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* ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere
* Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* --
* ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which
* are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
* redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks
* LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/
#ifndef ZT_PEER_HPP
#define ZT_PEER_HPP
#include <stdint.h>
#include "Constants.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h"
#include "RuntimeEnvironment.hpp"
#include "CertificateOfMembership.hpp"
#include "Path.hpp"
#include "Address.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
#include "Identity.hpp"
#include "InetAddress.hpp"
#include "Packet.hpp"
#include "SharedPtr.hpp"
#include "AtomicCounter.hpp"
#include "Hashtable.hpp"
#include "Mutex.hpp"
#include "NonCopyable.hpp"
// Very rough computed estimate: (8 + 256 + 80 + (16 * 64) + (128 * 256) + (128 * 16))
// 1048576 provides tons of headroom -- overflow would just cause peer not to be persisted
namespace ZeroTier {
* Peer on P2P Network (virtual layer 1)
class Peer : NonCopyable
friend class SharedPtr<Peer>;
Peer() {} // disabled to prevent bugs -- should not be constructed uninitialized
~Peer() { Utils::burn(_key,sizeof(_key)); }
* Construct a new peer
* @param myIdentity Identity of THIS node (for key agreement)
* @param peerIdentity Identity of peer
* @throws std::runtime_error Key agreement with peer's identity failed
Peer(const Identity &myIdentity,const Identity &peerIdentity)
* @return Time peer record was last used in any way
inline uint64_t lastUsed() const throw() { return _lastUsed; }
* Log a use of this peer record (done by Topology when peers are looked up)
* @param now New time of last use
inline void use(uint64_t now) throw() { _lastUsed = now; }
* @return This peer's ZT address (short for identity().address())
inline const Address &address() const throw() { return _id.address(); }
* @return This peer's identity
inline const Identity &identity() const throw() { return _id; }
* Log receipt of an authenticated packet
* This is called by the decode pipe when a packet is proven to be authentic
* and appears to be valid.
* @param RR Runtime environment
* @param localAddr Local address
* @param remoteAddr Internet address of sender
* @param hops ZeroTier (not IP) hops
* @param packetId Packet ID
* @param verb Packet verb
* @param inRePacketId Packet ID in reply to (default: none)
* @param inReVerb Verb in reply to (for OK/ERROR, default: VERB_NOP)
void received(
const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,
const InetAddress &localAddr,
const InetAddress &remoteAddr,
unsigned int hops,
uint64_t packetId,
Packet::Verb verb,
uint64_t inRePacketId = 0,
Packet::Verb inReVerb = Packet::VERB_NOP);
* Get the current best direct path to this peer
* @param now Current time
* @return Best path or NULL if there are no active direct paths
inline Path *getBestPath(uint64_t now)
Mutex::Lock _l(_lock);
return _getBestPath(now);
* Send via best path
* @param RR Runtime environment
* @param data Packet data
* @param len Packet length
* @param now Current time
* @return Path used on success or NULL on failure
inline Path *send(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,const void *data,unsigned int len,uint64_t now)
Path *bestPath = getBestPath(now);
if (bestPath) {
if (bestPath->send(RR,data,len,now))
return bestPath;
return (Path *)0;
* Send a HELLO to this peer at a specified physical address
* This does not update any statistics. It's used to send initial HELLOs
* for NAT traversal and path verification.
