mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 22:44:14 +00:00
Merge pull request #2457 from balena-io/2292-ssh-username
ssh: Attempt cloud username if 'root' authentication fails
This commit is contained in:
@ -230,19 +230,15 @@ export default class SshCmd extends Command {
} else {
accessCommand = `host ${deviceUuid}`;
const command = this.generateVpnSshCommand({
uuid: deviceUuid,
command: accessCommand,
verbose: options.verbose,
const { runRemoteCommand } = await import('../utils/ssh');
await runRemoteCommand({
cmd: accessCommand,
hostname: `ssh.${proxyUrl}`,
port: options.port,
proxyUrl: proxyUrl || '',
username: username!,
verbose: options.verbose,
const { spawnSshAndThrowOnError } = await import('../utils/ssh');
return spawnSshAndThrowOnError(command);
async getContainerId(
@ -295,53 +291,28 @@ export default class SshCmd extends Command {
containerId = body.services[serviceName];
} else {
Using legacy method to detect container ID. This will be slow.
To speed up this process, please update your device to an OS
which has a supervisor version of at least v8.6.0.
Using slow legacy method to determine container IDs. To speed up
this process, update the device supervisor to v8.6.0 or later.
// We need to execute a balena ps command on the device,
// and parse the output, looking for a specific
// container
const childProcess = await import('child_process');
const { escapeRegExp } = await import('lodash');
const { which } = await import('../utils/which');
const { deviceContainerEngineBinary } = await import(
const { getRemoteCommandOutput } = await import('../utils/ssh');
const sshBinary = await which('ssh');
const sshArgs = this.generateVpnSshCommand({
verbose: false,
port: sshOpts.port,
command: `host ${uuid} "${deviceContainerEngineBinary}" ps --format "{{.ID}} {{.Names}}"`,
proxyCommand: sshOpts.proxyCommand,
proxyUrl: sshOpts.proxyUrl,
username: sshOpts.username,
if (process.env.DEBUG) {
console.error(`[debug] [${sshBinary}, ${sshArgs.join(', ')}]`);
const subProcess = childProcess.spawn(sshBinary, sshArgs, {
stdio: [null, 'pipe', null],
const containers = await new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
const output: string[] = [];
subProcess.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => output.push(chunk.toString()));
subProcess.on('close', (code: number) => {
if (code !== 0) {
new Error(
`Non-zero error code when looking for service container: ${code}`,
} else {
const containers: string = (
await getRemoteCommandOutput({
cmd: `host ${uuid} "${deviceContainerEngineBinary}" ps --format "{{.ID}} {{.Names}}"`,
hostname: `ssh.${sshOpts.proxyUrl}`,
port: sshOpts.port,
proxyCommand: sshOpts.proxyCommand,
stderr: 'inherit',
username: sshOpts.username,
const lines = containers.split('\n');
const regex = new RegExp(`\\/?${escapeRegExp(serviceName)}_\\d+_\\d+`);
for (const container of lines) {
@ -360,28 +331,4 @@ export default class SshCmd extends Command {
return containerId;
generateVpnSshCommand(opts: {
uuid: string;
command: string;
verbose: boolean;
port?: number;
username: string;
proxyUrl: string;
proxyCommand?: string[];
}) {
return [
...(opts.verbose ? ['-vvv'] : []),
...['-o', 'LogLevel=ERROR'],
...['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'],
...['-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'],
...(opts.proxyCommand && opts.proxyCommand.length
? ['-o', `ProxyCommand=${opts.proxyCommand.join(' ')}`]
: []),
...(opts.port ? ['-p', opts.port.toString()] : []),
@ -16,12 +16,7 @@
import * as packageJSON from '../package.json';
import { getBalenaSdk, stripIndent } from './utils/lazy';
interface CachedUsername {
token: string;
username: string;
import { stripIndent } from './utils/lazy';
* Track balena CLI usage events (product improvement analytics).
