Grant Limberg be7ce4110e
Revert "Delete and re-add libpqxx-7.7.3 due to weird corruption."
This reverts commit e96515433d71684a5a9a876c7af93530e11e160b.
2022-06-24 10:12:36 -07:00

61 lines
1.9 KiB

# CircleCI config for automated test builds triggered from Github.
version: 2
- image: debian:testing
# - image: postgres:latest
- PGHOST: "/tmp"
- checkout
- run:
name: Configure apt archives
command: apt update
- run:
name: Install
command: apt install -y lsb-release python3 cmake postgresql libpq-dev postgresql-server-dev-all build-essential autoconf dh-autoreconf autoconf-archive automake cppcheck
- run:
name: Identify
command: lsb_release -a && c++ --version
- run:
name: Prepare postgres
command: |
mkdir /tmp/db &&
chown postgres /tmp/db &&
su postgres -c '/usr/lib/postgresql/*/bin/initdb --pgdata /tmp/db --auth trust --nosync'
- run:
name: Run postgres
command: (su postgres -c '/usr/lib/postgresql/*/bin/postgres -D /tmp/db -k /tmp' &) && sleep 5
- run:
name: Create postgres user
command: su postgres -c "createuser -w -d root"
- run:
name: Set up database
command: createdb root
- run:
name: Autogen
command: NOCONFIGURE=1 ./
- run:
name: Configure
command: |
./configure \
--disable-documentation \
--enable-maintainer-mode \
--enable-audit \
--enable-shared --disable-static \
- store_artifacts:
path: config.log
- run:
name: Make
command: make -j$(nproc)
- run:
name: Test
command: PGDATA=db/data make check
- run:
name: Analyse
command: ./tools/lint --full >lint.log
- store_artifacts:
path: lint.log