2017-11-02 07:05:11 -07:00

356 lines
14 KiB

desc: Tests that manipulation data in tables
table_variable_name: tbl tbl2 tbl3
# Set up tables
- py: tbl.insert([{'id':i, 'a':i%4} for i in xrange(100)])
js: |
var res = []
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
res.push({id:i, 'a':i%4});
return res;
rb: tbl.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :a => i % 4 } })
ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100})
- py: tbl2.insert([{'id':i, 'b':i%4} for i in xrange(100)])
js: |
var res = []
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
res.push({id:i, 'b':i%4});
return res;
rb: tbl2.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :b => i % 4 } })
ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100})
# Table type
- cd: tbl.type_of()
ot: 'TABLE'
# Missing db case
- cd: r.db('missing').table('bar')
ot: err("ReqlOpFailedError", 'Database `missing` does not exist.', [0])
# Missing table case
- cd: r.db('test').table('missing')
ot: err("ReqlOpFailedError", 'Table `test.missing` does not exist.', [0])
# Nulls should not be allowed in primary keys
- cd: tbl.insert({"id":"\x00"}).pluck("errors","inserted")
ot: ({"errors":1,"inserted":0})
- cd: tbl.insert({"id":["embedded",["null\x00"]]}).pluck("errors","inserted")
ot: ({"errors":1,"inserted":0})
# make sure we can insert and query json docs with arbitrary unicode attrs
- js: tbl3.insert({'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'})
py: tbl3.insert({'id':u'Здравствуй','value':u'Земля!'})
py3.0: tbl3.insert({'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'})
py3.1: tbl3.insert({'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'})
py3.2: tbl3.insert({'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'})
rb: tbl3.insert({:id => "\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439", :value => "\u0417\u0435\u043C\u043B\u044F!"})
ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':1})
# make sure we can query json docs by arbitrary unicode attrs
- cd:
cd: tbl3.get('Здравствуй')
py: tbl3.get(u'Здравствуй')
py3.0: tbl3.get('Здравствуй')
py3.1: tbl3.get('Здравствуй')
py3.2: tbl3.get('Здравствуй')
cd: {'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}
py: {u'id':u'Здравствуй',u'value':u'Земля!'}
py3.0: {'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}
py3.1: {'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}
py3.2: {'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}
- cd:
cd: tbl3.filter({'value':'Земля!'})
py: tbl3.filter({'value':u'Земля!'})
py3.0: tbl3.filter({'value':'Земля!'})
py3.1: tbl3.filter({'value':'Земля!'})
py3.2: tbl3.filter({'value':'Земля!'})
cd: [{'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}]
py: [{u'id':u'Здравствуй',u'value':u'Земля!'}]
py3.0: [{'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}]
py3.1: [{'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}]
py3.2: [{'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}]
# db and table name validation
- cd: r.db('%')
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Database name `%` invalid (Use A-Za-z0-9_ only).', [0])
- cd: r.db('test').table('%')
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Table name `%` invalid (Use A-Za-z0-9_ only).', [0])
# Access a table from default db
- cd: tbl.count()
ot: 100
# Access a table using different read modes
- def: tbl2Name = tbl2.info().get_field('name')
- def: tbl2DbName = tbl2.info().get_field('db').get_field('name')
- py:
- r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode='outdated').count()
- r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode='single').count()
- r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode='majority').count()
- r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:'outdated'}).count()
- r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:'single'}).count()
- r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:'majority'}).count()
- r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => 'outdated'}).count()
- r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => 'single'}).count()
- r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => 'majority'}).count()
ot: 100
# Access a table with an invalid read mode
- py: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode=null).count()
js: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:null}).count()
rb: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => null}).count()
ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", 'Expected type STRING but found NULL.')
- py: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode=true).count()
js: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:false}).count()
rb: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => true}).count()
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected type STRING but found BOOL.')
- py: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode='fake').count()
js: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:'fake'}).count()
rb: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => 'fake'}).count()
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Read mode `fake` unrecognized (options are "majority", "single", and "outdated").')
