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/* Definition of the pqxx::stream_from class.
* pqxx::stream_from enables optimized batch reads from a database table.
* DO NOT INCLUDE THIS FILE DIRECTLY; include pqxx/stream_from instead.
* Copyright (c) 2000-2022, Jeroen T. Vermeulen.
* See COPYING for copyright license. If you did not receive a file called
* COPYING with this source code, please notify the distributor of this
* mistake, or contact the author.
#if !defined(PQXX_HEADER_PRE)
# error "Include libpqxx headers as <pqxx/header>, not <pqxx/header.hxx>."
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <variant>
#include "pqxx/connection.hxx"
#include "pqxx/except.hxx"
#include "pqxx/internal/concat.hxx"
#include "pqxx/internal/encoding_group.hxx"
#include "pqxx/internal/stream_iterator.hxx"
#include "pqxx/separated_list.hxx"
#include "pqxx/transaction_focus.hxx"
namespace pqxx
class transaction_base;
/// Pass this to a `stream_from` constructor to stream table contents.
/** @deprecated Use @ref stream_from::table() instead.
constexpr from_table_t from_table;
/// Pass this to a `stream_from` constructor to stream query results.
/** @deprecated Use stream_from::query() instead.
constexpr from_query_t from_query;
/// Stream data from the database.
/** For larger data sets, retrieving data this way is likely to be faster than
* executing a query and then iterating and converting the rows fields. You
* will also be able to start processing before all of the data has come in.
* There are also downsides. Not all kinds of query will work in a stream.
* But straightforward `SELECT` and `UPDATE ... RETURNING` queries should work.
* This function makes use of @ref pqxx::stream_from, which in turn uses
* PostgreSQL's `COPY` command, so see the documentation for those to get the
* full details.
* There are other downsides. If there stream encounters an error, it may
* leave the entire connection in an unusable state, so you'll have to give the
* whole thing up. Finally, opening a stream puts the connection in a special
* state, so you won't be able to do many other things with the connection or
* the transaction while the stream is open.
* There are two ways of starting a stream: you stream either all rows in a
* table (using one of the factories, `table()` or `raw_table()`), or the
* results of a query (using the `query()` factory).
* Usually you'll want the `stream` convenience wrapper in
* @ref transaction_base, * so you don't need to deal with this class directly.
* @warning While a stream is active, you cannot execute queries, open a
* pipeline, etc. on the same transaction. A transaction can have at most one
* object of a type derived from @ref pqxx::transaction_focus active on it at a
* time.
class PQXX_LIBEXPORT stream_from : transaction_focus
using raw_line =
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<char, std::function<void(char *)>>, std::size_t>;
/// Factory: Execute query, and stream the results.
/** The query can be a SELECT query or a VALUES query; or it can be an
* The query is executed as part of a COPY statement, so there are additional
* restrictions on what kind of query you can use here. See the PostgreSQL
* documentation for the COPY command:
static stream_from query(transaction_base &tx, std::string_view q)
#include "pqxx/internal/ignore-deprecated-pre.hxx"
return {tx, from_query, q};
#include "pqxx/internal/ignore-deprecated-post.hxx"
* @name Streaming data from tables
* You can use `stream_from` to read a table's contents. This is a quick
* and easy way to read a table, but it comes with limitations. It cannot
* stream from a view, only from a table. It does not support conditions.
* And there are no guarantees about ordering. If you need any of those
* things, consider streaming from a query instead.
/// Factory: Stream data from a pre-quoted table and columns.
/** Use this factory if you need to create multiple streams using the same
* table path and/or columns list, and you want to save a bit of work on
* composing the internal SQL statement for starting the stream. It lets you
* compose the string representations for the table path and the columns
* list, so you can compute these once and then re-use them later.
* @param tx The transaction within which the stream will operate.
* @param path Name or path for the table upon which the stream will
* operate. If any part of the table path may contain special
* characters or be case-sensitive, quote the path using
* pqxx::connection::quote_table().
* @param columns Columns which the stream will read. They should be
* comma-separated and, if needed, quoted. You can produce the string
* using pqxx::connection::quote_columns(). If you omit this argument,
* the stream will read all columns in the table, in schema order.
static stream_from raw_table(
transaction_base &tx, std::string_view path,
std::string_view columns = ""sv);
/// Factory: Stream data from a given table.
/** This is the convenient way to stream from a table.
static stream_from table(
transaction_base &tx, table_path path,
std::initializer_list<std::string_view> columns = {});
/// Execute query, and stream over the results.
/** @deprecated Use factory function @ref query instead.
[[deprecated("Use query() factory instead.")]] stream_from(
transaction_base &, from_query_t, std::string_view query);
/// Stream all rows in table, all columns.
/** @deprecated Use factories @ref table or @ref raw_table instead.
[[deprecated("Use table() or raw_table() factory instead.")]] stream_from(
transaction_base &, from_table_t, std::string_view table);
/// Stream given columns from all rows in table.
/** @deprecated Use factories @ref table or @ref raw_table instead.
template<typename Iter>
[[deprecated("Use table() or raw_table() factory instead.")]] stream_from(
transaction_base &, from_table_t, std::string_view table,
Iter columns_begin, Iter columns_end);
/// Stream given columns from all rows in table.
/** @deprecated Use factory function @ref query instead.
template<typename Columns>
[[deprecated("Use table() or raw_table() factory instead.")]] stream_from(
transaction_base &tx, from_table_t, std::string_view table,
Columns const &columns);
#include "pqxx/internal/ignore-deprecated-pre.hxx"
/// @deprecated Use factories @ref table or @ref raw_table instead.
