mirror of
synced 2024-12-20 05:28:01 +00:00
This puts code accessing the data in a critical section so that the GC cannot run while JNI has access to the array. This helps with stability somewhat, but I'm still getting some crashes in the GC
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* ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere
* Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* --
* ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which
* are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
* redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks
* LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/
#include "com_zerotierone_sdk_Node.h"
#include "ZT1_jniutils.h"
#include "ZT1_jnicache.h"
#include <ZeroTierOne.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
// global static JNI Cache Object
JniCache cache;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
namespace {
struct JniRef
: jvm(NULL)
, node(NULL)
, dataStoreGetListener(NULL)
, dataStorePutListener(NULL)
, packetSender(NULL)
, eventListener(NULL)
, frameListener(NULL)
, configListener(NULL)
JNIEnv *env = NULL;
jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
uint64_t id;
JavaVM *jvm;
ZT1_Node *node;
jobject dataStoreGetListener;
jobject dataStorePutListener;
jobject packetSender;
jobject eventListener;
jobject frameListener;
jobject configListener;
int VirtualNetworkConfigFunctionCallback(
ZT1_Node *node,
void *userData,
uint64_t nwid,
enum ZT1_VirtualNetworkConfigOperation operation,
const ZT1_VirtualNetworkConfig *config)
JniRef *ref = (JniRef*)userData;
JNIEnv *env = NULL;
ref->jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
jclass configListenerClass = env->GetObjectClass(ref->configListener);
if(configListenerClass == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find class for VirtualNetworkConfigListener instance");
return -1;
jmethodID configListenerCallbackMethod = cache.findMethod(configListenerClass,
if(configListenerCallbackMethod == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find onVirtualNetworkFrame() method");
return -2;
jobject operationObject = createVirtualNetworkConfigOperation(env, operation);
if(operationObject == NULL)
LOGE("Error creating VirtualNetworkConfigOperation object");
return -3;
jobject networkConfigObject = newNetworkConfig(env, *config);
if(networkConfigObject == NULL)
LOGE("Error creating VirtualNetworkConfig object");
return -4;
return env->CallIntMethod(
(jlong)nwid, operationObject, networkConfigObject);
void VirtualNetworkFrameFunctionCallback(ZT1_Node *node,void *userData,
uint64_t nwid,
uint64_t sourceMac,
uint64_t destMac,
unsigned int etherType,
unsigned int vlanid,
const void *frameData,
unsigned int frameLength)
unsigned char* local = (unsigned char*)frameData;
LOGV("Type Bytes: 0x%02x%02x", local[12], local[13]);
JniRef *ref = (JniRef*)userData;
assert(ref->node == node);
JNIEnv *env = NULL;
ref->jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
jclass frameListenerClass = env->GetObjectClass(ref->frameListener);
if(env->ExceptionCheck() || frameListenerClass == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find class for VirtualNetworkFrameListener instance");
jmethodID frameListenerCallbackMethod = cache.findMethod(
"onVirtualNetworkFrame", "(JJJJJ[B)V");
if(env->ExceptionCheck() || frameListenerCallbackMethod == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find onVirtualNetworkFrame() method");
jbyteArray dataArray = env->NewByteArray(frameLength);
if(env->ExceptionCheck() || dataArray == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't create frame data array");
void *data = env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(dataArray, NULL);
memcpy(data, frameData, frameLength);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(dataArray, data, 0);
LOGE("Error setting frame data to array");
env->CallVoidMethod(ref->frameListener, frameListenerCallbackMethod, (jlong)nwid, (jlong)sourceMac, (jlong)destMac, (jlong)etherType, (jlong)vlanid, dataArray);
void EventCallback(ZT1_Node *node,void *userData,enum ZT1_Event event, const void *data)
JniRef *ref = (JniRef*)userData;
assert(ref->node == node);