@ -49,40 +44,13 @@ export async function trackCommand(commandSignature: string) {
scope.setExtra('command', commandSignature);
const settings = await import('balena-settings-client');
const username = await (async () => {
const getStorage = await import('balena-settings-storage');
const dataDirectory = settings.get<string>('dataDirectory');
const storage = getStorage({ dataDirectory });
let token;
try {
token = await storage.get('token');
} catch {
// If we can't get a token then we can't get a username
try {
const result = (await storage.get('cachedUsername')) as CachedUsername;
if (result.token === token) {
return result.username;
} catch {
// ignore
try {
const balena = getBalenaSdk();
const $username = await balena.auth.whoami();
await storage.set('cachedUsername', {
username: $username,
} as CachedUsername);
return $username;
} catch {
const { getCachedUsername } = await import('./utils/bootstrap');
let username: string | undefined;
try {
username = (await getCachedUsername())?.username;
} catch {
// ignore
if (!process.env.BALENARC_NO_SENTRY) {
Sentry!.configureScope((scope) => {
@ -96,6 +64,7 @@ export async function trackCommand(commandSignature: string) {
!process.env.BALENA_CLI_TEST_TYPE &&
) {
const settings = await import('balena-settings-client');
const balenaUrl = settings.get<string>('balenaUrl');
await sendEvent(balenaUrl, `[CLI] ${commandSignature}`, username);
@ -119,3 +119,61 @@ export async function pkgExec(modFunc: string, args: string[]) {
export interface CachedUsername {
token: string;
username: string;
let cachedUsername: CachedUsername | undefined;
* Return the parsed contents of the `~/.balena/cachedUsername` file. If the file
* does not exist, create it with the details from the cloud. If not connected
* to the internet, return undefined. This function is used by `lib/events.ts`
* (event tracking) and `lib/utils/device/ssh.ts` and needs to gracefully handle
* the scenario of not being connected to the internet.
export async function getCachedUsername(): Promise<CachedUsername | undefined> {
if (cachedUsername) {
return cachedUsername;
const [{ getBalenaSdk }, getStorage, settings] = await Promise.all([
const dataDirectory = settings.get<string>('dataDirectory');
const storage = getStorage({ dataDirectory });
let token: string | undefined;
try {
token = (await storage.get('token')) as string | undefined;
} catch {
// ignore
if (!token) {
// If we can't get a token then we can't get a username
try {
const result = (await storage.get('cachedUsername')) as
| CachedUsername
| undefined;
if (result && result.token === token && result.username) {
cachedUsername = result;
return cachedUsername;
} catch {
// ignore
try {
const username = await getBalenaSdk().auth.whoami();
if (username) {
cachedUsername = { token, username };
await storage.set('cachedUsername', cachedUsername);
} catch {
// ignore (not connected to the internet?)
return cachedUsername;
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import type { ContainerInfo } from 'dockerode';
import { ExpectedError } from '../../errors';
import { stripIndent } from '../lazy';
export interface DeviceSSHOpts {
@ -26,76 +28,80 @@ export interface DeviceSSHOpts {
export const deviceContainerEngineBinary = `$(if [ -f /usr/bin/balena ]; then echo "balena"; else echo "docker"; fi)`;
* List the running containers on the device with dockerode, and return the
* container ID that matches the given service name.
async function getContainerIdForService(
service: string,
deviceAddress: string,
): Promise<string> {
const { escapeRegExp, reduce } = await import('lodash');
const Docker = await import('dockerode');
const docker = new Docker({
host: deviceAddress,
port: 2375,
const regex = new RegExp(`(^|\\/)${escapeRegExp(service)}_\\d+_\\d+`);
const nameRegex = /\/?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)_\d+_\d+/;
let allContainers: ContainerInfo[];
try {
allContainers = await docker.listContainers();
} catch (_e) {
throw new ExpectedError(stripIndent`
Could not access docker daemon on device ${deviceAddress}.
Please ensure the device is in local mode.`);
const serviceNames: string[] = [];
const containers: Array<{ id: string; name: string }> = [];
for (const container of allContainers) {
for (const name of container.Names) {
if (regex.test(name)) {
containers.push({ id: container.Id, name });
const match = name.match(nameRegex);
if (match) {
if (containers.length > 1) {
throw new ExpectedError(stripIndent`
Found more than one container matching service name "${service}":
${containers.map((container) => container.name).join(', ')}
Use different service names to avoid ambiguity.
