/* * ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 ZeroTier Networks LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #include #include #include "EthernetTap.hpp" #include "Logger.hpp" #include "RuntimeEnvironment.hpp" #include "Mutex.hpp" /* ======================================================================== */ #if defined(__linux__) || defined(linux) || defined(__LINUX__) || defined(__linux) /* ======================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ZT_ETHERTAP_IP_COMMAND "/sbin/ip" #define ZT_ETHERTAP_SYSCTL_COMMAND "/sbin/sysctl" namespace ZeroTier { static Mutex __tapCreateLock; EthernetTap::EthernetTap(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv,const MAC &mac,unsigned int mtu) throw(std::runtime_error) : _mac(mac), _mtu(mtu), _r(renv), _putBuf((unsigned char *)0), _getBuf((unsigned char *)0), _fd(0), _isReading(false) { char procpath[128]; Mutex::Lock _l(__tapCreateLock); // create only one tap at a time, globally _fd = ::open("/dev/net/tun",O_RDWR); if (_fd <= 0) throw std::runtime_error("could not open TUN/TAP device"); struct ifreq ifr; memset(&ifr,0,sizeof(ifr)); { // pick an unused device name int devno = 0; struct stat sbuf; do { sprintf(ifr.ifr_name,"zt%d",devno++); sprintf(procpath,"/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/%s",ifr.ifr_name); } while (stat(procpath,&sbuf) == 0); } ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI; if (ioctl(_fd,TUNSETIFF,(void *)&ifr) < 0) { ::close(_fd); throw std::runtime_error("unable to configure TUN/TAP device for TAP operation"); } strcpy(_dev,ifr.ifr_name); ioctl(_fd,TUNSETPERSIST,0); // valgrind may generate a false alarm here // Open an arbitrary socket to talk to netlink int sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); if (sock <= 0) { ::close(_fd); throw std::runtime_error("unable to open netlink socket"); } // Set MAC address ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_hwaddr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; memcpy(ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_hwaddr.sa_data,mac.data,6); if (ioctl(sock,SIOCSIFHWADDR,(void *)&ifr) < 0) { ::close(_fd); ::close(sock); throw std::runtime_error("unable to configure TAP hardware (MAC) address"); return; } // Set MTU ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_mtu = (int)mtu; if (ioctl(sock,SIOCSIFMTU,(void *)&ifr) < 0) { ::close(_fd); ::close(sock); throw std::runtime_error("unable to configure TAP MTU"); } if (fcntl(_fd,F_SETFL,fcntl(_fd,F_GETFL) & ~O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { ::close(_fd); throw std::runtime_error("unable to set flags on file descriptor for TAP device"); } /* Bring interface up */ if (ioctl(sock,SIOCGIFFLAGS,(void *)&ifr) < 0) { ::close(_fd); ::close(sock); throw std::runtime_error("unable to get TAP interface flags"); } ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_UP; if (ioctl(sock,SIOCSIFFLAGS,(void *)&ifr) < 0) { ::close(_fd); ::close(sock); throw std::runtime_error("unable to set TAP interface flags"); } ::close(sock); _putBuf = new unsigned char[((mtu + 16) * 2)]; _getBuf = _putBuf + (mtu + 16); TRACE("tap %s created",_dev); } EthernetTap::~EthernetTap() { this->close(); delete [] _putBuf; } static bool ___removeIp(const char *_dev,std::set &_ips,const InetAddress &ip) { long cpid; if ((cpid = (long)fork()) == 0) { execl(ZT_ETHERTAP_IP_COMMAND,ZT_ETHERTAP_IP_COMMAND,"addr","del",ip.toString().c_str(),"dev",_dev,(const char *)0); exit(1); /* not reached unless exec fails */ } else { int exitcode = 1; waitpid(cpid,&exitcode,0); if (exitcode == 0) { _ips.erase(ip); return true; } else return false; } } bool EthernetTap::addIP(const InetAddress &ip) { Mutex::Lock _l(_ips_m); if (!ip) return false; if (_ips.count(ip) > 0) return true; // Remove and reconfigure if address is the same but netmask is different for(std::set::iterator i(_ips.begin());i!