/* * Copyright (c)2019 ZeroTier, Inc. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included * in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory. * * Change Date: 2025-01-01 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use * of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License. */ /****/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include "Http.hpp" #include "Phy.hpp" #include "OSUtils.hpp" #include "../node/Constants.hpp" #include "../node/Utils.hpp" #ifdef ZT_USE_SYSTEM_HTTP_PARSER #include <http_parser.h> #else #include "../ext/http-parser/http_parser.h" #endif namespace ZeroTier { namespace { static int ShttpOnMessageBegin(http_parser *parser); static int ShttpOnUrl(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length); #if (HTTP_PARSER_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2) && (HTTP_PARSER_VERSION_MINOR >= 2) static int ShttpOnStatus(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length); #else static int ShttpOnStatus(http_parser *parser); #endif static int ShttpOnHeaderField(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length); static int ShttpOnValue(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length); static int ShttpOnHeadersComplete(http_parser *parser); static int ShttpOnBody(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length); static int ShttpOnMessageComplete(http_parser *parser); #if (HTTP_PARSER_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2) && (HTTP_PARSER_VERSION_MINOR >= 1) static const struct http_parser_settings HTTP_PARSER_SETTINGS = { ShttpOnMessageBegin, ShttpOnUrl, ShttpOnStatus, ShttpOnHeaderField, ShttpOnValue, ShttpOnHeadersComplete, ShttpOnBody, ShttpOnMessageComplete }; #else static const struct http_parser_settings HTTP_PARSER_SETTINGS = { ShttpOnMessageBegin, ShttpOnUrl, ShttpOnHeaderField, ShttpOnValue, ShttpOnHeadersComplete, ShttpOnBody, ShttpOnMessageComplete }; #endif struct HttpPhyHandler { // not used inline void phyOnDatagram(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,const struct sockaddr *localAddr,const struct sockaddr *from,void *data,unsigned long len) {} inline void phyOnTcpAccept(PhySocket *sockL,PhySocket *sockN,void **uptrL,void **uptrN,const struct sockaddr *from) {} inline void phyOnTcpConnect(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,bool success) { if (success) { phy->setNotifyWritable(sock,true); } else { *responseBody = "connection failed"; error = true; done = true; } } inline void phyOnTcpClose(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr) { done = true; } inline void phyOnTcpData(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,void *data,unsigned long len) { lastActivity = OSUtils::now(); http_parser_execute(&parser,&HTTP_PARSER_SETTINGS,(const char *)data,len); if ((parser.upgrade)||(parser.http_errno != HPE_OK)) phy->close(sock); } inline void phyOnTcpWritable(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr) { if (writePtr < (unsigned long)writeBuf.length()) { long n = phy->streamSend(sock,writeBuf.data() + writePtr,(unsigned long)writeBuf.length() - writePtr,true); if (n > 0) writePtr += n; } if (writePtr >= (unsigned long)writeBuf.length()) phy->setNotifyWritable(sock,false); } inline void phyOnFileDescriptorActivity(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,bool readable,bool writable) {} #ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__ inline void phyOnUnixAccept(PhySocket *sockL,PhySocket *sockN,void **uptrL,void **uptrN) {} inline void phyOnUnixClose(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr) {} inline void phyOnUnixData(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,void *data,unsigned long len) {} inline void phyOnUnixWritable(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr) {} #endif // __UNIX_LIKE__ http_parser parser; std::string currentHeaderField; std::string currentHeaderValue; unsigned long messageSize; unsigned long writePtr; uint64_t lastActivity; std::string writeBuf; unsigned long maxResponseSize; std::map<std::string,std::string> *responseHeaders; std::string *responseBody; bool error; bool done; Phy<HttpPhyHandler *> *phy; PhySocket *sock; }; static int ShttpOnMessageBegin(http_parser *parser) { return 0; } static int ShttpOnUrl(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length) { return 