echo " " && echo "This script will attempt to install Linux Kernel 3.12 on this machine." && echo "Typically, your current version will be kept, and you will be able to ustilise it again later if Kernel 3.12 does not work." && echo " " && read -p "Press Enter to continue, or abort by pressing CTRL+C" nothing && echo " " && echo "Downloading Kernel 3.12 Packages" && echo "3 Files, 56 MB to Download" && echo " " && echo "Creating Kernel Directory in Home folder" && echo " " && mkdir -p $HOME/howtoubuntu-kernel-3-12 && cd $HOME/howtoubuntu-kernel-3-12 && echo " " && echo "Downloading File 1 of 3, 12 MB" && echo " " && wget echo " " && if [ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "64" ] then echo "64bit Detected" && echo " " && echo "Downloading File 2 of 3, 1 MB" && echo " " && wget echo " " && echo "Downloading File 3 of 3, 46 MB" && wget else echo "32bit Detected" && echo " " && echo "Downloading File 2 of 3, 1 MB" && echo " " && wget echo " " && echo "Downloading File 3 of 3, 45 MB" && echo " " && fi && echo " " && echo "Installing Kernel" && echo "This step will require you password." && echo "This is the last step you can safely cancel at." && echo "Use Ctrl+C to cancel." && echo " " && sudo dpkg -i *.deb && echo " " && echo "Installation Complete" && echo " " && read -p "Press Enter to Delete the Downloads, or CTRL+C to keep them." nothing && echo " " && sudo rm -rf $HOME/howtoubuntu-kernel-3-12