=_ips.end();++i) { if (i->ipsEqual(ip)) { ___removeIp(_dev,_ips,*i); break; } } int cpid; if ((cpid = (int)fork()) == 0) { execl(ZT_ETHERTAP_IP_COMMAND,ZT_ETHERTAP_IP_COMMAND,"addr","add",ip.toString().c_str(),"dev",_dev,(const char *)0); exit(-1); } else { int exitcode = -1; waitpid(cpid,&exitcode,0); if (exitcode == 0) { _ips.insert(ip); return true; } else return false; } return false; } bool EthernetTap::removeIP(const InetAddress &ip) { Mutex::Lock _l(_ips_m); if (_ips.count(ip) > 0) return ___removeIp(_dev,_ips,ip); return false; } void EthernetTap::put(const MAC &from,const MAC &to,unsigned int etherType,const void *data,unsigned int len) { if ((_fd > 0)&&(len <= _mtu)) { for(int i=0;i<6;++i) _putBuf[i] = to.data[i]; for(int i=0;i<6;++i) _putBuf[i+6] = from.data[i]; *((uint16_t *)(_putBuf + 12)) = htons((uint16_t)etherType); memcpy(_putBuf + 14,data,len); ::write(_fd,_putBuf,len + 14); } } unsigned int EthernetTap::get(MAC &from,MAC &to,unsigned int ðerType,void *buf) { for(;;) { if (_fd > 0) { _isReading_m.lock(); _isReading = true; _isReadingThreadId = pthread_self(); _isReading_m.unlock(); int n = (int)::read(_fd,_getBuf,_mtu + 14); _isReading_m.lock(); _isReading = false; _isReading_m.unlock(); if (n > 14) { for(int i=0;i<6;++i) to.data[i] = _getBuf[i]; for(int i=0;i<6;++i) from.data[i] = _getBuf[i + 6]; etherType = ntohs(((uint16_t *)_getBuf)[6]); n -= 14; memcpy(buf,_getBuf + 14,n); return (unsigned int)n; } else if (n < 0) { if (_fd <= 0) break; else if ((errno == EINTR)||(errno == ETIMEDOUT)) continue; else { TRACE("unexpected error reading from tap: %s",strerror(errno)); ::close(_fd); _fd = 0; break; } } else { TRACE("incomplete read from tap: %d bytes",n); continue; } } } return 0; } std::string EthernetTap::deviceName() { return std::string(_dev); } bool EthernetTap::open() const { return (_fd > 0); } void EthernetTap::close() { Mutex::Lock _l(__tapCreateLock); // also prevent create during close() if (_fd > 0) { int f = _fd; _fd = 0; ::close(f); _isReading_m.lock(); if (_isReading) pthread_kill(_isReadingThreadId,SIGUSR2); _isReading_m.unlock(); } } bool EthernetTap::updateMulticastGroups(std::set &groups) { char *ptr,*ptr2; unsigned char mac[6]; std::set newGroups; int fd = ::open("/proc/net/dev_mcast",O_RDONLY); if (fd > 0) { char buf[131072]; int n = (int)::read(fd,buf,sizeof(buf)); if ((n > 0)&&(n < (int)sizeof(buf))) { buf[n] = (char)0; for(char *l=strtok_r(buf,"\r\n",&ptr);(l);l=strtok_r((char *)0,"\r\n",&ptr)) { int fno = 0; char *devname = (char *)0; char *mcastmac = (char *)0; for(char *f=strtok_r(l," \t",&ptr2);(f);f=strtok_r((char *)0," \t",&ptr2)) { if (fno == 1) devname = f; else if (fno == 4) mcastmac = f; ++fno; } if ((devname)&&(!strcmp(devname,_dev))&&(mcastmac)&&(Utils::unhex(mcastmac,mac,6) == 6)) newGroups.insert(MulticastGroup(MAC(mac),0)); } } ::close(fd); } { Mutex::Lock _l(_ips_m); for(std::set::const_iterator i(_ips.begin());i!=_ips.end();++i) newGroups.insert(MulticastGroup::deriveMulticastGroupForAddressResolution(*i)); } bool changed = false; for(std::set::iterator mg(newGroups.begin());mg!=newGroups.end();++mg) { if (!groups.count(*mg)) { groups.insert(*mg); changed = true; } } for(std::set::iterator mg(groups.begin());mg!