/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #include "ControlPlane.hpp" #include "OneService.hpp" #include "../version.h" #include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h" #include "../ext/http-parser/http_parser.h" #include "../node/InetAddress.hpp" #include "../node/Node.hpp" #include "../node/Utils.hpp" #define ZT_BUILD_IN_WEB_UI namespace ZeroTier { static std::string _jsonEscape(const char *s) { std::string buf; for(const char *p=s;(*p);++p) { switch(*p) { case '\t': buf.append("\\t"); break; case '\b': buf.append("\\b"); break; case '\r': buf.append("\\r"); break; case '\n': buf.append("\\n"); break; case '\f': buf.append("\\f"); break; case '"': buf.append("\\\""); break; case '\\': buf.append("\\\\"); break; case '/': buf.append("\\/"); break; default: buf.push_back(*p); break; } } return buf; } static std::string _jsonEscape(const std::string &s) { return _jsonEscape(s.c_str()); } static std::string _jsonEnumerate(const ZT1_MulticastGroup *mg,unsigned int count) { std::string buf; char tmp[128]; buf.push_back('['); for(unsigned int i=0;i 0) buf.push_back(','); Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"\"%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x\\/%.8lx\"", (unsigned int)((mg->mac >> 40) & 0xff), (unsigned int)((mg->mac >> 32) & 0xff), (unsigned int)((mg->mac >> 24) & 0xff), (unsigned int)((mg->mac >> 16) & 0xff), (unsigned int)((mg->mac >> 8) & 0xff), (unsigned int)(mg->mac & 0xff), mg->adi); buf.append(tmp); } buf.push_back(']'); return buf; } static std::string _jsonEnumerate(const struct sockaddr_storage *ss,unsigned int count) { std::string buf; buf.push_back('['); for(unsigned int i=0;i 0) buf.push_back(','); buf.push_back('"'); buf.append(_jsonEscape(reinterpret_cast(ss)->toString())); buf.push_back('"'); } buf.push_back(']'); return buf; } static void _jsonAppend(unsigned int depth,std::string &buf,const ZT1_VirtualNetworkConfig *nc,const std::string &portDeviceName) { char json[4096]; char prefix[32]; if (depth >= sizeof(prefix)) // sanity check -- shouldn't be possible return; for(unsigned int i=0;istatus) { case ZT1_NETWORK_STATUS_REQUESTING_CONFIGURATION: nstatus = "REQUESTING_CONFIGURATION"; break; case ZT1_NETWORK_STATUS_OK: nstatus = "OK"; break; case ZT1_NETWORK_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED: nstatus = "ACCESS_DENIED"; break; case ZT1_NETWORK_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: nstatus = "NOT_FOUND"; break; case ZT1_NETWORK_STATUS_PORT_ERROR: nstatus = "PORT_ERROR"; break; case ZT1_NETWORK_STATUS_CLIENT_TOO_OLD: nstatus = "CLIENT_TOO_OLD"; break; } switch(nc->type) { case ZT1_NETWORK_TYPE_PRIVATE: ntype = "PRIVATE"; break; case ZT1_NETWORK_TYPE_PUBLIC: ntype = "PUBLIC"; break; } Utils::snprintf(json,sizeof(json), "%s{\n" "%s\t\"nwid\": \"%.16llx\",\n" "%s\t\"mac\": \"%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x\",\n" "%s\t\"name\": \"%s\",\n" "%s\t\"status\": \"%s\",\n" "%s\t\"type\": \"%s\",\n" "%s\t\"mtu\": %u,\n" "%s\t\"dhcp\": %s,\n" "%s\t\"bridge\": %s,\n" "%s\t\"broadcastEnabled\": %s,\n" "%s\t\"portError\": %d,\n" "%s\t\"netconfRevision\": %lu,\n" "%s\t\"multicastSubscriptions\": %s,\n" "%s\t\"assignedAddresses\": %s,\n" "%s\t\"portDeviceName\": \"%s\"\n" "%s}", prefix, prefix,nc->nwid, prefix,(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 40) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 32) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 24) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 16) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 8) & 0xff),(unsigned int)(nc->mac & 