* ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere
* Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* --
* ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which
* are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
* redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks
* LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/
* This defines the external C API for ZeroTier One, the core network
* virtualization engine.
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#else // not Windows
#endif // Windows or not
#define ZT_SOCKADDR_STORAGE struct sockaddr_storage
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Function return values: OK or various error conditions
enum ZT1_ReturnValue
ZT1_OK = 0,
* Our identity collides with another on the network
* This is profoundly unlikely: once in about 2^39 identities. If this
* happens to you, delete identity.public and identity.secret from your
* data store / home path and restart. You might also avoid shark infested
* waters, hide during thunderstorms, and consider playing the lottery.
* Ran out of memory
* Home path is not writable
* Status codes
enum ZT1_StatusCode
* Node is online
* Node is offline -- nothing is reachable
* The desperation level has changed
* 'extra' will point to an int containing the new level.
* A message to or from a physical address (e.g. IP or physical Ethernet)
struct ZT1_WireMessage
* Remote socket address
* Link desperation -- higher equals "worse" or "slower"
* This is very similar to an interface metric. Higher values indicate
* worse links. For incoming wire messages, it should be sent to the
* desperation metric for the originating socket. For outgoing wire
* messages, ZeroTier will increment this from zero as it grows more
* and more desperate to communicate.
* In other words, this value controls fallback to things like TCP
* tunnels to relays. As desperation increases, ZeroTier becomes
* more and more willing to use these links.
* Desperation values shouldn't be arbitrary. They should be tied to
* specific transport types. For example: 0 might be UDP, 1 might be
* TCP, and 2 might be HTTP relay via a ZeroTier relay server. There
* should be no gaps. Negative values are permitted and may refer to
* better-than-normal links such as direct raw Ethernet framing over
* a trusted backplane.
int desperation;
* If nonzero (true), spam this message across paths up to 'desperation'
* This works with 'desperation' to allow fall-forward to less desperate
* paths. When this flag is set, this message should be sent across all
* applicable transports up to and including the specified level of
* desperation.
* For example, if spam==1 and desperation==2 the packet might be sent
* via both UDP and HTTP tunneling.
int spam;
* Packet data
const void *packetData;
* Length of packet
unsigned int packetLength;
* A message to or from a virtual LAN port
struct ZT1_VirtualLanFrame
* ZeroTier network ID of virtual LAN port
uint64_t networkId;
* Source MAC address
uint64_t sourceMac;
* Destination MAC address
uint64_t destMac;
* 16-bit Ethernet frame type
unsigned int etherType;
* 10-bit VLAN ID or 0 for none
unsigned int vlanId;
* Ethernet frame data
const void *frameData;
* Ethernet frame length
unsigned int frameLength;
* Virtual LAN configuration
struct ZT1_VirtualPortConfig
* 64-bit ZeroTier network ID
uint64_t networkId;
* Ethernet MAC (40 bits) that should be assigned to port
uint64_t mac;
* Network configuration request status
enum {
* Waiting for network configuration
ZT1_VirtualPortConfig_STATUS_WAITING = 0,
* Configuration received and we are authorized
ZT1_VirtualPortConfig_STATUS_AUTHORIZED = 1,
* Netconf master told us 'nope'
ZT1_VirtualPortConfig_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED = 2,
* Netconf master exists, but this virtual network does not
ZT1_VirtualPortConfig_STATUS_NOT_FOUND = 3
} status;
* Network type
enum {
* Private networks are authorized via certificates of membership
ZT1_VirtualPortConfig_NETWORK_TYPE_PRIVATE = 0,
* Public networks have no access control -- they'll always be AUTHORIZED
ZT1_VirtualPortConfig_NETWORK_TYPE_PUBLIC = 1
} type;
* Desired interface MTU
unsigned int mtu;
* If nonzero, DHCP should be used if allowed by security constraints
int dhcp;
* If nonzero, this port is allowed to bridge to other networks
int bridge;
* Network config revision as reported by netconf master
* If this is zero, it means we're still waiting for our netconf.
unsigned long netconfRevision;
* ZeroTier-assigned addresses (in sockaddr_storage structures)
* For IP, the port number of the sockaddr_XX structure contains the number
* of bits in the address netmask. Only the IP address and port are used.
* Other fields like interface number can be ignored.
