Adam Ierymenko b1faebae4a Re-add...
2022-06-23 13:24:33 -04:00

85 lines
2.8 KiB

#include <pqxx/transaction>
#include "../test_helpers.hxx"
void test_row()
pqxx::connection conn;
pqxx::work tx{conn};
pqxx::result rows{tx.exec("SELECT 1, 2, 3")};
pqxx::row r{rows[0]};
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(std::size(r), 3, "Unexpected row size.");
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(<int>(), 1, "Wrong value at index 0.");
PQXX_CHECK(std::begin(r) != std::end(r), "Broken row iteration.");
PQXX_CHECK(std::begin(r) < std::end(r), "Row begin does not precede end.");
PQXX_CHECK(std::cbegin(r) == std::begin(r), "Wrong cbegin.");
PQXX_CHECK(std::cend(r) == std::end(r), "Wrong cend.");
PQXX_CHECK(std::rbegin(r) != std::rend(r), "Broken reverse row iteration.");
PQXX_CHECK(std::crbegin(r) == std::rbegin(r), "Wrong crbegin.");
PQXX_CHECK(std::crend(r) == std::rend(r), "Wrong crend.");
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(r.front().as<int>(), 1, "Wrong row front().");
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(r.back().as<int>(), 3, "Wrong row back().");
void test_row_iterator()
pqxx::connection conn;
pqxx::work tx{conn};
pqxx::result rows{tx.exec("SELECT 1, 2, 3")};
auto i{std::begin(rows[0])};
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(i->as<int>(), 1, "Row iterator is wrong.");
auto i2{i};
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(i2->as<int>(), 1, "Row iterator copy is wrong.");
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(i2->as<int>(), 2, "Row iterator increment is wrong.");
pqxx::row::const_iterator i3;
i3 = i2;
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(i3->as<int>(), 2, "Row iterator assignment is wrong.");
auto r{std::rbegin(rows[0])};
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(r->as<int>(), 3, "Row reverse iterator is wrong.");
auto r2{r};
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(r2->as<int>(), 3, "Row reverse iterator copy is wrong.");
r2->as<int>(), 2, "Row reverse iterator increment is wrong.");
pqxx::row::const_reverse_iterator r3;
r3 = r2;
i3->as<int>(), 2, "Row reverse iterator assignment is wrong.");
void test_row_as()
using pqxx::operator"" _zv;
pqxx::connection conn;
pqxx::work tx{conn};
pqxx::row const r{tx.exec1("SELECT 1, 2, 3")};
auto [one, two, three]{<int, float, pqxx::zview>()};
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(one), int>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(two), float>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(three), pqxx::zview>);
PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(one, 1, "row::as() did not produce the right int.");
PQXX_CHECK_GREATER(two, 1.9, "row::as() did not produce the right float.");
PQXX_CHECK_LESS(two, 2.1, "row::as() did not produce the right float.");
three, "3"_zv, "row::as() did not produce the right zview.");
std::get<0>(tx.exec1("SELECT 999").as<int>()), 999,
"Unary tuple did not extract right.");
} // namespace