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* @license
* Copyright 2019 Balena Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { run as oclifRun } from '@oclif/dev-cli';
import * as archiver from 'archiver';
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import { execFile, spawn } from 'child_process';
import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags';
import * as filehound from 'filehound';
import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
import * as path from 'path';
import { exec as execPkg } from 'pkg';
import * as rimraf from 'rimraf';
import * as semver from 'semver';
import * as shellEscape from 'shell-escape';
import * as util from 'util';
export const ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '..');
// Note: the following 'tslint disable' line was only required to
// satisfy ts-node under Appveyor's MSYS2 on Windows -- oddly specific.
// Maybe something to do with '/' vs '\' in paths in some tslint file.
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires
export const packageJSON = require(path.join(ROOT, 'package.json'));
export const version = 'v' + packageJSON.version;
const arch = process.arch;
function dPath(...paths: string[]) {
return path.join(ROOT, 'dist', ...paths);
interface PathByPlatform {
[platform: string]: string;
const standaloneZips: PathByPlatform = {
linux: dPath(`balena-cli-${version}-linux-${arch}`),
darwin: dPath(`balena-cli-${version}-macOS-${arch}`),
win32: dPath(`balena-cli-${version}-windows-${arch}`),
const oclifInstallers: PathByPlatform = {
darwin: dPath('macos', `balena-${version}.pkg`),
win32: dPath('win', `balena-${version}-${arch}.exe`),
const renamedOclifInstallers: PathByPlatform = {
darwin: dPath(`balena-cli-${version}-macOS-${arch}-installer.pkg`),
win32: dPath(`balena-cli-${version}-windows-${arch}-installer.exe`),
export const finalReleaseAssets: { [platform: string]: string[] } = {
win32: [standaloneZips['win32'], renamedOclifInstallers['win32']],
darwin: [standaloneZips['darwin'], renamedOclifInstallers['darwin']],
linux: [standaloneZips['linux']],
const MSYS2_BASH = 'C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe';
* Run the MSYS2 bash.exe shell in a child process (child_process.spawn()).
* The given argv arguments are escaped using the 'shell-escape' package,
* so that backslashes in Windows paths, and other bash-special characters,
* are preserved. If argv is not provided, defaults to process.argv, to the
* effect that this current (parent) process is re-executed under MSYS2 bash.
* This is useful to change the default shell from cmd.exe to MSYS2 bash on
* Windows.
* @param argv Arguments to be shell-escaped and given to MSYS2 bash.exe.
export async function runUnderMsys(argv?: string[]) {
const newArgv = argv || process.argv;
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const args = ['-lc', shellEscape(newArgv)];
const child = spawn(MSYS2_BASH, args, { stdio: 'inherit' });
child.on('close', code => {
if (code) {
console.log(`runUnderMsys: child process exited with code ${code}`);
} else {
* Use the 'pkg' module to create a single large executable file with
* the contents of 'node_modules' and the CLI's javascript code.
* Also copy a number of native modules (binary '.node' files) that are
* compiled during 'npm install' to the 'build-bin' folder, alongside
* the single large executable file created by pkg. (This is necessary
* because of a pkg limitation that does not allow binary executables
* to be directly executed from inside another binary executable.)
async function buildPkg() {
const args = [
console.log(`execPkg ${args.join(' ')}`);
console.log(`cwd="${process.cwd()}" ROOT="${ROOT}"`);
await execPkg(args);
const xpaths: Array<[string, string[]]> = [
// [platform, [path, to, file]]
['*', ['opn', 'xdg-open']],
['darwin', ['denymount', 'bin', 'denymount']],
await, ([platform, xpath]) => {
if (platform === '*' || platform === process.platform) {
// eg copy from node_modules/opn/xdg-open to build-bin/xdg-open
return fs.copy(
path.join(ROOT, 'node_modules', ...xpath),
path.join(ROOT, 'build-bin', xpath.pop()!),
const nativeExtensionPaths: string[] = await filehound
.paths(path.join(ROOT, 'node_modules'))
.ext(['node', 'dll'])
console.log(`\nCopying to build-bin:\n${nativeExtensionPaths.join('\n')}`);
await, extPath =>
path.join(ROOT, 'node_modules'),
path.join(ROOT, 'build-bin'),
* Run some basic tests on the built pkg executable.