const containerId = containers.length ? containers[0].id : '';
if (!containerId) {
throw new ExpectedError(
`Could not find a service on device with name ${service}. ${
serviceNames.length > 0
? `Available services:\n${reduce(
(str, name) => `${str}\t${name}\n`,
: ''
return containerId;
export async function performLocalDeviceSSH(
opts: DeviceSSHOpts,
): Promise<void> {
const { escapeRegExp, reduce } = await import('lodash');
const { spawnSshAndThrowOnError } = await import('../ssh');
const { ExpectedError } = await import('../../errors');
let cmd = '';
let command = '';
if (opts.service) {
const containerId = await getContainerIdForService(
if (opts.service != null) {
// Get the containers which are on-device. Currently we
// are single application, which means we can assume any
// container which fulfills the form of
// $serviceName_$appId_$releaseId is what we want. Once
// we have multi-app, we should show a dialog which
// allows the user to choose the correct container
const Docker = await import('dockerode');
const docker = new Docker({
host: opts.address,
port: 2375,
const regex = new RegExp(`(^|\\/)${escapeRegExp(opts.service)}_\\d+_\\d+`);
const nameRegex = /\/?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)_\d+_\d+/;
let allContainers: ContainerInfo[];
try {
allContainers = await docker.listContainers();
} catch (_e) {
throw new ExpectedError(stripIndent`
Could not access docker daemon on device ${opts.address}.
Please ensure the device is in local mode.`);
const serviceNames: string[] = [];
const containers: Array<{ id: string; name: string }> = [];
for (const container of allContainers) {
for (const name of container.Names) {
if (regex.test(name)) {
containers.push({ id: container.Id, name });
const match = name.match(nameRegex);
if (match) {
if (containers.length === 0) {
throw new ExpectedError(
`Could not find a service on device with name ${opts.service}. ${
serviceNames.length > 0
? `Available services:\n${reduce(
(str, name) => `${str}\t${name}\n`,
: ''
if (containers.length > 1) {
throw new ExpectedError(stripIndent`
Found more than one container matching service name "${opts.service}":
${containers.map((container) => container.name).join(', ')}
Use different service names to avoid ambiguity.
const containerId = containers[0].id;
const shellCmd = `/bin/sh -c "if [ -e /bin/bash ]; then exec /bin/bash; else exec /bin/sh; fi"`;
// stdin (fd=0) is not a tty when data is piped in, for example
// echo 'ls -la; exit;' | balena ssh service1
@ -103,17 +109,32 @@ export async function performLocalDeviceSSH(
// https://assets.balena.io/newsletter/2020-01/pipe.png
const isTTY = !!opts.forceTTY || (await import('tty')).isatty(0);
const ttyFlag = isTTY ? '-t' : '';
command = `${deviceContainerEngineBinary} exec -i ${ttyFlag} ${containerId} ${shellCmd}`;
cmd = `${deviceContainerEngineBinary} exec -i ${ttyFlag} ${containerId} ${shellCmd}`;
return spawnSshAndThrowOnError([
...(opts.verbose ? ['-vvv'] : []),
...['-p', opts.port ? opts.port.toString() : '22222'],
...['-o', 'LogLevel=ERROR'],
...['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'],
...['-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'],
...(command ? [command] : []),
const { findBestUsernameForDevice, runRemoteCommand } = await import(
// Before we started using `findBestUsernameForDevice`, we tried the approach
// of attempting ssh with the 'root' username first and, if that failed, then
// attempting ssh with a regular user (balenaCloud username). The problem with
// that approach was that it would print the following message to the console:
// "root@ Permission denied (publickey)"
// ... right before having success as a regular user, which looked broken or
// confusing from users' point of view. Capturing stderr to prevent that
// message from being printed is tricky because the messages printed to stderr
// may include the stderr output of remote commands that are of interest to
// the user. Workarounds based on delays (timing) are tricky too because a
// ssh session length may vary from a fraction of a second (non interactive)
// to hours or days.
