desc: Regression tests for issue #354, Skip and limit should throw and error tests: - def: arr = r.expr([1,2,3,4,5]) # Correct behavior - cd: arr.skip(2) ot: [3,4,5] - cd: arr.skip('a') ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.", [1]) - cd: arr.skip([1,2,3]) ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found ARRAY.", [1]) - cd: arr.skip({}).count() ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found OBJECT.", [0, 1]) - cd: arr.skip(null) ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.", [1])