JNIEnv *env = NULL;
ref->jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
jclass eventListenerClass = env->GetObjectClass(ref->eventListener);
if(eventListenerClass == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't class for EventListener instance");
jmethodID onEventMethod = cache.findMethod(eventListenerClass,
"onEvent", "(Lcom/zerotier/sdk/Event;)V");
if(onEventMethod == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find onEvent method");
jmethodID onOutOfDateMethod = cache.findMethod(eventListenerClass,
"onOutOfDate", "(Lcom/zerotier/sdk/Version;)V");
if(onOutOfDateMethod == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find onOutOfDate method");
jmethodID onNetworkErrorMethod = cache.findMethod(eventListenerClass,
"onNetworkError", "(Lcom/zerotier/sdk/Event;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V");
if(onNetworkErrorMethod == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find onNetworkError method");
jmethodID onTraceMethod = cache.findMethod(eventListenerClass,
"onTrace", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
if(onTraceMethod == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find onTrace method");
jobject eventObject = createEvent(env, event);
if(eventObject == NULL)
case ZT1_EVENT_UP:
LOGV("Regular Event");
// call onEvent()
env->CallVoidMethod(ref->eventListener, onEventMethod, eventObject);
LOGV("Version Event");
// call onOutOfDate()
if(data != NULL)
int *version = (int*)data;
jobject verisonObj = newVersion(env, version[0], version[1], version[2], 0);
env->CallVoidMethod(ref->eventListener, onOutOfDateMethod, verisonObj);
LOGV("Network Error Event");
// call onNetworkError()
if(data != NULL)
sockaddr_storage *addr = (sockaddr_storage*)data;
jobject addressObj = newInetSocketAddress(env, *addr);
env->CallVoidMethod(ref->eventListener, onNetworkErrorMethod, addressObj);
LOGV("Trace Event");
// call onTrace()
if(data != NULL)
const char* message = (const char*)data;
jstring messageStr = env->NewStringUTF(message);
env->CallVoidMethod(ref->eventListener, onTraceMethod, messageStr);
long DataStoreGetFunction(ZT1_Node *node,void *userData,
const char *objectName,
void *buffer,
unsigned long bufferSize,
unsigned long bufferIndex,
unsigned long *out_objectSize)
JniRef *ref = (JniRef*)userData;
JNIEnv *env = NULL;
ref->jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
jclass dataStoreGetClass = env->GetObjectClass(ref->dataStoreGetListener);
if(dataStoreGetClass == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find class for DataStoreGetListener instance");
return -2;
jmethodID dataStoreGetCallbackMethod = cache.findMethod(
if(dataStoreGetCallbackMethod == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find onDataStoreGet method");
return -2;
jstring nameStr = env->NewStringUTF(objectName);
if(nameStr == NULL)
LOGE("Error creating name string object");
return -2; // out of memory
jbyteArray bufferObj = env->NewByteArray(bufferSize);
if(bufferObj == NULL)
LOGE("Error creating byte[] buffer of size: %lu", bufferSize);
return -2;
jlongArray objectSizeObj = env->NewLongArray(1);
if(objectSizeObj == NULL)
LOGE("Error creating long[1] array for actual object size");
return -2; // couldn't create long[1] array
LOGV("Calling onDataStoreGet(%s, %p, %lu, %p)",
objectName, buffer, bufferIndex, objectSizeObj);
long retval = (long)env->CallLongMethod(
ref->dataStoreGetListener, dataStoreGetCallbackMethod,
nameStr, bufferObj, (jlong)bufferIndex, objectSizeObj);
if(retval > 0)
void *data = env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(bufferObj, NULL);
memcpy(buffer, data, retval);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(bufferObj, data, 0);
jlong *objSize = (jlong*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(objectSizeObj, NULL);
*out_objectSize = (unsigned long)objSize[0];
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(objectSizeObj, objSize, 0);
LOGI("Out Object Size: %lu", *out_objectSize);
return retval;
int DataStorePutFunction(ZT1_Node *node,void *userData,
const char *objectName,
const void *buffer,
unsigned long bufferSize,
int secure)
JniRef *ref = (JniRef*)userData;
JNIEnv *env = NULL;