* @param RR Runtime environment
* @param localAddr Local address
* @param atAddress Destination address
* @param now Current time
* @param ttl Desired IP TTL (default: 0 to leave alone)
void sendHELLO(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,const InetAddress &localAddr,const InetAddress &atAddress,uint64_t now,unsigned int ttl = 0);
* Send pings or keepalives depending on configured timeouts
* @param RR Runtime environment
* @param now Current time
* @param inetAddressFamily Keep this address family alive, or 0 to simply pick current best ignoring family
* @return True if at least one direct path seems alive
bool doPingAndKeepalive(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,uint64_t now,int inetAddressFamily);
* Push direct paths if we haven't done so in [rate limit] milliseconds
* @param RR Runtime environment
* @param path Remote path to use to send the push
* @param now Current time
* @param force If true, push regardless of rate limit
void pushDirectPaths(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,Path *path,uint64_t now,bool force);
* @return All known direct paths to this peer
inline std::vector<Path> paths() const
std::vector<Path> pp;
Mutex::Lock _l(_lock);
for(unsigned int p=0,np=_numPaths;p<np;++p)
return pp;
* @return Time of last receive of anything, whether direct or relayed
inline uint64_t lastReceive() const throw() { return _lastReceive; }
* @return Time of most recent unicast frame received
inline uint64_t lastUnicastFrame() const throw() { return _lastUnicastFrame; }
* @return Time of most recent multicast frame received
inline uint64_t lastMulticastFrame() const throw() { return _lastMulticastFrame; }
* @return Time of most recent frame of any kind (unicast or multicast)
inline uint64_t lastFrame() const throw() { return std::max(_lastUnicastFrame,_lastMulticastFrame); }
* @return Time we last announced state TO this peer, such as multicast LIKEs
inline uint64_t lastAnnouncedTo() const throw() { return _lastAnnouncedTo; }
* @return True if this peer is actively sending real network frames
inline uint64_t activelyTransferringFrames(uint64_t now) const throw() { return ((now - lastFrame()) < ZT_PEER_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); }
* @return Latency in milliseconds or 0 if unknown
inline unsigned int latency() const { return _latency; }
* This computes a quality score for relays and root servers
* If we haven't heard anything from these in ZT_PEER_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT, they
* receive the worst possible quality (max unsigned int). Otherwise the
* quality is a product of latency and the number of potential missed
* pings. This causes roots and relays to switch over a bit faster if they
* fail.
* @return Relay quality score computed from latency and other factors, lower is better
inline unsigned int relayQuality(const uint64_t now) const
const uint64_t tsr = now - _lastReceive;
return (~(unsigned int)0);
unsigned int l = _latency;
if (!l)
l = 0xffff;
return (l * (((unsigned int)tsr / (ZT_PEER_DIRECT_PING_DELAY + 1000)) + 1));
* Update latency with a new direct measurment
* @param l Direct latency measurment in ms
inline void addDirectLatencyMeasurment(unsigned int l)
unsigned int ol = _latency;
if ((ol > 0)&&(ol < 10000))
_latency = (ol + std::min(l,(unsigned int)65535)) / 2;
else _latency = std::min(l,(unsigned int)65535);
* @param now Current time
* @return True if this peer has at least one active direct path
inline bool hasActiveDirectPath(uint64_t now) const
Mutex::Lock _l(_lock);
for(unsigned int p=0,np=_numPaths;p<np;++p) {
if (_paths[p].active(now))
return true;
return false;
* @param now Current time
* @return True if this peer has at least one active direct path that is not cluster-suboptimal
inline bool hasClusterOptimalPath(uint64_t now) const
Mutex::Lock _l(_lock);
for(unsigned int p=0,np=_numPaths;p<np;++p) {
if ((_paths[p].active(now))&&(!_paths[p].isClusterSuboptimal()))
return true;
return false;
* Reset paths within a given scope
* @param RR Runtime environment
* @param scope IP scope of paths to reset
* @param now Current time
* @return True if at least one path was forgotten
bool resetWithinScope(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,InetAddress::IpScope scope,uint64_t now);
* @return 256-bit secret symmetric encryption key
inline const unsigned char *key() const throw() { return _key; }
* Set the currently known remote version of this peer's client
* @param vproto Protocol version
* @param vmaj Major version
* @param vmin Minor version
* @param vrev Revision
inline void setRemoteVersion(unsigned int vproto,unsigned int vmaj,unsigned int vmin,unsigned int vrev)
_vProto = (uint16_t)vproto;
_vMajor = (uint16_t)vmaj;
_vMinor = (uint16_t)vmin;
_vRevision = (uint16_t)vrev;
inline unsigned int remoteVersionProtocol() const throw() { return _vProto; }
inline unsigned int remoteVersionMajor() const throw() { return _vMajor; }
inline unsigned int remoteVersionMinor() const throw() { return _vMinor; }
inline unsigned int remoteVersionRevision() const throw() { return _vRevision; }
inline bool remoteVersionKnown() const throw() { return ((_vMajor > 0)||(_vMinor > 0)||(_vRevision > 0)); }
* Get most recently active path addresses for IPv4 and/or IPv6
* Note that v4 and v6 are not modified if they are not found, so
* initialize these to a NULL address to be able to check.
