/* * ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 ZeroTier Networks LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ /* * This is the netconf service. It's currently used only by netconf nodes that * are run by ZeroTier itself. There is nothing to prevent you from running * your own if you wanted to create your own networks outside our system. * * That being said, we'd like to charge for private networks to support * ZeroTier One and future development efforts. So while this software is * open source and we're not going to stop you from sidestepping this, we * do ask -- honor system here -- that you pay for private networks if you * are going to use them for any commercial purpose such as a business VPN * alternative. * * This will at the moment only build on Linux and requires the mysql++ * library, which is available here: * * http://tangentsoft.net/mysql++/ * * (Packages are available for CentOS via EPEL and for any Debian distro.) * * This program must be built and installed in the services.d subfolder of * the ZeroTier One home folder of the node designated to act as a master * for networks. Doing so will enable the NETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST protocol * verb. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../node/Dictionary.hpp" #include "../node/Identity.hpp" #include "../node/Utils.hpp" #include "../node/Mutex.hpp" #include "../node/NetworkConfig.hpp" using namespace ZeroTier; using namespace mysqlpp; static Mutex stdoutWriteLock; static Connection *dbCon = (Connection *)0; static char mysqlHost[64],mysqlPort[64],mysqlDatabase[64],mysqlUser[64],mysqlPassword[64]; int main(int argc,char **argv) { { char *ee = getenv("ZT_NETCONF_MYSQL_HOST"); if (!ee) { fprintf(stderr,"missing environment variable: ZT_NETCONF_MYSQL_HOST\n"); return -1; } strcpy(mysqlHost,ee); ee = getenv("ZT_NETCONF_MYSQL_PORT"); if (!ee) strcpy(mysqlPort,"3306"); else strcpy(mysqlPort,ee); ee = getenv("ZT_NETCONF_MYSQL_DATABASE"); if (!ee) { fprintf(stderr,"missing environment variable: ZT_NETCONF_MYSQL_DATABASE\n"); return -1; } strcpy(mysqlDatabase,ee); ee = getenv("ZT_NETCONF_MYSQL_USER"); if (!ee) { fprintf(stderr,"missing environment variable: ZT_NETCONF_MYSQL_USER\n"); return -1; } strcpy(mysqlUser,ee); ee = getenv("ZT_NETCONF_MYSQL_PASSWORD"); if (!ee) { fprintf(stderr,"missing environment variable: ZT_NETCONF_MYSQL_PASSWORD\n"); return -1; } strcpy(mysqlPassword,ee); } char buf[131072],buf2[131072]; std::string dictBuf; try { dbCon = new Connection(mysqlDatabase,mysqlHost,mysqlUser,mysqlPassword,(unsigned int)strtol(mysqlPort,(char **)0,10)); if (dbCon->connected()) { fprintf(stderr,"connected to mysql server successfully\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"unable to connect to database server\n"); return -1; } } catch (std::exception &exc) { fprintf(stderr,"unable to connect to database server: %s\n",exc.what()); return -1; } for(;;) { for(int l=0;l<4;) { int n = (int)read(STDIN_FILENO,buf + l,4 - l); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"error reading frame size from stdin: %s\n",strerror(errno)); return -1; } l += n; } unsigned int fsize = (unsigned int)ntohl(*((const uint32_t *)buf)); while (dictBuf.length() < fsize) { int n = (int)read(STDIN_FILENO,buf,std::min((int)sizeof(buf),(int)(fsize - dictBuf.length()))); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"error reading frame from stdin: %s\n",strerror(errno)); return -1; } for(int i=0;iconnected()) { fprintf(stderr,"connection to database server lost\n"); return -1; } // Check QNetworkConfigRefresh (MEMORY table) and push network // config refreshes to queued peer/network pairs. try { Dictionary to; { Query q = dbCon->query(); q << "SELECT DISTINCT LOWER(HEX(Node_id)) AS Node_id,LOWER(HEX(Network_id)) AS Network_id FROM QNetworkConfigRefresh"; StoreQueryResult rs = q.store(); for(unsigned long i=0;iquery(); q << "DELETE FROM QNetworkConfigRefresh"; q.exec(); } Dictionary response; response["type"] = "netconf-push"; response["to"] = to.toString(); std::string respm = response.toString(); uint32_t respml = (uint32_t)htonl((uint32_t)respm.length()); stdoutWriteLock.lock(); write(STDOUT_FILENO,&respml,4); write(STDOUT_FILENO,respm.data(),respm.length()); stdoutWriteLock.unlock(); } catch ( ... ) {} try { const std::string &reqType = request.get("type"); if (reqType == "netconf-request") { // NETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST packet // Deserialize querying peer identity and network ID