ref->jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
jclass dataStorePutClass = env->GetObjectClass(ref->dataStorePutListener);
if(dataStorePutClass == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find class for DataStorePutListener instance");
return -1;
jmethodID dataStorePutCallbackMethod = cache.findMethod(
if(dataStorePutCallbackMethod == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find onDataStorePut method");
return -2;
jmethodID deleteMethod = cache.findMethod(dataStorePutClass,
"onDelete", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I");
if(deleteMethod == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find onDelete method");
return -3;
jstring nameStr = env->NewStringUTF(objectName);
if(buffer == NULL)
// delete operation
return env->CallIntMethod(
ref->dataStorePutListener, deleteMethod, nameStr);
// set operation
jbyteArray bufferObj = env->NewByteArray(bufferSize);
if(env->ExceptionCheck() || bufferObj == NULL)
LOGE("Error creating byte array buffer!");
return -4;
env->SetByteArrayRegion(bufferObj, 0, bufferSize, (jbyte*)buffer);
bool bsecure = secure != 0;
return env->CallIntMethod(ref->dataStorePutListener,
nameStr, bufferObj, bsecure);
int WirePacketSendFunction(ZT1_Node *node,void *userData,\
const struct sockaddr_storage *address,
const void *buffer,
unsigned int bufferSize)
LOGV("WirePacketSendFunction(%p, %p, %d)", address, buffer, bufferSize);
JniRef *ref = (JniRef*)userData;
assert(ref->node == node);
JNIEnv *env = NULL;
ref->jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
jclass packetSenderClass = env->GetObjectClass(ref->packetSender);
if(packetSenderClass == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find class for PacketSender instance");
return -1;
jmethodID packetSenderCallbackMethod = cache.findMethod(packetSenderClass,
"onSendPacketRequested", "(Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;[B)I");
if(packetSenderCallbackMethod == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find onSendPacketRequested method");
return -2;
jobject addressObj = newInetSocketAddress(env, *address);
jbyteArray bufferObj = env->NewByteArray(bufferSize);
env->SetByteArrayRegion(bufferObj, 0, bufferSize, (jbyte*)buffer);
int retval = env->CallIntMethod(ref->packetSender, packetSenderCallbackMethod, addressObj, bufferObj);
LOGV("JNI Packet Sender returned: %d", retval);
return retval;
typedef std::map<uint64_t, JniRef*> NodeMap;
static NodeMap nodeMap;
ZT1_Node* findNode(uint64_t nodeId)
NodeMap::iterator found = nodeMap.find(nodeId);
if(found != nodeMap.end())
JniRef *ref = found->second;
return ref->node;
return NULL;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved)
return JNI_VERSION_1_6;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNI_OnUnload(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved)
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: node_init
* Signature: (J)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/ResultCode;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_node_1init(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong now)
LOGV("Creating ZT1_Node struct");
jobject resultObject = createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_OK);
ZT1_Node *node;
JniRef *ref = new JniRef;
ref->id = (uint64_t)now;
jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
jfieldID fid = cache.findField(
cls, "getListener", "Lcom/zerotier/sdk/DataStoreGetListener;");
if(fid == NULL)
return NULL; // exception already thrown
jobject tmp = env->GetObjectField(obj, fid);
if(tmp == NULL)
return NULL;
ref->dataStoreGetListener = env->NewGlobalRef(tmp);
fid = cache.findField(
cls, "putListener", "Lcom/zerotier/sdk/DataStorePutListener;");
if(fid == NULL)
return NULL; // exception already thrown
tmp = env->GetObjectField(obj, fid);
if(tmp == NULL)
return NULL;
ref->dataStorePutListener = env->NewGlobalRef(tmp);
fid = cache.findField(
cls, "sender", "Lcom/zerotier/sdk/PacketSender;");
if(fid == NULL)
return NULL; // exception already thrown
tmp = env->GetObjectField(obj, fid);
if(tmp == NULL)
return NULL;
ref->packetSender = env->NewGlobalRef(tmp);
fid = cache.findField(