[[deprecated("Use the from_table_t overload instead.")]] stream_from(
transaction_base &tx, std::string_view table) :
stream_from{tx, from_table, table}
#include "pqxx/internal/ignore-deprecated-post.hxx"
/// @deprecated Use factories @ref table or @ref raw_table instead.
template<typename Columns>
[[deprecated("Use the from_table_t overload instead.")]] stream_from(
transaction_base &tx, std::string_view table, Columns const &columns) :
stream_from{tx, from_table, table, columns}
/// @deprecated Use factories @ref table or @ref raw_table instead.
template<typename Iter>
[[deprecated("Use the from_table_t overload instead.")]] stream_from(
transaction_base &, std::string_view table, Iter columns_begin,
Iter columns_end);
~stream_from() noexcept;
/// May this stream still produce more data?
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator bool() const noexcept
return not m_finished;
/// Has this stream produced all the data it is going to produce?
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!() const noexcept
return m_finished;
/// Finish this stream. Call this before continuing to use the connection.
/** Consumes all remaining lines, and closes the stream.
* This may take a while if you're abandoning the stream before it's done, so
* skip it in error scenarios where you're not planning to use the connection
* again afterwards.
void complete();
/// Read one row into a tuple.
/** Converts the row's fields into the fields making up the tuple.
* For a column which can contain nulls, be sure to give the corresponding
* tuple field a type which can be null. For example, to read a field as
* `int` when it may contain nulls, read it as `std::optional<int>`.
* Using `std::shared_ptr` or `std::unique_ptr` will also work.
template<typename Tuple> stream_from &operator>>(Tuple &);
/// Doing this with a `std::variant` is going to be horrifically borked.
template<typename... Vs>
stream_from &operator>>(std::variant<Vs...> &) = delete;
/// Iterate over this stream. Supports range-based "for" loops.
/** Produces an input iterator over the stream.
* Do not call this yourself. Use it like "for (auto data : stream.iter())".
template<typename... TYPE> [[nodiscard]] auto iter() &
return pqxx::internal::stream_input_iteration<TYPE...>{*this};
/// Read a row. Return fields as views, valid until you read the next row.
/** Returns `nullptr` when there are no more rows to read. Do not attempt
* to read any further rows after that.
* Do not access the vector, or the storage referenced by the views, after
* closing or completing the stream, or after attempting to read a next row.
* A @ref pqxx::zview is like a `std::string_view`, but with the added
* guarantee that if its data pointer is non-null, the string is followed by
* a terminating zero (which falls just outside the view itself).
* If any of the views' data pointer is null, that means that the
* corresponding SQL field is null.
* @warning The return type may change in the future, to support C++20
* coroutine-based usage.
std::vector<zview> const *read_row() &;
/// Read a raw line of text from the COPY command.
/** @warning Do not use this unless you really know what you're doing. */
raw_line get_raw_line();
// TODO: Clean up this signature once we cull the deprecated constructors.
/// @deprecated
transaction_base &tx, std::string_view table, std::string_view columns,
// TODO: Clean up this signature once we cull the deprecated constructors.
/// @deprecated
transaction_base &, std::string_view unquoted_table,
std::string_view columns, from_table_t, int);
template<typename Tuple, std::size_t... indexes>
void extract_fields(Tuple &t, std::index_sequence<indexes...>) const
(extract_value<Tuple, indexes>(t), ...);
pqxx::internal::glyph_scanner_func *m_glyph_scanner;
/// Current row's fields' text, combined into one reusable string.
std::string m_row;
/// The current row's fields.
std::vector<zview> m_fields;
bool m_finished = false;
void close();
template<typename Tuple, std::size_t index>
void extract_value(Tuple &) const;
/// Read a line of COPY data, write `m_row` and `m_fields`.
void parse_line();
template<typename Columns>
inline stream_from::stream_from(
transaction_base &tx, from_table_t, std::string_view table_name,
Columns const &columns) :
tx, from_table, table_name, std::begin(columns), std::end(columns)}
template<typename Iter>
inline stream_from::stream_from(
transaction_base &tx, from_table_t, std::string_view table,
Iter columns_begin, Iter columns_end) :
tx, table, separated_list(",", columns_begin, columns_end),
from_table, 1}
template<typename Tuple> inline stream_from &stream_from::operator>>(Tuple &t)
if (m_finished)
return *this;
static constexpr auto tup_size{std::tuple_size_v<Tuple>};
if (m_finished)
return *this;
if (std::size(m_fields) != tup_size)
throw usage_error{internal::concat(
"Tried to extract ", tup_size, " field(s) from a stream of ",
std::size(m_fields), ".")};
extract_fields(t, std::make_index_sequence<tup_size>{});
return *this;
template<typename Tuple, std::size_t index>
inline void stream_from::extract_value(Tuple &t) const
using field_type = strip_t<decltype(std::get<index>(t))>;
using nullity = nullness<field_type>;
assert(index < std::size(m_fields));
if constexpr (nullity::always_null)
if (std::data(m_fields[index]) != nullptr)
throw conversion_error{"Streaming non-null value into null field."};
else if (std::data(m_fields[index]) == nullptr)
if constexpr (nullity::has_null)
std::get<index>(t) = nullity::null();
// Don't ever try to convert a non-null value to nullptr_t!
std::get<index>(t) = from_string<field_type>(m_fields[index]);
} // namespace pqxx