2017-11-02 07:05:11 -07:00

97 lines
4.5 KiB

desc: Test basic time arithmetic
# Test driver time pseudotype conversion
# Note that JS Date comparison doesn't work, these are implemented in the connection tests
- cd: r.expr(r.epoch_time(896571240))
py: datetime.fromtimestamp(896571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00'))
rb: Time.at(896571240)
js: 0
- cd: r.expr({'stuff':r.epoch_time(896571240), 'more':[r.epoch_time(996571240)]})
py: {'stuff':datetime.fromtimestamp(896571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00')), 'more':[datetime.fromtimestamp(996571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00'))]}
rb: {'stuff'=>Time.at(896571240), 'more'=>[Time.at(996571240)]}
js: 0
- cd: r.expr([r.epoch_time(796571240), r.epoch_time(896571240), {'stuff':r.epoch_time(996571240)}])
py: [datetime.fromtimestamp(796571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00')), datetime.fromtimestamp(896571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00')), {'stuff':datetime.fromtimestamp(996571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00'))}]
rb: [Time.at(796571240), Time.at(896571240), {'stuff'=>Time.at(996571240)}]
js: 0
- cd: r.expr({'nested':{'time':r.epoch_time(896571240)}})
py: {'nested':{'time':datetime.fromtimestamp(896571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00'))}}
rb: {'nested'=>{'time'=>Time.at(896571240)}}
js: 0
- cd: r.expr([1, "two", ["a", r.epoch_time(896571240), 3]])
py: [1, "two", ["a", datetime.fromtimestamp(896571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00')), 3]]
rb: [1, "two", ["a", Time.at(896571240), 3]]
js: 0
- cd: r.epoch_time(1).to_epoch_time()
ot: 1
- cd: r.epoch_time(-1).to_epoch_time()
ot: -1
- cd: r.epoch_time(1.4444445).to_epoch_time()
ot: 1.444
# Any manipulation truncates to 6 digits
- cd: r.epoch_time(1.4444445).to_iso8601()
js: r.epochTime(1.4444445).toISO8601()
ot: "1970-01-01T00:00:01.444+00:00"
- cd: r.epoch_time(1.4444445).seconds()
ot: 1.444
- cd: r.epoch_time(253430000000).year()
ot: 10000
- cd: r.epoch_time(253430000000).to_iso8601()
js: r.epochTime(253430000000).toISO8601()
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Year `10000` out of valid ISO 8601 range [0, 9999].", [])
- cd: r.epoch_time(253440000000).year()
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Error in time logic: Year is out of valid range: 1400..10000.", [])
- cd: r.epoch_time(253440000000).to_epoch_time()
ot: 253440000000
- cd: r.epoch_time(-17980000000).year()
ot: 1400
- cd: r.epoch_time(-17990000000).year()
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Error in time logic: Year is out of valid range: 1400..10000.", [])
- cd: r.epoch_time(-17990000000).to_epoch_time()
ot: -17990000000
# Check that we parse valid dates (couldn't hurt to add more here).
- def: cdate = "2013-01-01"
- def: dates = ["2013", "2013-01", "2013-01-01", "20130101", "2013-001", "2013001"]
- def: ctime = "13:00:00"
- def: times = ["13", "13:00", "1300", "13:00:00", "13:00:00.000000", "130000.000000"]
- def: ctz = "+00:00"
- def: tzs = ["Z", "+00", "+0000", "+00:00"]
- def: cdt = [cdate+"T"+ctime+ctz]
- rb: dts = dates.map{|d| times.map{|t| tzs.map{|tz| d+"T"+t+tz}}}.flatten
- rb: r(dts).map{|x| r.iso8601(x).to_iso8601}.distinct
ot: cdt
# Check that we can put a valid date into any valid timezone.
- rb: r(dts).concat_map{|x| tzs.map{|tz| r.epoch_time(r.iso8601(x).to_epoch_time).in_timezone(tz).to_iso8601}}.distinct
ot: cdt
# Check that we don't parse invalid dates (couldn't hurt to add more here).
- def: bad_dates = ["201301", "2013-0101", "2a13", "2013+01", "2013-01-01.1"]
- def: bad_times = ["a3", "13:0000", "13:000", "13:00.00", "130000.00000000a"]
- def: bad_tzs = ["X", "-7", "-07:-1", "+07+01", "PST", "UTC", "Z+00"]
- rb: bad_dts1 = bad_dates.map{|d| times.map{|t| tzs.map{|tz| d+"T"+t+tz}}}.flatten
- rb: bad_dts2 = dates.map{|d| bad_times.map{|t| tzs.map{|tz| d+"T"+t+tz}}}.flatten
- rb: bad_dts3 = dates.map{|d| times.map{|t| bad_tzs.map{|tz| d+"T"+t+tz}}}.flatten
- rb: bad_dts = bad_dts1 + bad_dts2 + bad_dts3
- rb: bad_dts.map{|x| begin; r.expr({:s => x, :d => r.iso8601(x)}).run($reql_conn); rescue RethinkDB::ReqlQueryLogicError => e; nil; end}.select{|x| x != nil};
ot: []
# Check that we can't put a valid date into any invalid timezone.
- rb: bad_dts_in_tz = r.expr(dts.map{|dt| bad_tzs.map{|tz| {:dt => dt, :tz => tz}}}.flatten)
- rb: bad_dts_in_tz.map{ |x| begin; r.expr({:dt => x[:dt], :tz => x[:tz], :s => r.iso8601(x[:dt]).to_epoch_time.epoch_time.in_timezone(x[:tz]).to_iso8601.run($reql_conn)}); rescue RethinkDB::ReqlQueryLogicError => e; nil; end }.select{|x| x != nil}
ot: []