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synced 2025-03-03 13:14:16 +00:00
337 lines
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337 lines
8.1 KiB
mod macros;
use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, Group, Ident, Span, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use quote::quote;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use syn::{Item, ItemTrait};
fn test_macro_variable_attr() {
// mimics the token stream corresponding to `$attr fn f() {}`
let tokens = TokenStream::from_iter(vec![
TokenTree::Group(Group::new(Delimiter::None, quote! { #[test] })),
TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new("fn", Span::call_site())),
TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new("f", Span::call_site())),
TokenTree::Group(Group::new(Delimiter::Parenthesis, TokenStream::new())),
TokenTree::Group(Group::new(Delimiter::Brace, TokenStream::new())),
snapshot!(tokens as Item, @r###"
Item::Fn {
attrs: [
Attribute {
style: Outer,
path: Path {
segments: [
PathSegment {
ident: "test",
arguments: None,
tokens: TokenStream(``),
vis: Inherited,
sig: Signature {
ident: "f",
generics: Generics,
output: Default,
block: Block,
fn test_negative_impl() {
// Rustc parses all of the following.
impl ! {}
let tokens = quote! {
impl ! {}
snapshot!(tokens as Item, @r###"
Item::Impl {
generics: Generics,
self_ty: Type::Never,
impl !Trait {}
let tokens = quote! {
impl !Trait {}
snapshot!(tokens as Item, @r###"
Item::Impl {
generics: Generics,
self_ty: Verbatim(`! Trait`),
impl !Trait for T {}
let tokens = quote! {
impl !Trait for T {}
snapshot!(tokens as Item, @r###"
Item::Impl {
generics: Generics,
trait_: Some((
Path {
segments: [
PathSegment {
ident: "Trait",
arguments: None,
self_ty: Type::Path {
path: Path {
segments: [
PathSegment {
ident: "T",
arguments: None,
impl !! {}
let tokens = quote! {
impl !! {}
snapshot!(tokens as Item, @r###"
Item::Impl {
generics: Generics,
self_ty: Verbatim(`! !`),
fn test_macro_variable_impl() {
// mimics the token stream corresponding to `impl $trait for $ty {}`
let tokens = TokenStream::from_iter(vec![
TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new("impl", Span::call_site())),
TokenTree::Group(Group::new(Delimiter::None, quote!(Trait))),
TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new("for", Span::call_site())),
TokenTree::Group(Group::new(Delimiter::None, quote!(Type))),
TokenTree::Group(Group::new(Delimiter::Brace, TokenStream::new())),
snapshot!(tokens as Item, @r###"
Item::Impl {
generics: Generics,
trait_: Some((
Path {
segments: [
PathSegment {
ident: "Trait",
arguments: None,
self_ty: Type::Group {
elem: Type::Path {
path: Path {
segments: [
PathSegment {
ident: "Type",
arguments: None,
fn test_supertraits() {
// Rustc parses all of the following.
let tokens = quote!(trait Trait where {});
snapshot!(tokens as ItemTrait, @r###"
ItemTrait {
vis: Inherited,
ident: "Trait",
generics: Generics {
where_clause: Some(WhereClause),
let tokens = quote!(trait Trait: where {});
snapshot!(tokens as ItemTrait, @r###"
ItemTrait {
vis: Inherited,
ident: "Trait",
generics: Generics {
where_clause: Some(WhereClause),
colon_token: Some,
let tokens = quote!(trait Trait: Sized where {});
snapshot!(tokens as ItemTrait, @r###"
ItemTrait {
vis: Inherited,
ident: "Trait",
generics: Generics {
where_clause: Some(WhereClause),
colon_token: Some,
supertraits: [
Trait(TraitBound {
modifier: None,
path: Path {
segments: [
PathSegment {
ident: "Sized",
arguments: None,
let tokens = quote!(trait Trait: Sized + where {});
snapshot!(tokens as ItemTrait, @r###"
ItemTrait {
vis: Inherited,
ident: "Trait",
generics: Generics {
where_clause: Some(WhereClause),
colon_token: Some,
supertraits: [
Trait(TraitBound {
modifier: None,
path: Path {
segments: [
PathSegment {
ident: "Sized",
arguments: None,
fn test_type_empty_bounds() {
let tokens = quote! {
trait Foo {
type Bar: ;
snapshot!(tokens as ItemTrait, @r###"
ItemTrait {
vis: Inherited,
ident: "Foo",
generics: Generics,
items: [
TraitItem::Type {
ident: "Bar",
generics: Generics,
colon_token: Some,
fn test_impl_visibility() {
let tokens = quote! {
pub default unsafe impl union {}
snapshot!(tokens as Item, @"Verbatim(`pub default unsafe impl union { }`)");
fn test_impl_type_parameter_defaults() {
impl<T = ()> () {}
let tokens = quote! {
impl<T = ()> () {}
snapshot!(tokens as Item, @r###"
Item::Impl {
generics: Generics {
lt_token: Some,
params: [
Type(TypeParam {
ident: "T",
eq_token: Some,
default: Some(Type::Tuple),
gt_token: Some,
self_ty: Type::Tuple,
fn test_impl_trait_trailing_plus() {
let tokens = quote! {
fn f() -> impl Sized + {}
snapshot!(tokens as Item, @r###"
Item::Fn {
vis: Inherited,
sig: Signature {
ident: "f",
generics: Generics,
output: Type(
Type::ImplTrait {
bounds: [
Trait(TraitBound {
modifier: None,
path: Path {
segments: [
PathSegment {
ident: "Sized",
arguments: None,
block: Block,