/* * Copyright (c)2019 ZeroTier, Inc. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included * in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory. * * Change Date: 2023-01-01 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use * of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License. */ /****/ #ifndef ZT_MEMBERSHIP_HPP #define ZT_MEMBERSHIP_HPP #include #include "Constants.hpp" #include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h" #include "Credential.hpp" #include "Hashtable.hpp" #include "CertificateOfMembership.hpp" #include "Capability.hpp" #include "Tag.hpp" #include "Revocation.hpp" #include "NetworkConfig.hpp" #define ZT_MEMBERSHIP_CRED_ID_UNUSED 0xffffffffffffffffULL namespace ZeroTier { class RuntimeEnvironment; class Network; /** * A container for certificates of membership and other network credentials * * This is essentially a relational join between Peer and Network. * * This class is not thread safe. It must be locked externally. */ class Membership { public: enum AddCredentialResult { ADD_REJECTED, ADD_ACCEPTED_NEW, ADD_ACCEPTED_REDUNDANT, ADD_DEFERRED_FOR_WHOIS }; Membership(); /** * Send COM and other credentials to this peer * * @param RR Runtime environment * @param tPtr Thread pointer to be handed through to any callbacks called as a result of this call * @param now Current time * @param peerAddress Address of member peer (the one that this Membership describes) * @param nconf My network config */ void pushCredentials(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,const int64_t now,const Address &peerAddress,const NetworkConfig &nconf); /** * @return True if we haven't pushed credentials in a long time (to cause proactive credential push) */ inline bool shouldPushCredentials(const int64_t now) const { return ((now - _lastPushedCredentials) > ZT_PEER_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Check whether we should push MULTICAST_LIKEs to this peer, and update last sent time if true * * @param now Current time * @return True if we should update multicasts */ inline bool multicastLikeGate(const int64_t now) { if ((now - _lastUpdatedMulticast) >= ZT_MULTICAST_ANNOUNCE_PERIOD) { _lastUpdatedMulticast = now; return true; } return false; } /** * Check whether the peer represented by this Membership should be allowed on this network at all * * @param nconf Our network config * @return True if this peer is allowed on this network at all */ inline bool isAllowedOnNetwork(const NetworkConfig &nconf) const { if (nconf.isPublic()) return true; if (_com.timestamp() <= _comRevocationThreshold) return false; return nconf.com.agreesWith(_com); } inline bool recentlyAssociated(const int64_t now) const { return ((_com)&&((now - _com.timestamp()) < ZT_PEER_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT)); } /** * Check whether the peer represented by this Membership owns a given resource * * @tparam Type of resource: InetAddress or MAC * @param nconf Our network config * @param r Resource to check * @return True if this peer has a certificate of ownership for the given resource */ template inline bool hasCertificateOfOwnershipFor(const NetworkConfig &nconf,const T &r) const { uint32_t *k = (uint32_t *)0; CertificateOfOwnership *v = (CertificateOfOwnership *)0; Hashtable< uint32_t,CertificateOfOwnership >::Iterator i(*(const_cast< Hashtable< uint32_t,CertificateOfOwnership> *>(&_remoteCoos))); while (i.next(k,v)) { if (_isCredentialTimestampValid(nconf,*v)&&(v->owns(r))) return true; } return _isV6NDPEmulated(nconf,r); } /** * Get a remote member's tag (if we have it) * * @param nconf Network configuration * @param id Tag ID * @return Pointer to tag or NULL if not found */ inline const Tag *getTag(const NetworkConfig &nconf,const uint32_t id) const { const Tag *const t = _remoteTags.get(id); return (((t)&&(_isCredentialTimestampValid(nconf,*t))) ? t : (Tag *)0); } /** * Validate and add a credential if signature is okay and it's otherwise good */ AddCredentialResult