const username = await findBestUsernameForDevice(opts.address);
await runRemoteCommand({
hostname: opts.address,
port: Number(opts.port) || 'local',
verbose: opts.verbose,
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { ExpectedError, printErrorMessage } from '../errors';
import { getVisuals, stripIndent, getCliForm } from './lazy';
import Logger = require('./logger');
import { confirm } from './patterns';
import { exec, execBuffered, getDeviceOsRelease } from './ssh';
import { getLocalDeviceCmdStdout, getDeviceOsRelease } from './ssh';
const MIN_BALENAOS_VERSION = 'v2.14.0';
@ -88,20 +88,25 @@ async function execCommand(
cmd: string,
msg: string,
): Promise<void> {
const through = await import('through2');
const { Writable } = await import('stream');
const visuals = getVisuals();
const spinner = new visuals.Spinner(`[${deviceIp}] Connecting...`);
const innerSpinner = spinner.spinner;
const stream = through(function (data, _enc, cb) {
innerSpinner.setSpinnerTitle(`%s [${deviceIp}] ${msg}`);
cb(null, data);
const stream = new Writable({
write(_chunk: Buffer, _enc, callback) {
innerSpinner.setSpinnerTitle(`%s [${deviceIp}] ${msg}`);
await exec(deviceIp, cmd, stream);
try {
await getLocalDeviceCmdStdout(deviceIp, cmd, stream);
} finally {
async function configure(deviceIp: string, config: any): Promise<void> {
@ -121,7 +126,7 @@ async function deconfigure(deviceIp: string): Promise<void> {
async function assertDeviceIsCompatible(deviceIp: string): Promise<void> {
const cmd = 'os-config --version';
try {
await execBuffered(deviceIp, cmd);
await getLocalDeviceCmdStdout(deviceIp, cmd);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof ExpectedError) {
throw err;
@ -16,147 +16,309 @@
import { spawn, StdioOptions } from 'child_process';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { TypedError } from 'typed-error';
import { ExpectedError } from '../errors';
export class ExecError extends TypedError {
public cmd: string;
public exitCode: number;
export class SshPermissionDeniedError extends ExpectedError {}
constructor(cmd: string, exitCode: number) {
super(`Command '${cmd}' failed with error: ${exitCode}`);
export class RemoteCommandError extends ExpectedError {
cmd: string;
exitCode?: number;
exitSignal?: NodeJS.Signals;
constructor(cmd: string, exitCode?: number, exitSignal?: NodeJS.Signals) {
super(sshErrorMessage(cmd, exitSignal, exitCode));
this.cmd = cmd;
this.exitCode = exitCode;
this.exitSignal = exitSignal;
export async function exec(
deviceIp: string,
cmd: string,
stdout?: NodeJS.WritableStream,
): Promise<void> {
export interface SshRemoteCommandOpts {
cmd?: string;
hostname: string;
ignoreStdin?: boolean;
port?: number | 'cloud' | 'local';
proxyCommand?: string[];
username?: string;
verbose?: boolean;
export const stdioIgnore: {
stdin: 'ignore';
stdout: 'ignore';
stderr: 'ignore';
} = {
stdin: 'ignore',
stdout: 'ignore',
stderr: 'ignore',
export function sshArgsForRemoteCommand({
cmd = '',
ignoreStdin = false,
username = 'root',
verbose = false,
}: SshRemoteCommandOpts): string[] {
port = port === 'local' ? 22222 : port === 'cloud' ? 22 : port;
return [
...(verbose ? ['-vvv'] : []),
...(ignoreStdin ? ['-n'] : []),
...(port ? ['-p', port.toString()] : []),
...['-o', 'LogLevel=ERROR'],
...['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'],
...['-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'],
...(proxyCommand && proxyCommand.length
? ['-o', `ProxyCommand=${proxyCommand.join(' ')}`]
: []),
...(cmd ? [cmd] : []),
* Execute the given command on a local balenaOS device over ssh.
* @param cmd Shell command to execute on the device
* @param hostname Device's hostname or IP address
* @param port SSH server TCP port number or 'local' (22222) or 'cloud' (22)
* @param stdin Readable stream to pipe to the remote command stdin,
* or 'ignore' or 'inherit' as documented in the child_process.spawn function.
* @param stdout Writeable stream to pipe from the remote command stdout,
* or 'ignore' or 'inherit' as documented in the child_process.spawn function.
* @param stderr Writeable stream to pipe from the remote command stdout,
* or 'ignore' or 'inherit' as documented in the child_process.spawn function.
* @param username SSH username for authorization. With balenaOS 2.44.0 or
* later, it can be a balenaCloud username.
* @param verbose Produce debugging output
export async function runRemoteCommand({
cmd = '',
stdin = 'inherit',
stdout = 'inherit',
stderr = 'inherit',
username = 'root',
verbose = false,
}: SshRemoteCommandOpts & {
stdin?: 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.ReadableStream;
stdout?: 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.WritableStream;
stderr?: 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.WritableStream;
}): Promise<void> {
let ignoreStdin: boolean;
if (stdin === 'ignore') {
// Set ignoreStdin=true in order for the "ssh -n" option to be used to
// prevent the ssh client from using the CLI process stdin. In addition,
// stdin must be forced to 'inherit' (if it is not a readable stream) in
// order to work around a bug in older versions of the built-in Windows
// 10 ssh client that otherwise prints the following to stderr and
// hangs: "GetConsoleMode on STD_INPUT_HANDLE failed with 6"
// They actually fixed the bug in newer versions of the ssh client:
// https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/856 but users
// have to manually download and install a new client.