* This is only used for ZeroTier-managed address assignments sent by the
* virtual network's configuration master.
const ZT_SOCKADDR_STORAGE *assignedAddresses;
* Number of assigned addresses
unsigned int assignedAddressCount;
* Network name (from network configuration master)
const char *networkName;
* Opaque instance of ZeroTier One node
typedef void ZT1_Node;
* Callback called to update virtual port configuration
* This can be called at any time to update the configuration of a virtual
* network port. If a port is deleted (via leave() or otherwise) this is
* called with a NULL config parameter.
typedef void (*ZT1_VirtualPortConfigCallback)(uint64_t,const struct ZT1_VirtualPortConfig *);
* Callback for status messages
* Status messages indicate changes in network status, minor problems or
* errors, and other events. The second parameter is a human-readable
* detail message, and can be NULL. The third parameter is reserved for any
* special structures that might be attached to certain message types, and
* is usually NULL.
typedef void (*ZT1_StatusCallback)(enum ZT1_StatusCode,const char *,const void *);
* Create a new ZeroTier One node
* Note that this can take a few seconds the first time it's called, as it
* will generate an identity.
* @param node Result parameter: pointer to set to new node instance
* @param homePath ZeroTier home path for storing state information
* @param portConfigCallback Function to be called when virtual LANs are created, deleted, or their config parameters change
* @param statusCallback Function to receive status updates and non-fatal error notices
* @return OK (0) or error code if a fatal error condition has occurred
enum ZT1_ReturnValue ZT1_Node_new(
ZT1_Node **node,
const char *homePath,
ZT1_VirtualPortConfigCallback *portConfigCallback,
ZT1_StatusCallback *statusCallback);
* Enable network configuration master services for this node
* The supplied instance must be a C++ object that inherits from the
* NetworkConfigMaster base class in node/. No type checking is performed,
* so a pointer to anything else will result in a crash.
* Normal nodes should not need to use this.
* @param node ZertTier One node
* @param networkConfigMasterInstance Instance of NetworkConfigMaster C++ class or NULL to disable
* @return OK (0) or error code if a fatal error condition has occurred
enum ZT1_ReturnValue ZT1_Node_enableNetconfMaster(
ZT1_Node *node,
void *networkConfigMasterInstance);
* Process wire messages and/or LAN frames
* This runs the ZeroTier core loop once with input packets and frames and
* returns zero or more resulting packets or frames. It also sets a max
* interval value. The calling code must call run() again after no more
* than this many milliseconds of inactivity. If no packets have been
* received, it's fine to call run() with no inputs after the inactivity
* timeout.
* In addition to normal inputs and outputs, any callbacks registered
* with the ZeroTier One core may also be called such as virtual network
* endpoint configuration update or diagnostic message handlers.
* @param inputWireMessages ZeroTier transport packets from the wire
* @param inputWireMessageCount Number of packets received
* @param inputLanFrames Frames read from virtual LAN tap device
* @param inputLanFrameCount Number of frames read
* @param outputWireMessages Result: set to array of wire messages to be sent
* @param outputWireMessageCount Result: set to size of *outputWireMessages[]
* @param outputLanFrames Result: set to array of LAN frames to post to tap device
* @param outputLanFrameCount Result: set to size of outputLanFrames[]
* @param maxNextInterval Result: maximum number of milliseconds before next call to run() is needed
* @return OK (0) or error code if a fatal error condition has occurred
enum ZT1_ReturnValue ZT1_Node_run(
const struct ZT1_WireMessage *inputWireMessages,
unsigned int inputWireMessageCount,
const struct ZT1_VirtualLanFrame *inputLanFrames,
unsigned int inputLanFrameCount,
const struct ZT1_WireMessage **outputWireMessages,
unsigned int *outputWireMessageCount,
const struct ZT1_VirtualLanFrame **outputLanFrames,
unsigned int *outputLanFrameCount,
unsigned long *maxNextInterval);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Query result buffers */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Node status result buffer
struct ZT1_Node_Status
* Public identity in string form
char publicIdentity[256];
* ZeroTier address in 10-digit hex form
char address[16];
* ZeroTier address (in least significant 40 bits of 64-bit integer)
uint64_t rawAddress;
* Number of known peers (including supernodes)
unsigned int knownPeers;
* Number of upstream supernodes
unsigned int supernodes;
* Number of peers with active direct links
unsigned int directlyConnectedPeers;
* Number of peers that have recently communicated with us
unsigned int alivePeers;
* Success rate at establishing direct links (0.0 to 1.0, approximate)