0xff), prefix,_jsonEscape(nc->name).c_str(), prefix,nstatus, prefix,ntype, prefix,nc->mtu, prefix,(nc->dhcp == 0) ? "false" : "true", prefix,(nc->bridge == 0) ? "false" : "true", prefix,(nc->broadcastEnabled == 0) ? "false" : "true", prefix,nc->portError, prefix,nc->netconfRevision, prefix,_jsonEnumerate(nc->multicastSubscriptions,nc->multicastSubscriptionCount).c_str(), prefix,_jsonEnumerate(nc->assignedAddresses,nc->assignedAddressCount).c_str(), prefix,_jsonEscape(portDeviceName).c_str(), prefix); buf.append(json); } static std::string _jsonEnumerate(unsigned int depth,const ZT1_PeerPhysicalPath *pp,unsigned int count) { char json[1024]; char prefix[32]; if (depth >= sizeof(prefix)) // sanity check -- shouldn't be possible return std::string(); for(unsigned int i=0;i 0) buf.push_back(','); Utils::snprintf(json,sizeof(json), "{\n" "%s\t\"address\": \"%s\",\n" "%s\t\"lastSend\": %llu,\n" "%s\t\"lastReceive\": %llu,\n" "%s\t\"fixed\": %s,\n" "%s\t\"active\": %s,\n" "%s\t\"preferred\": %s\n" "%s}", prefix,_jsonEscape(reinterpret_cast(&(pp[i].address))->toString()).c_str(), prefix,pp[i].lastSend, prefix,pp[i].lastReceive, prefix,(pp[i].fixed == 0) ? "false" : "true", prefix,(pp[i].active == 0) ? "false" : "true", prefix,(pp[i].preferred == 0) ? "false" : "true", prefix); buf.append(json); } return buf; } static void _jsonAppend(unsigned int depth,std::string &buf,const ZT1_Peer *peer) { char json[1024]; char prefix[32]; if (depth >= sizeof(prefix)) // sanity check -- shouldn't be possible return; for(unsigned int i=0;irole) { case ZT1_PEER_ROLE_LEAF: prole = "LEAF"; break; case ZT1_PEER_ROLE_HUB: prole = "HUB"; break; case ZT1_PEER_ROLE_SUPERNODE: prole = "SUPERNODE"; break; } Utils::snprintf(json,sizeof(json), "%s{\n" "%s\t\"address\": \"%.10llx\",\n" "%s\t\"lastUnicastFrame\": %llu,\n" "%s\t\"lastMulticastFrame\": %llu,\n" "%s\t\"versionMajor\": %d,\n" "%s\t\"versionMinor\": %d,\n" "%s\t\"versionRev\": %d,\n" "%s\t\"version\": \"%d.%d.%d\",\n" "%s\t\"latency\": %u,\n" "%s\t\"role\": \"%s\",\n" "%s\t\"paths\": [%s]\n" "%s}", prefix, prefix,peer->address, prefix,peer->lastUnicastFrame, prefix,peer->lastMulticastFrame, prefix,peer->versionMajor, prefix,peer->versionMinor, prefix,peer->versionRev, prefix,peer->versionMajor,peer->versionMinor,peer->versionRev, prefix,peer->latency, prefix,prole, prefix,_jsonEnumerate(depth+1,peer->paths,peer->pathCount).c_str(), prefix); buf.append(json); } ControlPlane::ControlPlane(OneService *svc,Node *n,SqliteNetworkController *nc) : _svc(svc), _node(n), _controller(nc) { } ControlPlane::~ControlPlane() { } unsigned int ControlPlane::handleRequest( const InetAddress &fromAddress, unsigned int httpMethod, const std::string &path, const std::map &headers, const std::string &body, std::string &responseBody, std::string &responseContentType) { char json[1024]; unsigned int scode = 404; std::vector ps(Utils::split(path.c_str(),"/","","")); std::map urlArgs; Mutex::Lock _l(_lock); if (!((fromAddress.ipsEqual(InetAddress::LO4))||(fromAddress.ipsEqual(InetAddress::LO6)))) return 403; // Forbidden: we only allow access from localhost right now /* Note: this is kind of restricted in what it'll take. It does not support * URL encoding, and /'s in URL args will screw it up. But the only URL args * it really uses in ?jsonp=funcionName, and otherwise it just takes simple * paths to simply-named resources. */ if (ps.size() > 0) { std::size_t qpos = ps[ps.size() - 1].find('?'); if (qpos != std::string::npos) { std::string args(ps[ps.size() - 1].substr(qpos + 1)); ps[ps.size() - 1] = ps[ps.size() - 1].substr(0,qpos); std::vector asplit(Utils::split(args.c_str(),"&","","")); for(std::vector::iterator a(asplit.begin());a!