- cd: tbl.get(20).count()
ot: 2
# Get a document that exists
- cd: tbl.get(20)
ot: {'id':20,'a':0}
# Get a document that doesn't exist
- cd: tbl.get(2000)
ot: null
# Make sure get only takes one arg (since we used to be able to pass id)
- cd: tbl.get()
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", 'Expected 2 arguments but found 1.', [1])
- cd: tbl.get(10, 20)
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", 'Expected 2 arguments but found 3.', [1])
# Create a table with a non-id primary key
- py: r.db('test').table_create('testpkey', primary_key='foo')
js: r.db('test').tableCreate('testpkey', {primaryKey:'foo'})
rb: r.db('test').table_create('testpkey', { :primary_key => 'foo' })
ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
def: tblpkey = r.db('test').table('testpkey')
- cd: tblpkey.insert({'foo':10,'a':10})
ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':1}
# get for table where id isn't a primary key
- cd: tblpkey.get(10)
ot: {'foo':10,'a':10}
# Get all
- cd: tbl.get_all()
ot: []
- cd: tbl.get_all(20)
ot: [{"id":20,"a":0}]
- cd: tbl.get_all().type_of()
- cd: tbl.get_all(20).type_of()
# Between
- cd: tbl.between(2, 1).type_of()
- cd: tbl.between(1, 2).type_of()
- py: tbl.between(1, 2, index='id').type_of()
js: tbl.between(1, 2, {'index':'id'}).typeOf()
rb: tbl.between(1, 2, :index => 'id').type_of()
- py: tbl.between(1, 1, right_bound='closed').type_of()
js: tbl.between(1, 1, {'right_bound':'closed'}).typeOf()
rb: tbl.between(1, 1, :right_bound => 'closed').type_of()
- cd: tbl.between(2, 1).type_of()
- py: tbl.between(2, 1, index='id').type_of()
js: tbl.between(2, 1, {'index':'id'}).typeOf()
rb: tbl.between(2, 1, :index => 'id').type_of()
- cd: tbl.between(21, 20).count()
ot: 0
- cd: tbl.between(20, 29).count()
ot: 9
- cd: tbl.between(-10, 9).count()
ot: 9
- cd: tbl.between(80, 2000).count()
ot: 20
- cd: tbl.between(-2000, 2000).count()
ot: 100
# Between
- cd: tbl.between(20, 29, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
py: tbl.between(20, 29, right_bound='closed').count()
js: tbl.between(20, 29, {'right_bound':'closed'}).count()
ot: 10
- cd: tbl.between(-10, 9, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
py: tbl.between(-10, 9, right_bound='closed').count()
js: tbl.between(-10, 9, {'right_bound':'closed'}).count()
ot: 10
- cd: tbl.between(80, 2000, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
py: tbl.between(80, 2000, right_bound='closed').count()
js: tbl.between(80, 2000, {'right_bound':'closed'}).count()
ot: 20
- cd: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
py: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, right_bound='closed').count()
js: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, {'right_bound':'closed'}).count()
ot: 100
# Between
- cd: tbl.between(20, 29, :left_bound => 'open').count()
py: tbl.between(20, 29, left_bound='open').count()
js: tbl.between(20, 29, {'left_bound':'open'}).count()
ot: 8
- cd: tbl.between(-10, 9, :left_bound => 'open').count()
py: tbl.between(-10, 9, left_bound='open').count()
js: tbl.between(-10, 9, {'left_bound':'open'}).count()
ot: 9
- cd: tbl.between(80, 2000, :left_bound => 'open').count()
py: tbl.between(80, 2000, left_bound='open').count()
js: tbl.between(80, 2000, {'left_bound':'open'}).count()
ot: 19
- cd: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, :left_bound => 'open').count()
py: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, left_bound='open').count()
js: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, {'left_bound':'open'}).count()
ot: 100
# Between shouldn't work on arrays
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).between(-1, 2)
ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE_SLICE but found DATUM:', [0])
# test between on open intervals
- cd: tbl.between(r.minval, 2).count()
ot: 2
- cd: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
py: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, right_bound='closed').count()
js: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, {'right_bound':'closed'}).count()
ot: 3
- cd: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, :left_bound => 'open').count()
py: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, left_bound='open').count()
js: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, {'left_bound':'open'}).count()
ot: 2
- cd: tbl.between(2, r.maxval).count()
ot: 98
- cd: tbl.between(2).count()
cd: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 3 arguments but found 2.', '[]')
js: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 1.', '[]')
# test between with null bounds (allowed in old versions, now an error)
- cd:
- tbl.between(null, 2).count()
- tbl.between(2, null).count()
- tbl.between(null, null).count()
ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot use `nu' + 'll` in BETWEEN, use `r.minval` or `r.maxval` to denote unboundedness.')
