'use strict' var request = require('request'); function ZT1Client(url,authToken) { this.url = url; this.authToken = authToken; } ZT1Client.prototype._jsonGet = function(getPath,callback) { request({ url: this.url + getPath, method: 'GET', headers: { 'X-ZT1-Auth': this.authToken } },function(error,response,body) { if (error) return callback(error,null); if (response.statusCode !== 200) return callback(new Error('server responded with error: '+response.statusCode),null); return callback(null,(typeof body === 'string') ? JSON.parse(body) : null); }); }; ZT1Client.prototype.status = function(callback) { request({ url: this.url + 'controller', method: 'GET', headers: { 'X-ZT1-Auth': this.authToken } },function(error,response,body) { if (error) return callback(error,{}); var controllerStatus = {}; if (typeof body === 'string') controllerStatus = JSON.parse(body); request({ url: this.url + 'status', method: 'GET', headers: { 'X-ZT1-Auth': this.authToken } },function(error,response,body) { if (error) return callback(error,{}); if (response.statusCode !== 200) return callback(new Error('server responded with '+response.statusCode),{}); var nodeStatus = JSON.parse(body); for(var k in controllerStatus) nodeStatus[k] = controllerStatus[k]; return callback(null,nodeStatus); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }; ZT1Client.prototype.getNetworks = function(callback) { this._jsonGet('network',callback); }; ZT1Client.prototype.getPeers = function(callback) { this._jsonGet('peer',callback); }; ZT1Client.prototype.listControllerNetworks = function(callback) { this._jsonGet('controller/network',callback); }; ZT1Client.prototype.getControllerNetwork = function(nwid,callback) { this._jsonGet('controller/network/' + nwid,callback); }; ZT1Client.prototype.saveControllerNetwork = function(network,callback) { if ((typeof network.nwid !== 'string')||(network.nwid.length !== 16)) return callback(new Error('Missing required field: nwid'),null); // The ZT1 service is type variation intolerant, so recreate our submission with the correct types var n = { nwid: network.nwid }; if (network.name) n.name = network.name.toString(); if ('private' in network) n.private = (network.private) ? true : false; if ('enableBroadcast' in network) n.enableBroadcast = (network.enableBroadcast) ? true : false; if ('allowPassiveBridging' in network) n.allowPassiveBridging = (network.allowPassiveBridging) ? true : false; if ('v4AssignMode' in network) { if (network.v4AssignMode) n.v4AssignMode = network.v4AssignMode.toString(); else n.v4AssignMode = 'none'; } if ('v6AssignMode' in network) { if (network.v6AssignMode) n.v6AssignMode = network.v6AssignMode.toString(); else n.v4AssignMode = 'none'; } if ('multicastLimit' in network) { if (typeof network.multicastLimit === 'number') n.multicastLimit = network.multicastLimit; else n.multicastLimit = parseInt(network.multicastLimit.toString()); } if (Array.isArray(network.relays)) n.relays = network.relays; if (Array.isArray(network.ipAssignmentPools)) n.ipAssignmentPools = network.ipAssignmentPools; if (Array.isArray(network.rules)) n.rules = network.rules; request({ url: this.url + 'controller/network/' + n.nwid, method: 'POST', json: true, body: n, headers: { 'X-ZT1-Auth': this.authToken } },function(err,response,body) { if (err) return callback(err,null); if (response.statusCode !== 200) return callback(new Error('server responded with error: '+response.statusCode),null); return callback(null,(typeof body === 'string') ? JSON.parse(body) : body); }); }; exports.ZT1Client = ZT1Client;