mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 15:56:26 +00:00
Surface Addresses are the addresses that the roots report back to you. This is helpful for trouble shooting. If you're behind NAT, the source port is different than what zerotier is bound to. If the list of surface address ports is larger than the list of bound addresses, you are probably behind symmetric NAT. Anways this can be added to later with a more simple "easy" or "hard" nat computed message somewhere.
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* Copyright (c)2013-2020 ZeroTier, Inc.
* Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included
* in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory.
* Change Date: 2025-01-01
* On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use
* of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License.
#ifndef ZT_NODE_HPP
#define ZT_NODE_HPP
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "Constants.hpp"
#include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h"
#include "RuntimeEnvironment.hpp"
#include "InetAddress.hpp"
#include "Mutex.hpp"
#include "MAC.hpp"
#include "Network.hpp"
#include "Path.hpp"
#include "Salsa20.hpp"
#include "NetworkController.hpp"
#include "Hashtable.hpp"
#include "Bond.hpp"
#include "SelfAwareness.hpp"
// Bit mask for "expecting reply" hash
namespace ZeroTier {
class World;
* Implementation of Node object as defined in CAPI
* The pointer returned by ZT_Node_new() is an instance of this class.
class Node : public NetworkController::Sender
Node(void *uptr,void *tptr,const struct ZT_Node_Callbacks *callbacks,int64_t now);
virtual ~Node();
// Get rid of alignment warnings on 32-bit Windows and possibly improve performance
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
void * operator new(size_t i) { return _mm_malloc(i,16); }
void operator delete(void* p) { _mm_free(p); }
// Public API Functions ----------------------------------------------------
ZT_ResultCode processWirePacket(
void *tptr,
int64_t now,
int64_t localSocket,
const struct sockaddr_storage *remoteAddress,
const void *packetData,
unsigned int packetLength,
volatile int64_t *nextBackgroundTaskDeadline);
ZT_ResultCode processVirtualNetworkFrame(
void *tptr,
int64_t now,
uint64_t nwid,
uint64_t sourceMac,
uint64_t destMac,
unsigned int etherType,
unsigned int vlanId,
const void *frameData,
unsigned int frameLength,
volatile int64_t *nextBackgroundTaskDeadline);
ZT_ResultCode processBackgroundTasks(void *tptr,int64_t now,volatile int64_t *nextBackgroundTaskDeadline);
ZT_ResultCode join(uint64_t nwid,void *uptr,void *tptr);
ZT_ResultCode leave(uint64_t nwid,void **uptr,void *tptr);
ZT_ResultCode multicastSubscribe(void *tptr,uint64_t nwid,uint64_t multicastGroup,unsigned long multicastAdi);
ZT_ResultCode multicastUnsubscribe(uint64_t nwid,uint64_t multicastGroup,unsigned long multicastAdi);
ZT_ResultCode orbit(void *tptr,uint64_t moonWorldId,uint64_t moonSeed);
ZT_ResultCode deorbit(void *tptr,uint64_t moonWorldId);
uint64_t address() const;
void status(ZT_NodeStatus *status) const;
ZT_PeerList *peers() const;
ZT_VirtualNetworkConfig *networkConfig(uint64_t nwid) const;
ZT_VirtualNetworkList *networks() const;
void freeQueryResult(void *qr);
int addLocalInterfaceAddress(const struct sockaddr_storage *addr);
void clearLocalInterfaceAddresses();
int sendUserMessage(void *tptr,uint64_t dest,uint64_t typeId,const void *data,unsigned int len);
void setNetconfMaster(void *networkControllerInstance);
// Internal functions ------------------------------------------------------
inline int64_t now() const { return _now; }
inline bool putPacket(void *tPtr,const int64_t localSocket,const InetAddress &addr,const void *data,unsigned int len,unsigned int ttl = 0)
return (_cb.wirePacketSendFunction(
reinterpret_cast<ZT_Node *>(this),
reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_storage *>(&addr),
ttl) == 0);