float directLinkSuccessRate;
* True if connectivity appears good
bool online;
* True if running; all other fields are technically undefined if this is false
bool running;
* True if initialization is complete
bool initialized;
* Physical address type
enum ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddressType {
ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_NULL = 0, /* none/invalid */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_IPV4 = 1, /* 32-bit IPv4 address (and port) */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_IPV6 = 2, /* 128-bit IPv6 address (and port) */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_ETHERNET = 3 /* 48-bit Ethernet MAC address */
* Physical address result buffer
struct ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress
* Physical address type
enum ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddressType type;
* Address in raw binary form -- length depends on type
unsigned char bits[16];
* Port or netmask bits (for IPV4 and IPV6)
unsigned int port;
* Address in canonical human-readable form
char ascii[64];
* Zone index identifier (thing after % on IPv6 link-local addresses only)
char zoneIndex[16];
* Physical path type
enum ZT1_Node_PhysicalPathType { /* These must be numerically the same as type in Path.hpp */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_NULL = 0, /* none/invalid */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_UDP = 1, /* UDP association */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_TCP_OUT = 2, /* outgoing TCP tunnel using pseudo-SSL */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_TCP_IN = 3, /* incoming TCP tunnel using pseudo-SSL */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_ETHERNET = 4 /* raw ethernet frames over trusted backplane */
* Network path result buffer
struct ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath
* Physical path type
enum ZT1_Node_PhysicalPathType type;
* Physical address of endpoint
struct ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress address;
* Time since last send in milliseconds or -1 for never
long lastSend;
* Time since last receive in milliseconds or -1 for never
long lastReceive;
* Time since last ping in milliseconds or -1 for never
long lastPing;
* Is path active/connected? Non-fixed active paths may be garbage collected over time.
bool active;
* Is path fixed? (i.e. not learned, static)
bool fixed;
* What trust hierarchy role does this device have?
enum ZT1_Node_PeerRole {
ZT1_Node_Peer_SUPERNODE = 0, // planetary supernode
ZT1_Node_Peer_HUB = 1, // locally federated hub (coming soon)
ZT1_Node_Peer_NODE = 2 // ordinary node
* Peer status result buffer
struct ZT1_Node_Peer
* Remote peer version: major.minor.revision (or empty if unknown)
char remoteVersion[16];
* ZeroTier address of peer as 10-digit hex string
char address[16];
* ZeroTier address in least significant 40 bits of 64-bit integer
uint64_t rawAddress;
* Last measured latency in milliseconds or zero if unknown
unsigned int latency;
* What trust hierarchy role does this device have?
enum ZT1_Node_PeerRole role;
* Array of network paths to peer
struct ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath *paths;
* Number of paths (size of paths[])
unsigned int numPaths;
* List of peers
struct ZT1_Node_PeerList
struct ZT1_Node_Peer *peers;
unsigned int numPeers;
* Network status code
enum ZT1_Node_NetworkStatus {
ZT1_Node_Network_INITIALIZING = 0,
ZT1_Node_Network_OK = 2,
ZT1_Node_Network_ACCESS_DENIED = 3,
ZT1_Node_Network_NOT_FOUND = 4,
ZT1_Node_Network_NO_MORE_DEVICES = 6
* Network status result buffer
struct ZT1_Node_Network
* 64-bit network ID
uint64_t nwid;
* 64-bit network ID in hex form
char nwidHex[32];
* Short network name
char name[256];
* Longer network description
char description[4096];
* Device name (system-dependent)
char device[256];
* Status code in string format
char statusStr[64];
* Ethernet MAC address of this endpoint in string form
char macStr[32];
* Ethernet MAC address of this endpoint on the network in raw binary form
unsigned char mac[6];
* Age of configuration in milliseconds or -1 if never refreshed
long configAge;
* Assigned layer-3 IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
* Note that PhysicalAddress also supports other address types, but this
* list will only list IP address assignments. The port field will contain
* the number of bits in the netmask -- e.g.
struct ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress *ips;
* Number of layer-3 IPs (size of ips[])
unsigned int numIps;
* Network status code
enum ZT1_Node_NetworkStatus status;
* True if traffic on network is enabled
bool enabled;
* Is this a private network? If false, network lacks access control.
bool isPrivate;
* Return buffer for list of networks
struct ZT1_Node_NetworkList
struct ZT1_Node_Network *networks;
unsigned int numNetworks;
#ifdef __cplusplus