ignoreStdin = true;
stdin = 'inherit';
} else {
ignoreStdin = false;
const { which } = await import('./which');
const program = await which('ssh');
const args = [
const args = sshArgsForRemoteCommand({
if (process.env.DEBUG) {
const logger = (await import('./logger')).getLogger();
logger.logDebug(`Executing [${program},${args}]`);
// Note: stdin must be 'inherit' to workaround a bug in older versions of
// the built-in Windows 10 ssh client that otherwise prints the following
// to stderr and hangs: "GetConsoleMode on STD_INPUT_HANDLE failed with 6"
// They fixed the bug in newer versions of the ssh client:
// https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/856
// but users whould have to manually download and install a new client.
// Note that "ssh -n" does not solve the problem, but should in theory
// prevent the ssh client from using the CLI process stdin, even if it
// is connected with 'inherit'.
const stdio: StdioOptions = [
stdout ? 'pipe' : 'inherit',
typeof stdin === 'string' ? stdin : 'pipe',
typeof stdout === 'string' ? stdout : 'pipe',
typeof stderr === 'string' ? stderr : 'pipe',
let exitCode: number | undefined;
let exitSignal: NodeJS.Signals | undefined;
try {
[exitCode, exitSignal] = await new Promise<[number, NodeJS.Signals]>(
(resolve, reject) => {
const ps = spawn(program, args, { stdio })
.on('error', reject)
.on('close', (code, signal) => resolve([code, signal]));
const exitCode = await new Promise<number>((resolve, reject) => {
const ps = spawn(program, args, { stdio })
.on('error', reject)
.on('close', resolve);
if (stdout && ps.stdout) {
if (exitCode !== 0) {
throw new ExecError(cmd, exitCode);
if (ps.stdin && stdin && typeof stdin !== 'string') {
if (ps.stdout && stdout && typeof stdout !== 'string') {
if (ps.stderr && stderr && typeof stderr !== 'string') {
} catch (error) {
const msg = [
`ssh failed with exit code=${exitCode} signal=${exitSignal}:`,
`[${program}, ${args.join(', ')}]`,
...(error ? [`${error}`] : []),
throw new ExpectedError(msg.join('\n'));
if (exitCode || exitSignal) {
throw new RemoteCommandError(cmd, exitCode, exitSignal);
export async function execBuffered(
deviceIp: string,
cmd: string,
enc?: string,
): Promise<string> {
const through = await import('through2');
const buffer: string[] = [];
await exec(
* Execute the given command on a local balenaOS device over ssh.
* Capture stdout and/or stderr to Buffers and return them.
* @param deviceIp IP address of the local device
* @param cmd Shell command to execute on the device
* @param opts Options
* @param opts.username SSH username for authorization. With balenaOS 2.44.0 or
* later, it may be a balenaCloud username. Otherwise, 'root'.
* @param opts.stdin Passed through to the runRemoteCommand function
* @param opts.stdout If 'capture', capture stdout to a Buffer.
* @param opts.stderr If 'capture', capture stdout to a Buffer.
export async function getRemoteCommandOutput({
stdin = 'ignore',
stdout = 'capture',
stderr = 'capture',
username = 'root',
verbose = false,
}: SshRemoteCommandOpts & {
stdin?: 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.ReadableStream;
stdout?: 'capture' | 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.WritableStream;
stderr?: 'capture' | 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.WritableStream;
}): Promise<{ stdout: Buffer; stderr: Buffer }> {
const { Writable } = await import('stream');
const stdoutChunks: Buffer[] = [];
const stderrChunks: Buffer[] = [];
const stdoutStream = new Writable({
write(chunk: Buffer, _enc, callback) {
const stderrStream = new Writable({
write(chunk: Buffer, _enc, callback) {
await runRemoteCommand({
through(function (data, _enc, cb) {
return buffer.join('');
stdout: stdout === 'capture' ? stdoutStream : stdout,
stderr: stderr === 'capture' ? stderrStream : stderr,
return {
stdout: Buffer.concat(stdoutChunks),
stderr: Buffer.concat(stderrChunks),
/** Convenience wrapper for getRemoteCommandOutput */
export async function getLocalDeviceCmdStdout(
hostname: string,
cmd: string,
stdout: 'capture' | 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.WritableStream = 'capture',
): Promise<Buffer> {
return (
await getRemoteCommandOutput({
port: 'local',
stderr: 'inherit',
username: await findBestUsernameForDevice(hostname),
* Run a trivial 'exit 0' command over ssh on the target hostname (typically the
* IP address of a local device) with the 'root' username, in order to determine
* whether root authentication suceeds. It should succeed with development
* variants of balenaOS and fail with production variants, unless a ssh key was
* added to the device's 'config.json' file.
