2017-11-02 07:05:11 -07:00

298 lines
12 KiB

desc: Tests RQL control flow structures
table_variable_name: tbl, tbl2
## FunCall
- py: r.expr(1).do(lambda v: v * 2)
js: r.expr(1).do(function(v) { return v.mul(2); })
rb: r.expr(1).do{|v| v * 2 }
ot: 2
- py: r.expr([0, 1, 2]).do(lambda v: v.append(3))
js: r([0, 1, 2]).do(function(v) { return v.append(3); })
rb: r([0, 1, 2]).do{ |v| v.append(3) }
ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- py: r.do(1, 2, lambda x, y: x + y)
js: r.do(1, 2, function(x, y) { return x.add(y); })
rb: r.do(1, 2) {|x, y| x + y}
ot: 3
- py: r.do(lambda: 1)
js: r.do(function() { return 1; })
rb: r.do{1}
ot: 1
# do error cases
- py: r.do(1, 2, lambda x: x)
js: r.do(1, 2, function(x) { return x; })
rb: r.do(1, 2) {|x| x}
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected function with 2 arguments but found function with 1 argument.', [1])
- py: r.do(1, 2, 3, lambda x, y: x + y)
js: r.do(1, 2, 3, function(x, y) { return x.add(y); })
rb: r.do(1, 2, 3) {|x, y| x + y}
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected function with 3 arguments but found function with 2 arguments.', [1])
- cd: r.do(1)
ot: 1
- js: r.do(1, function(x) {})
ot: err("ReqlDriverCompileError", 'Anonymous function returned `undefined`. Did you forget a `return`?', [1])
- js: r.do(1, function(x) { return undefined; })
ot: err("ReqlDriverCompileError", 'Anonymous function returned `undefined`. Did you forget a `return`?', [1])
- cd: r.do()
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", 'Expected 1 or more arguments but found 0.', [1])
# FunCall errors
- py: r.expr('abc').do(lambda v: v.append(3))
js: r('abc').do(function(v) { return v.append(3); })
rb: r('abc').do{ |v| v.append(3) }
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type ARRAY but found STRING.", [1, 0])
- py: r.expr('abc').do(lambda v: v + 3)
js: r('abc').do(function(v) { return v.add(3); })
rb: r('abc').do{ |v| v + 3 }
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.", [1, 1])
- py: r.expr('abc').do(lambda v: v + 'def') + 3
js: r('abc').do(function(v) { return v.add('def'); }).add(3)
rb: r('abc').do{ |v| v + 'def' } + 3
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.", [1])
- py: r.expr(0).do(lambda a,b: a + b)
js: r(0).do(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
rb: r(0).do{ |a, b| a + b }
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected function with 1 argument but found function with 2 arguments.', [1])
- py: r.do(1, 2, lambda a: a)
js: r.do(1,2, function(a) { return a; })
rb: r.do(1, 2) { |a| a }
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected function with 2 arguments but found function with 1 argument.', [1])
- cd: r.expr(5).do(r.row)
rb: r(5).do{ |row| row }
ot: 5
## Branch
- cd: r.branch(True, 1, 2)
ot: 1
- cd: r.branch(False, 1, 2)
ot: 2
- cd: r.branch(1, 'c', False)
ot: ("c")
- cd: r.branch(null, {}, [])
ot: ([])
- cd: r.branch(r.db('test'), 1, 2)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found DATABASE:", [])
- cd: r.branch(tbl, 1, 2)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found TABLE:", [])
- cd: r.branch(r.error("a"), 1, 2)
ot: err("ReqlUserError", "a", [])
- cd: r.branch([], 1, 2)
ot: 1
- cd: r.branch({}, 1, 2)
ot: 1
- cd: r.branch("a", 1, 2)
ot: 1
- cd: r.branch(1.2, 1, 2)
ot: 1
- cd: r.branch(True, 1, True, 2, 3)
ot: 1
- cd: r.branch(True, 1, False, 2, 3)
ot: 1
- cd: r.branch(False, 1, True, 2, 3)
ot: 2
- cd: r.branch(False, 1, False, 2, 3)
ot: 3
- cd: r.branch(True, 1, True, 2)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `branch` term with an even number of arguments.")
