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* Copyright (c)2019 ZeroTier, Inc.
* Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included
* in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory.
* Change Date: 2023-01-01
* On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use
* of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Constants.hpp"
#include "Credential.hpp"
#include "Buffer.hpp"
#include "Address.hpp"
#include "C25519.hpp"
#include "Identity.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
* Maximum number of qualifiers allowed in a COM (absolute max: 65535)
namespace ZeroTier {
class RuntimeEnvironment;
* Certificate of network membership
* The COM contains a sorted set of three-element tuples called qualifiers.
* These contain an id, a value, and a maximum delta.
* The ID is arbitrary and should be assigned using a scheme that makes
* every ID globally unique. IDs beneath 65536 are reserved for global
* assignment by ZeroTier Networks.
* The value's meaning is ID-specific and isn't important here. What's
* important is the value and the third member of the tuple: the maximum
* delta. The maximum delta is the maximum difference permitted between
* values for a given ID between certificates for the two certificates to
* themselves agree.
* Network membership is checked by checking whether a peer's certificate
* agrees with your own. The timestamp provides the fundamental criterion--
* each member of a private network must constantly obtain new certificates
* often enough to stay within the max delta for this qualifier. But other
* criteria could be added in the future for very special behaviors, things
* like latitude and longitude for instance.
* This is a memcpy()'able structure and is safe (in a crash sense) to modify
* without locks.
class CertificateOfMembership : public Credential
friend class Credential;
static inline Credential::Type credentialType() { return Credential::CREDENTIAL_TYPE_COM; }
* Reserved qualifier IDs
* IDs below 1024 are reserved for use as standard IDs. Others are available
* for user-defined use.
* Addition of new required fields requires that code in hasRequiredFields
* be updated as well.
enum ReservedId
* Timestamp of certificate
* Network ID for which certificate was issued
* ZeroTier address to whom certificate was issued
* Create an empty certificate of membership
inline CertificateOfMembership() :
_signatureLength(0) {}
* Create from required fields common to all networks
* @param timestamp Timestamp of certificate
* @param timestampMaxDelta Maximum variation between timestamps on this net
* @param nwid Network ID
* @param issuedTo Certificate recipient
inline CertificateOfMembership(uint64_t timestamp,uint64_t timestampMaxDelta,uint64_t nwid,const Address &issuedTo)
_qualifiers[0].id = COM_RESERVED_ID_TIMESTAMP;
_qualifiers[0].value = timestamp;
_qualifiers[0].maxDelta = timestampMaxDelta;
_qualifiers[1].id = COM_RESERVED_ID_NETWORK_ID;
_qualifiers[1].value = nwid;
_qualifiers[1].maxDelta = 0;
_qualifiers[2].id = COM_RESERVED_ID_ISSUED_TO;
_qualifiers[2].value = issuedTo.toInt();
_qualifiers[2].maxDelta = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
_qualifierCount = 3;
_signatureLength = 0;
* Create from binary-serialized COM in buffer
* @param b Buffer to deserialize from
* @param startAt Position to start in buffer
template<unsigned int C>
inline CertificateOfMembership(const Buffer<C> &b,unsigned int startAt = 0)
* @return True if there's something here
ZT_ALWAYS_INLINE operator bool() const { return (_qualifierCount != 0); }
* @return Credential ID, always 0 for COMs
ZT_ALWAYS_INLINE uint32_t id() const { return 0; }
* @return Timestamp for this cert and maximum delta for timestamp
ZT_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t timestamp() const
for(unsigned int i=0;i<_qualifierCount;++i) {
if (_qualifiers[i].id == COM_RESERVED_ID_TIMESTAMP)
return (int64_t)_qualifiers[i].value;
return 0;
* @return Address to which this cert was issued
ZT_ALWAYS_INLINE Address issuedTo() const
for(unsigned int i=0;i<_qualifierCount;++i) {
if (_qualifiers[i].id == COM_RESERVED_ID_ISSUED_TO)
return Address(_qualifiers[i].value);
return Address();
* @return Network ID for which this cert was issued
ZT_ALWAYS_INLINE uint64_t networkId() const
for(unsigned int i=0;i<_qualifierCount;++i) {
if (_qualifiers[i].id == COM_RESERVED_ID_NETWORK_ID)
return _qualifiers[i].value;
return 0ULL;
* Add or update a qualifier in this certificate
* Any signature is invalidated and signedBy is set to null.
* @param id Qualifier ID
* @param value Qualifier value
* @param maxDelta Qualifier maximum allowed difference (absolute value of difference)
inline void setQualifier(uint64_t id,uint64_t value,uint64_t maxDelta)
for(unsigned int i=0;i<_qualifierCount;++i) {
if (_qualifiers[i].id == id) {
_qualifiers[i].value = value;
_qualifiers[i].maxDelta = maxDelta;
if (_qualifierCount < ZT_NETWORK_COM_MAX_QUALIFIERS) {
_qualifiers[_qualifierCount].id = id;
_qualifiers[_qualifierCount].value = value;
_qualifiers[_qualifierCount].maxDelta = maxDelta;
inline void setQualifier(ReservedId id,uint64_t value,uint64_t maxDelta) { setQualifier((uint64_t)id,value,maxDelta); }
* Compare two certificates for parameter agreement
* This compares this certificate with the other and returns true if all
* parameters in this cert are present in the other and if they agree to
* within this cert's max delta value for each given parameter.