=groups.end();) { if (!newGroups.count(*mg)) { groups.erase(mg++); changed = true; } else ++mg; } return changed; } } // namespace ZeroTier /* ======================================================================== */ #elif defined(__APPLE__) /* ----------------------------------------------- */ /* ======================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ZT_ETHERTAP_IFCONFIG "/sbin/ifconfig" #define ZT_MAC_KEXTLOAD "/sbin/kextload" #define ZT_MAC_IPCONFIG "/usr/sbin/ipconfig" namespace ZeroTier { static Mutex __tapCreateLock; EthernetTap::EthernetTap(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv,const MAC &mac,unsigned int mtu) throw(std::runtime_error) : _mac(mac), _mtu(mtu), _r(renv), _putBuf((unsigned char *)0), _getBuf((unsigned char *)0), _fd(0), _isReading(false) { char devpath[64],ethaddr[64],mtustr[16]; struct stat tmp; Mutex::Lock _l(__tapCreateLock); // create only one tap at a time, globally // Check for existence of ZT tap devices, try to load module if not there if (stat("/dev/zt0",&tmp)) { int kextpid; char tmp[4096]; strcpy(tmp,_r->homePath.c_str()); if ((kextpid = (int)fork()) == 0) { chdir(tmp); execl(ZT_MAC_KEXTLOAD,ZT_MAC_KEXTLOAD,"-q","-repository",tmp,"tap.kext",(const char *)0); exit(-1); } else { int exitcode = -1; waitpid(kextpid,&exitcode,0); usleep(500); } } if (stat("/dev/zt0",&tmp)) throw std::runtime_error("/dev/zt# tap devices do not exist and unable to load kernel extension"); // Open the first available device (ones in use will fail with resource busy) for(int i=0;i<256;++i) { sprintf(devpath,"/dev/zt%d",i); if (stat(devpath,&tmp)) throw std::runtime_error("no more TAP devices available"); _fd = ::open(devpath,O_RDWR); if (_fd > 0) { sprintf(_dev,"zt%d",i); break; } } if (_fd <= 0) throw std::runtime_error("unable to open TAP device or no more devices available"); if (fcntl(_fd,F_SETFL,fcntl(_fd,F_GETFL) & ~O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { ::close(_fd); throw std::runtime_error("unable to set flags on file descriptor for TAP device"); } sprintf(ethaddr,"%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x",(int)mac[0],(int)mac[1],(int)mac[2],(int)mac[3],(int)mac[4],(int)mac[5]); sprintf(mtustr,"%u",mtu); // Configure MAC address and MTU, bring interface up int cpid; if ((cpid = (int)fork()) == 0) { execl(ZT_ETHERTAP_IFCONFIG,ZT_ETHERTAP_IFCONFIG,_dev,"lladdr",ethaddr,"mtu",mtustr,"up",(const char *)0); exit(-1); } else { int exitcode = -1; waitpid(cpid,&exitcode,0); if (exitcode) { ::close(_fd); throw std::runtime_error("ifconfig failure setting link-layer address and activating tap interface"); } } // OSX seems to require that IPv6 be turned on on tap devices if ((cpid = (int)fork()) == 0) { execl(ZT_MAC_IPCONFIG,ZT_MAC_IPCONFIG,"set",_dev,"AUTOMATIC-V6",(const char *)0); exit(-1); } else { int exitcode = -1; waitpid(cpid,&exitcode,0); if (exitcode) { ::close(_fd); throw std::runtime_error("ifconfig failure setting link-layer address and activating tap interface"); } } _putBuf = new unsigned char[((mtu + 14) * 2)]; _getBuf = _putBuf + (mtu + 14); } EthernetTap::~EthernetTap() { this->close(); delete [] _putBuf; } // Helper function to actually remove IP from network device, execs ifconfig static bool ___removeIp(const char *_dev,const InetAddress &ip) { int cpid; if ((cpid = (int)fork()) == 0) { execl(ZT_ETHERTAP_IFCONFIG,ZT_ETHERTAP_IFCONFIG,_dev,"inet",ip.toIpString().c_str(),"-alias",(const char *)0); exit(-1); } else { int exitcode = -1; waitpid(cpid,&exitcode,0); return (exitcode == 0); } return false; // never reached, make compiler shut up about return value } bool EthernetTap::addIP(const InetAddress &ip) { Mutex::Lock _l(_ips_m); if (!ip) return false; if (_ips.count(ip) > 0) return true; // IP/netmask already assigned // Remove and reconfigure if address is the same but netmask is different for(std::set::iterator i(_ips.begin());i!