addCredential(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,const NetworkConfig &nconf,const CertificateOfMembership &com); /** * Validate and add a credential if signature is okay and it's otherwise good */ AddCredentialResult addCredential(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,const NetworkConfig &nconf,const Tag &tag); /** * Validate and add a credential if signature is okay and it's otherwise good */ AddCredentialResult addCredential(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,const NetworkConfig &nconf,const Capability &cap); /** * Validate and add a credential if signature is okay and it's otherwise good */ AddCredentialResult addCredential(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,const NetworkConfig &nconf,const CertificateOfOwnership &coo); /** * Validate and add a credential if signature is okay and it's otherwise good */ AddCredentialResult addCredential(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,const NetworkConfig &nconf,const Revocation &rev); /** * Clean internal databases of stale entries * * @param now Current time * @param nconf Current network configuration */ void clean(const int64_t now,const NetworkConfig &nconf); /** * Generates a key for the internal use in indexing credentials by type and credential ID */ static uint64_t credentialKey(const Credential::Type &t,const uint32_t i) { return (((uint64_t)t << 32) | (uint64_t)i); } private: inline bool _isV6NDPEmulated(const NetworkConfig &nconf,const MAC &m) const { return false; } inline bool _isV6NDPEmulated(const NetworkConfig &nconf,const InetAddress &ip) const { if ((ip.isV6())&&(nconf.ndpEmulation())) { const InetAddress sixpl(InetAddress::makeIpv66plane(nconf.networkId,nconf.issuedTo.toInt())); for(int i=0;isin6_addr.s6_addr)[j] != (((const struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sixpl)->sin6_addr.s6_addr)[j]) { prefixMatches = false; break; } } if (prefixMatches) return true; break; } } const InetAddress rfc4193(InetAddress::makeIpv6rfc4193(nconf.networkId,nconf.issuedTo.toInt())); for(int i=0;isin6_addr.s6_addr)[j] != (((const struct sockaddr_in6 *)&rfc4193)->sin6_addr.s6_addr)[j]) { prefixMatches = false; break; } } if (prefixMatches) return true; break; } } } return false; } template inline bool _isCredentialTimestampValid(const NetworkConfig &nconf,const C &remoteCredential) const { const int64_t ts = remoteCredential.timestamp(); if (((ts >= nconf.timestamp) ? (ts - nconf.timestamp) : (nconf.timestamp - ts)) <= nconf.credentialTimeMaxDelta) { const int64_t *threshold = _revocations.get(credentialKey(C::credentialType(),remoteCredential.id())); return ((!threshold)||(ts > *threshold)); } return false; } template inline void _cleanCredImpl(const NetworkConfig &nconf,Hashtable &remoteCreds) { uint32_t *k = (uint32_t *)0; C *v = (C *)0; typename Hashtable::Iterator i(remoteCreds); while (i.next(k,v)) { if (!_isCredentialTimestampValid(nconf,*v)) remoteCreds.erase(*k); } } // Last time we pushed MULTICAST_LIKE(s) int64_t _lastUpdatedMulticast; // Revocation threshold for COM or 0 if none int64_t _comRevocationThreshold; // Time we last pushed credentials int64_t _lastPushedCredentials; // Remote member's latest network COM CertificateOfMembership _com; // Revocations by credentialKey() Hashtable< uint64_t,int64_t > _revocations; // Remote credentials that we have received from this member (and that are valid) Hashtable< uint32_t,Tag > _remoteTags; Hashtable< uint32_t,Capability > _remoteCaps; Hashtable< uint32_t,CertificateOfOwnership > _remoteCoos; public: class CapabilityIterator { public: CapabilityIterator(Membership &m,const NetworkConfig &nconf) : _hti(m._remoteCaps), _k((uint32_t *)0), _c((Capability *)0), _m(m), _nconf(nconf) { } inline Capability *next() { while (_hti.next(_k,_c)) { if (_m._isCredentialTimestampValid(_nconf,*_c)) return _c; } return (Capability *)0; } private: Hashtable< uint32_t,Capability >::Iterator _hti; uint32_t *_k; Capability *_c; Membership &_m; const NetworkConfig &_nconf; }; }; } // namespace ZeroTier #endif