* TODO: test more than just `balena version -j`; integrate with the
* existing mocha/chai CLI command testing.
async function testPkg() {
type JsonVersions = import('../lib/actions-oclif/version').JsonVersions;
const pkgBalenaPath = path.join(
process.platform === 'win32' ? 'balena.exe' : 'balena',
console.log(`Testing standalone package "${pkgBalenaPath}"...`);
// Run `balena version -j`, parse its stdout as JSON, and check that the
// reported Node.js major version matches semver.major(process.version)
const stdout = await getSubprocessStdout(pkgBalenaPath, ['version', '-j']);
let pkgNodeVersion = '';
let pkgNodeMajorVersion = 0;
try {
const balenaVersions: JsonVersions = JSON.parse(stdout);
pkgNodeVersion = balenaVersions['Node.js'];
pkgNodeMajorVersion = semver.major(pkgNodeVersion);
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(stripIndent`
Error parsing JSON output of "balena version -j": ${err}
Original output: "${stdout}"`);
if (semver.major(process.version) !== pkgNodeMajorVersion) {
throw new Error(
`Mismatched major version: built-in pkg Node version="${pkgNodeVersion}" vs process.version="${
console.log('Success! (standalone package test successful)');
* Create the zip file for the standalone 'pkg' bundle previously created
* by the buildPkg() function in 'build-bin.ts'.
async function zipPkg() {
const outputFile = standaloneZips[process.platform];
if (!outputFile) {
throw new Error(
`Standalone installer unavailable for platform "${process.platform}"`,
await fs.mkdirp(path.dirname(outputFile));
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log(`Zipping standalone package to "${outputFile}"...`);
const archive = archiver('zip', {
zlib: { level: 7 },
});, 'build-bin'), 'balena-cli');
const outputStream = fs.createWriteStream(outputFile);
outputStream.on('close', resolve);
outputStream.on('error', reject);
archive.on('error', reject);
archive.on('warning', console.warn);
export async function buildStandaloneZip() {
console.log(`Building standalone zip package for CLI ${version}`);
try {
await buildPkg();
await testPkg();
await zipPkg();
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error creating or testing standalone zip package:\n ${error}`);
console.log(`Standalone zip package build completed`);
async function renameInstallerFiles() {
if (await fs.pathExists(oclifInstallers[process.platform])) {
await fs.rename(
* If the CSC_LINK and CSC_KEY_PASSWORD env vars are set, digitally sign the
* executable installer by running the balena-io/scripts/shared/
* script (which must be in the PATH) using a MSYS2 bash shell.
async function signWindowsInstaller() {
if (process.env.CSC_LINK && process.env.CSC_KEY_PASSWORD) {
const exeName = renamedOclifInstallers[process.platform];
const execFileAsync = util.promisify<string, string[], void>(execFile);
console.log(`Signing installer "${exeName}"`);
await execFileAsync(MSYS2_BASH, [
`balena-cli ${version}`,
} else {
'Skipping installer signing step because CSC_* env vars are not set',
* Run the `oclif-dev pack:win` or `pack:macos` command (depending on the value
* of process.platform) to generate the native installers (which end up under
* the 'dist' folder). There are some harcoded options such as selecting only
* 64-bit binaries under Windows.
export async function buildOclifInstaller() {
let packOS = '';
let packOpts = ['-r', ROOT];
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
packOS = 'macos';
} else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
packOS = 'win';
packOpts = packOpts.concat('-t', 'win32-x64');
if (packOS) {
console.log(`Building oclif installer for CLI ${version}`);
const packCmd = `pack:${packOS}`;
const dirs = [path.join(ROOT, 'dist', packOS)];
if (packOS === 'win') {
dirs.push(path.join(ROOT, 'tmp', 'win*'));
for (const dir of dirs) {
await Bluebird.fromCallback(cb => rimraf(dir, cb));
console.log(`oclif-dev "${packCmd}" "${packOpts.join('" "')}"`);
console.log(`cwd="${process.cwd()}" ROOT="${ROOT}"`);
await oclifRun([packCmd].concat(...packOpts));
await renameInstallerFiles();
// The Windows installer is explicitly signed here (oclif doesn't do it).
// The macOS installer is automatically signed by oclif (which runs the
// `pkgbuild` tool), using the certificate name given in package.json
// (`oclif.macos.sign` section).
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
await signWindowsInstaller();
console.log(`oclif installer build completed`);
* Convert e.g. 'C:\myfolder' -> '/C/myfolder' so that the path can be given
* as argument to "unix tools" like 'tar' under MSYS or MSYS2 on Windows.
export function fixPathForMsys(p: string): string {
return p.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/^([a-zA-Z]):/, '/$1');
* Run the executable at execPath as a child process, and resolve a promise
* to the executable's stdout output as a string. Reject the promise if
* anything is printed to stderr, or if the child process exits with a
* non-zero exit code.
* @param execPath Executable path
* @param args Command-line argument for the executable
async function getSubprocessStdout(
execPath: string,
args: string[],
): Promise<string> {
const child = spawn(execPath, args);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let stdout = '';
child.stdout.on('error', reject);
child.stderr.on('error', reject);
child.stdout.on('data', (data: Buffer) => {
try {
stdout = data.toString();
} catch (err) {
child.stderr.on('data', (data: Buffer) => {
try {
const stderr = data.toString();
reject(new Error(`"${execPath}": non-empty stderr "${stderr}"`));
} catch (err) {
child.on('exit', (code: number) => {
if (code) {
reject(new Error(`"${execPath}": non-zero exit code "${code}"`));
} else {