// // Created by Grant Limberg on 10/21/20. // #ifndef ZEROTIERANDROID_ZT_JNIARRAY_H #define ZEROTIERANDROID_ZT_JNIARRAY_H #include <jni.h> #include <vector> #include <string> extern jclass java_util_ArrayList; extern jmethodID java_util_ArrayList_; extern jmethodID java_util_ArrayList_size; extern jmethodID java_util_ArrayList_get; extern jmethodID java_util_ArrayList_add; void InitListJNI(JNIEnv* env); class ListJNI { public: // Get the java class id of java.util.List. static jclass getListClass(JNIEnv* env); // Get the java class id of java.util.ArrayList. static jclass getArrayListClass(JNIEnv* env); // Get the java class id of java.util.Iterator. static jclass getIteratorClass(JNIEnv* env); // Get the java method id of java.util.List.iterator(). static jmethodID getIteratorMethod(JNIEnv* env); // Get the java method id of java.util.Iterator.hasNext(). static jmethodID getHasNextMethod(JNIEnv* env); // Get the java method id of java.util.Iterator.next(). static jmethodID getNextMethod(JNIEnv* env); // Get the java method id of arrayList constructor. static jmethodID getArrayListConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass jclazz); // Get the java method id of java.util.List.add(). static jmethodID getListAddMethodId(JNIEnv* env); }; class ByteJNI { public: // Get the java class id of java.lang.Byte. static jclass getByteClass(JNIEnv* env); // Get the java method id of java.lang.Byte.byteValue. static jmethodID getByteValueMethod(JNIEnv* env); }; jobject cppToJava(JNIEnv* env, std::vector<std::string> vector); std::vector<std::string> javaToCpp(JNIEnv* env, jobject arrayList); #endif //ZEROTIERANDROID_ZT_JNIARRAY_H