cls, "frameListener", "Lcom/zerotier/sdk/VirtualNetworkFrameListener;");
if(fid == NULL)
return NULL; // exception already thrown
tmp = env->GetObjectField(obj, fid);
if(tmp == NULL)
return NULL;
ref->frameListener = env->NewGlobalRef(tmp);
fid = cache.findField(
cls, "configListener", "Lcom/zerotier/sdk/VirtualNetworkConfigListener;");
if(fid == NULL)
return NULL; // exception already thrown
tmp = env->GetObjectField(obj, fid);
if(tmp == NULL)
return NULL;
ref->configListener = env->NewGlobalRef(tmp);
fid = cache.findField(
cls, "eventListener", "Lcom/zerotier/sdk/EventListener;");
if(fid == NULL)
return NULL;
tmp = env->GetObjectField(obj, fid);
if(tmp == NULL)
return NULL;
ref->eventListener = env->NewGlobalRef(tmp);
ZT1_ResultCode rc = ZT1_Node_new(
if(rc != ZT1_RESULT_OK)
LOGE("Error creating Node: %d", rc);
resultObject = createResultObject(env, rc);
node = NULL;
delete ref;
ref = NULL;
return resultObject;
ref->node = node;
nodeMap.insert(std::make_pair(ref->id, ref));
return resultObject;
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: node_delete
* Signature: (J)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_node_1delete(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong id)
LOGV("Destroying ZT1_Node struct");
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t)id;
NodeMap::iterator found = nodeMap.find(nodeId);
if(found != nodeMap.end())
JniRef *ref = found->second;
delete ref;
ref = NULL;
LOGE("Attempted to delete a node that doesn't exist!");
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: processVirtualNetworkFrame
* Signature: (JJJJJII[B[J)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/ResultCode;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_processVirtualNetworkFrame(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
jlong id,
jlong in_now,
jlong in_nwid,
jlong in_sourceMac,
jlong in_destMac,
jint in_etherType,
jint in_vlanId,
jbyteArray in_frameData,
jlongArray out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
unsigned int nbtd_len = env->GetArrayLength(out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline);
if(nbtd_len < 1)
// array for next background task length has 0 elements!
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
uint64_t now = (uint64_t)in_now;
uint64_t nwid = (uint64_t)in_nwid;
uint64_t sourceMac = (uint64_t)in_sourceMac;
uint64_t destMac = (uint64_t)in_destMac;
unsigned int etherType = (unsigned int)in_etherType;
unsigned int vlanId = (unsigned int)in_vlanId;
unsigned int frameLength = env->GetArrayLength(in_frameData);
void *frameData = env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(in_frameData, NULL);
void *localData = malloc(frameLength);
memcpy(localData, frameData, frameLength);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(in_frameData, frameData, 0);
uint64_t nextBackgroundTaskDeadline = 0;
ZT1_ResultCode rc = ZT1_Node_processVirtualNetworkFrame(
(const void*)localData,
jlong *outDeadline = (jlong*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline, NULL);
outDeadline[0] = (jlong)nextBackgroundTaskDeadline;
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline, outDeadline, 0);
return createResultObject(env, rc);
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: processWirePacket
* Signature: (JJLjava/net/InetSocketAddress;I[B[J)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/ResultCode;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_processWirePacket(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
jlong id,
jlong in_now,
jobject in_remoteAddress,
jbyteArray in_packetData,
jlongArray out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
LOGE("Couldn't find a valid node!");
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
unsigned int nbtd_len = env->GetArrayLength(out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline);
if(nbtd_len < 1)
LOGE("nbtd_len < 1");
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
uint64_t now = (uint64_t)in_now;
// get the java.net.InetSocketAddress class and getAddress() method
jclass inetAddressClass = cache.findClass("java/net/InetAddress");
if(inetAddressClass == NULL)
LOGE("Can't find InetAddress class");
// can't find java.net.InetAddress
