2017-11-02 07:05:11 -07:00

181 lines
8.6 KiB

desc: Tests randomization functions
# Test sample
- cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).sample(3).distinct().count()
ot: 3
- cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).sample(3).count()
ot: 3
- cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4,5,6]).sample(3).distinct().count()
ot: 3
- cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).sample(4).distinct().count()
ot: 3
- rb: r.expr([[1,2,3], 2]).do{|x| x[0].sample(x[1])}.distinct().count()
ot: 2
- cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).sample(-1)
ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Number of items to sample must be non-negative, got `-1`.', [0])
- cd: r.expr(1).sample(1)
ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot convert NUMBER to SEQUENCE', [0])
- cd: r.expr({}).sample(1)
ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot convert OBJECT to SEQUENCE', [0])
# Test r.random with floating-point values
# These expressions should be equivalent
- py:
- r.random().do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(1)))
- r.random(1, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(1)))
- r.random(0, 1, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(1)))
- r.random(1, 0, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(1), x.gt(0)))
- r.random(r.expr(0), 1, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(1)))
- r.random(1, r.expr(0), float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(1), x.gt(0)))
- r.random(r.expr(1), r.expr(0), float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(1), x.gt(0)))
ot: True
# Single-argument
- py:
- r.random(0.495, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(0.495)))
- r.random(-0.495, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(0), x.gt(-0.495)))
- r.random(1823756.24, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(1823756.24)))
- r.random(-1823756.24, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(0), x.gt(-1823756.24)))
ot: True
# Non-zero-based random numbers
- py:
- r.random(10.5, 20.153, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(10.5), x.lt(20.153)))
- r.random(20.153, 10.5, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(20.153), x.gt(10.5)))
- r.random(31415926.1, 31415926, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(31415926.1), x.gt(31415926)))
ot: True
# Negative random numbers
- py:
- r.random(-10.5, 20.153, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(-10.5), x.lt(20.153)))
- r.random(-20.153, -10.5, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(-20.153), x.lt(-10.5)))
- r.random(-31415926, -31415926.1, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(-31415926), x.gt(-31415926.1)))
ot: True
# There is a very small chance of collision here
- py:
- r.expr([r.random(), r.random()]).distinct().count()
- r.expr([r.random(1, float=True), r.random(1, float=True)]).distinct().count()
- r.expr([r.random(0, 1, float=True), r.random(0, 1, float=True)]).distinct().count()
ot: 2
# Zero range random
- py:
- r.random(0, float=True).eq(0)
- r.random(5, 5, float=True).eq(5)
- r.random(-499384756758, -499384756758, float=True).eq(-499384756758)
- r.random(-93.94757, -93.94757, float=True).eq(-93.94757)
- r.random(294.69148, 294.69148, float=True).eq(294.69148)
ot: True
# Test limits of doubles
- def:
py: float_max = sys.float_info.max
js: float_max = Number.MAX_VALUE
rb: float_max = Float::MAX
- def:
py: float_min = sys.float_info.min
js: float_min = Number.MIN_VALUE
rb: float_min = Float::MIN
- py:
- r.random(-float_max, float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(-float_max), x.lt(float_max)))
- r.random(float_max, -float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(float_max), x.gt(-float_max)))
- r.random(float_min, float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(float_min), x.lt(float_max)))
- r.random(float_min, -float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(float_min), x.gt(-float_max)))
- r.random(-float_min, float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(-float_min), x.lt(float_max)))
- r.random(-float_min, -float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(-float_min), x.gt(-float_max)))
ot: True
# Test r.random with integer values
- def:
py: upper_limit = 2**53 - 1
js: upper_limit = Math.pow(2,53) - 1
rb: upper_limit = 2**53 - 1
- def:
py: lower_limit = 1 - (2**53)
js: lower_limit = 1 - Math.pow(2,53)
rb: lower_limit = 1 - (2**53)
# These expressions should be equivalent
- py:
- r.random(256).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(256)))
- r.random(0, 256).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(256)))
- r.random(r.expr(256)).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(256)))
- r.random(r.expr(0), 256).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(256)))
- r.random(0, r.expr(256)).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(256)))
- r.random(r.expr(0), r.expr(256)).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(0), x.lt(256)))
ot: True
# Non-zero-based random numbers
- py:
- r.random(10, 20).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(10), x.lt(20)))
- r.random(9347849, 120937493).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(9347849), x.lt(120937493)))
- r.random(10, 20).do(function(x){return r.and(x.ge(10), x.lt(20))})
- r.random(9347849, 120937493).do(function(x){return r.and(x.ge(9347849), x.lt(120937493))})
- r.random(10, 20).do{|x| r.and(x.ge(10), x.lt(20))}
- r.random(9347849, 120937493).do{|x| r.and(x.ge(9347849), x.lt(120937493))}
ot: True
# Negative random numbers
- py:
- r.random(-10, 20).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(-10), x.lt(20)))
- r.random(-20, -10).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(-20), x.lt(-10)))
- r.random(-120937493, -9347849).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.ge(-120937493), x.lt(-9347849)))
- r.random(-10, 20).do(function(x){return r.and(x.ge(-10), x.lt(20))})
- r.random(-20, -10).do(function(x){return r.and(x.ge(-20), x.lt(-10))})
- r.random(-120937493, -9347849).do(function(x){return r.and(x.ge(-120937493), x.lt(-9347849))})
- r.random(-10, 20).do{|x| r.and(x.ge(-10), x.lt(20))}
- r.random(-20, -10).do{|x| r.and(x.ge(-20), x.lt(-10))}
- r.random(-120937493, -9347849).do{|x| r.and(x.ge(-120937493), x.lt(-9347849))}
ot: True
# There is a very small chance of collision here
- cd: r.expr([r.random(upper_limit), r.random(upper_limit)]).distinct().count()
ot: 2
- py: r.expr([upper_limit,upper_limit]).map(lambda x:r.random(x)).distinct().count()
js: r.expr([upper_limit,upper_limit]).map(function(x){return r.random(x)}).distinct().count()
rb: r.expr([upper_limit,upper_limit]).map{|x| r.random(x)}.distinct().count()
ot: 2
# Error cases
# Non-integer limits
- cd: r.random(-0.5)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Upper bound (-0.5) could not be safely converted to an integer.", [])
- cd: r.random(0.25)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Upper bound (0.25) could not be safely converted to an integer.", [])
- cd: r.random(-10, 0.75)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Upper bound (0.75) could not be safely converted to an integer.", [])
- cd: r.random(-120549.25, 39458)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (-120549.25) could not be safely converted to an integer.", [])
- cd: r.random(-6.5, 8.125)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (-6.5) could not be safely converted to an integer.", [])
# Forced integer random with no bounds
- py: r.random(float=False)
js: r.random({float:false})
rb: r.random({:float => false})
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Generating a random integer requires one or two bounds.", [])
# Lower bound not less than upper bound
- cd: r.random(0)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (0) is not less than upper bound (0).", [])
- cd: r.random(0, 0)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (0) is not less than upper bound (0).", [])
- cd: r.random(515, 515)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (515) is not less than upper bound (515).", [])
- cd: r.random(-956, -956)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (-956) is not less than upper bound (-956).", [])
- cd: r.random(-10)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (0) is not less than upper bound (-10).", [])
- cd: r.random(20, 2)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (20) is not less than upper bound (2).", [])
- cd: r.random(2, -20)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (2) is not less than upper bound (-20).", [])
- cd: r.random(1456, 0)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (1456) is not less than upper bound (0).", [])