# test between table where id isn't a primary key
- cd: tblpkey.between(9, 11).count()
ot: 1
- cd: tblpkey.between(11, 12).count()
ot: 0
# Filter
- py: tbl.filter(lambda row:row['a'] > 2).count()
js: tbl.filter(function(row) { return row('a').gt(2); }).count()
rb: tbl.filter{ |row| row[:a] > 2 }.count
ot: 25
# test not returning a boolean
- py: tbl.filter(lambda row: 1).count()
js: tbl.filter(function(row) { return 1; }).count()
rb: tbl.filter{ |row| 1 }.count
ot: 100
# test seq.filter.filter (chaining and r.row(s))
- py: r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).filter(r.row > 2).filter(r.row > 3)
js: r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).filter(r.row.gt(2)).filter(r.row.gt(3))
rb: r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).filter{|x| x > 2}.filter{|x| x > 3}
ot: [4, 5]
# test nesting (and r.rows(s))
- def: nested = r.expr([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
- py: nested.filter(lambda x: x.filter(lambda y: y >= 4).count() > 0)
js: nested.filter(function (x) { return x.filter(function (y) { return y.ge(4); }).count().gt(0) })
rb: nested.filter{ |x| x.filter{ |y| y >= 4}.count > 0 }
ot: [[3, 4], [5, 6]]
- py: nested.filter(r.row.filter(lambda y: y >= 4).count() > 0)
js: nested.filter(r.row.filter(function(y) { return y.ge(4) }).count().gt(0))
ot: ([[3, 4], [5, 6]])
- py: nested.filter(lambda x: x.filter(r.row >= 4).count() > 0)
js: nested.filter(function (x) { return x.filter(r.row.ge(4)).count().gt(0) })
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", 'Cannot use r.row in nested queries. Use functions instead.', [0])
- py: r.expr([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]).filter(r.row.filter(r.row >= 4).count() > 0)
js: nested.filter(r.row.filter(r.row.ge(4)).count().gt(0))
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", 'Cannot use r.row in nested queries. Use functions instead.', [0])
# test static value syntax for filter (make sure r.row in it works)
- cd: r.expr([{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]).filter({'a':1,'b':2})
ot: [{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]
- cd: r.expr([{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]).filter({'a':1})
ot: [{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]
# test static value syntax for filter with r.row
- cd: r.expr([{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]).filter({'a':r.row['b']})
js: r.expr([{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]).filter({'a':r.row('b')})
rb: # r.row not supported
ot: [{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3}]
# test filtering for things by a missing attribute
- cd: r.expr([{'a':1}]).filter({'b':1})
ot: []
# Count with parameter
- js: tbl.count(function(){ return {'a':1}; })
rb: tbl.count{ |row| {:a => 1} }
py: tbl.count(lambda row: {'a':1})
ot: 25
- js: tbl.count({'a':1})
ot: 0
- cd: r.expr([1,2,3,1]).count(1)
ot: 2
- cd: r.expr([null, 4, null, 'foo']).count(null)
ot: 2
# what the heck, let's see what happens
- py: r.expr(5) + tbl
js: r.expr(5).add(tbl)
rb: r 5 + tbl
ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type DATUM but found TABLE:', [0])
- cd: tbl.has_fields('field').type_of()