Identity peerIdentity(request.get("peerId")); uint64_t nwid = strtoull(request.get("nwid").c_str(),(char **)0,16); std::string fromAddr(request.get("from","")); // Meta-information from node, such as (future) geo-location stuff Dictionary meta; if (request.contains("meta")) meta.fromString(request.get("meta")); // Check validity of node's identity, ignore request on failure if (!peerIdentity.locallyValidate()) { fprintf(stderr,"identity failed validity check: %s\n",peerIdentity.toString(false).c_str()); continue; } // Save node's identity if unknown { Query q = dbCon->query(); q << "SELECT identity FROM Node WHERE id = " << peerIdentity.address().toInt(); StoreQueryResult rs = q.store(); if (rs.num_rows() > 0) { if (rs[0]["identity"] != peerIdentity.toString(false)) { // TODO: handle collisions... continue; } } else { q = dbCon->query(); q << "INSERT INTO Node (id,creationTime,lastSeen,identity) VALUES (" << peerIdentity.address().toInt() << "," << Utils::now() << ",0," << quote << peerIdentity.toString(false) << ")"; if (!q.exec()) { fprintf(stderr,"error inserting Node row for peer %s, aborting netconf request\n",peerIdentity.address().toString().c_str()); continue; } // TODO: launch background validation } } // Update lastSeen for Node, which is always updated on a netconf request { Query q = dbCon->query(); q << "UPDATE Node SET lastSeen = " << Utils::now() << " WHERE id = " << peerIdentity.address().toInt(); q.exec(); } // Look up core network information bool isOpen = false; unsigned int multicastPrefixBits = 0; unsigned int multicastDepth = 0; bool emulateArp = false; bool emulateNdp = false; unsigned int arpCacheTtl = 0; unsigned int ndpCacheTtl = 0; std::string name; std::string desc; { Query q = dbCon->query(); q << "SELECT name,`desc`,isOpen,multicastPrefixBits,multicastDepth,emulateArp,emulateNdp,arpCacheTtl,ndpCacheTtl FROM Network WHERE id = " << nwid; StoreQueryResult rs = q.store(); if (rs.num_rows() > 0) { name = rs[0]["name"].c_str(); desc = rs[0]["desc"].c_str(); isOpen = ((int)rs[0]["isOpen"] > 0); emulateArp = ((int)rs[0]["emulateArp"] > 0); emulateNdp = ((int)rs[0]["emulateNdp"] > 0); arpCacheTtl = (unsigned int)rs[0]["arpCacheTtl"]; ndpCacheTtl = (unsigned int)rs[0]["ndpCacheTtl"]; multicastPrefixBits = (unsigned int)rs[0]["multicastPrefixBits"]; multicastDepth = (unsigned int)rs[0]["multicastDepth"]; } else { Dictionary response; response["peer"] = peerIdentity.address().toString(); response["nwid"] = request.get("nwid"); response["type"] = "netconf-response"; response["requestId"] = request.get("requestId"); response["error"] = "OBJ_NOT_FOUND"; std::string respm = response.toString(); uint32_t respml = (uint32_t)htonl((uint32_t)respm.length()); stdoutWriteLock.lock(); write(STDOUT_FILENO,&respml,4); write(STDOUT_FILENO,respm.data(),respm.length()); stdoutWriteLock.unlock(); continue; // ABORT, wait for next request } } // Check membership if this is a closed network if (!isOpen) { Query q = dbCon->query(); q << "SELECT Node_id FROM NetworkNodes WHERE Network_id = " << nwid << " AND Node_id = " << peerIdentity.address().toInt(); StoreQueryResult rs = q.store(); if (!rs.num_rows()) { Dictionary response; response["peer"] = peerIdentity.address().toString(); response["nwid"] = request.get("nwid"); response["type"] = "netconf-response"; response["requestId"] = request.get("requestId"); response["error"] = "ACCESS_DENIED"; std::string respm = response.toString(); uint32_t respml = (uint32_t)htonl((uint32_t)respm.length()); stdoutWriteLock.lock(); write(STDOUT_FILENO,&respml,4); write(STDOUT_FILENO,respm.data(),respm.length()); stdoutWriteLock.unlock(); continue; // ABORT, wait for next request } } // Get list of etherTypes in comma-delimited hex format std::string etherTypeWhitelist; { Query q = dbCon->query(); q << "SELECT DISTINCT LOWER(HEX(etherType)) AS etherType FROM NetworkEthertypes WHERE Network_id = " << nwid; StoreQueryResult rs = q.store(); for(unsigned long i=0;i 0) etherTypeWhitelist.push_back(','); etherTypeWhitelist.append(rs[i]["etherType"].c_str()); } } // Get multicast group rates in dictionary format Dictionary multicastRates; { Query q = dbCon->query(); q << "SELECT DISTINCT multicastGroupMac,multicastGroupAdi,preload,maxBalance,accrual FROM NetworkMulticastRates WHERE Network_id = " << nwid; StoreQueryResult rs = q.store(); for(unsigned long i=0;iquery(); q << "SELECT INET_NTOA(ip) AS ip,netmaskBits FROM IPv4Static WHERE Node_id = " << peerIdentity.address().toInt() << " AND Network_id = " << nwid; StoreQueryResult rs = q.store(); if (rs.num_rows() > 0) { for(int i=0;iquery(); q << "SELECT ipNet,netmaskBits FROM IPv4AutoAssign WHERE Network_id = " << nwid; rs = q.store(); if (rs.num_rows() > 0) { for(int aaRow=0;aaRow> netmaskBits); tryIp |= ipNet; for(int k=0;k<100000;++k) { Query q2 = dbCon->query(); q2 << "INSERT INTO IPv4Static (Network_id,Node_id,ip,netmaskBits) VALUES (" << nwid << "," << peerIdentity.address().toInt() << "," << tryIp << "," << netmaskBits << ")"; if (q2.exec()) { sprintf(buf,"%u.