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
jmethodID getAddressMethod = cache.findMethod(
inetAddressClass, "getAddress", "()[B");
if(getAddressMethod == NULL)
// cant find InetAddress.getAddres()
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
jclass InetSocketAddressClass = cache.findClass("java/net/InetSocketAddress");
if(InetSocketAddressClass == NULL)
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
jmethodID inetSockGetAddressMethod = cache.findMethod(
InetSocketAddressClass, "getAddress", "()Ljava/net/InetAddress;");
jobject addrObject = env->CallObjectMethod(in_remoteAddress, inetSockGetAddressMethod);
if(addrObject == NULL)
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
jmethodID inetSock_getPort = cache.findMethod(
InetSocketAddressClass, "getPort", "()I");
if(env->ExceptionCheck() || inetSock_getPort == NULL)
LOGE("Couldn't find getPort method on InetSocketAddress");
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
// call InetSocketAddress.getPort()
int port = env->CallIntMethod(in_remoteAddress, inetSock_getPort);
LOGE("Exception calling InetSocketAddress.getPort()");
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
// Call InetAddress.getAddress()
jbyteArray addressArray = (jbyteArray)env->CallObjectMethod(addrObject, getAddressMethod);
if(addressArray == NULL)
// unable to call getAddress()
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
unsigned int addrSize = env->GetArrayLength(addressArray);
// get the address bytes
jbyte *addr = (jbyte*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(addressArray, NULL);
sockaddr_storage remoteAddress = {};
if(addrSize == 16)
// IPV6 address
sockaddr_in6 ipv6 = {};
ipv6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
ipv6.sin6_port = htons(port);
memcpy(ipv6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, addr, 16);
memcpy(&remoteAddress, &ipv6, sizeof(sockaddr_in6));
else if(addrSize == 4)
// IPV4 address
sockaddr_in ipv4 = {};
ipv4.sin_family = AF_INET;
ipv4.sin_port = htons(port);
memcpy(&ipv4.sin_addr, addr, 4);
memcpy(&remoteAddress, &ipv4, sizeof(sockaddr_in));
// unknown address type
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(addressArray, addr, 0);
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(addressArray, addr, 0);
unsigned int packetLength = env->GetArrayLength(in_packetData);
void *packetData = env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(in_packetData, NULL);
void *localData = malloc(packetLength);
memcpy(localData, packetData, packetLength);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(in_packetData, packetData, 0);
uint64_t nextBackgroundTaskDeadline = 0;
ZT1_ResultCode rc = ZT1_Node_processWirePacket(
if(rc != ZT1_RESULT_OK)
LOGE("ZT1_Node_processWirePacket returned: %d", rc);
jlong *outDeadline = (jlong*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline, NULL);
outDeadline[0] = (jlong)nextBackgroundTaskDeadline;
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline, outDeadline, 0);
return createResultObject(env, rc);
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: processBackgroundTasks
* Signature: (JJ[J)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/ResultCode;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_processBackgroundTasks(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
jlong id,
jlong in_now,
jlongArray out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
unsigned int nbtd_len = env->GetArrayLength(out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline);
if(nbtd_len < 1)
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
uint64_t now = (uint64_t)in_now;
uint64_t nextBackgroundTaskDeadline = 0;
ZT1_ResultCode rc = ZT1_Node_processBackgroundTasks(node, now, &nextBackgroundTaskDeadline);
jlong *outDeadline = (jlong*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline, NULL);
outDeadline[0] = (jlong)nextBackgroundTaskDeadline;
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(out_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline, outDeadline, 0);
return createResultObject(env, rc);
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: join