inline void putFrame(void *tPtr,uint64_t nwid,void **nuptr,const MAC &source,const MAC &dest,unsigned int etherType,unsigned int vlanId,const void *data,unsigned int len)
reinterpret_cast<ZT_Node *>(this),
inline SharedPtr<Network> network(uint64_t nwid) const
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
const SharedPtr<Network> *n = _networks.get(nwid);
if (n)
return *n;
return SharedPtr<Network>();
inline bool belongsToNetwork(uint64_t nwid) const
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
return _networks.contains(nwid);
inline std::vector< SharedPtr<Network> > allNetworks() const
std::vector< SharedPtr<Network> > nw;
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
Hashtable< uint64_t,SharedPtr<Network> >::Iterator i(*const_cast< Hashtable< uint64_t,SharedPtr<Network> > * >(&_networks));
uint64_t *k = (uint64_t *)0;
SharedPtr<Network> *v = (SharedPtr<Network> *)0;
while (i.next(k,v))
return nw;
inline std::vector<InetAddress> directPaths() const
Mutex::Lock _l(_directPaths_m);
return _directPaths;
inline void postEvent(void *tPtr,ZT_Event ev,const void *md = (const void *)0) { _cb.eventCallback(reinterpret_cast<ZT_Node *>(this),_uPtr,tPtr,ev,md); }
inline int configureVirtualNetworkPort(void *tPtr,uint64_t nwid,void **nuptr,ZT_VirtualNetworkConfigOperation op,const ZT_VirtualNetworkConfig *nc) { return _cb.virtualNetworkConfigFunction(reinterpret_cast<ZT_Node *>(this),_uPtr,tPtr,nwid,nuptr,op,nc); }
inline bool online() const { return _online; }
inline int stateObjectGet(void *const tPtr,ZT_StateObjectType type,const uint64_t id[2],void *const data,const unsigned int maxlen) { return _cb.stateGetFunction(reinterpret_cast<ZT_Node *>(this),_uPtr,tPtr,type,id,data,maxlen); }
inline void stateObjectPut(void *const tPtr,ZT_StateObjectType type,const uint64_t id[2],const void *const data,const unsigned int len) { _cb.statePutFunction(reinterpret_cast<ZT_Node *>(this),_uPtr,tPtr,type,id,data,(int)len); }
inline void stateObjectDelete(void *const tPtr,ZT_StateObjectType type,const uint64_t id[2]) { _cb.statePutFunction(reinterpret_cast<ZT_Node *>(this),_uPtr,tPtr,type,id,(const void *)0,-1); }
bool shouldUsePathForZeroTierTraffic(void *tPtr,const Address &ztaddr,const int64_t localSocket,const InetAddress &remoteAddress);
inline bool externalPathLookup(void *tPtr,const Address &ztaddr,int family,InetAddress &addr) { return ( (_cb.pathLookupFunction) ? (_cb.pathLookupFunction(reinterpret_cast<ZT_Node *>(this),_uPtr,tPtr,ztaddr.toInt(),family,reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_storage *>(&addr)) != 0) : false ); }
uint64_t prng();
ZT_ResultCode setPhysicalPathConfiguration(const struct sockaddr_storage *pathNetwork,const ZT_PhysicalPathConfiguration *pathConfig);
World planet() const;
std::vector<World> moons() const;
inline const Identity &identity() const { return _RR.identity; }
inline const std::vector<InetAddress> SurfaceAddresses() const { return _RR.sa->whoami(); }
inline Bond *bondController() const { return _RR.bc; }
* Register that we are expecting a reply to a packet ID
* This only uses the most significant bits of the packet ID, both to save space
* and to avoid using the higher bits that can be modified during armor() to
* mask against the packet send counter used for QoS detection.
* @param packetId Packet ID to expect reply to
inline void expectReplyTo(const uint64_t packetId)
const unsigned long pid2 = (unsigned long)(packetId >> 32);
const unsigned long bucket = (unsigned long)(pid2 & ZT_EXPECTING_REPLIES_BUCKET_MASK1);
_expectingRepliesTo[bucket][_expectingRepliesToBucketPtr[bucket]++ & ZT_EXPECTING_REPLIES_BUCKET_MASK2] = (uint32_t)pid2;
* Check whether a given packet ID is something we are expecting a reply to
* This only uses the most significant bits of the packet ID, both to save space
* and to avoid using the higher bits that can be modified during armor() to
* mask against the packet send counter used for QoS detection.