=_ips.end();++i) { if ((i->ipsEqual(ip))&&(i->netmaskBits() != ip.netmaskBits())) { if (___removeIp(_dev,*i)) { _ips.erase(i); break; } else { LOG("WARNING: failed to remove old IP/netmask %s to replace with %s",i->toString().c_str(),ip.toString().c_str()); } } } int cpid; if ((cpid = (int)fork()) == 0) { execl(ZT_ETHERTAP_IFCONFIG,ZT_ETHERTAP_IFCONFIG,_dev,ip.isV4() ? "inet" : "inet6",ip.toString().c_str(),"alias",(const char *)0); exit(-1); } else { int exitcode = -1; waitpid(cpid,&exitcode,0); if (exitcode == 0) { _ips.insert(ip); return true; } } return false; } bool EthernetTap::removeIP(const InetAddress &ip) { Mutex::Lock _l(_ips_m); if (_ips.count(ip) > 0) { if (___removeIp(_dev,ip)) { _ips.erase(ip); return true; } } return false; } void EthernetTap::put(const MAC &from,const MAC &to,unsigned int etherType,const void *data,unsigned int len) { if ((_fd > 0)&&(len <= _mtu)) { for(int i=0;i<6;++i) _putBuf[i] = to.data[i]; for(int i=0;i<6;++i) _putBuf[i+6] = from.data[i]; *((uint16_t *)(_putBuf + 12)) = htons((uint16_t)etherType); memcpy(_putBuf + 14,data,len); len += 14; int n = (int)::write(_fd,_putBuf,len); if (n <= 0) { LOG("error writing packet to Ethernet tap device: %s",strerror(errno)); } else if (n != (int)len) { // Saw this gremlin once, so log it if we see it again... OSX tap // or something seems to have goofy issues with certain MTUs. LOG("WARNING: Apple gremlin: tap write() wrote %d of %u bytes of frame",n,len); } } } unsigned int EthernetTap::get(MAC &from,MAC &to,unsigned int ðerType,void *buf) { for(;;) { if (_fd > 0) { _isReading_m.lock(); _isReading = true; _isReadingThreadId = pthread_self(); _isReading_m.unlock(); int n = (int)::read(_fd,_getBuf,_mtu + 14); _isReading_m.lock(); _isReading = false; _isReading_m.unlock(); if (n > 14) { for(int i=0;i<6;++i) to.data[i] = _getBuf[i]; for(int i=0;i<6;++i) from.data[i] = _getBuf[i + 6]; etherType = ntohs(((uint16_t *)_getBuf)[6]); n -= 14; memcpy(buf,_getBuf + 14,n); return (unsigned int)n; } else if (n < 0) { if (_fd <= 0) break; else if ((errno == EINTR)||(errno == ETIMEDOUT)) continue; else { TRACE("unexpected error reading from tap: %s",strerror(errno)); ::close(_fd); _fd = 0; break; } } else { TRACE("incomplete read from tap: %d bytes",n); continue; } } } return 0; } std::string EthernetTap::deviceName() { return std::string(_dev); } bool EthernetTap::open() const { return (_fd > 0); } void EthernetTap::close() { Mutex::Lock _l(__tapCreateLock); // also prevent create during close() if (_fd > 0) { int f = _fd; _fd = 0; ::close(f); _isReading_m.lock(); if (_isReading) pthread_kill(_isReadingThreadId,SIGUSR2); _isReading_m.unlock(); } } bool EthernetTap::updateMulticastGroups(std::set &groups) { std::set newGroups; struct ifmaddrs *ifmap = (struct ifmaddrs *)0; if (!getifmaddrs(&ifmap)) { struct ifmaddrs *p = ifmap; while (p) { if (p->ifma_addr->sa_family == AF_LINK) { struct sockaddr_dl *in = (struct sockaddr_dl *)p->ifma_name; struct sockaddr_dl *la = (struct sockaddr_dl *)p->ifma_addr; if ((la->sdl_alen == 6)&&(in->sdl_nlen <= sizeof(_dev))&&(!memcmp(_dev,in->sdl_data,in->sdl_nlen))) newGroups.insert(MulticastGroup(MAC(la->sdl_data + la->sdl_nlen),0)); } p = p->ifma_next; } freeifmaddrs(ifmap); } { Mutex::Lock _l(_ips_m); for(std::set::const_iterator i(_ips.begin());i!=_ips.end();++i) newGroups.insert(MulticastGroup::deriveMulticastGroupForAddressResolution(*i)); } bool changed = false; for(std::set::iterator mg(newGroups.begin());mg!=newGroups.end();++mg) { if (!groups.count(*mg)) { groups.insert(*mg); changed = true; } } for(std::set::iterator mg(groups.begin());mg!=groups.end();) { if (!newGroups.count(*mg)) { groups.erase(mg++); changed = true; } else ++mg; } return changed; } } // namespace ZeroTier /* ======================================================================== */ #elif defined(_WIN32) /* -------------------------------------------------- */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* ======================================================================== */ #endif /* ======================================================================== */