/* * Copyright (c)2019 ZeroTier, Inc. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included * in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory. * * Change Date: 2023-01-01 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use * of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License. */ /****/ #include "LFDB.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "../osdep/OSUtils.hpp" #include "../ext/cpp-httplib/httplib.h" namespace ZeroTier { LFDB::LFDB(const Identity &myId,const char *path,const char *lfOwnerPrivate,const char *lfOwnerPublic,const char *lfNodeHost,int lfNodePort,bool storeOnlineState) : DB(), _myId(myId), _lfOwnerPrivate((lfOwnerPrivate) ? lfOwnerPrivate : ""), _lfOwnerPublic((lfOwnerPublic) ? lfOwnerPublic : ""), _lfNodeHost((lfNodeHost) ? lfNodeHost : ""), _lfNodePort(((lfNodePort > 0)&&(lfNodePort < 65536)) ? lfNodePort : 9980), _running(true), _ready(false), _storeOnlineState(storeOnlineState) { _syncThread = std::thread([this]() { char controllerAddress[24]; const uint64_t controllerAddressInt = _myId.address().toInt(); _myId.address().toString(controllerAddress); std::string networksSelectorName("com.zerotier.controller.lfdb:"); networksSelectorName.append(controllerAddress); networksSelectorName.append("/network"); // LF record masking key is the first 32 bytes of SHA512(controller private key) in hex, // hiding record values from anything but the controller or someone who has its key. uint8_t sha512pk[64]; _myId.sha512PrivateKey(sha512pk); char maskingKey [128]; Utils::hex(sha512pk,32,maskingKey); httplib::Client htcli(_lfNodeHost.c_str(),_lfNodePort,600); int64_t timeRangeStart = 0; while (_running.load()) { { std::lock_guard sl(_state_l); for(auto ns=_state.begin();ns!=_state.end();++ns) { if (ns->second.dirty) { nlohmann::json network; if (get(ns->first,network)) { nlohmann::json newrec,selector0; selector0["Name"] = networksSelectorName; selector0["Ordinal"] = ns->first; newrec["Selectors"].push_back(selector0); newrec["Value"] = network.dump(); newrec["OwnerPrivate"] = _lfOwnerPrivate; newrec["MaskingKey"] = maskingKey; newrec["PulseIfUnchanged"] = true; try { auto resp = htcli.Post("/makerecord",newrec.dump(),"application/json"); if (resp) { if (resp->status == 200) { ns->second.dirty = false; //printf("SET network %.16llx %s\n",ns->first,resp->body.c_str()); } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: %d from node (create/update network): %s" ZT_EOL_S,resp->status,resp->body.c_str()); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: node is offline" ZT_EOL_S); } } catch (std::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: unexpected exception querying node (create/update network): %s" ZT_EOL_S,e.what()); } catch ( ... ) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: unexpected exception querying node (create/update network): unknown exception" ZT_EOL_S); } } } for(auto ms=ns->second.members.begin();ms!=ns->second.members.end();++ms) { if ((_storeOnlineState)&&(ms->second.lastOnlineDirty)&&(ms->second.lastOnlineAddress)) { nlohmann::json newrec,selector0,selector1,selectors,ip; char tmp[1024],tmp2[128]; OSUtils::ztsnprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"com.zerotier.controller.lfdb:%s/network/%.16llx/online",controllerAddress,(unsigned long long)ns->first); ms->second.lastOnlineAddress.toIpString(tmp2); selector0["Name"] = tmp; selector0["Ordinal"] = ms->first; selector1["Name"] = tmp2; selector1["Ordinal"] = 0; selectors.push_back(selector0); selectors.push_back(selector1); newrec["Selectors"] = selectors; const uint8_t *const rawip = (const uint8_t *)ms->second.lastOnlineAddress.rawIpData(); switch(ms->second.lastOnlineAddress.ss_family) { case AF_INET: for(int j=0;j<4;++j) ip.push_back((unsigned int)rawip[j]); break; case AF_INET6: for(int j=0;j<16;++j) ip.push_back((unsigned int)rawip[j]); break; default: ip = tmp2; // should