 * Copyright (c)2013-2020 ZeroTier, Inc.
 * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included
 * in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory.
 * Change Date: 2025-01-01
 * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use
 * of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License.

#ifndef ZT_SHA512_HPP
#define ZT_SHA512_HPP

#include "Constants.hpp"

#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>

#define ZT_SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE 64
#define ZT_SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE 48
#define ZT_SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE 128
#define ZT_SHA384_BLOCK_SIZE 128

#define ZT_HMACSHA384_LEN 48

namespace ZeroTier {

// SHA384 and SHA512 are actually in the standard libraries on MacOS and iOS
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define ZT_HAVE_NATIVE_SHA512 1
static ZT_INLINE void SHA512(void *digest,const void *data,unsigned int len)
	CC_SHA512_CTX ctx;
	CC_SHA512_Final(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(digest),&ctx);
static ZT_INLINE void SHA384(void *digest,const void *data,unsigned int len)
	CC_SHA512_CTX ctx;
	CC_SHA384_Final(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(digest),&ctx);
static ZT_INLINE void SHA384(void *digest,const void *data0,unsigned int len0,const void *data1,unsigned int len1)
	CC_SHA512_CTX ctx;
	CC_SHA384_Final(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(digest),&ctx);

void SHA512(void *digest,const void *data,unsigned int len);
void SHA384(void *digest,const void *data,unsigned int len);
void SHA384(void *digest,const void *data0,unsigned int len0,const void *data1,unsigned int len1);

 * Compute HMAC SHA-384 using a 256-bit key
 * @param key Secret key
 * @param msg Message to HMAC
 * @param msglen Length of message
 * @param mac Buffer to fill with result
void HMACSHA384(const uint8_t key[ZT_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE],const void *msg,unsigned int msglen,uint8_t mac[48]);

 * Compute KBKDF (key-based key derivation function) using HMAC-SHA-384 as a PRF
 * @param key Source master key
 * @param label A label indicating the key's purpose in the ZeroTier system
 * @param context An arbitrary "context" or zero if not applicable
 * @param iter Key iteration for generation of multiple keys for the same label/context
 * @param out Output to receive derived key
void KBKDFHMACSHA384(const uint8_t key[ZT_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE],char label,char context,uint32_t iter,uint8_t out[ZT_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE]);

} // namespace ZeroTier