* Tuples present in other but not in this cert are ignored, but any
* tuples present in this cert but not in other result in 'false'.
* @param other Cert to compare with
* @return True if certs agree and 'other' may be communicated with
inline bool agreesWith(const CertificateOfMembership &other) const
unsigned int myidx = 0;
unsigned int otheridx = 0;
if ((_qualifierCount == 0)||(other._qualifierCount == 0))
return false;
while (myidx < _qualifierCount) {
// Fail if we're at the end of other, since this means the field is
// missing.
if (otheridx >= other._qualifierCount)
return false;
// Seek to corresponding tuple in other, ignoring tuples that
// we may not have. If we run off the end of other, the tuple is
// missing. This works because tuples are sorted by ID.
while (other._qualifiers[otheridx].id != _qualifiers[myidx].id) {
if (otheridx >= other._qualifierCount)
return false;
// Compare to determine if the absolute value of the difference
// between these two parameters is within our maxDelta.
const uint64_t a = _qualifiers[myidx].value;
const uint64_t b = other._qualifiers[myidx].value;
if (((a >= b) ? (a - b) : (b - a)) > _qualifiers[myidx].maxDelta)
return false;
return true;
* Sign this certificate
* @param with Identity to sign with, must include private key
* @return True if signature was successful
inline bool sign(const Identity &with)
unsigned int ptr = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<_qualifierCount;++i) {
buf[ptr++] = Utils::hton(_qualifiers[i].id);
buf[ptr++] = Utils::hton(_qualifiers[i].value);
buf[ptr++] = Utils::hton(_qualifiers[i].maxDelta);
try {
_signatureLength = with.sign(buf,ptr * sizeof(uint64_t),_signature,sizeof(_signature));
_signedBy = with.address();
return true;
} catch ( ... ) {
return false;
* Verify this COM and its signature
* @param RR Runtime environment for looking up peers
* @param tPtr Thread pointer to be handed through to any callbacks called as a result of this call
inline Credential::VerifyResult verify(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr) const { return _verify(RR,tPtr,*this); }
* @return True if signed
inline bool isSigned() const { return (_signedBy); }
* @return Address that signed this certificate or null address if none
inline const Address &signedBy() const { return _signedBy; }
template<unsigned int C>
inline void serialize(Buffer<C> &b) const
for(unsigned int i=0;i<_qualifierCount;++i) {
if ((_signedBy)&&(_signatureLength == 96)) {
// UGLY: Ed25519 signatures in ZT are 96 bytes (64 + 32 bytes of hash).
// P-384 signatures are also 96 bytes, praise the horned one. That means
// we don't need to include a length. If we ever do we will need a new
// serialized object version, but only for those with length != 96.
template<unsigned int C>
inline unsigned int deserialize(const Buffer<C> &b,unsigned int startAt = 0)
unsigned int p = startAt;
_qualifierCount = 0;
_signatureLength = 0;
if (b[p++] != 1)
unsigned int numq = b.template at<uint16_t>(p); p += sizeof(uint16_t);
uint64_t lastId = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<numq;++i) {
const uint64_t qid = b.template at<uint64_t>(p);
if (qid < lastId)
else lastId = qid;
if (_qualifierCount < ZT_NETWORK_COM_MAX_QUALIFIERS) {
_qualifiers[_qualifierCount].id = qid;
_qualifiers[_qualifierCount].value = b.template at<uint64_t>(p + 8);
_qualifiers[_qualifierCount].maxDelta = b.template at<uint64_t>(p + 16);
p += 24;
} else {
if (_signedBy) {
// See "UGLY" comment in serialize()...
_signatureLength = 96;
p += 96;
return (p - startAt);
ZT_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(const CertificateOfMembership &c) const
if (_signedBy != c._signedBy)
return false;
if (_qualifierCount != c._qualifierCount)
return false;
if (_signatureLength != c._signatureLength)
return false;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<_qualifierCount;++i) {
const _Qualifier &a = _qualifiers[i];
const _Qualifier &b = c._qualifiers[i];
if ((a.id != b.id)||(a.value != b.value)||(a.maxDelta != b.maxDelta))
return false;
return (memcmp(_signature,c._signature,_signatureLength) == 0);
ZT_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator!=(const CertificateOfMembership &c) const { return (!(*this == c)); }
struct _Qualifier
_Qualifier() : id(0),value(0),maxDelta(0) {}
uint64_t id;
uint64_t value;
uint64_t maxDelta;
inline bool operator<(const _Qualifier &q) const { return (id < q.id); } // sort order
Address _signedBy;
_Qualifier _qualifiers[ZT_NETWORK_COM_MAX_QUALIFIERS];
unsigned int _qualifierCount;
unsigned int _signatureLength;
uint8_t _signature[ZT_SIGNATURE_BUFFER_SIZE];
} // namespace ZeroTier