* Signature: (JJ)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/ResultCode;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_join(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong id, jlong in_nwid)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
uint64_t nwid = (uint64_t)in_nwid;
ZT1_ResultCode rc = ZT1_Node_join(node, nwid);
return createResultObject(env, rc);
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: leave
* Signature: (JJ)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/ResultCode;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_leave(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong id, jlong in_nwid)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
uint64_t nwid = (uint64_t)in_nwid;
ZT1_ResultCode rc = ZT1_Node_leave(node, nwid);
return createResultObject(env, rc);
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: multicastSubscribe
* Signature: (JJJJ)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/ResultCode;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_multicastSubscribe(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
jlong id,
jlong in_nwid,
jlong in_multicastGroup,
jlong in_multicastAdi)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
uint64_t nwid = (uint64_t)in_nwid;
uint64_t multicastGroup = (uint64_t)in_multicastGroup;
unsigned long multicastAdi = (unsigned long)in_multicastAdi;
ZT1_ResultCode rc = ZT1_Node_multicastSubscribe(
node, nwid, multicastGroup, multicastAdi);
return createResultObject(env, rc);
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: multicastUnsubscribe
* Signature: (JJJJ)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/ResultCode;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_multicastUnsubscribe(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
jlong id,
jlong in_nwid,
jlong in_multicastGroup,
jlong in_multicastAdi)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return createResultObject(env, ZT1_RESULT_FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL);
uint64_t nwid = (uint64_t)in_nwid;
uint64_t multicastGroup = (uint64_t)in_multicastGroup;
unsigned long multicastAdi = (unsigned long)in_multicastAdi;
ZT1_ResultCode rc = ZT1_Node_multicastUnsubscribe(
node, nwid, multicastGroup, multicastAdi);
return createResultObject(env, rc);
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: address
* Signature: (J)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_address(
JNIEnv *env , jobject obj, jlong id)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return 0;
uint64_t address = ZT1_Node_address(node);
return (jlong)address;
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: status
* Signature: (J)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/NodeStatus;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_status
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong id)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return 0;
jclass nodeStatusClass = NULL;
jmethodID nodeStatusConstructor = NULL;
// create a com.zerotier.sdk.NodeStatus object
nodeStatusClass = cache.findClass("com/zerotier/sdk/NodeStatus");
if(nodeStatusClass == NULL)
return NULL;
nodeStatusConstructor = cache.findMethod(
nodeStatusClass, "<init>", "()V");
if(nodeStatusConstructor == NULL)
return NULL;
jobject nodeStatusObj = env->NewObject(nodeStatusClass, nodeStatusConstructor);
if(nodeStatusObj == NULL)
return NULL;
ZT1_NodeStatus nodeStatus;
ZT1_Node_status(node, &nodeStatus);
jfieldID addressField = NULL;
jfieldID publicIdentityField = NULL;
jfieldID secretIdentityField = NULL;
jfieldID onlineField = NULL;
addressField = cache.findField(nodeStatusClass, "address", "J");
if(addressField == NULL)
return NULL;
publicIdentityField = cache.findField(nodeStatusClass, "publicIdentity", "Ljava/lang/String;");
if(publicIdentityField == NULL)
return NULL;
secretIdentityField = cache.findField(nodeStatusClass, "secretIdentity", "Ljava/lang/String;");
if(secretIdentityField == NULL)
return NULL;
onlineField = cache.findField(nodeStatusClass, "online", "Z");
if(onlineField == NULL)
return NULL;
env->SetLongField(nodeStatusObj, addressField, nodeStatus.address);