* @param now Current time
* @param v4 Result parameter to receive active IPv4 address, if any
* @param v6 Result parameter to receive active IPv6 address, if any
void getBestActiveAddresses(uint64_t now,InetAddress &v4,InetAddress &v6) const;
* Check network COM agreement with this peer
* @param nwid Network ID
* @param com Another certificate of membership
* @return True if supplied COM agrees with ours, false if not or if we don't have one
bool networkMembershipCertificatesAgree(uint64_t nwid,const CertificateOfMembership &com) const;
* Check the validity of the COM and add/update if valid and new
* @param RR Runtime Environment
* @param nwid Network ID
* @param com Externally supplied COM
bool validateAndSetNetworkMembershipCertificate(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,uint64_t nwid,const CertificateOfMembership &com);
* @param nwid Network ID
* @param now Current time
* @param updateLastPushedTime If true, go ahead and update the last pushed time regardless of return value
* @return Whether or not this peer needs another COM push from us
bool needsOurNetworkMembershipCertificate(uint64_t nwid,uint64_t now,bool updateLastPushedTime);
* Perform periodic cleaning operations
void clean(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,uint64_t now);
* Remove all paths with this remote address
* @param addr Remote address to remove
inline void removePathByAddress(const InetAddress &addr)
Mutex::Lock _l(_lock);
unsigned int np = _numPaths;
unsigned int x = 0;
unsigned int y = 0;
while (x < np) {
if (_paths[x].address() != addr)
_paths[y++] = _paths[x];
_numPaths = y;
* Update direct path push stats and return true if we should respond
* This is a circuit breaker to make VERB_PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS not particularly
* useful as a DDOS amplification attack vector. Otherwise a malicious peer
* could send loads of these and cause others to bombard arbitrary IPs with
* traffic.
* @param now Current time
* @return True if we should respond
inline bool shouldRespondToDirectPathPush(const uint64_t now)
Mutex::Lock _l(_lock);
if ((now - _lastDirectPathPushReceive) <= ZT_PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS_CUTOFF_TIME)
else _directPathPushCutoffCount = 0;
_lastDirectPathPushReceive = now;
return (_directPathPushCutoffCount < ZT_PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS_CUTOFF_LIMIT);
* Find a common set of addresses by which two peers can link, if any
* @param a Peer A
* @param b Peer B
* @param now Current time
* @return Pair: B's address (to send to A), A's address (to send to B)
static inline std::pair<InetAddress,InetAddress> findCommonGround(const Peer &a,const Peer &b,uint64_t now)
std::pair<InetAddress,InetAddress> v4,v6;
if ((v6.first)&&(v6.second)) // prefer IPv6 if both have it since NAT-t is (almost) unnecessary
return v6;
else if ((v4.first)&&(v4.second))
return v4;
else return std::pair<InetAddress,InetAddress>();
template<unsigned int C>
inline void serialize(Buffer<C> &b) const
Mutex::Lock _l(_lock);
const unsigned int recSizePos = b.size();
b.addSize(4); // space for uint32_t field length
b.append((uint16_t)0); // version of serialized Peer data
for(unsigned int i=0;i<_numPaths;++i)
uint64_t *k = (uint64_t *)0;
_NetworkCom *v = (_NetworkCom *)0;
Hashtable<uint64_t,_NetworkCom>::Iterator i(const_cast<Peer *>(this)->_networkComs);
while (i.next(k,v)) {
uint64_t *k = (uint64_t *)0;
uint64_t *v = (uint64_t *)0;
Hashtable<uint64_t,uint64_t>::Iterator i(const_cast<Peer *>(this)->_lastPushedComs);
while (i.next(k,v)) {
b.template setAt<uint32_t>(recSizePos,(uint32_t)(b.size() - (recSizePos + 4))); // set size
* Create a new Peer from a serialized instance
* @param myIdentity This node's identity
* @param b Buffer containing serialized Peer data