=asplit.end();++a) { std::size_t eqpos = a->find('='); if (eqpos == std::string::npos) urlArgs[*a] = ""; else urlArgs[a->substr(0,eqpos)] = a->substr(eqpos + 1); } } } else { ps.push_back(std::string("index.html")); } bool isAuth = false; { std::map::const_iterator ah(headers.find("x-zt1-auth")); if ((ah != headers.end())&&(_authTokens.count(ah->second) > 0)) { isAuth = true; } else { ah = urlArgs.find("auth"); if ((ah != urlArgs.end())&&(_authTokens.count(ah->second) > 0)) isAuth = true; } } if (httpMethod == HTTP_GET) { std::string ext; std::size_t dotIdx = ps[0].find_last_of('.'); if (dotIdx != std::string::npos) ext = ps[0].substr(dotIdx); if ((ps.size() == 1)&&(ext.length() >= 2)&&(ext[0] == '.')) { /* Static web pages can be served without authentication to enable a simple web * UI. This is still only allowed from approved IP addresses. Anything with a * dot in the first path element (e.g. foo.html) is considered a static page, * as nothing in the API is so named. */ #ifdef ZT_BUILD_IN_WEB_UI if (ext == ".html") responseContentType = "text/html"; else if (ext == ".js") responseContentType = "application/javascript"; else if (ext == ".json") responseContentType = "application/json"; else if (ext == ".css") responseContentType = "text/css"; else if (ext == ".png") responseContentType = "image/png"; else if (ext == ".jpg") responseContentType = "image/jpeg"; else if (ext == ".gif") responseContentType = "image/gif"; else if (ext == ".txt") responseContentType = "text/plain"; else if (ext == ".xml") responseContentType = "text/xml"; else if (ext == ".svg") responseContentType = "image/svg+xml"; else responseContentType = "application/octet-stream"; responseBody = "Hello World!"; scode = 200; #endif // ZT_BUILD_IN_WEB_UI } else if (isAuth) { /* Things that require authentication -- a.k.a. everything but static web app pages. */ if (ps[0] == "status") { responseContentType = "application/json"; ZT1_NodeStatus status; _node->status(&status); Utils::snprintf(json,sizeof(json), "{\n" "\t\"address\":\"%.10llx\",\n" "\t\"publicIdentity\":\"%s\",\n" "\t\"online\":%s,\n" "\t\"versionMajor\":%d,\n" "\t\"versionMinor\":%d,\n" "\t\"versionRev\":%d,\n" "\t\"version\":\"%d.%d.%d\"\n" "}\n", status.address, status.publicIdentity, (status.online) ? "true" : "false", ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR, ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR, ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION, ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION); responseBody = json; scode = 200; } else if (ps[0] == "config") { responseContentType = "application/json"; responseBody = "{}"; // TODO scode = 200; } else if (ps[0] == "network") { ZT1_VirtualNetworkList *nws = _node->networks(); if (nws) { if (ps.size() == 1) { // Return [array] of all networks responseContentType = "application/json"; responseBody = "[\n"; for(unsigned long i=0;inetworkCount;++i) { if (i > 0) responseBody.append(","); _jsonAppend(1,responseBody,&(nws->networks[i]),_svc->portDeviceName(nws->networks[i].nwid)); } responseBody.append("\n]\n"); scode = 200; } else if (ps.size() == 2) { // Return a single network by ID or 404 if not found uint64_t wantnw = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str()); for(unsigned long i=0;inetworkCount;++i) { if (nws->networks[i].nwid == wantnw) { responseContentType = "application/json"; _jsonAppend(0,responseBody,&(nws->networks[i]),_svc->portDeviceName(nws->networks[i].nwid)); responseBody.push_back('\n'); scode = 