%u.%u.%u",(unsigned int)((tryIp >> 24) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((tryIp >> 16) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((tryIp >> 8) & 0xff),(unsigned int)(tryIp & 0xff)); if (ipv4Static.length()) ipv4Static.push_back(','); ipv4Static.append(buf); ipv4Static.push_back('/'); sprintf(buf,"%u",netmaskBits); ipv4Static.append(buf); break; } else { // insert will fail if IP is in use due to uniqueness constraints in DB ++tryIp; if ((tryIp & 0xff) == 0) tryIp |= 1; tryIp &= (0xffffffff >> netmaskBits); tryIp |= ipNet; } } if (ipv4Static.length()) break; } } } } // Update activity table for this network to indicate peer's participation { if (fromAddr.length()) { Query q = dbCon->query(); q << "INSERT INTO NetworkActivity (Network_id,Node_id,lastActivityTime,lastActivityFrom) VALUES (" << nwid << "," << peerIdentity.address().toInt() << "," << Utils::now() << "," << quote << fromAddr << ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE lastActivityTime = VALUES(lastActivityTime),lastActivityFrom = VALUES(lastActivityFrom)"; q.exec(); } else { Query q = dbCon->query(); q << "INSERT INTO NetworkActivity (Network_id,Node_id,lastActivityTime) VALUES (" << nwid << "," << peerIdentity.address().toInt() << "," << Utils::now() << ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE lastActivityTime = VALUES(lastActivityTime)"; q.exec(); } } // Assemble response dictionary to send to peer Dictionary netconf; sprintf(buf,"%.16llx",(unsigned long long)nwid); netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_NETWORK_ID] = buf; netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ISSUED_TO] = peerIdentity.address().toString(); netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_NAME] = name; netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_DESC] = desc; netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_IS_OPEN] = (isOpen ? "1" : "0"); netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ALLOWED_ETHERNET_TYPES] = etherTypeWhitelist; netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_MULTICAST_RATES] = multicastRates.toString(); sprintf(buf,"%llx",(unsigned long long)Utils::now()); netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_TIMESTAMP] = buf; netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_EMULATE_ARP] = (emulateArp ? "1" : "0"); netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_EMULATE_NDP] = (emulateNdp ? "1" : "0"); if (arpCacheTtl) { sprintf(buf,"%x",arpCacheTtl); netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ARP_CACHE_TTL] = buf; } if (ndpCacheTtl) { sprintf(buf,"%x",ndpCacheTtl); netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_NDP_CACHE_TTL] = buf; } if (multicastPrefixBits) { sprintf(buf,"%x",multicastPrefixBits); netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_MULTICAST_PREFIX_BITS] = buf; } if (multicastDepth) { sprintf(buf,"%x",multicastDepth); netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_MULTICAST_DEPTH] = buf; } if (ipv4Static.length()) netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_IPV4_STATIC] = ipv4Static; if (ipv6Static.length()) netconf[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_IPV6_STATIC] = ipv6Static; // Send netconf as service bus response { Dictionary response; response["peer"] = peerIdentity.address().toString(); response["nwid"] = request.get("nwid"); response["type"] = "netconf-response"; response["requestId"] = request.get("requestId"); response["netconf"] = netconf.toString(); std::string respm = response.toString(); uint32_t respml = (uint32_t)htonl((uint32_t)respm.length()); stdoutWriteLock.lock(); write(STDOUT_FILENO,&respml,4); write(STDOUT_FILENO,respm.data(),respm.length()); stdoutWriteLock.unlock(); // LOOP, wait for next request } } } catch (std::exception &exc) { fprintf(stderr,"unexpected exception handling message: %s\n",exc.what()); } catch ( ... ) { fprintf(stderr,"unexpected exception handling message: unknown exception\n"); } } }