0; } #if (HTTP_PARSER_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2) && (HTTP_PARSER_VERSION_MINOR >= 2) static int ShttpOnStatus(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length) #else static int ShttpOnStatus(http_parser *parser) #endif { /* HttpPhyHandler *hh = reinterpret_cast<HttpPhyHandler *>(parser->data); hh->messageSize += (unsigned long)length; if (hh->messageSize > hh->maxResponseSize) return -1; */ return 0; } static int ShttpOnHeaderField(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length) { HttpPhyHandler *hh = reinterpret_cast<HttpPhyHandler *>(parser->data); hh->messageSize += (unsigned long)length; if (hh->messageSize > hh->maxResponseSize) return -1; if ((hh->currentHeaderField.length())&&(hh->currentHeaderValue.length())) { (*hh->responseHeaders)[hh->currentHeaderField] = hh->currentHeaderValue; hh->currentHeaderField = ""; hh->currentHeaderValue = ""; } for(size_t i=0;i<length;++i) hh->currentHeaderField.push_back(OSUtils::toLower(ptr[i])); return 0; } static int ShttpOnValue(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length) { HttpPhyHandler *hh = reinterpret_cast<HttpPhyHandler *>(parser->data); hh->messageSize += (unsigned long)length; if (hh->messageSize > hh->maxResponseSize) return -1; hh->currentHeaderValue.append(ptr,length); return 0; } static int ShttpOnHeadersComplete(http_parser *parser) { HttpPhyHandler *hh = reinterpret_cast<HttpPhyHandler *>(parser->data); if ((hh->currentHeaderField.length())&&(hh->currentHeaderValue.length())) (*hh->responseHeaders)[hh->currentHeaderField] = hh->currentHeaderValue; return 0; } static int ShttpOnBody(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length) { HttpPhyHandler *hh = reinterpret_cast<HttpPhyHandler *>(parser->data); hh->messageSize += (unsigned long)length; if (hh->messageSize > hh->maxResponseSize) return -1; hh->responseBody->append(ptr,length); return 0; } static int ShttpOnMessageComplete(http_parser *parser) { HttpPhyHandler *hh = reinterpret_cast<HttpPhyHandler *>(parser->data); hh->phy->close(hh->sock); return 0; } } // anonymous namespace unsigned int Http::_do( const char *method, unsigned long maxResponseSize, unsigned long timeout, const struct sockaddr *remoteAddress, const char *path, const std::map<std::string,std::string> &requestHeaders, const void *requestBody, unsigned long requestBodyLength, std::map<std::string,std::string> &responseHeaders, std::string &responseBody) { try { responseHeaders.clear(); responseBody = ""; HttpPhyHandler handler; http_parser_init(&(handler.parser),HTTP_RESPONSE); handler.parser.data = (void *)&handler; handler.messageSize = 0; handler.writePtr = 0; handler.lastActivity = OSUtils::now(); try { char tmp[1024]; OSUtils::ztsnprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n",method,path); handler.writeBuf.append(tmp); for(std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator h(requestHeaders.begin());h!=requestHeaders.end();++h) { OSUtils::ztsnprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%s: %s\r\n",h->first.c_str(),h->second.c_str()); handler.writeBuf.append(tmp); } handler.writeBuf.append("\r\n"); if ((requestBody)&&(requestBodyLength)) handler.writeBuf.append((const char *)requestBody,requestBodyLength); } catch ( ... ) { responseBody = "request too large"; return 0; } if (maxResponseSize) { handler.maxResponseSize = maxResponseSize; } else { handler.maxResponseSize = 2147483647; } handler.responseHeaders = &responseHeaders; handler.responseBody = &responseBody; handler.error = false; handler.done = false; Phy<HttpPhyHandler *> phy(&handler,true,true); bool instantConnect = false; handler.phy = &phy; handler.sock = phy.tcpConnect((const struct sockaddr *)remoteAddress,instantConnect,(void *)0,true); if (!handler.sock) { responseBody = "connection failed (2)"; return 0; } while (!handler.done) { phy.poll(timeout / 2); if ((timeout)&&((unsigned long)(OSUtils::now() - handler.lastActivity) > timeout)) { phy.close(handler.sock); responseBody = "timed out"; return 0; } } return ((handler.error) ? 0 : ((handler.parser.http_errno != HPE_OK) ? 0 : handler.parser.status_code)); } catch (std::exception &exc) { responseBody = exc.what(); return 0; } catch ( ... ) { responseBody = "unknown exception"; return 0; } } } // namespace ZeroTier