200; break; } } } // else 404 _node->freeQueryResult((void *)nws); } else scode = 500; } else if (ps[0] == "peer") { ZT1_PeerList *pl = _node->peers(); if (pl) { if (ps.size() == 1) { // Return [array] of all peers responseContentType = "application/json"; responseBody = "[\n"; for(unsigned long i=0;ipeerCount;++i) { if (i > 0) responseBody.append(",\n"); _jsonAppend(1,responseBody,&(pl->peers[i])); } responseBody.append("\n]\n"); scode = 200; } else if (ps.size() == 2) { // Return a single peer by ID or 404 if not found uint64_t wantp = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str()); for(unsigned long i=0;ipeerCount;++i) { if (pl->peers[i].address == wantp) { responseContentType = "application/json"; _jsonAppend(0,responseBody,&(pl->peers[i])); responseBody.push_back('\n'); scode = 200; break; } } } // else 404 _node->freeQueryResult((void *)pl); } else scode = 500; } else { std::map::const_iterator ss(_subsystems.find(ps[0])); if (ss != _subsystems.end()) scode = ss->second->handleControlPlaneHttpGET(std::vector(ps.begin()+1,ps.end()),urlArgs,headers,body,responseBody,responseContentType); else scode = 404; } } else scode = 401; // isAuth == false } else if ((httpMethod == HTTP_POST)||(httpMethod == HTTP_PUT)) { if (isAuth) { if (ps[0] == "config") { // TODO } else if (ps[0] == "network") { if (ps.size() == 2) { uint64_t wantnw = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str()); _node->join(wantnw); // does nothing if we are a member ZT1_VirtualNetworkList *nws = _node->networks(); if (nws) { for(unsigned long i=0;inetworkCount;++i) { if (nws->networks[i].nwid == wantnw) { responseContentType = "application/json"; _jsonAppend(0,responseBody,&(nws->networks[i]),_svc->portDeviceName(nws->networks[i].nwid)); responseBody.push_back('\n'); scode = 200; break; } } _node->freeQueryResult((void *)nws); } else scode = 500; } } else { std::map::const_iterator ss(_subsystems.find(ps[0])); if (ss != _subsystems.end()) scode = ss->second->handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(std::vector(ps.begin()+1,ps.end()),urlArgs,headers,body,responseBody,responseContentType); else scode = 404; } } else scode = 401; // isAuth == false } else if (httpMethod == HTTP_DELETE) { if (isAuth) { if (ps[0] == "config") { // TODO } else if (ps[0] == "network") { ZT1_VirtualNetworkList *nws = _node->networks(); if (nws) { if (ps.size() == 2) { uint64_t wantnw = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str()); for(unsigned long i=0;inetworkCount;++i) { if (nws->networks[i].nwid == wantnw) { _node->leave(wantnw); responseBody = "true"; responseContentType = "application/json"; scode = 200; break; } } } // else 404 _node->freeQueryResult((void *)nws); } else scode = 500; } else { std::map::const_iterator ss(_subsystems.find(ps[0])); if (ss != _subsystems.end()) scode = ss->second->handleControlPlaneHttpDELETE(std::vector(ps.begin()+1,ps.end()),urlArgs,headers,body,responseBody,responseContentType); else scode = 404; } } else { scode = 401; // isAuth = false } } else { scode = 400; responseBody = "Method not supported."; } // Wrap result in jsonp function call if the user included a jsonp= url argument. // Also double-check isAuth since forbidding this without auth feels safer. std::map::const_iterator jsonp(urlArgs.find("jsonp")); if ((isAuth)&&(jsonp != urlArgs.end())&&(responseContentType == "application/json")) { if (responseBody.length() > 0) responseBody = jsonp->second + "(" + responseBody + ");"; else responseBody = jsonp->second + "(null);"; responseContentType = "application/javascript"; } return scode; } } // namespace ZeroTier