* @param packetId Packet ID to check
* @return True if we're expecting a reply
inline bool expectingReplyTo(const uint64_t packetId) const
const uint32_t pid2 = (uint32_t)(packetId >> 32);
const unsigned long bucket = (unsigned long)(pid2 & ZT_EXPECTING_REPLIES_BUCKET_MASK1);
for(unsigned long i=0;i<=ZT_EXPECTING_REPLIES_BUCKET_MASK2;++i) {
if (_expectingRepliesTo[bucket][i] == pid2)
return true;
return false;
* Check whether we should do potentially expensive identity verification (rate limit)
* @param now Current time
* @param from Source address of packet
* @return True if within rate limits
inline bool rateGateIdentityVerification(const int64_t now,const InetAddress &from)
unsigned long iph = from.rateGateHash();
if ((now - _lastIdentityVerification[iph]) >= ZT_IDENTITY_VALIDATION_SOURCE_RATE_LIMIT) {
_lastIdentityVerification[iph] = now;
return true;
return false;
virtual void ncSendConfig(uint64_t nwid,uint64_t requestPacketId,const Address &destination,const NetworkConfig &nc,bool sendLegacyFormatConfig);
virtual void ncSendRevocation(const Address &destination,const Revocation &rev);
virtual void ncSendError(uint64_t nwid,uint64_t requestPacketId,const Address &destination,NetworkController::ErrorCode errorCode, const void *errorData, unsigned int errorDataSize);
inline const Address &remoteTraceTarget() const { return _remoteTraceTarget; }
inline Trace::Level remoteTraceLevel() const { return _remoteTraceLevel; }
inline bool localControllerHasAuthorized(const int64_t now,const uint64_t nwid,const Address &addr) const
const int64_t *const at = _localControllerAuthorizations.get(_LocalControllerAuth(nwid,addr));
if (at)
return ((now - *at) < (ZT_NETWORK_AUTOCONF_DELAY * 3));
return false;
inline void statsLogVerb(const unsigned int v,const unsigned int bytes)
_stats.inVerbBytes[v] += (uint64_t)bytes;
RuntimeEnvironment _RR;
RuntimeEnvironment *RR;
void *_uPtr; // _uptr (lower case) is reserved in Visual Studio :P
ZT_Node_Callbacks _cb;
// For tracking packet IDs to filter out OK/ERROR replies to packets we did not send
uint8_t _expectingRepliesToBucketPtr[ZT_EXPECTING_REPLIES_BUCKET_MASK1 + 1];
// Time of last identity verification indexed by InetAddress.rateGateHash() -- used in IncomingPacket::_doHELLO() via rateGateIdentityVerification()
int64_t _lastIdentityVerification[16384];
// Statistics about stuff happening
volatile ZT_NodeStatistics _stats;
// Map that remembers if we have recently sent a network config to someone
// querying us as a controller.
struct _LocalControllerAuth
uint64_t nwid,address;
_LocalControllerAuth(const uint64_t nwid_,const Address &address_) : nwid(nwid_),address(address_.toInt()) {}
inline unsigned long hashCode() const { return (unsigned long)(nwid ^ address); }
inline bool operator==(const _LocalControllerAuth &a) const { return ((a.nwid == nwid)&&(a.address == address)); }
inline bool operator!=(const _LocalControllerAuth &a) const { return ((a.nwid != nwid)||(a.address != address)); }
Hashtable< _LocalControllerAuth,int64_t > _localControllerAuthorizations;
Mutex _localControllerAuthorizations_m;
Hashtable< uint64_t,SharedPtr<Network> > _networks;
Mutex _networks_m;
std::vector<InetAddress> _directPaths;
Mutex _directPaths_m;
Mutex _backgroundTasksLock;
Address _remoteTraceTarget;
enum Trace::Level _remoteTraceLevel;
volatile int64_t _now;
int64_t _lastPingCheck;
int64_t _lastGratuitousPingCheck;
int64_t _lastHousekeepingRun;
int64_t _lastMemoizedTraceSettings;
volatile int64_t _prngState[2];
bool _online;
} // namespace ZeroTier