/* * Populates a new Redis database with data, which can be edited below. */ var INIT_DATA = { // Must be present in any database "zt1": 1, /* The network ID here must be set to the ZeroTier address of your netconf * master (the node where netconf-master will be running) plus an arbitrary * 24-bit network ID. This will create the full 16-digit network ID of the * network you will join. This must be in the object name and in the "id" * field within the object itself. */ "zt1:network:ffffffffff111111:~": { "id": "ffffffffff111111", // netconf master ZT address + 24-bit ID "name": "zerotier-testnet", // short name, no spaces or special chars "desc": "Test Network", // description "infrastructure": 0, // unused by netconf-master "private": 0, // set to '1' to require member approval "creationTime": 0, // unuxed by netconf-master "owner": "", // unused by netconf-master "etherTypes": "0800,0806", // hex ethernet frame types allowed "enableBroadcast": 1, // set to '1' to enable ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff "v4AssignMode": "zt", // 'zt' to assign, 'none' to let OS do it "v4AssignPool": "", // IPv4 net block / netmask bits "v6AssignMode": "none" // 'zt' to assign, 'none' to let OS do it } }; var config = require('./config.js'); config.redisDb = 2; var async = require('async'); var redis = require('redis'); var DB = redis.createClient(); DB.on("error",function(err) { console.error('redis query error: '+err); }); DB.select(config.redisDb,function() {}); DB.get("zt1",function(err,value) { if ((value)&&(!err)) { console.log("Redis database #"+config.redisDb+" appears to already contain data; flush it first!"); return process.exit(0); } async.eachSeries(Object.keys(INIT_DATA),function(key,next) { var value = INIT_DATA[key]; if (typeof value === 'object') { console.log(key); async.eachSeries(Object.keys(value),function(hkey,next2) { var hvalue = value[hkey]; if (hvalue === true) hvalue = 1; if (hvalue === false) hvalue = 0; if (typeof hvalue !== 'string') hvalue = hvalue.toString(); console.log('\t'+hkey+': '+hvalue); DB.hset(key,hkey,hvalue,next2); },next); } else if ((typeof value !== 'undefined')&&(value !== null)) { if (value === true) value = 1; if (value === false) value = 0; if (typeof value !== 'string') value = value.toString(); console.log(key+': '+value); DB.set(key,value,next); } else return next(null); },function(err) { console.log('Done!'); return process.exit(0); }); });