* @param p Pointer to current position in buffer, will be updated in place as buffer is read (value/result)
* @return New instance of Peer or NULL if serialized data was corrupt or otherwise invalid (may also throw an exception via Buffer)
template<unsigned int C>
static inline SharedPtr<Peer> deserializeNew(const Identity &myIdentity,const Buffer<C> &b,unsigned int &p)
const unsigned int recSize = b.template at<uint32_t>(p); p += 4;
if ((p + recSize) > b.size())
return SharedPtr<Peer>(); // size invalid
if (b.template at<uint16_t>(p) != 0)
return SharedPtr<Peer>(); // version mismatch
p += 2;
Identity npid;
p += npid.deserialize(b,p);
if (!npid)
return SharedPtr<Peer>();
SharedPtr<Peer> np(new Peer(myIdentity,npid));
np->_lastUsed = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
np->_lastReceive = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
np->_lastUnicastFrame = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
np->_lastMulticastFrame = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
np->_lastAnnouncedTo = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
np->_lastPathConfirmationSent = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
np->_lastDirectPathPushSent = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
np->_lastDirectPathPushReceive = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
np->_lastPathSort = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
np->_vProto = b.template at<uint16_t>(p); p += 2;
np->_vMajor = b.template at<uint16_t>(p); p += 2;
np->_vMinor = b.template at<uint16_t>(p); p += 2;
np->_vRevision = b.template at<uint16_t>(p); p += 2;
np->_latency = b.template at<uint32_t>(p); p += 4;
np->_directPathPushCutoffCount = b.template at<uint16_t>(p); p += 2;
const unsigned int numPaths = b.template at<uint16_t>(p); p += 2;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<numPaths;++i) {
p += np->_paths[np->_numPaths++].deserialize(b,p);
} else {
// Skip any paths beyond max, but still read stream
Path foo;
p += foo.deserialize(b,p);
const unsigned int numNetworkComs = b.template at<uint32_t>(p); p += 4;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<numNetworkComs;++i) {
_NetworkCom &c = np->_networkComs[b.template at<uint64_t>(p)]; p += 8;
c.ts = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
p += c.com.deserialize(b,p);
const unsigned int numLastPushed = b.template at<uint32_t>(p); p += 4;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<numLastPushed;++i) {
const uint64_t nwid = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
const uint64_t ts = b.template at<uint64_t>(p); p += 8;
return np;
void _sortPaths(const uint64_t now);
Path *_getBestPath(const uint64_t now);
Path *_getBestPath(const uint64_t now,int inetAddressFamily);
unsigned char _key[ZT_PEER_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH]; // computed with key agreement, not serialized
uint64_t _lastUsed;
uint64_t _lastReceive; // direct or indirect
uint64_t _lastUnicastFrame;
uint64_t _lastMulticastFrame;
uint64_t _lastAnnouncedTo;
uint64_t _lastPathConfirmationSent;
uint64_t _lastDirectPathPushSent;
uint64_t _lastDirectPathPushReceive;
uint64_t _lastPathSort;
uint16_t _vProto;
uint16_t _vMajor;
uint16_t _vMinor;
uint16_t _vRevision;
Identity _id;
unsigned int _numPaths;
unsigned int _latency;
unsigned int _directPathPushCutoffCount;
struct _NetworkCom
_NetworkCom() {}
_NetworkCom(uint64_t t,const CertificateOfMembership &c) : ts(t),com(c) {}
uint64_t ts;
CertificateOfMembership com;
Hashtable<uint64_t,_NetworkCom> _networkComs;
Hashtable<uint64_t,uint64_t> _lastPushedComs;
Mutex _lock;
AtomicCounter __refCount;
} // namespace ZeroTier
// Add a swap() for shared ptr's to peers to speed up peer sorts
namespace std {
inline void swap(ZeroTier::SharedPtr<ZeroTier::Peer> &a,ZeroTier::SharedPtr<ZeroTier::Peer> &b)