// ZeroTier distributed HTTP test agent // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Customizable parameters: // Maximum interval between test attempts //var TEST_INTERVAL_MAX = (60 * 1 * 1000); var TEST_INTERVAL_MAX = 1000; // Test timeout in ms var TEST_TIMEOUT = 30000; // Where should I contact to register and query a list of other test agents? var SERVER_HOST = ''; //var SERVER_HOST = ''; var SERVER_PORT = 18080; // Which port should agents use for their HTTP? var AGENT_PORT = 18888; // Payload size in bytes var PAYLOAD_SIZE = 10000; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- var ipaddr = require('ipaddr.js'); var os = require('os'); var http = require('http'); var async = require('async'); var express = require('express'); var app = express(); // Find our ZeroTier-assigned RFC4193 IPv6 address var thisAgentId = null; var interfaces = os.networkInterfaces(); if (!interfaces) { console.error('FATAL: os.networkInterfaces() failed.'); process.exit(1); } for(var ifname in interfaces) { var ifaddrs = interfaces[ifname]; if (Array.isArray(ifaddrs)) { for(var i=0;i 0) { var target = allOtherAgents[Math.floor(Math.random() * allOtherAgents.length)]; var testRequest = null; var timeoutId = null; timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { if (testRequest !== null) testRequest.abort(); timeoutId = null; }); var startTime = Date.now(); testRequest = http.get({ host: agentIdToIp(target), port: AGENT_PORT, path: '/' },function(res) { var bytes = 0; res.on('data',function(chunk) { bytes += chunk.length; }); res.on('end',function() { lastTestResult = { source: thisAgentId, target: target, time: (Date.now() - startTime), bytes: bytes, timedOut: (timeoutId === null), error: null }; if (timeoutId !== null) clearTimeout(timeoutId); return setTimeout(doTest,Math.round(Math.random() * TEST_INTERVAL_MAX) + 1); }); }).on('error',function(e) { lastTestResult = { source: thisAgentId, target: target, time: (Date.now() - startTime), bytes: 0, timedOut: (timeoutId === null), error: e.toString() }; if (timeoutId !== null) clearTimeout(timeoutId); return setTimeout(doTest,Math.round(Math.random() * TEST_INTERVAL_MAX) + 1); }); } else { return setTimeout(doTest,Math.round(Math.random() * TEST_INTERVAL_MAX) + 1); } }); }).on('error',function(e) { console.log('POST failed: '+e.toString()); return setTimeout(doTest,1000); }); if (lastTestResult !== null) { submit.write(JSON.stringify(lastTestResult)); lastTestResult = null; } submit.end(); }; /* function performTestOnAllPeers(peers,callback) { var allResults = {}; var allRequests = []; var timedOut = false; var endOfTestTimer = setTimeout(function() { timedOut = true; for(var x=0;x