# Makefile.am is generated automatically for automake whenever test programs are # added to libpqxx. EXTRA_DIST = Makefile.am.template # Use the serial test runner, so tests don't get run in parallel. Otherwise, # output from test failures will be hidden away in log files where we can't # see them when running in a build slave. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS=serial-tests AM_CPPFLAGS=-I$(top_builddir)/include -I$(top_srcdir)/include # Override automatically generated list of default includes. It contains only # unnecessary entries, and incorrectly mentions include/pqxx directly. DEFAULT_INCLUDES= noinst_HEADERS = test_helpers.hxx CLEANFILES=pqxxlo.txt MAINTAINERCLEANFILES=Makefile.in #TESTS_ENVIRONMENT=PGDATABASE=libpqxx # PGDATABASE, PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER runner_SOURCES = \ ###MAKTEMPLATE:FOREACH test/test*.cxx ###BASENAME###.cxx \ ###MAKTEMPLATE:ENDFOREACH ###MAKTEMPLATE:FOREACH test/unit/test_*.cxx unit/###BASENAME###.cxx \ ###MAKTEMPLATE:ENDFOREACH runner.cxx runner_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/libpqxx.la ${POSTGRES_LIB} TESTS = runner check_PROGRAMS = ${TESTS}