ifeq ($(origin CC),default) CC=$(shell if [ -e /usr/bin/clang ]; then echo clang; else echo gcc; fi) endif ifeq ($(origin CXX),default) CXX=$(shell if [ -e /usr/bin/clang++ ]; then echo clang++; else echo g++; fi) endif INCLUDES= DEFS= LIBS= ARCH_FLAGS=-arch x86_64 include objects.mk OBJS+=osdep/OSXEthernetTap.o ext/lz4/lz4.o ext/http-parser/http_parser.o # Disable codesign since open source users will not have ZeroTier's certs CODESIGN=echo PRODUCTSIGN=echo CODESIGN_APP_CERT= CODESIGN_INSTALLER_CERT= # Build with libminiupnpc by default for Mac -- desktops/laptops almost always want this ZT_USE_MINIUPNPC?=1 # For internal use only -- signs everything with ZeroTier's developer cert ifeq ($(ZT_OFFICIAL_RELEASE),1) DEFS+=-DZT_OFFICIAL_RELEASE -DZT_AUTO_UPDATE ZT_USE_MINIUPNPC=1 CODESIGN=codesign PRODUCTSIGN=productsign CODESIGN_APP_CERT="Developer ID Application: ZeroTier, Inc (8ZD9JUCZ4V)" CODESIGN_INSTALLER_CERT="Developer ID Installer: ZeroTier, Inc (8ZD9JUCZ4V)" endif ifeq ($(ZT_ENABLE_CLUSTER),1) DEFS+=-DZT_ENABLE_CLUSTER endif ifeq ($(ZT_AUTO_UPDATE),1) DEFS+=-DZT_AUTO_UPDATE endif ifeq ($(ZT_USE_MINIUPNPC),1) DEFS+=-DMACOSX -DZT_USE_MINIUPNPC -DMINIUPNP_STATICLIB -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE -DMINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT -DMINIUPNPC_GET_SRC_ADDR -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -DOS_STRING=\"Darwin/15.0.0\" -DMINIUPNPC_VERSION_STRING=\"2.0\" -DUPNP_VERSION_STRING=\"UPnP/1.1\" -DENABLE_STRNATPMPERR OBJS+=ext/libnatpmp/natpmp.o ext/libnatpmp/getgateway.o ext/miniupnpc/connecthostport.o ext/miniupnpc/igd_desc_parse.o ext/miniupnpc/minisoap.o ext/miniupnpc/minissdpc.o ext/miniupnpc/miniupnpc.o ext/miniupnpc/miniwget.o ext/miniupnpc/minixml.o ext/miniupnpc/portlistingparse.o ext/miniupnpc/receivedata.o ext/miniupnpc/upnpcommands.o ext/miniupnpc/upnpdev.o ext/miniupnpc/upnperrors.o ext/miniupnpc/upnpreplyparse.o osdep/PortMapper.o endif # Debug mode -- dump trace output, build binary with -g ifeq ($(ZT_DEBUG),1) DEFS+=-DZT_TRACE CFLAGS+=-Wall -g -pthread $(INCLUDES) $(DEFS) STRIP=echo # The following line enables optimization for the crypto code, since # C25519 in particular is almost UNUSABLE in heavy testing without it. ext/lz4/lz4.o node/Salsa20.o node/SHA512.o node/C25519.o node/Poly1305.o: CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -g -pthread $(INCLUDES) $(DEFS) else CFLAGS?=-Ofast -fstack-protector-strong CFLAGS+=$(ARCH_FLAGS) -Wall -flto -fPIE -pthread -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -DNDEBUG -Wno-unused-private-field $(INCLUDES) $(DEFS) STRIP=strip endif CXXFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ all: one macui one: $(OBJS) service/OneService.o one.o $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o zerotier-one $(OBJS) service/OneService.o one.o $(LIBS) $(STRIP) zerotier-one ln -sf zerotier-one zerotier-idtool ln -sf zerotier-one zerotier-cli $(CODESIGN) -f -s $(CODESIGN_APP_CERT) zerotier-one #$(CODESIGN) -vvv zerotier-one macui: FORCE cd macui && xcodebuild -target "ZeroTier One" -configuration Release $(CODESIGN) -f -s $(CODESIGN_APP_CERT) "macui/build/Release/ZeroTier One.app" #$(CODESIGN) -vvv "macui/build/Release/ZeroTier One.app" cli: FORCE $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o zerotier cli/zerotier.cpp osdep/OSUtils.cpp node/InetAddress.cpp node/Utils.cpp node/Salsa20.cpp node/Identity.cpp node/SHA512.cpp node/C25519.cpp -lcurl $(STRIP) zerotier selftest: $(OBJS) selftest.o $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o zerotier-selftest selftest.o $(OBJS) $(LIBS) $(STRIP) zerotier-selftest # Requires Packages: http://s.sudre.free.fr/Software/Packages/about.html mac-dist-pkg: FORCE packagesbuild "ext/installfiles/mac/ZeroTier One.pkgproj" rm -f "ZeroTier One Signed.pkg" $(PRODUCTSIGN) --sign $(CODESIGN_INSTALLER_CERT) "ZeroTier One.pkg" "ZeroTier One Signed.pkg" if [ -f "ZeroTier One Signed.pkg" ]; then mv -f "ZeroTier One Signed.pkg" "ZeroTier One.pkg"; fi # For ZeroTier, Inc. to build official signed packages official: FORCE make clean make ZT_OFFICIAL_RELEASE=1 -j 4 one macui make ZT_OFFICIAL_RELEASE=1 mac-dist-pkg clean: rm -rf *.dSYM build-* *.pkg *.dmg *.o node/*.o controller/*.o service/*.o osdep/*.o ext/http-parser/*.o ext/lz4/*.o ext/json-parser/*.o $(OBJS) zerotier-one zerotier-idtool zerotier-selftest zerotier-cli zerotier ZeroTierOneInstaller-* mkworld doc/node_modules macui/build distclean: clean # For those building from source -- installs signed binary tap driver in system ZT home install-mac-tap: FORCE mkdir -p /Library/Application\ Support/ZeroTier/One rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/ZeroTier/One/tap.kext cp -R ext/bin/tap-mac/tap.kext /Library/Application\ Support/ZeroTier/One chown -R root:wheel /Library/Application\ Support/ZeroTier/One/tap.kext FORCE: