Add ASCII art in login

This commit is contained in:
Juan Cruz Viotti 2016-01-12 10:23:46 -04:00
parent 9b052c9aa5
commit 86cac606e4
2 changed files with 12 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ limitations under the License.
return resin.settings.get('resinUrl').then(function(resinUrl) {
console.log("Logging in to " + resinUrl);
console.log('______ _ _\n| ___ \\ (_) (_)\n| |_/ /___ ___ _ _ __ _ ___\n| // _ \\/ __| | \'_ \\ | |/ _ \\\n| |\\ \\ __/\\__ \\ | | | |_| | (_) |\n\\_| \\_\\___||___/_|_| |_(_)_|\\___/');
console.log("\nLogging in to " + resinUrl);
return login(options);
}).then(resin.auth.whoami).tap(function(username) {"Successfully logged in as: " + username);

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@ -99,7 +99,16 @@ exports.login =
return login(options)
resin.settings.get('resinUrl').then (resinUrl) ->
console.log("Logging in to #{resinUrl}")
console.log '''
______ _ _
| ___ \\ (_) (_)
| |_/ /___ ___ _ _ __ _ ___
| // _ \\/ __| | '_ \\ | |/ _ \\
| |\\ \\ __/\\__ \\ | | | |_| | (_) |
\\_| \\_\\___||___/_|_| |_(_)_|\\___/
console.log("\nLogging in to #{resinUrl}")
return login(options)
.tap (username) ->