} doesn't exist")
-				return callback(if not exists then error)
-		(callback) ->
-			fs.stat(pluginPackageJSON, callback)
-		(stats, callback) ->
-			error = new Error("#{pluginPackageJSON} is not a file")
-			return callback(if not stats.isFile() then error)
-		(callback) ->
-			try
-				packageJSON = require(pluginPackageJSON)
-			catch error
-				return callback(error)
-			if not _.isObject(packageJSON)
-				error = new Error('package.json is not a valid JSON file')
-				return callback(error)
-			if not packageJSON.main?
-				error = new Error('package.json is missing main')
-				return callback(error)
-			mainFilePath = path.join(pluginPath, packageJSON.main)
-			try
-				mainFile = require(mainFilePath)
-			catch error
-				return callback(error)
-			if not _.isFunction(mainFile)
-				return callback(new Error('Entry point should be a function'))
-			return callback(null, mainFile)
-	], callback)
-exports.readPluginsDirectory = (directory, callback) ->
-	async.waterfall([
-		(callback) ->
-			fs.readdir(directory, callback)
-		(plugins, callback) ->
-			fullPathPlugins = _.map plugins, (plugin) ->
-				return path.join(directory, plugin)
-			async.filter fullPathPlugins, fsPlus.isDirectory, (results) ->
-				return callback(null, results)
-	], callback)
-exports.loadPluginsDirectory = (directory, callback, limit) ->
-	async.waterfall([
-		(callback) ->
-			exports.readPluginsDirectory(directory, callback)
-		(plugins, callback) ->
-			async.mapLimit(plugins, limit, exports.loadPlugin, callback)
-		(loadedPlugins, callback) ->
-			for plugin in loadedPlugins
-				try
-					exports.use(plugin)
-				catch error
-					return callback(error)
-			return callback()
-	], callback)
diff --git a/lib/plugin-loader/plugin-loader.spec.coffee b/lib/plugin-loader/plugin-loader.spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index b8e4d130..00000000
--- a/lib/plugin-loader/plugin-loader.spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-_ = require('lodash')
-chai = require('chai')
-expect = chai.expect
-path = require('path')
-sinon = require('sinon')
-mock = require('../../tests/utils/mock')
-resin = require('../resin')
-pluginLoader = require('../plugin-loader/plugin-loader')
-	text:
-		name: 'text'
-		contents: 'Hello World'
-	invalidPackage:
-		name: 'invalidPackage'
-		contents: {}
-	invalidPackageWithPackageJSON:
-		name: 'invalidPackageWithPackageJSON'
-		contents:
-			'package.json': ''
-	validPackage:
-		name: 'validPackage'
-		contents:
-			'package.json': JSON.stringify
-				name: 'myPackage'
-				main: 'app.js'
-			'app.js': 'module.exports = function() {};'
-	validPackageNoFunction:
-		name: 'validPackageNoFunction'
-		contents:
-			'package.json': JSON.stringify
-				name: 'myPackage'
-				main: 'app.js'
-			'app.js': 'module.exports = {};'
-FILESYSTEM.pluginsDirectory =
-	name: 'pluginsDirectory'
-	contents:
-		firstPlugin: FILESYSTEM.validPackage.contents
-		secondPlugin: FILESYSTEM.validPackage.contents
-		thirdPlugin: FILESYSTEM.validPackage.contents
-FILESYSTEM.invalidPluginsDirectory =
-	name: 'invalidPluginsDirectory'
-	contents:
-		firstPlugin: FILESYSTEM.validPackage.contents
-		secondPlugin: FILESYSTEM.validPackage.contents
-		thirdPlugin: 'Hello World'
-compareArrays = (arr1, arr2) ->
-	expect(arr1.length).to.equal(arr2.length)
-	for item in arr2
-		expect(arr1).to.include(item)
-describe 'Plugin Loader:', ->
-	beforeEach ->
-		mock.fs.init(FILESYSTEM)
-	afterEach ->
-		mock.fs.restore()
-	describe '#use()', ->
-		it 'should pass the resin object to the function', ->
-			spy = sinon.spy()
-			pluginLoader.use(spy)
-			expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith(resin)
-		it 'should throw an error if plugin is not a function', ->
-			for nonFunction in [
-				undefined
-				null
-				[ 1, 2, 3 ]
-				123
-				'Hello World'
-				{ hello: 'world' }
-			]
