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306 lines
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#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <pqxx/result>
#include <pqxx/row>
namespace pqxx
namespace test
class test_failure : public std::logic_error
std::string const m_file;
int m_line;
test_failure(std::string const &ffile, int fline, std::string const &desc);
~test_failure() noexcept override;
std::string const &file() const noexcept { return m_file; }
int line() const noexcept { return m_line; }
/// Drop a table, if it exists.
void drop_table(transaction_base &, std::string const &table);
using testfunc = void (*)();
void register_test(char const name[], testfunc func);
/// Register a test while not inside a function.
struct registrar
registrar(char const name[], testfunc func)
pqxx::test::register_test(name, func);
// Register a test function, so the runner will run it.
#define PQXX_REGISTER_TEST(func) \
pqxx::test::registrar tst_##func { #func, func }
// Unconditional test failure.
pqxx::test::check_notreached(__FILE__, __LINE__, (desc))
[[noreturn]] void
check_notreached(char const file[], int line, std::string desc);
// Verify that a condition is met, similar to assert()
#define PQXX_CHECK(condition, desc) \
pqxx::test::check(__FILE__, __LINE__, (condition), #condition, (desc))
void check(
char const file[], int line, bool condition, char const text[],
std::string const &desc);
// Verify that variable has the expected value.
#define PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(actual, expected, desc) \
pqxx::test::check_equal( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, (actual), #actual, (expected), #expected, (desc))
template<typename ACTUAL, typename EXPECTED>
inline void check_equal(
char const file[], int line, ACTUAL actual, char const actual_text[],
EXPECTED expected, char const expected_text[], std::string const &desc)
if (expected == actual)
std::string const fulldesc = desc + " (" + actual_text + " <> " +
expected_text +
": "
"actual=" +
to_string(actual) +
", "
"expected=" +
to_string(expected) + ")";
throw test_failure(file, line, fulldesc);
// Verify that two values are not equal.
#define PQXX_CHECK_NOT_EQUAL(value1, value2, desc) \
pqxx::test::check_not_equal( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, (value1), #value1, (value2), #value2, (desc))
template<typename VALUE1, typename VALUE2>
inline void check_not_equal(
char const file[], int line, VALUE1 value1, char const text1[],
VALUE2 value2, char const text2[], std::string const &desc)
if (value1 != value2)
std::string const fulldesc = desc + " (" + text1 + " == " + text2 +
": "
"both are " +
to_string(value2) + ")";
throw test_failure(file, line, fulldesc);
// Verify that value1 is less than value2.
#define PQXX_CHECK_LESS(value1, value2, desc) \
pqxx::test::check_less( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, (value1), #value1, (value2), #value2, (desc))
// Verify that value1 is greater than value2.
#define PQXX_CHECK_GREATER(value2, value1, desc) \
pqxx::test::check_less( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, (value1), #value1, (value2), #value2, (desc))
template<typename VALUE1, typename VALUE2>
inline void check_less(
char const file[], int line, VALUE1 value1, char const text1[],
VALUE2 value2, char const text2[], std::string const &desc)
if (value1 < value2)
std::string const fulldesc = desc + " (" + text1 + " >= " + text2 +
": "
"\"lower\"=" +
to_string(value1) +
", "
"\"upper\"=" +
to_string(value2) + ")";
throw test_failure(file, line, fulldesc);
// Verify that value1 is less than or equal to value2.
#define PQXX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL(value1, value2, desc) \
pqxx::test::check_less_equal( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, (value1), #value1, (value2), #value2, (desc))
// Verify that value1 is greater than or equal to value2.
#define PQXX_CHECK_GREATER_EQUAL(value2, value1, desc) \
pqxx::test::check_less_equal( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, (value1), #value1, (value2), #value2, (desc))
template<typename VALUE1, typename VALUE2>
inline void check_less_equal(
char const file[], int line, VALUE1 value1, char const text1[],
VALUE2 value2, char const text2[], std::string const &desc)
if (value1 <= value2)
std::string const fulldesc = desc + " (" + text1 + " > " + text2 +
": "
"\"lower\"=" +
to_string(value1) +
", "
"\"upper\"=" +
to_string(value2) + ")";
throw test_failure(file, line, fulldesc);
struct failure_to_fail
namespace internal
/// Syntactic placeholder: require (and accept) semicolon after block.
inline void end_of_statement() {}
} // namespace internal
// Verify that "action" does not throw an exception.
#define PQXX_CHECK_SUCCEEDS(action, desc) \
{ \
try \
{ \
action; \
} \
catch (std::exception const &e) \
{ \
std::string{desc} + " - \"" + \
#action "\" threw exception: " + e.what()); \
} \
catch (...) \
{ \
std::string{desc} + " - \"" + #action "\" threw a non-exception!"); \
} \
} \
// Verify that "action" throws an exception, of any std::exception-based type.
#define PQXX_CHECK_THROWS_EXCEPTION(action, desc) \
{ \
try \
{ \
action; \
throw pqxx::test::failure_to_fail(); \
} \
catch (pqxx::test::failure_to_fail const &) \
{ \
std::string{desc} + " (\"" #action "\" did not throw)"); \
} \
catch (std::exception const &) \
{} \
catch (...) \
{ \
std::string{desc} + " (\"" #action "\" threw non-exception type)"); \
} \
} \
// Verify that "action" throws "exception_type" (which is not std::exception).
#define PQXX_CHECK_THROWS(action, exception_type, desc) \
{ \
try \
{ \
action; \
throw pqxx::test::failure_to_fail(); \
} \
catch (pqxx::test::failure_to_fail const &) \
{ \
std::string{desc} + " (\"" #action \
"\" did not throw " #exception_type ")"); \
} \
catch (exception_type const &) \
{} \
catch (std::exception const &e) \
{ \
std::string{desc} + \
" (\"" #action \
"\" " \
"threw exception other than " #exception_type ": " + \
e.what() + ")"); \
} \
catch (...) \
{ \
std::string{desc} + " (\"" #action "\" threw non-exception type)"); \
} \
} \
#define PQXX_CHECK_BOUNDS(value, lower, upper, desc) \
pqxx::test::check_bounds( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, (value), #value, (lower), #lower, (upper), #upper, \
template<typename VALUE, typename LOWER, typename UPPER>
inline void check_bounds(
char const file[], int line, VALUE value, char const text[], LOWER lower,
char const lower_text[], UPPER upper, char const upper_text[],
std::string const &desc)
std::string const range_check = std::string{lower_text} + " < " + upper_text,
lower_check =
std::string{"!("} + text + " < " + lower_text + ")",
upper_check = std::string{text} + " < " + upper_text;
file, line, lower < upper, range_check.c_str(),
desc + " (acceptable range is empty; value was " + text + ")");
file, line, not(value < lower), lower_check.c_str(),
desc + " (" + text + " is below lower bound " + lower_text + ")");
file, line, value < upper, upper_check.c_str(),
desc + " (" + text + " is not below upper bound " + upper_text + ")");
// Report expected exception
void expected_exception(std::string const &);
// Represent result row as string.
std::string list_row(row);
// Represent result as string.
std::string list_result(result);
// Represent result iterator as string.
std::string list_result_iterator(result::const_iterator);
// @deprecated Set up test data for legacy tests.
void create_pqxxevents(transaction_base &);
} // namespace test
template<> inline std::string to_string(row const &value)
return pqxx::test::list_row(value);
template<> inline std::string to_string(result const &value)
return pqxx::test::list_result(value);
template<> inline std::string to_string(result::const_iterator const &value)
return pqxx::test::list_result_iterator(value);
} // namespace pqxx