# r.error()
- cd: r.error('Hello World')
ot: err("ReqlUserError", "Hello World", [0])
- cd: r.error(5)
# we might want to allow this eventually
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.", [0])
# r.filter
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter()
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 1.", [0])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [0])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter(1, 2)
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 3.", [0])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.", [0])
# r.js()
- cd: r.js('1 + 1')
ot: 2
- cd: r.js('1 + 1; 2 + 2')
ot: 4
- cd: r.do(1, 2, r.js('(function(a, b) { return a + b; })'))
ot: 3
- cd: r.expr(1).do(r.js('(function(x) { return x + 1; })'))
ot: 2
- cd: r.expr('foo').do(r.js('(function(x) { return x + "bar"; })'))
ot: 'foobar'
# js timeout optarg shouldn't be triggered
- cd: r.js('1 + 2', {timeout:1.2})
py: r.js('1 + 2', timeout=1.2)
ot: 3
# js error cases
- cd: r.js('(function() { return 1; })')
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Query result must be of type DATUM, GROUPED_DATA, or STREAM (got FUNCTION).", [0])
- cd: r.js('function() { return 1; }')
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "SyntaxError: Unexpected token (", [0])
# Play with the number of arguments in the JS function
- cd: r.do(1, 2, r.js('(function(a) { return a; })'))
ot: 1
- cd: r.do(1, 2, r.js('(function(a, b, c) { return a; })'))
ot: 1
- cd: r.do(1, 2, r.js('(function(a, b, c) { return c; })'))
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot convert javascript `undefined` to ql::datum_t.", [0])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter(r.js('(function(a) { return a >= 2; })'))
ot: ([2, 3])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).map(r.js('(function(a) { return a + 1; })'))
ot: ([2, 3, 4])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).map(r.js('1'))
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type FUNCTION but found DATUM:", [0])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter(r.js('(function(a) {})'))
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot convert javascript `undefined` to ql::datum_t.", [0])
# What happens if we pass static values to things that expect functions
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).map(1)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type FUNCTION but found DATUM:", [0])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter('foo')
ot: ([1, 2, 3])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 4]).filter([])
ot: ([1, 2, 4])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter(null)
ot: ([])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 4]).filter(False)
rb: r([1, 2, 4]).filter(false)
ot: ([])
# forEach
- cd: tbl.count()
ot: 0
# Insert three elements
- js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) { return tbl.insert({ id:row }) })
py: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each(lambda row:tbl.insert({ 'id':row }))
rb: r([1, 2, 3]).for_each{ |row| tbl.insert({ :id => row }) }
ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':3})
- cd: tbl.count()
ot: 3
# Update each row to add additional attribute
- js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) { return tbl.update({ foo:row }) })
py: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each(lambda row:tbl.update({'foo':row}))
rb: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each{ |row| tbl.update({ :foo => row }) }
ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':9,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
# Insert three more elements (and error on three)
- js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) { return [tbl.insert({ id:row }), tbl.insert({ id:row.mul(10) })] })
py: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each(lambda row:[tbl.insert({ 'id':row }), tbl.insert({ 'id':row*10 })])
rb: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each{ |row| [tbl.insert({ :id => row}), tbl.insert({ :id => row*10})] }
ot: {'first_error':"Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"foo\":\t3,\n\t\"id\":\t1\n}\n{\n\t\"id\":\t1\n}",'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':3,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':3}
- cd: tbl.count()
ot: 6
- cd: tableCount = tbl2.count()
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each( tbl2.insert({}) )
ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'generated_keys':arrlen(3,uuid()),'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':3})
# inserts only a single document per #3700
- cd: tbl2.count()
ot: tableCount + 1
# We have six elements, update them 6*2*3=36 times
- js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) { return [tbl.update({ foo:row }), tbl.update({ bar:row })] })
py: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each(lambda row:[tbl.update({'foo':row}), tbl.update({'bar':row})])
rb: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each{ |row| [tbl.update({:foo => row}), tbl.update({:bar => row})]}
ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':36,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
# forEach negative cases
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each( tbl2.insert({ 'id':r.row }) )
rb: r([1, 2, 3]).for_each{ |row| tbl2.insert({ 'id':row }) }
ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':3})
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each(1)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "FOR_EACH expects one or more basic write queries. Expected type ARRAY but found NUMBER.", [0])
- py: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each(lambda x:x)
js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (x) { return x; })
rb: r([1, 2, 3]).for_each{ |x| x }
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "FOR_EACH expects one or more basic write queries. Expected type ARRAY but found NUMBER.", [1, 1])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each(r.row)
rb: r([1, 2, 3]).for_each{ |row| row }
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "FOR_EACH expects one or more basic write queries. Expected type ARRAY but found NUMBER.", [1, 1])
- js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) { return tbl; })
py: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each(lambda row:tbl)
rb: r([1, 2, 3]).for_each{ |row| tbl }
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "FOR_EACH expects one or more basic write queries.", [1, 1])
# This is only relevant in JS -- what happens when we return undefined
- js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) {})
ot: err("ReqlDriverCompileError", 'Anonymous function returned `undefined`. Did you forget a `return`?', [1])
# Make sure write queries can't be nested into stream ops
- cd: r.expr(1).do(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}))
rb: r(1).do{ |row| tbl.insert({ :foo => row }) }
ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'generated_keys':arrlen(1,uuid()),'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':1})
- py: r.expr([1, 2])[0].do(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}))
js: r.expr([1, 2]).nth(0).do(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}))
rb: r([1, 2])[0].do{ |row| tbl.insert({ :foo => row }) }
ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'generated_keys':arrlen(1,uuid()),'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':1})
- cd: r.expr([1, 2]).map(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}))
rb: r([1, 2]).map{ |row| tbl.insert({ :foo => row }) }
ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Cannot nest writes or meta ops in stream operations. Use FOR_EACH instead.', [0])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2]).map(r.db('test').table_create('table_create_failure'))
ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Cannot nest writes or meta ops in stream operations. Use FOR_EACH instead.', [0])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2]).map(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}).get_field('inserted'))
rb: r.expr([1, 2]).map{|x| tbl.insert({'foo':x}).get_field('inserted')}
ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Cannot nest writes or meta ops in stream operations. Use FOR_EACH instead.', [0])
- cd: r.expr([1, 2]).map(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}).get_field('inserted').add(5))
rb: r.expr([1, 2]).map{|x| tbl.insert({'foo':x}).get_field('inserted').add(5)}
ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Cannot nest writes or meta ops in stream operations. Use FOR_EACH instead.', [0])
- cd: r.expr(1).do(r.db('test').table_create('table_create_success'))
ot: partial({'tables_created':1})