* @return True if succesful, false on any errors.
export const isRootUserGood = _.memoize(
async (hostname: string, port = 'local') => {
try {
await runRemoteCommand({ cmd: 'exit 0', hostname, port, ...stdioIgnore });
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
* Determine whether the given local device (hostname or IP address) should be
* accessed as the 'root' user or as a regular cloud user (balenaCloud or
* openBalena). Where possible, the root user is preferable because:
* - It allows ssh to be used in air-gapped scenarios (no internet access).
* Logging in as a regular user requires the device to fetch public keys from
* the cloud backend.
* - Root authentication is significantly faster for local devices (a fraction
* of a second versus 5+ seconds).
* - Non-root authentication requires balenaOS v2.44.0 or later, so not (yet)
* universally possible.
export const findBestUsernameForDevice = _.memoize(
async (hostname: string, port = 'local'): Promise<string> => {
let username: string | undefined;
if (await isRootUserGood(hostname, port)) {
username = 'root';
} else {
const { getCachedUsername } = await import('./bootstrap');
username = (await getCachedUsername())?.username;
return username || 'root';
* Return a device's balenaOS release by executing 'cat /etc/os-release'
* over ssh to the given deviceIp address. The result is cached with
* lodash's memoize.
export const getDeviceOsRelease = _.memoize(async (deviceIp: string) =>
execBuffered(deviceIp, 'cat /etc/os-release'),
export const getDeviceOsRelease = _.memoize(async (hostname: string) =>
(await getLocalDeviceCmdStdout(hostname, 'cat /etc/os-release')).toString(),
// TODO: consolidate the various forms of executing ssh child processes
// in the CLI, like exec and spawn, starting with the files:
// lib/actions/ssh.ts
// lib/utils/ssh.ts
// lib/utils/device/ssh.ts
* Obtain the full path for ssh using which, then spawn a child process.
* - If the child process returns error code 0, return the function normally
* (do not throw an error).
* - If the child process returns a non-zero error code, set process.exitCode
* to that error code, and throw ExpectedError with a warning message.
* - If the child process is terminated by a process signal, set
* process.exitCode = 1, and throw ExpectedError with a warning message.
export async function spawnSshAndThrowOnError(
args: string[],
options?: import('child_process').SpawnOptions,
) {
const { whichSpawn } = await import('./which');
const [exitCode, exitSignal] = await whichSpawn(
true, // returnExitCodeOrSignal
if (exitCode || exitSignal) {
// ssh returns a wide range of exit codes, including return codes of
// interactive shells. For example, if the user types CTRL-C on an
// interactive shell and then `exit`, ssh returns error code 130.
// Another example, typing "exit 1" on an interactive shell causes ssh
// to return exit code 1. In these cases, print a short one-line warning
// message, and exits the CLI process with the same error code.
process.exitCode = exitCode;
throw new ExpectedError(sshErrorMessage(exitSignal, exitCode));
function sshErrorMessage(exitSignal?: string, exitCode?: number) {
function sshErrorMessage(cmd: string, exitSignal?: string, exitCode?: number) {
const msg: string[] = [];
cmd = cmd ? `Remote command "${cmd}"` : 'Process';
if (exitSignal) {
msg.push(`Warning: ssh process was terminated with signal "${exitSignal}"`);
msg.push(`SSH: ${cmd} terminated with signal "${exitSignal}"`);
} else {
msg.push(`Warning: ssh process exited with non-zero code "${exitCode}"`);
msg.push(`SSH: ${cmd} exited with non-zero status code "${exitCode}"`);
switch (exitCode) {
case 255:
@ -95,52 +95,3 @@ export async function which(
return programPath;
* Call which(programName) and spawn() with the given arguments.
* If returnExitCodeOrSignal is true, the returned promise will resolve to
* an array [code, signal] with the child process exit code number or exit
* signal string respectively (as provided by the spawn close event).