-				func = _.partial(pluginLoader.use, nonFunction)
-				expect(func).to.throw(Error)
-	describe '#loadPlugin()', ->
-		it 'should return an error if path doesn\'t exist', (done) ->
-			pluginLoader.loadPlugin 'foobar', (error, plugin) ->
-				expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error)
-				expect(plugin).to.not.exist
-				done()
-		it 'should return an error if path is not a directory', (done) ->
-			pluginLoader.loadPlugin FILESYSTEM.text.name, (error, plugin) ->
-				expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error)
-				expect(plugin).to.not.exist
-				done()
-		it 'should return an error if there is no package.json', (done) ->
-			pluginLoader.loadPlugin FILESYSTEM.invalidPackage.name, (error, plugin) ->
-				expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error)
-				expect(plugin).to.not.exist
-				done()
-		it 'should return an error if package.json is missing main', (done) ->
-			pluginPackage = FILESYSTEM.invalidPackageWithPackageJSON
-			pluginLoader.loadPlugin pluginPackage.name, (error, plugin) ->
-				expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error)
-				expect(plugin).to.not.exist
-				done()
-		it 'should return the entry point if package is valid', (done) ->
-			pluginPackage = FILESYSTEM.validPackage
-			pluginLoader.loadPlugin pluginPackage.name, (error, plugin) ->
-				expect(error).to.not.exist
-				expect(_.isFunction(plugin)).to.be.true
-				done()
-		it 'should return the entry point is not a function', (done) ->
-			pluginPackage = FILESYSTEM.validPackageNoFunction
-			pluginLoader.loadPlugin pluginPackage.name, (error, plugin) ->
-				expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error)
-				expect(plugin).to.not.exist
-				done()
-	describe '#readPluginsDirectory()', ->
-		it 'should fail if input is not a directory', (done) ->
-			pluginsDirectory = FILESYSTEM.text.name
-			pluginLoader.readPluginsDirectory pluginsDirectory, (error, plugins) ->
-				expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error)
-				expect(plugins).to.not.exist
-				done()
-		it 'should return a list of all files inside plugins directory', (done) ->
-			pluginsDirectory = FILESYSTEM.pluginsDirectory
-			pluginLoader.readPluginsDirectory pluginsDirectory.name, (error, plugins) ->
-				expect(error).to.not.exist
-				expectedPlugins = _.keys(pluginsDirectory.contents)
-				expectedPlugins = _.map expectedPlugins, (value) ->
-					return path.join(pluginsDirectory.name, value)
-				compareArrays(plugins, expectedPlugins)
-				done()
-		it 'should return omit files inside plugins directory', (done) ->
-			pluginsDirectory = FILESYSTEM.invalidPluginsDirectory
-			pluginLoader.readPluginsDirectory pluginsDirectory.name, (error, plugins) ->
-				expect(error).to.not.exist
-				expectedPlugins = _.keys _.omit pluginsDirectory.contents, (value, key) ->
-					return _.isString(value)
-				expectedPlugins = _.map expectedPlugins, (value) ->
-					return path.join(pluginsDirectory.name, value)
-				compareArrays(plugins, expectedPlugins)
-				done()
-	describe '#loadPluginsDirectory()', ->
-		it 'should not return an error for all valid plugins', (done) ->
-			pluginsDirectory = FILESYSTEM.pluginsDirectory
-			pluginLoader.loadPluginsDirectory pluginsDirectory.name, (error) ->
-				expect(error).to.not.exist
-				done()
-		it 'should call use for all plugins', (done) ->
-			pluginsDirectory = FILESYSTEM.pluginsDirectory
-			numberOfPlugins = _.keys(pluginsDirectory.contents).length
-			mock.fs.restore()
-			useSpy = sinon.spy(pluginLoader, 'use')
-			mock.fs.init(FILESYSTEM)
-			pluginLoader.loadPluginsDirectory pluginsDirectory.name, (error) ->
-				expect(error).to.not.exist
-				expect(useSpy.callCount).to.equal(numberOfPlugins)
-				for arg in _.flatten(useSpy.args)
-					expect(_.isFunction(arg)).to.be.true
-				useSpy.restore()
-				done()