never happen since only IP transport is currently supported break; } newrec["Value"] = ip; newrec["OwnerPrivate"] = _lfOwnerPrivate; newrec["MaskingKey"] = maskingKey; newrec["Timestamp"] = ms->second.lastOnlineTime; newrec["PulseIfUnchanged"] = true; try { auto resp = htcli.Post("/makerecord",newrec.dump(),"application/json"); if (resp) { if (resp->status == 200) { ms->second.lastOnlineDirty = false; //printf("SET member online %.16llx %.10llx %s\n",ns->first,ms->first,resp->body.c_str()); } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: %d from node (create/update member online status): %s" ZT_EOL_S,resp->status,resp->body.c_str()); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: node is offline" ZT_EOL_S); } } catch (std::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: unexpected exception querying node (create/update member online status): %s" ZT_EOL_S,e.what()); } catch ( ... ) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: unexpected exception querying node (create/update member online status): unknown exception" ZT_EOL_S); } } if (ms->second.dirty) { nlohmann::json network,member; if (get(ns->first,network,ms->first,member)) { nlohmann::json newrec,selector0,selector1,selectors; selector0["Name"] = networksSelectorName; selector0["Ordinal"] = ns->first; selector1["Name"] = "member"; selector1["Ordinal"] = ms->first; selectors.push_back(selector0); selectors.push_back(selector1); newrec["Selectors"] = selectors; newrec["Value"] = member.dump(); newrec["OwnerPrivate"] = _lfOwnerPrivate; newrec["MaskingKey"] = maskingKey; newrec["PulseIfUnchanged"] = true; try { auto resp = htcli.Post("/makerecord",newrec.dump(),"application/json"); if (resp) { if (resp->status == 200) { ms->second.dirty = false; //printf("SET member %.16llx %.10llx %s\n",ns->first,ms->first,resp->body.c_str()); } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: %d from node (create/update member): %s" ZT_EOL_S,resp->status,resp->body.c_str()); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: node is offline" ZT_EOL_S); } } catch (std::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: unexpected exception querying node (create/update member): %s" ZT_EOL_S,e.what()); } catch ( ... ) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: unexpected exception querying node (create/update member): unknown exception" ZT_EOL_S); } } } } } } try { std::ostringstream query; query << "{" "\"Ranges\":[{" "\"Name\":\"" << networksSelectorName << "\"," "\"Range\":[0,18446744073709551615]" "}]," "\"TimeRange\":[" << timeRangeStart << ",9223372036854775807]," "\"MaskingKey\":\"" << maskingKey << "\"," "\"Owners\":[\"" << _lfOwnerPublic << "\"]" "}"; auto resp = htcli.Post("/query",query.str(),"application/json"); if (resp) { if (resp->status == 200) { nlohmann::json results(OSUtils::jsonParse(resp->body)); if ((results.is_array())&&(!results.empty())) { for(std::size_t ri=0;ri> 24) == controllerAddressInt) { // sanity check nlohmann::json oldNetwork; if ((timeRangeStart > 0)&&(get(id,oldNetwork))) { const uint64_t revision = network["revision"]; const uint64_t prevRevision = oldNetwork["revision"]; if (prevRevision < revision) { _networkChanged(oldNetwork,network,timeRangeStart > 0); } } else { nlohmann::json nullJson; _networkChanged(nullJson,network,timeRangeStart > 0); } } } } } } } } } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: %d from node (check for network updates): %s" ZT_EOL_S,resp->status,resp->body.c_str()); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: node is offline" ZT_EOL_S); } } catch (std::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: unexpected exception querying node (check for network updates): %s" ZT_EOL_S,e.what()); } catch ( ... ) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: unexpected exception querying node (check for network updates): unknown exception" ZT_EOL_S); } try { std::ostringstream query; query << "{" "\"Ranges\":[{" "\"Name\":\"" << networksSelectorName << "\"," "\"Range\":[0,18446744073709551615]" "},{" "\"Name\":\"member\"," "\"Range\":[0,18446744073709551615]" "}]," "\"TimeRange\":[" << timeRangeStart << ",9223372036854775807]," "\"MaskingKey\":\"" << maskingKey << "\"," "\"Owners\":[\"" << _lfOwnerPublic << "\"]" "}"; auto resp = htcli.Post("/query",query.str(),"application/json"); if (resp) { if (resp->status == 200) { nlohmann::json results(OSUtils::jsonParse(resp->body)); if ((results.is_array())&&(!results.empty())) { for(std::size_t ri=0;ri> 24) == controllerAddressInt)) { // sanity check nlohmann::json network,oldMember; if ((timeRangeStart > 0)&&(get(nwid,network,id,oldMember))) { const uint64_t revision = member["revision"]; const uint64_t prevRevision = oldMember["revision"]; if (prevRevision < revision) _memberChanged(oldMember,member,timeRangeStart > 0); } else if (hasNetwork(nwid)) { nlohmann::json nullJson; _memberChanged(nullJson,member,timeRangeStart > 0); } } } } } } } } } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: %d from node (check for member updates): %s" ZT_EOL_S,resp->status,resp->body.c_str()); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: node is offline" ZT_EOL_S); } } catch (std::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: unexpected exception querying node (check for member updates): %s" ZT_EOL_S,e.what()); } catch ( ... ) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: unexpected exception querying node (check for member updates): unknown exception" ZT_EOL_S); } timeRangeStart = time(nullptr) - 120; // start next query 2m before now to avoid losing updates _ready.store(true); for(int k=0;k<4;++k) { // 2s delay between queries for remotely modified networks or members if (!_running.load()) return; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); } } }); } LFDB::~LFDB() { _running.store(false); _syncThread.join(); } bool LFDB::waitForReady() { while (!_ready.load()) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); } return true; } bool LFDB::isReady() { return (_ready.load()); } bool LFDB::save(nlohmann::json &record,bool notifyListeners) { bool modified = false; const std::string objtype = record["objtype"]; if (objtype == "network") { const uint64_t nwid = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(record["id"],0ULL); if (nwid) { nlohmann::json old; get(nwid,old); if ((!old.is_object())||(!_compareRecords(old,record))) { record["revision"] = OSUtils::jsonInt(record["revision"],0ULL) + 1ULL; _networkChanged(old,record,notifyListeners); { std::lock_guard l(_state_l); _state[nwid].dirty = true; } modified = true; } } } else if (objtype == "member") { const uint64_t nwid = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(record["nwid"],0ULL); const uint64_t id = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(record["id"],0ULL); if ((id)&&(nwid)) { nlohmann::json network,old; get(nwid,network,id,old); if ((!old.is_object())||(!_compareRecords(old,record))) { record["revision"] = OSUtils::jsonInt(record["revision"],0ULL) + 1ULL; _memberChanged(old,record,notifyListeners); { std::lock_guard l(_state_l); _state[nwid].members[id].dirty = true; } modified = true; } } } return modified; } void LFDB::eraseNetwork(const uint64_t networkId) { // TODO } void LFDB::eraseMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t memberId) { // TODO } void LFDB::nodeIsOnline(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t memberId,const InetAddress &physicalAddress) { std::lock_guard l(_state_l); auto nw = _state.find(networkId); if (nw != _state.end()) { auto m = nw->second.members.find(memberId); if (m != nw->second.members.end()) { m->second.lastOnlineTime = OSUtils::now(); if (physicalAddress) m->second.lastOnlineAddress = physicalAddress; m->second.lastOnlineDirty = true; } } } } // namespace ZeroTier