* If returnExitCodeOrSignal is false, the returned promise will reject with
* a custom error if the child process returns a non-zero exit code or a
* non-empty signal string (as reported by the spawn close event).
* In either case and if spawn itself emits an error event or fails synchronously,
* the returned promise will reject with a custom error that includes the error
* message of spawn's error.
export async function whichSpawn(
programName: string,
args: string[],
options: import('child_process').SpawnOptions = { stdio: 'inherit' },
returnExitCodeOrSignal = false,
): Promise<[number | undefined, string | undefined]> {
const { spawn } = await import('child_process');
const program = await which(programName);
if (process.env.DEBUG) {
console.error(`[debug] [${program}, ${args.join(', ')}]`);
let error: Error | undefined;
let exitCode: number | undefined;
let exitSignal: string | undefined;
try {
[exitCode, exitSignal] = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
spawn(program, args, options)
.on('error', reject)
.on('close', (code, signal) => resolve([code, signal]));
} catch (err) {
error = err;
if (error || (!returnExitCodeOrSignal && (exitCode || exitSignal))) {
const msg = [
`${programName} failed with exit code=${exitCode} signal=${exitSignal}:`,
`[${program}, ${args.join(', ')}]`,
...(error ? [`${error}`] : []),
throw new Error(msg.join('\n'));
return [exitCode, exitSignal];
@ -32,33 +32,51 @@ describe('balena ssh', function () {
let hasSshExecutable = false;
let mockedExitCode = 0;
async function mockSpawn({ revert = false } = {}) {
if (revert) {
const { EventEmitter } = await import('stream');
const childProcessMod = await import('child_process');
const originalSpawn = childProcessMod.spawn;
mock('child_process', {
spawn: (program: string, ...args: any[]) => {
if (program.includes('ssh')) {
const emitter = new EventEmitter();
setTimeout(() => emitter.emit('close', mockedExitCode), 1);
return emitter;
return originalSpawn(program, ...args);
this.beforeAll(async function () {
hasSshExecutable = await checkSsh();
if (hasSshExecutable) {
[sshServer, sshServerPort] = await startMockSshServer();
if (!hasSshExecutable) {
const modPath = '../../build/utils/which';
const mod = await import(modPath);
mock(modPath, {
whichSpawn: async () => [mockedExitCode, undefined],
[sshServer, sshServerPort] = await startMockSshServer();
await mockSpawn();
this.afterAll(function () {
this.afterAll(async function () {
if (sshServer) {
sshServer = undefined;
await mockSpawn({ revert: true });
this.beforeEach(() => {
this.beforeEach(function () {
api = new BalenaAPIMock();
api.expectGetMixpanel({ optional: true });
this.afterEach(() => {
this.afterEach(function () {
// Check all expected api calls have been made and clean up.
@ -87,7 +105,7 @@ describe('balena ssh', function () {
async () => {
const deviceUUID = 'abc1234';
const expectedErrLines = [
'Warning: ssh process exited with non-zero code "255"',
'SSH: Remote command "host abc1234" exited with non-zero status code "255"',
api.expectGetWhoAmI({ optional: true, persist: true });
api.expectGetDevice({ fullUUID: deviceUUID, isOnline: true });
@ -99,21 +117,6 @@ describe('balena ssh', function () {
it('should produce the expected error message (real ssh, device IP address)', async function () {
if (!hasSshExecutable) {
const expectedErrLines = [
'Warning: ssh process exited with non-zero code "255"',
const { err, out } = await runCommand(
`ssh -p ${sshServerPort} --noproxy`,
expect(cleanOutput(err, true)).to.include.members(expectedErrLines);
it('should fail if device not online (mocked, device UUID)', async () => {
const deviceUUID = 'abc1234';
const expectedErrLines = ['Device with UUID abc1234 is offline'];
@ -126,6 +129,18 @@ describe('balena ssh', function () {
expect(cleanOutput(err, true)).to.include.members(expectedErrLines);
it('should produce the expected error message (real ssh, device IP address)', async function () {
await mockSpawn({ revert: true });
const expectedErrLines = [
'SSH: Process exited with non-zero status code "255"',
const { err, out } = await runCommand(
`ssh -p ${sshServerPort} --noproxy`,
expect(cleanOutput(err, true)).to.include.members(expectedErrLines);
/** Check whether the 'ssh' tool (executable) exists in the PATH */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user