jstring pubIdentStr = env->NewStringUTF(nodeStatus.publicIdentity);
if(pubIdentStr == NULL)
return NULL; // out of memory
env->SetObjectField(nodeStatusObj, publicIdentityField, pubIdentStr);
jstring secIdentStr = env->NewStringUTF(nodeStatus.secretIdentity);
if(secIdentStr == NULL)
return NULL; // out of memory
env->SetObjectField(nodeStatusObj, secretIdentityField, secIdentStr);
env->SetBooleanField(nodeStatusObj, onlineField, nodeStatus.online);
return nodeStatusObj;
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: networkConfig
* Signature: (J)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/VirtualNetworkConfig;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_networkConfig(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong id, jlong nwid)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return 0;
ZT1_VirtualNetworkConfig *vnetConfig = ZT1_Node_networkConfig(node, nwid);
jobject vnetConfigObject = newNetworkConfig(env, *vnetConfig);
ZT1_Node_freeQueryResult(node, vnetConfig);
return vnetConfigObject;
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: version
* Signature: (J)Lcom/zerotier/sdk/Version;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_version(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
int major = 0;
int minor = 0;
int revision = 0;
unsigned long featureFlags = 0;
ZT1_version(&major, &minor, &revision, &featureFlags);
return newVersion(env, major, minor, revision, featureFlags);
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: peers
* Signature: (J)[Lcom/zerotier/sdk/Peer;
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_peers(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong id)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return 0;
ZT1_PeerList *peerList = ZT1_Node_peers(node);
if(peerList == NULL)
LOGE("ZT1_Node_peers returned NULL");
return NULL;
int peerCount = peerList->peerCount * 100;
LOGV("Ensure Local Capacity: %d", peerCount);
LOGE("EnsureLocalCapacity failed!!");
ZT1_Node_freeQueryResult(node, peerList);
return NULL;
jclass peerClass = cache.findClass("com/zerotier/sdk/Peer");
if(env->ExceptionCheck() || peerClass == NULL)
LOGE("Error finding Peer class");
ZT1_Node_freeQueryResult(node, peerList);
return NULL;
jobjectArray peerArrayObj = env->NewObjectArray(
peerList->peerCount, peerClass, NULL);
if(env->ExceptionCheck() || peerArrayObj == NULL)
LOGE("Error creating Peer[] array");
ZT1_Node_freeQueryResult(node, peerList);
return NULL;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < peerList->peerCount; ++i)
jobject peerObj = newPeer(env, peerList->peers[i]);
env->SetObjectArrayElement(peerArrayObj, i, peerObj);
LOGE("Error assigning Peer object to array");
ZT1_Node_freeQueryResult(node, peerList);
peerList = NULL;
return peerArrayObj;
* Class: com_zerotier_sdk_Node
* Method: networks
* Signature: (J)[Lcom/zerotier/sdk/VirtualNetworkConfig;
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_com_zerotier_sdk_Node_networks(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong id)
uint64_t nodeId = (uint64_t) id;
ZT1_Node *node = findNode(nodeId);
if(node == NULL)
// cannot find valid node. We should never get here.
return 0;
ZT1_VirtualNetworkList *networkList = ZT1_Node_networks(node);
if(networkList == NULL)
return NULL;
jclass vnetConfigClass = cache.findClass("com/zerotier/sdk/VirtualNetworkConfig");
if(env->ExceptionCheck() || vnetConfigClass == NULL)
LOGE("Error finding VirtualNetworkConfig class");
ZT1_Node_freeQueryResult(node, networkList);
return NULL;
jobjectArray networkListObject = env->NewObjectArray(
networkList->networkCount, vnetConfigClass, NULL);
if(env->ExceptionCheck() || networkListObject == NULL)
LOGE("Error creating VirtualNetworkConfig[] array");
ZT1_Node_freeQueryResult(node, networkList);
return NULL;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < networkList->networkCount; ++i)
jobject networkObject = newNetworkConfig(env, networkList->networks[i]);
env->SetObjectArrayElement(networkListObject, i, networkObject);
LOGE("Error assigning VirtualNetworkConfig object to array");
ZT1_Node_freeQueryResult(node, networkList);
return networkListObject;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif |